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ENON San Francisco Superior Courts Information Technology Group Document Scanning Lead Sheet Mar-06-2006 11:34 am Case Number: CPF-05-505846 Filing Date: Mar-06-2006 11:25 Juke Box: 001 Image: 01397841 RG ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE, PROOF OF SERVICE MICHAEL HORESJI VS. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE CITY AND COUNTY 001001397841 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.Ft de ID IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN AND FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANGEG BY: : MICHAEL HORESII, CPF 05-505846 Petitioner, vs, THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, Respondent. CAROLINE WESTERMAN, Real Party in Interest. PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE After Failure to Make A Demand Prior to Filing Small Claims Suit And an Abuse of Discovery During Small Claims Proceedings EDWARD M. HIGGINBOTHAM LEILA H. MONCHARSH SBN 231636 SBN 74800 Law Office OF Edward M. Higginbotham Veneruso & Moncharsh 1096 Pine Street, Suite 501 5707 Redwood Rd Suite 10 San Francisco, CA 94109 Oakland, CA 94619 (415) 533-1900 (510) 482-0390 (415) 441-3089 (fax) (510) 482-0389 (fax) Attomey for Petitioner Horesji Attomey for Petitioner WestermanTOPICAL INDEX. Table of Authorities Petition for Writ of Mandate Verification Affidavit of Service Memorandum of Points and Authorities A. Statement of Material Facts B. Questions Presented C. Arguments and Authorities 1 Respondent Court had no jurisdiction to hear the matter due to plaintiffs failure to follow procedure. : Il. Attorney for the Plaintiff Violated Discovery Rules Resulting in an Unfair Trial. D. Conclusion wow eo ws DH 15PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE Petitioner respectfully petitions this Court for a writ directed to respondent court and by this verified petition alleges that: L Petitioner is the defendant in the above-entitled action. The plaintiff in the above action, Caroline Westerman et al, is named in this petition as the real party in interest. Tl. Petitioner was sued on December 29, 2003, in small claims court, class action suit for negligent infliction of emotional distress caused by a public nuisance on petitioner’s property. Petitioner, completely stunned, never having been contacted by any single plaintiff, or plaintiff's hired counsel to demand payment or even to communicate a problematic situation, was unaware there was any problem. Petitioner never received any demand for payment, by any of the 25 plaintiffs, as required by law. TIL, Although the legislature determined the parameters of the discovery in a small claims act proceeding, see Small Claims Act 116. 310(b), plaintiffs, via their attorney, Leila Moncharsh conducted a full discovery, equivalent to discovery conducted in an unlimited civil jurisdiction matter.. Iv. Defendant, made a written request in the first trial for discovery and attomey for the plaintiff, Moncharsh refused. Defendant attempted to conduct his own discovery and was prevented from doing so by the attomey for the plaintiff. Prior to trial, when arriving in the courtroom it is customary to allow adverse party to review all of the evidence to be presented against them. Attorney for the plaintiff refused to share the more than 100 documents of evidence, used against defendant to achieve a verdict in the amount of $62,000.00. Vv. At the trial de novo, Defendant retained counsel, Michael Sims. Counsel on behalf of defendant made a written request for discovery. Attorney for the plaintiff, Moncharsh, once again refused. Prior to the trial de novo, attorney for the plaintiff refused to share, the newly expanded, volume of documents presented against Mr. Horesji, which resulted in a judgment of $80,000.00. A 29% increase from the previous judgment. VIL During both trials, attorney for the plaintiff conducted the trial on behalf of plaintiffs.-There was not one other single party that had any participation in the conduction of the either trial, outside of attorney for the plaintiffs, Moncharsh. Vin. By this petition, an Order is sought from this Court to reverse the decision of the trial courts for failure to enforce each and every procedural rule outlined by the appellants. In the alternative, by this petition, an Order is sought from this Court mandating respondent court to order to, allow defendant an opportunity to negotiate and settle the plaintiff's claims. If no settlement is reached an Order is sought from this court mandating respondent court to order to, force plaintiff's to produce all discovery used and presented against defendant in the past, and all discovery that could be potentially used in any future retrials. ,VII. Petitioner is particularly aggrieved by trial courts lack of action, as he now has. been burdened with over $100,000.00 in damages due large in part to the failure of the court to enforce the rule of law in the Small Claims Act. IX. . The parties directly affected by this proceeding in respondent court are petitioner, by and through counsel, Edward M. Higginbotham; respondent court, the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco, State of Califomia; and the plaintiffs, by their counsel, Leila H. Moncharsh. The parties have been served with a copy of this Petition - pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1107. - xX. All the proceedings about which this petition is concerned have occurred within .the territorial jurisdiction of respondent court and of the Superior Court of the State of California. . XI. No other petition for a writ has been made by, or on behalf of, this petitioner relating to this matter. XII. Petitioner has no other plain, speedy or adequate remedy at law. ‘ WHEREFORE, petitioner prays that: An altemative writ of mandate issues directing and requiring respondent court to act in the manner set forth above or, in the alternative, to show cause before this Court at a specified time and place why the relief prayed for should not be granted; 4and that; Petitioner be granted such other and further relief as may be appropriate and just. DATED: * Sl [0 Ry lly submitted, EDWARD M. alee. — mney for Petiti MICHAEL HORESJIVERIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) . y ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF ) . SAN FRANCISCO ~ ) I, Edward M. Higginbotham, declare as follows: Tam an attorney at law licensed to practice in all the courts of California. In that capacity I make this verification on petitioner’s behalf for the reason that the facts alleged therein are more within my knowledge than the petitioner's. I have read the foregoing petition and the exhibits attached thereto or lodged with this court, and I know the contents thereof to be tue based upon my representation of petitioner. I declare under penalty of perjury that the above is true and correct and that this verification was executed on November 17, 2005 in San Francisco, California. Algol WARD M. Highs Attomey for OeAFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE I, the undersigned, say: Tam over eighteen years of age and not a party to the above action. My business. address is 1096 Pine Street, Suite #501, San Francisco, California 94109. On November 17, 2005 I personally served copies of the attached Petition for Writ of Mandate and Request for Stay of Proceedings on the following: LEILA MONCHARSH Veneruso & Moncharsh 440 Grand Avenue, Suite 360 Oakland, California 94610-5012 Clerk of the Superior Court City and County of San Francisco 401 McAllister Street, Room 201 San Francisco, California 94103 For delivery to: The Honorable Judge of the Superior Court _ I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on November 17, 2005 at Francisco, California.MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES STATEMENT OF MATERIAL FACTS Petitioner was sued in small claims court, ina class action suit for $125,000.00. Twenty-five plaintiffs sought recovery for emotional distress damages that were allegedly inflicted by a public nuisance that was stemming from petitioner’s property. The public nuisance in this matter was drug trafficking and all activities that ensue as a result. In the - complaint, plaintiffs allege that drug activity was a growing, disruptive nuisance that resulted in severe emotional distress for residents living in the neighborhood. Complaint further alleges that the actions or lack thereof, by petitioner to secure his property and abate the nuisance were so inadequate that defendant was responsible for the distress caused by the drug dealing. Petitioner, cross-complained on an abuse of process theory. Plaintiff's failed to meet the prerequisites for filing a small claims action by failing to demand payment from Mr. Horesji: It is required by the . Small Claims Act and Alameda County, to make a demand for payment prior to filing a small claims action. Plaintiff's counsel conducted a full discovery, as is prohibited in The Smal! Claims Act, section 116.310(b). Plaintiff's counsel subpoenaed - by way of her own office a plethora of documents numbering in the hundreds, Petitioner, aware and concerned about this, made requests to review discovery, but was refused on two different instances. Attomey for the plaintiffs, Moncharsh, presented the case at trial, which took approximately 2 hours. Moncharsh presented over 70 documents, none "of which defendant had any opportunity to review. Petitioner presented his own defense in the first action and a judgment was entered against him in the amount of $62,000.00. At the€ C initial trial defendant was refused his opportunity to present his cross- complaint by trial judge. See Exhibit “A”. Petitioner, after being out maneuvered by attomey for the plaintiff, / Moncharsh, hired counsel and moved for a trial de novo, which took place on April 8, 2005. Defense counsel made a written request for discovery to Ms. Moncharsh but was denied. Petitioner, once again, was defeated at the trial de novo and an even greater judgment in the amount of $80,000.00 was entered against him. On a motion to vacate based on Section 116.725 of the Small Claims Act which provides for the trial court to vacate judgment if'a conclusion’ was reached based on an erroneous legal basis, trial court refused to hear "defendant's oral arguments. : . Presently, an additional 5 claims have been filed against defendant based on the same legal theories, by some of the same parties who have already received payment from the actions in questions, in the same venue and represented once again by Ms. Moncharsh. _ QUESTIONS PRESENTED (1) If plaintiffs fail to follow required procedure in bringing a small claims action, should not any resulting judgment be immediately reversed? (2). Ifone party oversteps discovery boundaries and as a result obtains a distinct and unfair advantage over the adverse party in a small claims action, should not any resulting judgment be immediately reversed?ARGUMENT : I. : . RESPONDENT COURT FAILED TO DISMISS ALL CLAIMS FROM PLAINTIFFS WHO PURPOSELY FAILED TO ATTEMPT . TOMAKE A DEMAND Small Claims Act Section 116.320(b), “The claim form shall be a simple nontechnical form approved or adopted by the Judicial Council. The claim form shall set forth a place for: . (1) the name and address of the defendant, if known; (2) the amount and the basis of the claim; 3) that the plaintiff, where possible, has demanded payment and, in applicable cases, possession of the property; (4) that the defendant has failed or refased to pay, and, where applicable, has refesed to surrender the property; and (5) that the plaintiff understands that the judgment on his or her claim will be conclusive and without right of appeal. Exhibit “B”, is the attached instruction form that is handed to potential plaintiffs as a set of rules to follow in order to be able to proceed with a small claims action in Alameda County. Under the second heading, item 2 reads, “A person who sues in small claims court must first make a demand if possible. This means that you have asked the defendant to pay, and the defendant has refused.” The law on this subject matter is abundantly clear. The reason for the demand requirement is to preserve the integrity and principles of the smalls claims courts, a court used to adjudicate minor disputes in a cost effective and timely manner, a court of the people. 