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  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview
  • IN RE: SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY OTHER CIVIL PETITIONS ( writ of mandate; declatory relief; determination of invalidity; breach of contract) document preview


1 MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP Exempt from filing fee pursuant to Barry W. Lee (SBN 88685) Government Code § 6103 2 Justin Jones Rodriguez (SBN 279080) One Embarcadero Center, 30th Floor ELECTRONICALLY 3 San Francisco, California 94111 F I L E D Telephone: (415) 291-7450 Superior Court of California, 4 Facsimile: (415) 291-7474 County of San Francisco Email: 05/17/2022 5 Email: Clerk of the Court BY: RONNIE OTERO 6 THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Deputy Clerk Marcia Scully (SBN 80648) 7 Heather C. Beatty (SBN 161907) Patricia J. Quilizapa (SBN 233745) 8 700 North Alameda Street Los Angeles, CA 90012-2944 9 Telephone: (213) 217-6834 Facsimile: (213) 217-6890 10 Email: 11 Attorneys for Respondent, Defendant, and Cross-Complainant THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 12 Additional counsel listed on following page 13 14 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 15 FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 16 17 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER Case No. CPF-14-514004, consolidated with AUTHORITY, Case Nos. CPF-16-515282 & CPF-18- 18 516389 Petitioner and Plaintiff, 19 Assigned for all purposes to the v. Hon. Anne-Christine Massullo, Dept. 304 20 THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT 21 OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, ALL OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA’S PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT 22 VALIDITY OF THE RATES ADOPTED BY LIST FOR TRIAL THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT 23 OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ON APRIL 8, Trial Date: May 16-27, 2022 2014 TO BE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2015 24 AND JANUARY 1, 2016; and DOES 1-10, 25 Respondents and Defendants. 26 27 28 MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP METROPOLITAN’S FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO (CASE NO. CPF-14-514004) 1 THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 2 Respondent, Defendant and Cross- 3 Complainant, 4 vs. 5 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY, 6 Petitioner, Plaintiff and Cross- 7 Defendant. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -2- MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP METROPOLITAN’S FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO (CASE NO. CPF-14-514004) 1 MILLER BARONDESS LLP Mira Hashmall (SBN 216842) 2 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1000 Los Angeles, California 90067 3 Telephone: 310-552-4400 Facsimile: 310-552-8400 4 Email: 5 MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP Colin C. West (SBN 184095) 6 One Market, Spear Street Tower San Francisco, California 94105-1596 7 Telephone: (415) 422-1000 Facsimile: (415) 422-1101 8 Email: 9 Attorneys for Respondent, Defendant, and Cross-Complainant THE METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3- MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP METROPOLITAN’S FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO (CASE NO. CPF-14-514004) 1 Respondent, Defendant and Cross-Complainant Metropolitan Water District of Southern 2 California (“Metropolitan”) submits the following fifth supplemental exhibit list for the trial that 3 began on May 16, 2022. Metropolitan expressly reserves the right to add or remove exhibits to 4 this list, to use additional exhibits for purposes of impeachment, and to proffer demonstrative 5 exhibits. In addition, Metropolitan expressly reserves the right to use any exhibit previously 6 admitted into evidence during the prior actions (CPF-10-510830 & CPF-12-512466) or in any of 7 Metropolitan’s administrative records for these actions. 