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  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview


1 KEKER, VAN NEST & PETERS LLP JOHN W. KEKER - # 49092 2 DAN JACKSON - # 216091 ELECTRONICALLY 3 WARREN A. BRAUNIG - # 243884 F I L E D Superior Court of California, 4 County of San Francisco NICHOLAS S. GOLDBERG - # 273614 5 05/11/2022 633 Battery Street Clerk of the Court BY: BOWMAN LIU 6 San Francisco, CA 94111-1809 Deputy Clerk Telephone: (415) 391-5400 7 Facsimile: (415) 397-7188 8 MARK J. HATTAM - # 173667 9 General Counsel SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 10 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123-1233 11 Telephone: (858) 522-6791 Facsimile: (858) 522-6566 12 Attorneys for Petitioner, Plaintiff, and Cross-Defendant EXEMPT FROM FILING FEES 13 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY [GOVERNMENT CODE § 6103] 14 15 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 16 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 17 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004 18 AUTHORITY, Consolidated with Case Nos. CPF-16-515282 19 Petitioner, Plaintiff and Cross- & CPF-18-516389 Defendant, 20 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER v. AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL 21 DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF 22 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA; ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE Dept.: 306 23 VALIDITY OF THE RATES ADOPTED Judge: Hon. Anne-Christine Massullo BY THE METROPOLITAN WATER 24 DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Date Filed: May 30, 2014 ON APRIL 8, 2014 TO BE EFFECTIVE 25 JANUARY 1, 2015 AND JANUARY 1, Trial Date: May 16–27, 2022 2016; and DOES 1-10, 26 Respondents, Defendants and 27 Cross-Complainant. 28 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 Pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure § 2025.620, San Diego County Water 2 Authority (“Water Authority”) hereby designates for use at trial the following excerpts from the 3 depositions of employees of Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (“Metropolitan”) 4 and witnesses designated as Metropolitan’s persons most knowledgeable. Because depositions in 5 this case only concluded last week and the parties are still designating and counter-designating 6 testimony from depositions recently concluded, and as contemplated by the April 18, 2022 Order 7 Resetting Trial Deadlines (“Pretrial Order”), the Water Authority intends to submit additional 8 designations between now and the close of its case. The Water Authority further reserves the 9 right to offer additional deposition designations, or present video excerpts at trial, of Metropolitan 10 employees and PMQ designees, in the event Metropolitan does not call those witnesses to testify 11 live at trial. After completing the exchanges spelled out in the Pretrial Order, the Water Authority 12 has also included below for the Court’s consideration Metropolitan’s objections and proposed 13 counter-designations to the Water Authority’s designations, and the Water Authority’s responses 14 and objections to Metropolitan’s objections and counter-designations. 15 Attached as Exhibit A are the Water Authority’s designations from the September 12, 16 2013 deposition of Brian Thomas, testifying as Metropolitan’s person most knowledgeable. 17 Attached as Exhibit B are the Water Authority’s designations from the April 20, 2022 18 deposition of Brian Thomas, testifying as Metropolitan’s person most knowledgeable. 19 Attached as Exhibit C are the Water Authority’s designations from the September 13, 20 2013 deposition of Deven Upadhyay, testifying as Metropolitan’s person most knowledgeable. 21 Attached as Exhibit D are the Water Authority’s designations from the April 22, 2022 22 deposition of Deven Upadhyay, testifying as Metropolitan’s person most knowledgeable. 23 The parties’ designations, and objections to designations and counter-designations,1 are 24 identified in the Exhibits as follows: 25 The Water Authority’s designations are in yellow. 26 Metropolitan’s proposed counter-designations are highlighted in green. 27 1 The Water Authority has not yet been required to provide counter-designations to 28 Metropolitan’s counter-designations, but it reserves the right to do so and will highlight those designations in light blue. 2 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 8:13 8:18 7 10:18 10:23 8 11:1 12:10 9 13:19 13:25 10 14:13 15:1 11 15:4 15:14 12 15:17 16:4 13 18:10 19:5 14 19:9 19:9 15 28:7 29:1 16 30:6 30:8 17 30:11 30:12 18 30:23 30:24 19 31:3 31:3 20 31:6 31:13 21 31:22 31:24 32:1 32:4 22 32:8 32:12 23 32:15 32:15 24 33:21 34:7 25 34:10 35:18 26 35:22 35:22 27 38:20 39:4 28 44:3 44:13 3 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 45:16 45:25 7 48:20 48:23 8 49:1 49:13 9 49:17 49:21 10 49:24 50:7 11 50:10 50:19 50:23 50:23 12 57:6 57:13 13 57:17 57:17 14 58:22 59:11 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 15 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 16 2003 Exchange Agreement. 