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  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING LLC v. ZOSIAK, BRIANS15 - Small Claims - Small Claims - Collection - Purchase Debt document preview


STATE OF CONNECTICUT MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, Plaintiff -Vs- AFFIDAVIT OF TORI DOBIS BRIAN ZOSIAK, Defendant(s). Tori Dobis, whose business address is 16 McLeland Road Suite 101, St. Cloud, MN 56303, certifies and says: 1. Lam employed as a Legal Specialist by MIDLAND CREDIT MANAGEMENT, INC. ("MCM") and have access to pertinent records for MCM, servicer of this account on behalf of MIDLAND FUNDING LLC. I am a competent person over eighteen years of age, and make the statements herein based upon personal knowledge of those account records maintained on Plaintiff's behalf. Plaintiff is the current owner of, and/or successor to, the obligation sued upon, and was assigned all the rights, title and interest to Defendant's SYNCHRONY BANK account XXXXXXXXXXXX0117 (hereinafter “the account"). I have access to and have reviewed the electronic records pertaining to the account maintained by MCM and am authorized to make this affidavit on Plaintiff's behalf. The electronic records reviewed consist of data acquired from the seller when Plaintiff purchased the account, together with records generated by MCM in connection with servicing the account since the date the account was purchased by Plaintiff. In addition, I reviewed the documents that are attached to this affidavit. 2. 1 am familiar with and trained on the manner and method by which MCM creates and maintains its business records pertaining to this account. The records are kept in the regular course of business. It was in the regular course of business for a person with knowledge of the act or event recorded to make the record or data compilation, or for a person with knowledge to transmit information thereof to be included in such record. In the regular course of business, the record or compilation is made at or near the time of the act or event by MCM as a regular practice. AFFIDAVIT OF TORI DOBIS - I IUEVAVBASOGUAAEIIBUNID (ONL MEL 8579816708 AFFCOTMEDIA 19-115553. | MCM‘s records show that the account was charged-off on 2018-02-04 with a balance of $1,239.42. On or about 2018-03-28, Plaintiff purchased and was assigned the balance owed by Defendant of $1,239.42. As of 2019-03-19, MCM's records show that the balance of $1,239.42 remains due and owing and no interest has been assessed to the account. Therefore, Plaintiff seeks the amount of $1,239.42 from Defendant. All credits and offsets for payments have been applied to the balance. 4. | MCM's records state that this action is based upon a credit agreement entered into between Defendant(s) and the original credit grantor. MCM's records further state that Defendant(s) used or authorized the use of the credit account but failed to make the payments due pursuant to the agreement. 3. Based upon my review of MCM's business records: 1) Defendant(s) opened the SYNCHRONY BANK account on 2005-12-04; 2) the last payment posted to the account on 2017-06-09; and 3) the account was charged off on 2018-02-04. 6. The complete chain of title including SYNCHRONY BANK and all post charge-off purchasers of the debt are as follows: I. 2018-03-28 SYNCHRONY BANK PO. Box 965033,Orlando,FL,32896 2. MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 2365 Northside Dr. Suite 300,San Diego,CA,92108 7. Attached hereto are the following records regarding the account and/or payments received: Exhibit A. Billing statement(s) (including the statement that reflects the charge-off balance, and the statement recording the last purchase transaction, service billed, payment, or balance transfer, and an additional monthly statement sent to Defendant(s)) Exhibit B. Bill(s) of Sale and Assignment and/or A ffidavit(s) of Sale for the above referenced sale(s) of the account AFFIDAVIT OF TORI DOBIS - 2 MRL MUU 8579816708 AFFCOTMEDIA 19-11555Exhibit C. Seller data sheet reflecting the individual account data extracted and printed from electronic records provided by the seller to MCM pursuant to the Bill of Sale/Assignment