10Cc C Here there is no contention as to the whether any form of a demand was ever made, either in writing or any attempt at a verbal demand. Instead plaintiff's, via their counsel have admitted repeatedly to never extending a demand or manifesting any actions that could even remotely be interpreted as an attempt to make a demand. If this verdict is upheld, it validates plaintiff's actions and essentially gives precedent for doing away with the demand for payment requirement, which is the polar opposite of the legislative intent. Small claims courts are too important to the judicial system and to taxpayers who cannot or choose not to assume the fincancial burden of exercising their rights in superior court. It is essential to disallow erosion of the protections afforded by the small claims courts, by ignoring, sidestepping or refusing to comply with the well-documented procedural requirements. Therefore, the lack of a demand precludes plaintiff's from satisfying the prerequisites to bring a small claims action leaving the trial court without jurisdiction to hear the matter. The fact that plaintiff retained council, in this instant a well seasoned and highly qualified advocate with experience in small claims matter, and still failed to make a demand leads to the conclusion of malfeasance. On this basis Appellate Court should reverse the judgment of the trial court. uc C _ABUSE OF DISCOVERY RESULTED IN AN UNFAIR TRIAL Here we have two separate, distinct abuses, either violation, standing alone would have resulted in an unfair trial for petitioner, The combination of the two, Presented by a skilled and motivated advocate resulted in a completely one-sided, unfair trial. . Defendants introduced evidence of subpoenas that were issued under the signature of Attorney Moncharsh pursuant to this small claims case. See Exhibits “C”, “D” & “E”. These subpoenas were issued from Moncharsh’s office directly to the Oakland police department and the Building and Code Enforcement Department demanding an infinite number of documents for inspection. Inspecting documents is forbidden in the Small Claims Act, Section 116. 310(b). The Act provides for parties to be able to subpoena specific documents with the belief that those specifically cited documents would be used to prove the truth of the matter asserted. The Small Claims Act specifically forbids inspecting documents in pursuit of discovering some unknown evidentiary ace to play. That is the reason attomey for the plaintiff Moncharsh issued subpoenas directly from her office as opposed to following the proper, legislatively provided procedure of subpoenaing relevant documents via the small claims clerks’ office. The’ small claims clerk would have denied Ms. Moncharsh “carte blanche” _ investigative powers, therefore Moncharsh maneuvered to circumvent this 12c C procedural rule. The language in her subpoenas is identical to a discovery request in a civil trial. See Exhibit “C", section 3, “Any and all police reports related to 605 E. 17% Street, Oakland for the time period 1/1/04 to present. Any and all police or incident reports related to 641-647 E 17 Street, Oakland for the time period . 1/1/04 to present.” Petitioner armed with this knowledge and not obtuse as to its collateral effect it would have on any fair opportunity to present a defense made repeated attempts to excercise his constitutional rights and preview what evidence would be used against him. When counsel for defendant, Michael Sims, wrote to attorney for the plaintiff Moncharsh asking for copies of all documents she obtained, she refused to provide them. See ~ Exhibits “F”, “G” & “H” , Exhibit “F” is a letter from petitioner in February of 2004, requesting discovery and information that should have been included in their suit. Exhibit “G” is a response letter from attorney for the plaintiff, Moncharsh, denying discovery request and acknowledging that discovery is not allowed in small claims action. Exhibit “H” is a letter from petitioner’s attomey during trial de review all documents used in the first trial and that were going to be used in the upcoming, new trial. No response was ever received, nor was lawful discovery request met. A violation of the Civil Procedure Code Section 116.310 (b) the pretrial discovery procedures described in subdivision (a) of Section 2019 are not permitted in small claims action. 13c ¢ Section 2019 (2) Any party may obtain discovery by one or more of the following (1) Oral and written depositions. (2) Interrogatories to a party (3) Inspection of documents, things, and places (4) Physical and mental examinations (5) Requests for admissions (6) Simultaneous exchanges of expert trial witness information The Small Claim’s Act was violated as the Plaintiff's hired counsel, Ms. Moncharsh conducted a full discovery; instead of following the outlined small claims court rules. To compound the unfairness, attorney for the plaintiff's refused both an oral and a written request for discovery. We - present the argument that plaintiff's should be forbidden to pick and choose which discovery rules and trial procedures to follow. If plaintiffs conducted a full discovery in violation of section 116.310 of the Small Claims Act then they should be compelled to follow all of the rules of discovery in an unlimited civil jurisdiction. Evidence that attorney for plaintiffs attained through full discovery, should either be shared in a timely manner with opposing party as required by law or be barred. Any other action or inaction results in an unfair trial for petitioner. 14IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO MICHAEL HORESII, CPF 05-505846 Petitioners, vs. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, Respondent. CAROLYN WESTERMANN et al., Real Party in Interest, EXHIBITS LODGED IN SUPPORT OF PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE EDWARD M. HIGGINBOTHAM. LEILA H. MOCHARSH SBN 231636 SBN 74800 Law Offices Edward M. Higginbotham VENERUSO & MONCHARSH 1096 Pine Street, Suite # 501 5707 Redwood Road, Suite 10 San Francisco, CA 94103 Oakland, CA 94619 (415) 533-1900 / (510) 482-0390 (415) 441-3089 (fax) (510) 482-0391 (fax) Attorney for Petitioner Horesji Attorney for PetitionersC C TABLE OF EXHIBITS L Exhibit “A”... ... .. Mr. Horesji's counter-claim i Exhibit“B”....... Instructions & Prerequisites for filing a small claims cause of action in Alameda County Uh - Exhibit"C”. ...... Plaintiff's attorney's direct subpoena made to the Oakland Police Department for business records IV. Exhibit“D”. .... -. . Plaintiffs attorney's direct subpoena made to the Building and Code Enforcement Department for business records Vv. Exhibit“E”........ Plaintiff's attorney's direct subpoena made to the Oakland Police Department's BEAT Health Unit for business records Vi. Exhibit“F’. 2... . . » Petitioner's first request for discovery Vi. Exhibit“G"?........ Plaintiff's attorney's refusal to comply with rules of discovery Xl. Exhibit“H”. .... . . Petitioner's attorney's request for discoveryC C -_Exnibit “A” 1ee saemttoomateam Superior Court of Cuifemia, Co. of Alsmeds ‘ SC-125 600 Washin; St. Ozkiand, CA 94607 (510) 268-7737 SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO, WS03 133796 — NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF — 7 —AVISO AL DENANDANTE — YOU ARE CEING BOLD AY URFENDANT i AUSTED LO eT MANDAnO® EL Tether matics Tormayloue hecaoct yore, | Seivmninieche Ge feta tancoae my Canara gy avatcor 8 sat appar. Tho cout rey ererdthecaferdant ramowett |) Sena doc on lever dal umaain dae para cast ot pe tenan wrthovs torther warring trom Uwe court 7 Geran y ope eames da cu promlnded ail aviza sdicional pot parte Oe sate Coste. 1 PaTIEROBANnOserT penne, canees, out mmaphone number stecety, ——T T SeR@mTpTAEH00 plume, ootouen, we arpnene 1 Hugh Tyler Ross Mca&eiEogw cfo 440 Grand Avenue, #360 . $326 Willow Glen Place Oskland, CA 94610 Castro Valley, CA 94546 (10420390 ENBORBED (510) 727-1091 “Tewptare mas FIL Jetepmane a - ALAMEDA COURT Tet Mores | APR 2 2 2004 5326 Willow Glen Place Castro Valley, CA 94546 CLERK OF THE SEA OMDe Denty Ltomwensme: ($10) 727-1091 ! Leashes ra, Py. Filet. Gus, Heme Sime Na. Expos: 1 see attached sheet for additional pisintils and defendants, DEFENDANT'S CLAIM 4. Plointt¥ owas ma the sum of $5,000.00 net inchding court costs, bacausa (dascribe claim end dete). . Plaintiff alleges drug teaficking by Def. & Def.'s tenants without Prove Plaintiff has abused the Smalt Claim Court ess. Plaintiff is i ing w/contractual obligetions & his actions have resulted in loss of revenue. awa thave asked ptaltf to pay this money, Dut R hes not been poid_ . b. [2] I have NOT evied plain to pay this money bacautts (expen: I was threatened with errest should | PERSONALLY contact plaintiff in this case. Letter of demand was mailed. 3.1 Colnave CZ] neve not iad moro than one cther small claims action unywrero In Caloris during this catendar yaar in whlon tha amount demanded is more than $2,509. . 4, Lundarstend that a. Tay talk to ant sttomey about this ctelm, but | cannot be represented by an sttemey ot the bial In the small claims cout. b. [must eppeer st the time and piace of tial and bring af witnesses, books, recolpts, and other pepers or things lo prove my case. ¢, thave no right of appeal on my etatm, tar t msy sppest @ claim fied by the plain in tus case. . If carmot etford to poy the foes for ing of service by = sharif or marshat {may fk thel the foes be walved. 5 Ihave received and read the Information sheet explaining some important rights of datendants in the entat cists cour: 6. No plaints in tha mihary service (_) except (name): Idecters under panaty of pefury undar the Ines of the State of Calfornia thal the foregoing Is tru end correct Date: Aprils, 2004 o~ Michtel EB, Horejsi Giza ((TVeE OR preert MAME) (RIGA Ture OF OSFENGAMTY - ORDER TO PLAINTIFF : You must appeer la this court on the trie! date and at tho tims LAST SHOWN itl THE BOX BELOW if you do not agree wih the defendants ctaim Bring at witnesses, booxs, receipts, and other papers or things win you to support your Coed. PATE OAT vst vtact COUNT ube we 1 if22/od_—thur | 9:00) 600 weshington, Oakland, Dnt 137 FECHA 2 DEL x JuICIO 2 Filed on (date): * __ Chath, by Deputy The county provides email cisiens advisor services free of charge. — a oe DEFENDANT'S CLAIM ANO ORDER TO PLAINTIFF cent areas "nase Comet Contant Sets a : (Small Cialena)INFORMATION FOR THE SMALL CLAIMS PLAI This information sheet is wrtton for he person who suse H bee el Oct at ot come of the rules of and Some general Information about the small claims court. It may also be helpful for the person who is sued. WHAT IS SMALL CLAIMS COURT? You go to court, but you cannot have a lawyer In court, Your claim cannot be for more than $5,000 (“see below). H you have a claim for more than this amount, you may sue in the civil division of the trial court or you may sue in the small claims court and give up your right to the amount over $5,000. You cannot, however, file more than two cases in small claims court for more than $2,500 each during a calendar year, WHO CAN FILE A CLAIM? 1, You must be at least 18 years old to file a claim. If you are not yet 18, tell the clerk. You may ask the court to appoint a guardian ad tem. This is a person who will act for you in the case. The guardian ad litem Is usually a parent, a relative, or an adutt friend. 2. Apperson who sues in small claims court must first make a emand i possible. This means that you have asked the defendant to pay, and the defendant has refused. tf your claim 1s for possession of property, you must ask the defendant to give you the property. 3. Untess you fall within two technical you must be the original owner of the claim. This means that If the claim Is assigned, the buyer cannot sue in the small claims court. ‘You must also appear at the small claims hearing yourself untess you filed the ciaim for a corporation or other entity that is not a natural person. tf a corporation files a claim, an empicyee, officer, or director Must act on ts behalf. tf the claim Is fied on behalf of an association or other entity that Is not a natural person, a regularly employed person of the entity must act on Its behaff. purpose of representing sma claims court. You must file a declaration with the Court to appear In any of these instances. (See Authorization to Appear on Behalf of Party, form SC-109.)) WHERE CAN YOU FILE YOUR CLAIM? ‘You must sue in the right court and location, This rule le cafled +3. Where the contract was signed or carried out, venue. Check the court's local rules if there Is more than one court location In the county handling smafl claims cases, If you file your claim in the wrong court, the court wil dismiss ‘the claim unless al defendants personally