8 9 Dated: May 17, 2022 MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP 10 By: 11 Barry W. Lee 12 Attorneys for Respondent, Defendant, and Cross-Complainant 13 METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS, LLP METROPOLITAN’S FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW SAN FRANCISCO (CASE NO. CPF-14-514004) 1 PROOF OF SERVICE 2 I, Michelle L. Cooper, declare as follows: 3 I am employed in San Francisco County, San Francisco, California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to this action. My business address is MANATT, PHELPS & 4 PHILLIPS, LLP, One Embarcadero Center, 30th Floor, San Francisco, California 94111. On May 17, 2022, I served the within: 5  METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA’S 6 FIFTH SUPPLEMENTAL EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL 7 on the interested parties in this action addressed as follows: 8 (BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE) By transmitting the above documents to a vendor, First 9  Legal, to serve them by File & ServeXpress™ to the parties listed on the Court’s service list and to the persons at the electronic mail addresses listed below. 10 Dan Jackson 11 Warren A. Braunig Nicholas Goldberg 12 Max Alderman Julia Greenberg 13 KEKER, VAN NEST & PETERS LLP 633 Battery Street 14 San Francisco, CA 94111-1809 415.391.5400/Fax: 415.397.7188 15;;;; 16 Attorneys for Petitioner and Plaintiff 17 SAN DIEGO COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 18 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 19 foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on May 17, 2022 at Oakland, California. 20 21 22 Michelle L. Cooper 23 24 25 26 27 28 M ANATT , P HELPS & P HILLIPS , LLP ATTO RNEY S AT LAW SAN FRA NCI S CO PROOF OF SERVICE MWD'S EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL Admitted at Exhibit No. Date Bates Begin Bates End Description Prior Trial DTX‐0014 11/13/1995 MWDRECORD2012_001165 MWDRECORD2012_001169 Proposed MWD Policies on Water Wheeling DTX‐0018 Economic benefits of local water management programs X DTX‐0020 Southern California's Integrated Water Resources Plan X DTX‐0023 1/10/1997 MWDRECORD2012_002430 MWDRECORD2012_002436 Resolution of the MWD Board Fixing & Adopting X Wheeling Rates (Res 8520) DTX‐0024 12/17/1996 MWDRECORD2012_002350 MWDRECORD2012_002407 Memo from General Manager, Submitted by Debra Man, to Board of Directors re: Resolution to Adopt Wheeling Rates Effective January 15, 1997 DTX‐0027 11/21/1997 MWD BoD Letter 7‐4 X DTX‐0028 11/10/1998 SDPRA0159081 SDPRA0159121 Agreement Between the MWD & the SDCWA for the Exchange of Water X DTX‐0033 2/26/2001 MWD2010‐00271995 MWD2010‐00271999 Draft amendment to SDCWA/MWD Exchange Agreement DTX‐0035 10/16/2001 MWDRECORD2012_005707 MWDRECORD2012_005729 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐6 DTX‐0039 1/8/2002 MWDRECORD2012_006166 MWDRECORD2012_006222 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐1 X DTX‐0044 4/24/2002 Stapleton SWRCB Testimony X DTX‐0048 1/14/2003 MWDRECORD2012_006945 MWDRECORD2012_007029 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐1 DTX‐0049 3/11/2003 MWDRECORD2012_7115 MWDRECORD2012_007210 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐1 X DTX‐0050 9/16/2003 SDPRAE0036700 SDPRAE0036700 Memo from Campbell to SDCWA Board re QSA Options Analysis X DTX‐0051 10/10/2003 Amended & Restated Agreement Between MWD & SDCWA for Exchange of Water X DTX‐0052 1/13/2004 MWDRECORD2012_007531 MWDRECORD2012_007613 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐2 X DTX‐0054 3/9/2004 MWDRECORD2012_007700 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐1 MWDRECORD2012 007749 DTX‐0057 1/11/2005 MWDRECORD2012_007979 MWDRECORD2012_008079 MWD Board Action Letter 9‐1 X DTX‐0058 3/8/2005 MWDRECORD2012_008204 MWDRECORD2012_008251 MWD Board Letter 8‐1 DTX‐0059 3/8/2005 MWDRECORD2012_008252 MWDRECORD2012_008267 Minutes Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors the Metropolitan Water District X of Southern California March 8, 2005 DTX‐0060 1/1/2006 MWDRECORD2012_8433 MWDRECORD2012_008532 MWD Board Action Letter 8‐1 X DTX‐0061 3/14/2006 MWDRECORD2012_8628 MWDRECORD2012_008675 MWD Board Letter 8‐1 DTX‐0062 3/14/2006 MWDRECORD2012_008676 MWDRECORD2012_008688 MWD Board Minutes X DTX‐0064 1/9/2007 MWDRECORD2012_008856 MWD Board Action Letter 8‐ MWDRECORD2012 008948 1 DTX‐0065 4/10/2007 MWDRECORD2012_009168 MWDRECORD2012_009260 MWD Board Letter 8‐1 DTX‐0066 MWDRECORD2012_009261 MWDRECORD2012_009273 Minutes Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors the Metropolitan Water District of Southern X 4/10/2007 California April 10, 2007 DTX‐0068 1/8/2008 MWDRECORD2012_009389 MWDRECORD2012_009482 MWD Board Action Letter 8‐1 X DTX‐0069 2/22/2008 