in connection with the sale of the account to Plaintiff 8. The accuracy of such documents is relied upon by Plaintiff and/or its servicer in purchasing and collecting this account. These records are trustworthy and relied upon because the original creditor was required to keep careful records of the account at issue in this case as required by law and/or suffer business loss. 9. The documents attached hereto are true and correct copies of the originals, being a reproduction of the records on file on behalf of Plaintiff based upon my review, except to the extent that confidential and privileged information and/or personal identifying information is omitted or redacted as required by local rules, and applicable state and federal law. 10. | MCM acquired and incorporated account records into its permanent business records as a result of Plaintiff's purchase of the account. These records are kept in the regular course of business on behalf of Plaintiff, and along with the electronic records provided at purchase, are Plaintiff's primary source of business records for this account. 1}. Ifcalled to testify as a witness thereon, I could and would competently testify as to all the facts stated herein. Left Biank Intentionally AFFIDAVIT OF TORI DOBIS - 3 IBUNIRIGENONVGUHVIUOLN EDAD 8579816708 AFFCOTMEDIAI certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements are true and correct. MAR 2 7 2019 . Dae / wl ai Tori Dobis STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEARNS. MAR 27 2019 Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on by Tori Dobis. Elfen Wolf “ r * Notary Public - Minnesota Notary Pub] Wy Commission Expires Jan. 34,2028 cTl London & London AFFIDAVIT OF TORI DOBIS - 4 OUTRO MGA UIA NUH UATE 8579816708 AFFCOTMEDIA 19-11555Tran Date Post Cate Relerence Number FEES TOTAL Total Fees Charged in 2018 Totet nierast Charged in 2088 Total Intereat Paid In 2018 Descriplion of Transaction of Credit INTEREST CHARGED ows = 1 INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES ‘TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $1210.31 $1,239.42 + interest Charges $20.11 $287.00 Hew Batance $1,239.42} | Tote! Minimum Payment Due $409.00 LOvertmit Amount $209.42 Credit Link $1,000.00 o1rzerz018 Avaliable Credit $0.00 Statement Closing Date 0170572018 | |Late Payment Waming:!f we do not recelve your Total Days in Biting Cycle 31 [Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Dete sted ebove, you ay have to pay alate few up to $38.00, Minimum Payment Warning: if you make only the minimum payment aech petiod, you will pay more in intereat and tt will take you longer to pay off your balance, For example: It you would like information about credit counseling Bervices, cal 1-877-302-8775. FOR THIS PERIOD wterest Change Expiration Annual Bialance Subject Interest Type of Balance Date Parcentage Rate to Intereet Rate Charge [Reguier Purchase NA 27.90% (wy $1,224.33 $20.11 (v} = Variable Rate PAYMENT DUE BY 5 P.M (ET) ON THE DUE DATE Your Annusel Percentage Rt (APRs the annual interest ele on your account NOTICE: We may convert your payment inlo en electronic debit. See reverse for details, Biling Rights Information and other émportant information. 06 aw 2 7S aBonos EXPAGE 1 of 9 9263 1000 PPO oumzsane Detach and malt thia portion with your check. Do not Include any correspondence with your check, cmos sOCCO0.oo ‘ — New address of email? Print Changes on beck, BRIAN ZOSIAK 8. COMLY AVE GREENWICH Ct 06831-4934 Make Payment to: PAYPAL CREDIT SVCS/SYNCB PO BOX 960080 ORLANDO, FL 32896-0080 Exhibit A[Cardholder News. YOUR ACCOUNT IS PAST DUE. PLEASE PAY THE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE Of CONTACT THIS OFFICE AT THE PHONE NUMBER LISTED ON YOUR STATEMENT. ExeAse sof kes bey ema cumzsanoat Kn Ex DAE wes seed eonsBRIAN ZOSIAK Account Number QED 0117 Visit us at www. PayPel Credit Services: 1-866-899-6190 Payment information [Previous Balance ($1,239.42) | New Baiance $8.00 Other Credits $1,239 42| |Amount Past Due $0.00 New Baiance $0.00] | Total Minimum Payment Due $422.00 Payment Due Data 0205/2018 raat Lenin $1,000.00 Available Credit $0.00] | Late Payment Warning:!l we do not