appear at tha hearing and agree that the claim may be heard. ‘The right location may be any of these: 1. Where the defendant lives or where the business involved Is located, 2, Where the damage or accident happened; 4, I the defendant fs a corporation, where the contract was broken; 5S. For a retal Instafiment account or sales contract or a motor vehicle finance sale: 8, Where the buyer lives; b, Where the buyer lived when the contract was entered Into; G. Where the buyer signed the contract; or d. Where the goods or vehicle are permanently kept. SOME RULES ABOUT THE DEFENDANT (Including government agencies) 1. You must sue using the defendant's exact legal name. ifthe 2. Ifyou want to sue a government agency, you must first file a defendant Is a business or a corporation and you do not know the exact legal name, check with: the state or local licensing agency; the county clerk's office; or the Office of the Secretary of State, corporate status unit, Ask the clerk for help if you do fot knew how to find this Information. # you do not use the defendant's exact legal name, the court may be able to correct the name on your claim at the hearing or after the Judgment. ctalm with the agency before you can file a lawsuit in court. ‘Strict time Smits apply. if you are In. a Department of (Corrections or Youth Authority taciity, you must prove that the agency denied your claim. Please attach a copy of the dental to your claim. HOW DOES THE DEFENDANT FIND OUT ABOUT THE CLAIM? ‘You must make sure the defendant finds out about your lawsuit. This has to be done according to the rules or your case may be dismissed or delayed. The correct way of telling the defendant about the lawsutt Is called service of process. This means giving the defendant a copy of the claim. YOU CANNOT DO THIS YOURSELF, Here are four ways to serve the defendant: 1. Service by a law officer — You may ask the marshal or shertfl to serve the defendant. A fee will be charged. 2. Process server — You may ask anyone who Is nota partyin your case and who ls at least 18 years ol/to serve the defendant. The person !s called 2 process server and must Personally give a copy of your claim to the defendant. The person must also sign a proof of service form showing when the defendant was served. Registered process servers will do this for you for a fea. You may also ask a friend or relative to dott, Certified mail — You may ask the clerk of the court to serve the defendant by certified mall. The clerk wil charge a fee. You should check back with the court prior to the hearing to see if the receipt for certified mail was retumed to the court. Service by certified mail must be done by the clerk's office except In motor vehicle accident cases invotving out-of-state defendants. Substituted service — This method lets you serve another person instead of the defendant. You must follow the procedures carefully. You may also wish to use the marshal or sheriff or a registered process server. * The $3,000 ima does not apply, and a $4,000 Ima applies, If a “defendant guarantor ... . is required to reepond besed upon the defeull, actions, or omissions of another ($2,500 Il the defendant guarantor does not charge a fee for the service}. (Continued on reverse) Pepe tof? INFORMATION FOR THE PLAINTIFF (Small Ctalms) ‘Cade of Covi Proven, GH 116.110 of sac, 116.220{e4, 126.540(0) tow men .. C “A. Substituted service (continued) Acopy of your claim must be feft ~at the defendant's business with the person In charge; OR ~at the defendant's home with a competent person who Is at least 18 years old. The person who receives the claim must be told about Its contents. Another copy must be mailed, first class, postage prepaid, to the defendant at the address where the paper was left. The service Is not complete until 10 days after the copy Is mated. C No matter which method of service you choose, the defendant must be served by a certain date or the trial will be postponed. If the defendant fives in the county, service must be completed at least 15 days before the trial date. This period Is at least 20 daysif the defendant fives outside the county. ‘The person who serves the defendant must sign a court paper showing when the defendant was served. This paper Is called a Proof of Service (lorm SC-104). It must be signed and returned to the court clerk as soon as the defendant has been served. WHAT IF THE DEFENDANT ALSO HAS A CLAIM? Sometimes the person who was sued (the defendant) will _siso have a claim against the person who filed the lawsuit (the plaintiff). ‘This claim Is called the Defendant's Claim, The defendant may file this claim in the same lawsuit. This hetps to resolve all of the disagreements between the parties at the same time. ff the defendant decides to file the clalm in the small clalms court, the claim may not be for more than $5,000 (‘see reverse). If the value of the clalm is more than this amount, the defendant may elther give up the amount over $5,000 and sue In the small claims court of file a motion to transfer the case to the appropriate court for the full value of the claim. ‘The defendant's claim must be served on the plaintiff at least § days before the trial. If the defendant received the plaintiff's claim 70 days or less before the trial, then the claim must be served at least 1 day before the trial. Both claims will be heard by the court at the same time. WHAT HAPPENS AT THE TRIAL? Be sure you are on time for the trial. The small claims trial fs Injormal. You must bring with you all witnesses, books, receipts, and other papers of things to prove your case, You may ask the witnesses to come to court voluntarily. You may also ask the clerk of the court to Issue a A subpoena fe 4 court order that requires the witness to go to trial. The witness has 4 right to charge a fee. for going to the trial. If you do not have the records or papers to prove your case, you may also get a court order prior to the trial date requiring the papers to be brought to the trial. This order ts called a Smal Claims Subpoena and Declaration (form SC-107), tfyou settle the case before the trial, you must file a dismissal form with the clerk. The court's decision is usually mailed to you after the trial. It may also be hand delivered to you when the trial Is over and after the Judge