17 59:14 59:23 Calls for a Objection waived at 59:19– legal 23; does not call for a legal 18 conclusion. conclusion; addresses 19 scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 20 62:20 62:24 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 21 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 22 2003 Exchange Agreement. 23 63:6 63:15 88:11 88:13 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 24 legal conclusion; addresses 25 conclusion. scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement 26 88:16 89:1 Calls for a Objection waived at 88:20– 27 legal 22; does not call for a legal conclusion. conclusion; addresses 28 4 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 7 89:4 89:11 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 8 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 9 2003 Exchange Agreement. 10 89:14 89:22 Calls for a Does not call for a legal legal conclusion; addresses 11 conclusion. scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 12 90:1 90:5 13 90:11 90:14 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 14 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 15 2003 Exchange Agreement. 16 90:18 90:21 Calls for a Does not call for a legal legal conclusion; addresses 17 conclusion. scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 18 90:25 91:1 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 19 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 20 2003 Exchange Agreement. 21 113:17 113:21 22 114:1 115:6 23 115:8 116:6 119:10 119:12 24 119:20 120:6 25 Calls for a Does not call for a legal legal conclusion; addresses 26 conclusion scope and performance of (120:5-6). 2003 Exchange Agreement. 27 28 5 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 120:9 120:17 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 7 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 8 2003 Exchange Agreement. 9 120:21 120:24 Calls for a Does not call for a legal legal conclusion; addresses 10 conclusion. scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 11 121:10 121:21 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 12 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 13 2003 Exchange Agreement. 14 121:25 122:9 Calls for a Does not call for a legal legal conclusion; addresses 15 conclusion. scope and performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 16 122:12 122:17 17 122:19 122:23 Calls for a Does not call for a legal 18 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion scope and performance of 19 (122:21- 2003 Exchange Agreement 20 123:1). 123:1 123:17 21 123:21 124:6 Misstates Fairly characterizes 22 document in document; not misleading. 23 order to mislead 24 witness (124:3-6). 25 124:18 124:25 26 126:7 127:5 27 129:11 130:11 28 130:14 130:14 6 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 130:16 130:23 7 131:1 131:7 Calls for Does not call for a legal 8 legal conclusion; addresses conclusion. scope and performance of 9 2003 Exchange Agreement. 131:10 132:4 10 Calls for a Does not call for a legal legal conclusion; addresses 11 conclusion scope and performance of (131:10-14). 2003 Exchange Agreement. 12 133:5 133:9 13 133:12 133:12 14 134:14 135:2 15 135:5 135:11 16 135:17 135:21 135:25 136:4 17 136:8 136:16 18 137:22 138:3 Irrelevant; 19 352 (RSI clause not at 20 issue in these 21 cases). 139:9 139:12 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 22 352 (RSI awareness that the Water 23 clause not at Authority could challenge issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as 24 cases). unlawfully set; not unduly prejudicial, confusing, or 25 consumptive of time; clarifies the parties’ course 26 of conduct under the 2003 27 Exchange Agreement. 139:16 139:23 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 28 352 (RSI awareness that the Water 7 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 clause not at Authority could challenge issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as 7 cases). unlawfully set; not unduly prejudicial, confusing, or 8 consumptive of time; 9 clarifies the parties’ course of conduct under the 2003 10 Exchange Agreement. 11 140:1 140:2 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 352 (RSI awareness that the Water 12 clause not at Authority could challenge issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as 13 cases). unlawfully set; not unduly 14 prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive of time; 15 clarifies the parties’ course of conduct under the 2003 16 Exchange Agreement. 