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  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview


Co em NY DUH F WN Ww NY NY NY NY NY NY KY HN He Hee we se Be Be we ew oN A A KF Bw NH FSF SO we ADH BF WN & Do KEKER, VAN NEST & PETERS LLP JOHN W. KEKER - # 49092 DAN JACKSON - #216091 Be, WARREN A. BRAUNIG - # 243884 NICHOLAS S. GOLDBERG - # 273614 633 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111-1809 Telephone: (415) 391-5400 Facsimile: (415) 397-7188 MARK J. HATTAM - # 173667 General Counsel SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 4677 Overland Avenue San Diego, CA 92123-1233 Telephone: (858) 522-6791 Facsimile: (858) 522-6566 ne CCD FEES Ops 6103] wanty ED Court MAY 1 6 2022 CLERK-OF AE COURT one Deputy Clerk Attorneys for Petitioner, Plaintiff, and Cross-Defendant SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, Petitioner, Plaintiff, and Cross- Defendant, v. METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA; ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE VALIDITY OF THE RATES ADOPTED BY THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ON APRIL 8, 2014 TO BE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 AND JANUARY 1, 2016; and DOES 1-10, Respondents, Defendants, and Cross-Complainant. Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004 Consolidated with Case Nos. CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 JOINT STIPULATION AND IP. 'D] ORDER REGARDING OUSLY ADMITTED EXHIBITS 306 Hon. Anne-Christine Massullo Dept.: Judge: Date Filed: May 30, 2014 Trial Date: May 16-27, 2022 LE. JOINT STIPULATION AND (PROPSSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED EXHIBITS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1857262oe IN DWH RF Ww NY Mw N NY N YN NN KY Hee Be Be ee BR eB oN A A BF BN KF DGD we IND WH BF Ww NH KF DO Petitioner, Plaintiff, and Cross-Defendant San Diego County Water Authority (“the Water Authority”) and Respondent, Defendant, and Cross-Complainant Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (“Metropolitan”) hereby stipulate as follows: WHEREAS, on December 17, 2013 and March 30, 2015, this Court conducted the Phase I and Phase II trials for San Diego County Water Authority v. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, et al., Case Nos. CPF-10-510830 & CPF-12-512466 (“Prior Actions”); WHEREAS, during trial for the Prior Actions, the Court admitted certain exhibits into evidence; WHEREAS, the Parties agree that evidence admitted at trial during the Prior Actions shall be deemed admitted for the upcoming trial in the above-captioned matter, scheduled to start on May 16, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., in Department 306 of the above-entitled Court, the Honorable Anne- Christine Massullo presiding; : WHEREAS, the parties have exchanged exhibit lists containing exhibits admitted during the Prior Actions; NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby stipulate and agree that the below exhibits, appearing on the Water Authority’s and Metropolitan’s respective exhibit lists for the upcoming trial, were admitted into evidence at trial in the Prior Actions and should be deemed admitted in the upcoming trial: “PTX Admitted “| DTX Admitted PTX0001 DTX-0018 PTX0002 DTX-0020 PTX0003 DTX-0023 PTX0004 DTX-0028 PTX0005 DTX-0039 PTX0006 DTX-0044 PTX0017 DTX-0044 2 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED EXHIBITS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1857262Co em IN DH BF WN | NN NY NY YN NN KN Bee we Be ee Be ewe oD AA RB NH FF DB we NIN DH FF WN KY SO “© PTX Admitted _ DTX Admitted PTX0022 DTX-0049 PTX0024 DTX-0050 PTX0025 DTX-0051 PTX0026 DTX-0052 PTX0028 DTX-0057 PTX0030 