has made a decision. The decision appears on a form called tha Notica of Entry of Judgment (form SC-130). WHAT HAPPENS AFTER JUDGMENT? ‘The court may have ordered one party to pay money to the other party, The party who wins the case and coflects the money Is called the judgment creditor. The party who loses the case and owes the money fs called the judgment debtor. Enforcement of the Judgment Is postponed until the time for appeal ends or untif the appeal Is decided. This means that the Judgment creditor cannot ‘collect any money or take any action until this pariod Is over. Generally both parties may be represented by tawyers after judgment More Information about your rights after Judgment is available on the back of the Notice of Entry of Judgment form. The clerk may also have this Information on a separate sheet. HOW TO GET HELP WITH YOUR CASE 1, Lawyers —Both parties may ask a lawyer about the case, but a tawyer may not represent either party in court at the small claims trial. Generally, after Judgment and on appeal, both parties may be represented by a lawyer. 2. Interpreters —{f you do not speak English, you may take a family member or friend to court with you. The court should keep a [ist of interpreters who will interpret for you. Some interpreters charge a reasonabte or no fee. Hf an Interpreter ts not available, the court must postpone the hearing one time only so that you have time to get one. 3. Walver of fees —The court charges fees for some of its procedures. Fees ara also charged for serving the defendant with the claim. The court may excuse you from paying these fees H you cannot afford them, Ask the clerk for the Information Sheet on Waiver of Court Fees and Costs (form 982(a)(17)(A)) to find out I you meet the requirements so thet you do not have to pay the fees. 4. Night and Saturday court —tf you cannot go to court during working hours, ask the clerk if the court has trials at night or on Saturdays. 5. Parties who are In Jaif —if you are in jail, the court may excuse you from going to the trial. Instead, you may ask another person who !s not an attomey to go to the trial for you. You may mall writen dectarations to the court to support case. 6. SCeommodations it you have a disability and need assistance, please ask the court immediately to help sccommodate your needs. If you are hearing impaired and need assistance, please notify the court immediately. 7. Forms —You can get small claims forms and more information at the Califomia Courts Self-Help Center Web site (, your county taw library, of at the courthouse nearest you. 8. Smail claims advisors —The law requires each county to provide assistance In small claims cases free of charge. (Small claims advisor information): ‘90-150 [Plav, July 1, 2003) INFORMATION FOR THE PLAINTIFF Pope Retz. (Saft Ctalms)a Vorays \ 982(a)(15.2) (FOR COURT USE OMY "ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (aon, slate bay eummber, ad ocean [.. Leita H. Moncharsh (74800) Veneruso & Moncharsh 440 Grand Ave., STE 360 Oakland, CA 94610 revepHont no: (510) 433-0390 X 2 Faxon: (510) 433-0389 ATTORNEY FOR paome Plajntifts THAME OF COURT: * Alameda County Superior Court STREET MOORESR 1921 Oak St. MARINO AOORESS. Oakland, CA cook: DEFENDANT/ RESPONDENT: Horejsi. DEPOSITION SUBPOENA CSEMMOER For Production of Business Records WS03133908 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO/neme, address, end telephone number of deponent, # known): Custodian of Records, Oakland Police Department, 455 Seventh St, Oakland 94607 1._YOU ARE ORDERED TO PRODUCE THE BUSINESS RECORDS described in ttam 3, a8 follows: To (name of deposition officer. LEILA H. MONCHARSH. ‘On (dstey. December 8, 2004 At (timey: 10:00 A.M. | _ Location (adoressy. 449 GRAND AVE., STE 360, OAKLAND, CA 94610 Do not release the requested records to the deposition officer prior to the date and time stated above. ©. (I by detvering 2 trus, legible, end durable copyof the business records described in Rem 3, enclosed in a sesied inner wrapper with the tile and number of the ection, name of winess, and dale of subpoena clearly wiltien on i. The inner ‘wrapper shail then be enciosed in an ouler envelope of wrapper, sealed, and malied to the deposition officer at the akiress Hi hom 1. b. (J by delivering a true, legble, end durable copyof the business records described In Hem 3 to the deposition officer at the witness's address, on receipt of payment in oash or by check of the reasonabie costs of preparing the copy, ss determined business hours. 2. The records are to be produced by ihe dete and time shown in tem 1 (but not sooner than 20 deys efter the issvence of the epostion subpoene, or 14 days afer service, whichever date is later}. Ressonsdie costs of loceting records, making them avaliable or copying them, and postaps, if any, are recoversble as set forth in Evidence Code section 1563(b). The records shel be accompanied by an affidevil al the custodian or other qualified witness pursuant to Evidence Code section 1561. 3. The records to be produced are deecribed ss follows: ‘Any and all potice of incident reports related to 605 E. (7th Street, Oaklead for the time period 1/1A}4 to present Anv and all nolice or incklent rennres related #1 641-647 B. 87th St. Oakland foe the time nerind 1/1/04 in orcxent J Continued on Attachment 3. 4 IF YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED WITH THIS SUBPOENA AS A CUSTODIAN OF CONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE RECORDS UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1925.3 OR 1988.6 AND A MOTION TO QUASH OR AN OBJECTION HAS BEEN SERVED ON YOU, A CQURT ORDER OR AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES, WITNESSES, AND CONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE AFFECTED MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PRODUCE GONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE RECORDS. DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPOENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT. YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Date Issued: November 19, 2004 wo. Heilg He Moncbarsd oo. 6s Vor ee De, pe ((TYPE.OR PRENT WAM) (ROMA TURE OF PERSON ISSUING SUBPOENA) ‘Attorney for Plaintiffs omy (Proof of sarvica on raverns) Famneoret ie ura DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION Come a Proare eaaene ner Bey PO OF BUSINESS RECORDS eeeceecsd coannen ETRY GBCETHPSTbTIOL WOMd YIBt2d Se8e-6-NONa “ 962(a)(15.2) ATTORedEY OR PARTY WATHOUT ATTORNEY Pama, seat bar aumber, eng acme: F0m COURT USE OLY t. Leila H. Monchersh (74800) VENERUSO & MONCHARSH ~— 440 Grand Ave., STE 360 Oakland, CA 94610 TELEPHONE NO: ($10) 433-0390 ext. 2 Faxwa: (510) 433-0389 ATTORNEY FOR emer, Plaintiffs (NAME OF COURT. ., Superior Court of California, County of Alameda Small Claims ‘STREET ADOREBS: 609 Washington St, Ept. 137 MAUNG ADORESS. Oak tend, CA Crry AND 2° COoE: RANCH MAME: Aller lustice Center PLAINTIFF PETITIONER: CAROLYN A. WESTERMAN OEFENOANT/ RESPONDENT: MICHAEL AND PATRICIA HOREJSL DEPOSITION SUBPOENA (CASE NUMBER For Production of Business Records WS03133908 THE PEOPLE Of THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, TO (name, address, and telephone number of deponent, if known): CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS FOR CEDA - BUILDING AND CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT 1, YOU ARE ORDERED TO PRODUCE THE BUSINESS RECORDS described In Item 3, as fatlows: To (name of deposition officer}: Leite H. Moncharsh On (dete): FEBRUARY 16, 2004 At (timer BY MAIL - SEE BELOW Location (address): VI IARSH, 440 GRAND AVE., STE 360, OAKLAND, CA 9461: Do not release the requested records to tha deposition officer prior to the date and time stated above. 1». (7) by cetvering a true, legible, and durable copyof the business records described in item 3, enclosed in a sealed inner wrapper with the tite and number of the ection, name of witness, and date of subpoena cisarty written on i. The mner wrapper shail then be enciosed In an cuter envelope or wrapper, sealed, and malted to the deposition officer at the Ss address in item 1. b. (2) by dotivering & true, legible, snd durable copyol the business records described In Kem 3 to the deposition officer at the witness's ackirees, on recelt of payment in cash or by check of the reasonable costs of preparing the copy, as determined under Evidence Code section 1563(b). . [} by making the original business records described in item 3 available for Inspection st your business eddress by the atiomey’s representative and permitting copying at your business address under reasonable conditions during normal dusingss hours. 2. The recorus are to be produced by the date end tine shown in item 1 (but not sooner than 20 days efter the issuance of the daposition subpoene, or 1§ days after service, whichever date [s Isteq. Reasonedie costs of locating records, making them avaiable or copying them, end postage, i any, are recoverable as set forth in Evidence Code section 1563(b). The records shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the custodian or other qualified witness pursuent to Evidence Code section 1561. 4. The records to be produced are described ss follows; 1. ANY AND ALL RECORDS, DEFICIENCY NOTICES, MEMOS AND CORRESPONDENCE RELATED TO BUILDING “ODE VIOLATIONS AT 605 E. 17TH ST.. OAKLAND FROM JANUARY 1.2600 TO THE PRESENT. Continued on Attachment 3. 4. IF YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED WITH THIS SUBPOENA AS A CUSTODIAN OF CONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE RECORDS UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 1685.3 OR 1986.8 AND A MOTION TO QUASH OR AN OBJECTION HAS BEEN SERVED ON YOU, A COURT ORDER OR AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES, WITNESSES, AND CONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE AFFECTED MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PRODUCE CONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE RECORDS, DISOBEDIENCE OF THIS SUBPOENA MAY BE PUNISHED AS CONTEMPT BY THIS COURT, YOU WILL ALSO SE LIABLE FOR THE SUM OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO OBEY. Oate issued: JANUARY 14, 2004 . wees « LEILAT,MONCHARSH, 0... an oan OE, (TYPE OF PRINT HAE} [SIGNATURE OF PERS: ‘SUBPOENS) mney ~ (Proof of service on reverse} Fors Atop erry om DEPOSITION SUBPOENA FOR PRODUCTION Coosa Gea rena. seaiis oor dora 1 2 OF BUSINESS RECORDS [Sireeeoerd coannen dhs od 68QETbbSTbT OL *WOMd U6S?T@ = $282-6-A0Ne82(aj(18.2)_ "ATTORNEY OR PRATY VESHORT ATTORMEY Plas, siete ber enctthe, end acter ‘OR COUNT URE ORLY Onkiand, CA 94610 - ‘Tearoom an: (510) 433-0990 ext. 2 rece: (510) 433-0389 arvosvaty 208 tome: Phaintifis eaaal OF CONT: prnaer ccna: Sepertar Com of Ca Rtornies Commty of Abeewecin Wane KOMEN. Oukdead, CA $4607 DEFENDANT! RESPONDENT: MICHAEL AND PATRICIA HOREISI DEPOSITION SUBPOENA : Cn nee Fer Production of Business Records” ‘WS03 133908 ‘THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIPORIGA, TOfsamne, acidrees, end telephone number of deporvent, if knowa): BEAT HEALTH UNIT, OAKLAND POLICE DEPARTMENT, 2651 73rd St, OAKLAND, CA 94605 . 4. YOU ARK ORDERED TO PROOUCE THE BUSINESS RECORDS described in Hons 3, 20 follows: To (seme of dapoalion offcer: CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS POR BEATHEALTHUMT _ On (dele! FEBRUARY 16,2004 * At (leek: BY MAIL -SEE BELOW fectiresst VE! AN ‘Do not remase the requested records te the depesition officer prior te the dste and Gms stated above. = [C2] by detvaring 2 tr, lepthte, and durable copyel the business records described in tien 5, enciossd in a seeled inner . wrapper Wih the tite and number of he ecios, name of winess, end dete of subpoene clearly vation on R. The inner wrapper shail then be enclosed in en outer eavelops or wrapper, susied, snd mailed to fhe deposition officer at the axtdress ip Rens 1. " : : 2. CX] by delivering s tus, legible, and durable copyo! the business records decried In tent $ to the deposition officer at the wrinaas’s address, on receia of payment is cash orby check of the resonable costs of prepering the copy. 9s determined under Evidence Code section 158%). ° - S 12 by mating the original business records dencibed in Tham 3 evedtable for nepecton at you tasiness address by the aXomey’s representative end permiting copying ot your businees acidrass under reseonebie condifions duriyg normal business hours. 