recoive your Tota! Statervent Closing Dato 92/04/2016 | | Minimum Payment Cue by the Payment Due Dale listed shove, Days in Biling Cycte 30] you may have to pay alate fee up to $38.00 Transaction Summary ‘Tran Date PestDale Reference Numbor Description of Transaction or Credit Amount OTHER CHARGES o2ro4 0204 CHARGE GFF ACCOUNT-PRINCIPALS: ($913.44) oe ones CHARGE OFF ACCOUNT-INTEREST CHARGE (8225.98) TOTAL OTHER CHARGES ($1,239.42}) FEES TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00) INTEREST CHARGED 02/04 0204 INTEREST GHARGE ON PURCHASES: 90.00 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $0.00) 2018 Totats Year-to-Date Total Fees Charged in 2018 30.00 Totel Interest Charged in 2078 $28.14 ‘Tota! Interest Paid in 2018 $0.00 interest Cherge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR)s the annual interest rate on your account. Expiration Annual Balance Subject Interest Type of Balance Dota Percantage Rate to Interest Rate Charge Regular Purchase: NA 28.24% (v) $0.00 $0.00 (¥) = Variable Rate [Corcthotder News and information Staternant not provided to eustamer. imo an electronic debit. See reverse for details, Biling Rights Information and other sy ease na wet ion pena Sewzsaue Detach and mail this portion with your check. Do nol include any catraspandanca with yaur check. Account Nar oe RE 2: 17 Amount | Payment Due |” Overtimit | New Balance | Past Dua. ., Cate Amount t $0.00, Bas2018 $000) $000 Payment Enclosed: Ploase use blue or black ink, Save # stamp, pay on-line al www paypal com $| New address or emai? Print Changes on back BRIAN ZOSIAK 6 COMLY AVE GREENWICH CT 06831-4934 Make Payment to: PAYPAL CREDIT SVCS/SYNCB PO BOX 960080 ORLANDO, FL 32896-0080BRIAN ZOSIAK Visit us at ‘Aceount Number ovr PayPal Credit Services: 1-866-571-3012 ‘Summary of Account Acavity — [Payment infornation Previous Balance: $1,129.44 | |New Balance: $936.00 - Paymanta $216.00 | | Total Minimum Payment Due $35.00 + interast Charges: $21.56] | Payment Due Date 07/28/2017 |New Balance $936.00} | Late Payment Warning: If wo do not receive your Total Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Date listed above. Credit ymut $1,100.00] {you may have to pay # lle fee up to $38.00. Available Credit $165.00] |Minimum Payment Waring: If you make only the minimum. Statement Closing Date 07/05/2017 | |payment each period. you will pay more in interest and it will [Days in Billing Cycle Jo] {take you longer fo pay off your batancs. For example: ‘You wil pay off | And you will end ‘Only the minimum, Payment (Continued on noxt page If you would tke information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-202-8775. (| Transaction Summary Tran Date Post Dete Reference Number Dasenption of Transaction or Credit Amount |PAYMENTS AND CREDITS oscs goo RRR” PAYMENT - THANK YOU. (8216.00) TOTAL PAYMENTS AND CREDITS ($216.00)| FEES TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PER‘OD $0.00) NOTICE: We may cenvert your payment ito an Information and other important information. sloctronic debit, See Statement Disclosures link bolow for details Biling Rights epee meses Account Number: Torr eee anne Payment ue Date Save a stamp, pay on-line at wiew paypal. com BRIAN ZOSIAK 6 COMLY AVE GREENWICH CT 06831-4934 $3800 “OrRAaROT 1000 Make Payment to: PAYPAL CREOIT SVCS/SYNCB PO BOX 980080 ORLANDO, FL 32896-0080| Transaction Summary (Continued) Tran Date Post Date Reference Number Description of Transaction or Credit Amount INTEREST CHARGED lores = 07/05, INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES $21.56 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD. $21.56| 2017 Totals Year-to-Date ‘Total Fees Charged in 2017 $178.00 Total tnterest Charged in 2017 $168.16 ‘Total intetest Paid in 2017 3144.60 interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR}is the annual interest rate on yout account Expiration Annual Balance Subject Interest Type of Balance Date Percentage Rats tc Interest Rate Charge Regula: Purchase NA 274% (4) se45.64 $21.56 tv) = Variable Rate ‘Synchrony Bank may continue to obtain Information, including employment and income information from others about you {including requesting