17 140:10 140:17 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 352 (RSI awareness that the Water 18 clause not at Authority could challenge issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as 19 cases). unlawfully set; not unduly 20 prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive of time; 21 clarifies the parties’ course of conduct under the 2003 22 Exchange Agreement. 140:23 141:9 23 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 352 (RSI awareness that the Water 24 clause not at Authority could challenge issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as 25 cases). unlawfully set; not unduly 26 prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive of time; 27 clarifies the parties’ course of conduct under the 2003 28 Exchange Agreement. 8 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 141:13 141:15 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 7 352 (RSI awareness that the Water clause not at Authority could challenge 8 issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as cases). unlawfully set; not unduly 9 prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive of time; 10 clarifies the parties’ course 11 of conduct under the 2003 Exchange Agreement. 12 141:17 141:19 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 13 352 (RSI awareness that the Water clause not at Authority could challenge 14 issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as cases). unlawfully set; not unduly 15 prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive of time; 16 clarifies the parties’ course 17 of conduct under the 2003 Exchange Agreement. 18 141:23 141:23 Irrelevant; Relevant to Metropolitan’s 19 352 (RSI awareness that the Water clause not at Authority could challenge 20 issue in these Metropolitan’s rates as cases). unlawfully set; not unduly 21 prejudicial, confusing, or 22 consumptive of time; clarifies the parties’ course 23 of conduct under the 2003 Exchange Agreement. 24 143:3 143:6 Irrelevant; Relevant to performance of 25 352; calls for contracted-for rights under a legal the 2003 Exchange 26 conclusion. Agreement; does not call for a legal conclusion; 27 addresses scope and 28 performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement. 9 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 7 143:10 143:16 Irrelevant; Relevant to scope and 352 performance of 2003 8 Exchange Agreement; not 9 unduly prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive 10 of time. 11 143:20 143:24 Irrelevant; Relevant to scope and 352 performance of 2003 12 Exchange Agreement; not unduly prejudicial, 13 confusing, or consumptive of time. 14 144:1 144:5 Irrelevant; Relevant to scope and 15 352 performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement; not 16 unduly prejudicial, 17 confusing, or consumptive of time. 18 144:7 144:12 Irrelevant; Relevant to scope and 19 352 performance of 2003 Exchange Agreement; not 20 unduly prejudicial, confusing, or consumptive 21 of time. 22 144:15 144:16 Irrelevant; Relevant to scope and 352 performance of 2003 23 Exchange Agreement; not unduly prejudicial, 24 confusing, or consumptive 25 of time. 202:4 202:22 26 203:10 204:3 27 204:6 204:18 28 10 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (September 12, 2013) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6 204:22 204:23 7 205:2 205:5 8 205:9 205:11 9 205:14 205:22 10 206:1 206:10 11 206:13 206:23 207:1 207:11 12 13 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (April 20, 2022) 14 Proposed 15 SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 16 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling 17 Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations Line Line Line Line 18 8:16 8:20 19 9:20 10:19 20 11:19 12:10 21 27:2 27:7 22 27:12 28:9 23 30:12 30:13 24 30:18 31:18 Calls for Does not call for a legal speculation; conclusion; witness 25 calls for a testifies to personal legal familiarity with the subject 26 conclusion; matter; within the scope of 27 beyond the designation for person- scope of the most-knowledgeable topics 28 witness’s 1, 4, 7. 11 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY’S FIRST SET OF TRIAL DEPOSITION DESIGNATIONS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1855916 1 DEPONENT: Brian Thomas (April 20, 2022) 2 Proposed SDCWA’s Counter- SDCWA’s Responses to 3 Designations MWD’s Designations MWD’s Objections and Court’s 4 Start End Response Start End Objections to MWD’s Ruling Page: Page: Page: Page: Counter-Designations 5 Line Line Line Line 6