2 The records tre to be produced iy te dale aad Reve shows: is amt 1 (bat aot sooner trav 20 eye alter tte lesuance of 0 Oapostion subpoena, or 15 "afer service, whichever dala Is jeter}. Peesonetie costs of iovaling records, making farm avamabte or copying fam, [postege, if any, are recoverstle as set forés in Evidanne Code section 1S53bj. The records shel be sccompanied by an effdard of the custodian or other qualified miners porsusnt to Evidence Cade saction 1561, 3. Tha recerda to be produced are decribed ee fotiows: . ANY EDITED VIDEOTAPE OF SURVEILLANCE TAKEN IN 2003 OF 605 E. 17TH ST. THES AS A CUSTODIAN OF EMPLOYEE RECORDS | Hee Aen. PROCEDURE SECTION 1988.3 OR 1995.8 AND A MOTION TO QUASH OR AN OBJECTION HAD BEEN Reet ot TOU. A COURT ORDER OR AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES, WITNESSES, AND CONSUMER OF EMTLONSE WWUST DE OBTAINED BEFORE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PROOUCE CONSUMER OR EMPLOYEE RECORDS. SISCEEDNENGE OF THES SUBPOENA MAY BE PUNSHED AS CONTEMPT BY THES COURT, YOU WILL ALSO BE LIABLE TOR THE SUM OF PIVE HUNDITED DOLLARS AND ALL DAMAGES RESULTING PROM YOUR FARLURE TO OBEY. Dake besued: JANUARY 14,2008 A‘d GEQSTHPSTOT AOL swoels Yeat2a SeG2-6-0NNOU-9-2225 82:2GA FROM: T0:241544132689 P.14 Cc C Michael B. Horejsi P.O. Box 2883 Castro Valley, CA 94546 February 3, 2004 Leita H. Moncharsh Veneruso & Moncharsh 440 Grand Avenue, #360 Oakland, CA 94610 Re: SOS E. 17th Street, Oakland. CA; Case No, WS 03133908 Dear Ms. Moncharsh: As your address and phone number appear for all named plaintiffs on the documents filed against me in the aboverreferenced case, I (recently) requested the residence address and phone numbers of those individuals who are suing me in Small Claims Court. You indicated that you are representing them and that all communications with them must be made through you. First, in compliance with the Small Claims Court rules, you cannot represent these individuals prior to or during the hearing, you can only advise them. To do so, completely circumvents the Smal! Claims’ Process. It is also malicious and effectively Prevents me from defending myself, preparing my case with the Necessary information and facts, and preparing subpoenas for information, which may only be referenced by their home address. By your ections, you are violating my constitutional rights of freedom of speech and the right to petition for the redress of grievances. T again request that you please provide me with the residence address and phone number of all those individuals who have filed suit against me. This information can be sent to my facsimile number, (510) 727-1091, TET have not received this information by February 6, 2004, I will file a letter with the court requesting judicial intervention and sanctions, Sincerely, Michael E. Horejsi MEH:secC Cc - Eyhibit WG 4Enet P March 11, 2004 Mr. Michael E. Horejsi P.O. Box 2883 Castro Valley, CA 94546 RE: Drug Abstement et 605 6 17 Street Dear Mike: : Your letter of yesterday is confusing. Previously, we offered to shere our set of police reports with you in exchenge for your enfering into stipulation that you would be execcising your right to challenge the pro tem Judge. This would allow the court to continue the matter an April 22, 2004 to a datc when a judge [s available to hear it and would avoid having 25 plaintiffs come to court just to watch you fill out the challenge forms. My understanding wes that yoo did not wane the pro tem to hear this matter ‘At first you seerned agrosable and then left 2 message that you had spoken with an attorney who apparently advised you that it would be better fo instcad leave it up in _ the air as to what you intended to do, thus forcing all the plaintiffs Into court on April 22, 2004, In your message, you added that as « result of your message, I might not want to share the police reports with you. ‘You elso did not show up for our meeting oa Monday As to number 26, & police officer recently entered the unit, arrested « man wha gave the same building as his address; he had possession of three crack plpes. Your Tenant told the afflcer that people on drugs often come tothe unit and use drugs. Ina prior police report, the same tenant Indicated that he {s : “self-employed” and working out of the unit. We have seen three other men living fn the unit with him, As to unit one, despite that you rented to one worm with « child, there are three men residing in this unit and there js a good deal of short stay foot traffic. . ‘To sll of the information above and other observations, you deny that any of it Is true. Your position also is that if you attempt to evict any tenant, the tenant will sus you and win under the Just cause eviction ordinance. Thave offered to produce neighbors and” you-9-2005 geresn FROM: c TA 154109 P.18 Mr, Michael €. {lorejsi P.O. Box 2883 Castro Valley, CA 94546 Re: 605 £17" St, March 11, 2004 Pege2 even serify myselfon yoor behalf however you are adentand that you will not evict my. of the tenant. Srrall elas docs not allow for cacoverys however a uperlar court ection woutd allow you to take depositions, exk written questions, demand demand production of all documents, ete, Given that we have gotten exactly nowhere with resolving the issucs and thet you feel disinclined to evict anyone t seems the mete practice] solution would be to file m separate action in superior court seeking injunctive relict, only. G ‘We will select four or five plaintiffs from the xmall claims case and within the- . next week, file e superior court complaint sccking injunctive relief, Le., that the court close the building. ‘We will continue to purrue the small clams case at the same time - | which will allow you to have discovery in both cases and at the same time gets " resolution to our dispute, These two cases legally cannot be consolidated but the judges will resolve lhe fesuet which I'm mare you would Uke es couch as the neighbors. | Afler we file the superior court action, we will immediately schedule a motion for what's called 9 prelirainary injunction. This will allow us to produce our evidence for a Taw and motion judge, If the judge does not agree with us that we are entitled to closure of the building, that will resolve that issue. If the judge docs agree, of course we will ask that the order be cfifcetive forthwith. This hearing should vecur about the time the smal! claims case comes up, allowing both sides to resolve a