reports from consumer reporting agencies and other sources! to review. maintain or collect your account. (Cooking for a more corvenioni due dale? Call customer service at the phone numbar on your statement to dalermine if you are [Canthotder Benefite and lafonnation siigble and discuss available options, ase a : oes epsesans aH Ss oatars pau sof > sors tee pee steBRIAN ZOSIAK Visit us at ww. Account Number SS 0117 PayPal Credit Services: 1-866-571-3012 ‘Summary of Account Activity [Payment information Previous Balance 31,120.63) |New Balance $1,007.34 = Payments $174.00] | Total Minimum Payment Cue $71.00 + Fees Charged $35.09] |Payment Due ate os28r2017 + interest Charges $25.91] | Late Payment Waming:|f we do not receive your Total New Balance $1,007.34] [Minimum Payment Due by the Payment Due Pata stad above, you may hava to pay alate fee up to $35.00 Creat Limit $1,400.00] / Minimum Payment Waring: If you make only the minimum Avaliable Credit $392.00 [payment each period, you wil pay more in interest and it wil [Statement Closing Date 0410572017 | | t#ke you longer to pay off your balance. For example: Days i Biling Cycla ” (Only the miniraum payment you would tke information about credit counseling services, call 1-877-302-8775. Transaction Summary ‘Tran Date Post Date Reference Number Description of Transaction or Credit ‘Amount PAYMENTS ANO CREDITS oxs1 0331 INR PAYMENT - THANK YOU (8174.00) TOTAL PAYMENTS AND CREDITS ¢8174.00) FEES owes © oz LATE FEE $35.00 TOTAL FEES FOR THIS PERIOD. $35.00 INTEREST CHARGED owns © 0w05 INTEREST CHARGE ON PURCHASES $25.9 TOTAL INTEREST FOR THIS PERIOD $25.91] 2017 Totals Year-to-Date Total Foes Charged in 2017 $105.00 Total tniorest Charged in 2017 395 50 Total interest Paid in 2017 369.59 interest Charge Calculation Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR}|s the annual interest rate on your account Expkation Annual Balance Subject Interest Type of Balance Date Percentage Rate ‘a Interest Rate Charge Regular Purchase NA 27.49% 7) $1,109.63 $2591 tv} = Variable Rate NOTICE: We may convert your payment into an electronic debit. See Statement Disclosures link below for details, Biking Rights Information and other important information, nana ws dT 37888 pase 2 ott 4265 oon HOR ans Account un S097 ‘Total Minium Payer Payment Due Date New Bal ] Due 371.00 | ana? ‘$1007 34” ‘Savea stamp. pay ontine at ‘wwew . BRIAN ZOSIAK 6 COMLY AVE GREENWICH CT 06831-4934 Make Payment to: PAYPAL CREDIT SVCS/SYNCB PO BOX 960080 ORLANDO, FL 32096-0080‘Synchrony Bank may continue to ablain information, including employment Ad income information from ethers about you (including requesting reports trom consumer reporting agencies and other sources) lo review, maintain or collect your account, [Cardholder Benefits and information Cooking Tora mare convaniont due date? Call cusiomer service al the phone hummber en your statement fo determina you are ‘eligible and discuss available options.sae am Poe oman pane oc O82 ron pce sumasanesynchrony BANK BILL of SALE Midiand = Fresh — For value received and in further consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth in the Forward Flow Accounts Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”), dated as of the 4" day of August, 2017 by and between Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank; RFS Holding, L.L.C.; and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC (collectively “Seller”) and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer”), Seller hereby transfers, selts, conveys, grants, and delivers to Buyer, its successors and assigns, without recourse except as set forth in the Agreement, the Accounts as set forth in the Notification Files, delivered by Seller to Buyer on March 20, 2018, and as further described in the Agreement. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definition ascribed in the Agreement. With respect to information for the Accounts summarized in the Notification Files, the Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that (i) the Account information constitutes the Seller’s own business records and accurately reflects in all material respects the information in the Seller’s database; (ji) the Account information was kept in the regular course of business; {iii} the Account information was made at or near the time by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in the Account’s database; and (iv) it is the regular practice of the Seller’s business to maintain and compile such data. Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC By: re Title: SVP, Recovery Operations Title Attorney In Fact RFS Holding, LLC < Title: Attomey In Fact Tide: Vice &, diel Forres Drelgnet EXHIBIT BPurchase Price Reconciliation/Funding Instructions To: Midland This FORWARD FLOW ACCOUNTS PURCHASE AGREEMENT, is made this 4" day of August, 2017 ( “Effective Date”), by and between Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank; RFS Holdi L.L.C.; and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC (collectively, “Seller”) and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer with reference to the following facts and circumstances: Portfolio Agey_Atty Code Total Number of Accounts Outstanding Balances on Transfer Date Cut-Off Date Transfer Date Purchase Price Factor Purchase Price 0% Holdout Amount of Wire transfer Date of Funding: Bank: ABA No. Account No: Account Holder: Location: RMS NG March 21, 2018AFFIDAVIT OF SALE OF ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State of Florida County of Seminole Ashlie Garcia being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1am over 18 and not a party of this action. I am a Media Representative of Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. In that position I have access to creditor’s books and records, and am aware of the process of the sale and assignment of electronically stored business records. On or about 3/20/2018 Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank sold a pool of charge-off accounts (the Accounts) by a Purchase and Sale Agreement and a Bilt of Sale to Midland Funding LLC. As part of the sale of the Accounts, electronic records and other records were transferred on individual Accounts to the debt buyer. These records were kept in the ordinary course of business of Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. The Creditor has a process to detect and correct errors on these accounts. The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge. Signed this 6th day of June, 2018 Ashli¢ Gatei Signed and sworn to before me this 6th day of June, 2018 (Notary Stamp) ( _ DARYL REID rate ot Flerida-Notary Pubtic| mmission # GG 134423 My Commission Expiras August 14, 2021 NY AOS 1.3 2/1/2017 - St. PaulCERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY UNDER NYS CLS CPLR § 2309(c) AND NYS CLS RPL § 299-a The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she is an attorney-at-law duly admitted to practice in the State of Florida and residing in the State of Florida; that she is a person duly qualified to make this certificate of conformity pursuant to Section 299-a of the Real Property Law of the State of New York; that she is fully acquainted with the laws of the State of Florida pertaining to the acknowledgment or proof of affidavits; that the acknowledgement or proof upon the foregoing Affidavit of Ashlie Garcia was taken by Daryl Reid, a notary public in the State of Florida, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Florida, being the state in which the Affidavit was taken; and, based on her review thereof, that the notarized Affidavit conforms to the laws of the State of Florida in all respects. Witness my signature this 6th day of June, 2018 J ei Nalsen Attomey-at-law, State of Florida.Field Field Data Account_Number Wo First_Name BRIAN Last_Name ZOSIAK SSN Birth_Date Account_Address_1 6 COMLY AVE City GREENWICH State cT Zip_Code 06831-4934 Contract_Date 12/4/2005 Last_Payment_Date 6/9/2017 ChargeOff_Date 2/4/2018 Current_Balance 1239.42 Last_Pay_Amount 216 ChargeOff_Amount 1239.42 Lending_Office_Code PAYPAL Last_Purchase_Date 12/18/2016 Account information provided by SYNCHRONY BANK pursuant to the Bill of Sale / Assignment of Accounts transferred on or about 03/28/2018 in connection with the sale of accounts from SYNCHRONY BANK to Midland Funding, LLC. EXHIBIT C