DTX-0059 PTX0031 DTX-0060 PTX0037 DTX-0062 PTX0041 DTX-0066 PTX0056 DTX-0068 PTX0057 DTX-0069 PTX0058 DTX-0071 PTX0060 DTX-0075 PTX0062 DTX-0078 PTX0063 DTX-0080 PTX0064 DTX-0082 PTX0065 DTX-0086 PTX0066 DTX-0090 PTX0067 DTX-0090A PTX0076 DTX-0110 PTXOO78 DTX-0128 PTX0079 DTX-0130 PTX0080 DTX-0138 PTX0081 DTX-0144 PTX0095 DTX-0146 PTXO101 DTX-0147 3 1857262 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED EXHIBITS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389oO 0 me N DW FF Ww NY Ww RNY NY NY N NN KN Be wee Be we Be Be ee ot A AW BF BY fF DBD Oe ND DH FF WN © pT Admitted | DIX Admitted PTXO10S | DTX-0169 PTXO111 DTX-0177 PTX0112 DIX-0178 PTXOI19 DTX-0179 PTX0120 DTXx-0221 PTXOI21 DTX-0226 PTX0123 DTX-0227 PTX0140 DTX-0228 PTX0142 DTX-0229 PTXO169 DTX-0230 PTX0181 DTX-0231 PTX0183 DTX-0232 PTX0201 DTX-0233 PTX0255 DTX-0234 PTX0299 DTX-0235 PTX0300 DTX-0236 PTX0301 DTX-0237 PTX0302 DTX-0238 PTX0347 DTX-0239 PTX0348 DTX-0240 PTX0382 DIX-0241 PTX0383 DTX-0242 PTX0398 DTX-0243 PTX0469 DTX-0244 PTX0471 DTX-0245 PTX0478 DTX-0246 4 1857262 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED HIBITS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consoitlated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389“PTX Admitted "_DTX Admitted: - PTX0479 DTX-0269 PTX0481 DTX-0311 PTX0487A DTX-0312 PTX0488A DTX-0313 PTX0489A DTX-0314 PTX0490A DTX-0315 PTX0507 DTX-0316 PTX0515 DTX-0317 PTX0516 DTX-0318 DTX-0319 DTX-0319A DTX-0319B DTX-0518 DTX-0519 DTX-0527 DTX-0557 DTX-0624 DTX-0697 DTX-0706 DTX-0707 DTX-0794 DTX-0811 DTX-0829 DTX-0837 DTX-0841 DTX-0843 5 1857262 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389““DTX Admitted DTX-0856 DTX-0859 DTX-0884 DTX-1114 DTX-1130 DTX-1143 DTX-2876 (PTX0229) DTX-2992 (PTX0044) DTX-2997 (PTX0348A) DTX-3083 (PTX0231) DTX-3084 (PTX0228) DTX-3101 (PTX0358) DTX-3190 (PTX0234) DTX-3191 (PTX0189) ao? Bie Zoe Be Dated: May 16, 2022 KEKER, VAN NEST & PETERS LLP By: NICHOLAS S. Attorneys for Petitioner, Plaintiff, and Cross-Defendant SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 6 1857262 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED EXHIBITS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389Dated: May 16, 2022 MANATT, PHELPS & P) IPS, LLP By: BARRY WEEE quan Joscr (2ed¥/et=p_ Attorneys for Respondent, Defendant, and Cross-Complainant METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 7 1857262 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED . EXHIBITS Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 >PR! ‘D] ORDER Pursuant to the Parties’ stipulation, and good cause appearing, the Court hereby orders that the exhibits listed in the above stipulation are admitted into evidence at trial in the consolidated action San Diego County Water Authority v. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, et al., Lead Case No. CPF-14-514004. IT IS SO ORDERED. Dated: we “a O22— Q Lhe Vane Hon. Anne-Christine Massullo Judge of the Superior Court 8 JOINT STIPULATION AND [PROPOSED] ORDER REGARDING PREVIOUSLY ADMITTED ‘HIBITS Lead Case No, CPF-14-514004; Consolidated with CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18-516389 1857262CERTIFICATE OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE (CCP 1010.6(6) & CRC 2.260(g)) I, DANIAL LEMIRE, a Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of the County of San Francisco, certify that I am not a party to the within action. On MAY 1 6 2022 , 1 electronically served THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT via File & ServeXpress on the recipients designated on the Transaction Receipt located on the File & ServeXpress website. Dated: MAY 16 2022 ichael Yuen, Clerk By: DANIAL LEMIRE, Deputy Clerk