MWDPRA044402 MWDPRA044404 Letter from Maureen Stapleton to Jeff Kightlinger Re: Request for Wheeling Service X DTX‐0070 3/11/2008 MWDRECORD2012_009555 MWDRECORD2012_009617 MWD Board Letter 8‐2 DTX‐0071 3/11/2008 MWDRECORD2012_009618 MWDRECORD2012_009635 Minutes Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors the Metropolitan Water District X of Southern California March 11, 2008 DTX‐0073 9/9/2008 SDCWA2010‐2012_00022462 SDCWA2010‐ MWD Board Action Letter 8‐ 3 2012 00022463 DTX‐0075 12/1/2008 MWDPRA044184 MWDPRA044185 Letter from Maureen A. Stapleton to Jeff Kightlinger Re: Request for Wheeling Service X DTX‐0078 4/2/2009 MWD & SDCWA Joint Motion for Summary Adjudication ‐ JCCP 4353 X DTX‐0080 4/10/2009 MWDPRA044104 MWDPRA044117 Letter from Maureen A. Stapleton to Jeff Kightlinger Re: Request for Wheeling Service X MWD'S EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL Admitted at Exhibit No. Date Bates Begin Bates End Description Prior Trial DTX‐0081 4/14/2009 MWDRECORD2012_010307 MWDRECORD2012_010375 MWD Board Letter Revised 8‐3 DTX‐0082 4/14/2009 MWDRECORD2012_010376 MWDRECORD2012_010388 MWD Board Meeting Minutes X DTX‐0086 3/29/2010 SDCWA2010‐2012_00082035 SDCWA2010‐ Draft letter from Cushman to Kightlinger re Request for Wheeling Services X 2012 00082037 DTX‐0090 4/13/2010 MWDRECORD011443 MWDRECORD011542 MWD Board Action Letter 8‐2 X DTX‐0110 4/10/2012 MWDRECORD2012_016594 MWDRECORD2012_016853 MWD Board Action Letter 8‐ 1 X DTX‐0128 n/a SDCWA2010‐2012_00011221 SDCWA2010‐ Water Authority's 2008 Northern California's Transfers ‐ Implementation Strategy X 2012 00011221 DTX‐0130 n/a SDPRAE0003757 SDPRAE0003757 Fact Sheet ‐ Canal Lining Options for SDCWA X DTX‐0138 2/10/2003 MWD2010‐00274562 MWD2010‐00274569 MWD Invoice to SDCWA X DTX‐0139 2/9/2007 MWD2010‐00274983 MWD2010‐00274990 MWD Invoice to SDCWA X DTX‐0140 3/9/2007 MWD2010‐00274991 MWD2010‐00274999 MWD Invoice to SDCWA X DTX‐0141 8/10/2011 MWD2010‐00275450 MWD2010‐00275456 MWD Invoice to SDCWA X DTX‐0142 12/10/2012 MWD2010‐00275570 MWD2010‐00275576 MWD Invoice to SDCWA X DTX‐0144 11/4/1977 Agreement between MWD & Castaic Lake Water Agency for Wheeling X DTX‐0146 12/31/1992 Agreement No. 3335 ‐ Wheeling of State Project Water to Castaic Lake Water Agency X DTX‐0147 3/2/2009 Agreement Between MWD & Castaic Lake Water Agency for Interconnection CLWA‐01 X DTX‐0169 10/24/2003 2003 Exchange Agreement between MWD, CVWD, & Desert Water Agency X DTX‐0177 6/15/2003 Letter from Jamie F. Roberts to Mr. Keith Lewinger and Mr. Daniel S. Hentschke MWD‐FPUD‐SDCWA X Wheeling Service Agreement DTX0‐178 Water Exchange Agreement between SDCWA and the Fallbrook Public Utility District X DTX‐0179 7/13/2010 MWD Board Letter Re Irvine Ranch ‐Delivery Agreement DTX‐0201 Agreement for Exchange and Conveyance of Water Between the Metropolitan Wawter District of X Southern California and the San Diego County Water Authority DTX‐0220 9/11/2003 Presentation to MWD Board re Quantification Settlement Agreement DTX‐0222 9/25/2003 SDPRA0019091 SDPRA0019107 Minutes of the Formal Board of Directors' Meeting DTX‐0226 12/30/2003 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re notice of Colorado River transfer water available for exchange X DTX‐0227 5/24/2004 Letter from SDCWA to MWD reporting on conservation method X DTX‐0228 12/22/2004 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re quantity of water to be transferred in 2005 X DTX‐0229 6/20/2005 Letter from SDCWA to MWD reporting on conservation method X DTX‐0230 10/24/2005 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re quantity of water to be transferred in 2006 X DTX‐0231 4/5/2006 Letter from SDCWA to MWD reporting on conservation method X DTX‐0232 10/9/2006 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Notice of Quantity of Water to be Transferred in CY 2006 & 2007 X DTX‐0233 3/27/2007 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation X DTX‐0234 10/12/2007 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Notice of Quantity of Water to be Transferred in CY 2008 X DTX‐0235 3/31/2008 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation X DTX‐0236 11/19/2008 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Notice of Quantity of Water to be Transferred in CY 2009 X DTX‐0237 4/14/2009 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation X DTX‐0238 11/14/2009 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re: quantity of exchange water for 2010 X DTX‐0239 3/26/2010 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation X DTX‐0240 11/16/2010 MWD2010‐00463198 MWD2010‐00463201 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re: quantity of exchange water for 2011 X DTX‐0241 4/6/2011 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation X MWD'S EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL Admitted at Exhibit No. Date Bates Begin Bates End Description Prior Trial DTX‐0242 11/1/2011 n/a n/a Letter from SDCWA to MWD re: quantity of exchange water for 2012 X DTX‐0243 10/31/2012 n/a n/a Letter from SDCWA to MWD re: quantity of exchange water for 2013 X DTX‐0244 3/27/2013 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation X DTX‐0245 5/16/2013 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Adjustment to quantity of water available to MWD X DTX‐0246 10/21/2013 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re: quantity of exchange water for 2014 X DTX‐0247 11/28/2011 Letter from Bureau of Reclamation to IID, SDCWA, MWD, & CVWD re Accounting for 2011 IID Transfer to SDCWA DTX‐0248 12/6/2011 Letter from CVWD to Bureau of Reclamation re Accounting for 2011 IID Transfer to SDCW DTX‐0249 12/8/2011 Letter from Southern NV Water Authority to Bureau of Reclamation re Accounting for 2011 IID Transfer to SDCWA DTX‐0250 12/9/2011 Letter from IID to Bureau of Reclamation re IID 2011 Accounting DTX‐0251 12/9/2011 Letter from MWD to Bureau of Reclamation re Accounting for 2011 IID Transfer to SDCWA DTX‐0252 4/11/2012 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re Confirmation of Water Conservation DTX‐0253 4/12/2012 Letter from MWD to SDCWA re: Notice of Default Pursuant to Amended and Restated Exchange Agreement DTX‐0254 4/13/2012 Letter from MWD to Bureau of Reclamation re MWD Supplemental Comments on Draft 2011 Decree Accounting Report DTX‐0255 5/9/2012 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re response to Notice of Default DTX‐0256 6/12/2012 MWD letter to Stapleton re notice of default pursuant to amended and restated exchange agreementX DTX‐0257 6/27/2012 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re response to Notice of Default DTX‐0258 7/10/2012 Letter from SDCWA to MWD re IID Water Conservation & Related QSA Issues DTX‐0259 8/1/2012 Letter from MWD to SDCWA re Compliance with Amended & Restated Exchange Agreement DTX‐0261 8/27/2012 Letter from MWD to SDCWA re Compliance with Amended & Restated Exchange Agreement DTX‐0265 12/18/2012 SDCWA letter to MWD letter received from IID to the BOR re: IID's revised estimates for 2012 Colorado River Diversion DTX‐0266 12/30/2012 MWD lettre to Colorado River Program Director re: SDCWA Request to Exchange Additional Conserved Water in 2012 DTX‐0267 7/10/2013 SDCWA Invoice from MWD for June 2013 DTX‐0268 n/a Index of QSA and Related Agreements DTX‐0269 10/10/2003 MWD2010‐00190105 MWD2010‐00191404 Amendment to the Approval Agreement Among the Imperial Irrigation District, the Metropolitan Water X District of Southern California, Palo Verde Irrigation District and Coachella Valley Water District DTX‐0287 6/1/2006 Roger Patterson letter to Robert Johnson re: Revised Calendar Year 2006 Monthly Colorado River Diversion Estimates and Payback Plan for 2001 and 2002 Overruns DTX‐0304 12/30/2011 BOR letter to Roger Patterson re: Approval of Revised Calendar Year 2011 Diversion for MWD DTX‐0311 2005 Decree Accounting Report X DTX‐0312 2006 Decree Accounting Report X DTX‐0313 2007 Decree Accounting Report X DTX0‐314 2008 Decree Accounting Report X DTX‐0315 2009 Decree Accounting Report X DTX‐0316 2010 Decree Accounting Report X DTX‐0317 2011 Decree Accounting Report X MWD'S EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL Admitted at Exhibit No. Date Bates Begin Bates End Description Prior Trial DTX‐0318 2012 Decree Accounting Report X DTX‐0319 Exhibit DTX‐319 CD Cover X DTX‐0319A IW part 1 (mp3) X DTX‐0319B IW part 2 (mp3) X DTX‐0429 5/6/2011 MWD letter to Ms. Stapleton DTX‐0430 5/6/2011 MWD letter to Mr. Dion DTX‐0431 5/6/2011 MWD letter to Mr. McIntosh DTX‐0432 5/9/2011 SDCWA letter to Mr. Upadhyay DTX‐0440 6/23/2011 MWD letter to Ms. Stapleton DTX‐0471 1/10/1997 MWDRECORD2012_002430 MWDRECORD2012_002436 Resolution to Adopt Wheeling Rates Effective January 15, 1997 DTX‐0486 4/6/2010 MWDRECORD011309 MWDRECORD011326 MWD Independent Review of FY 2010/11 Cost of Service and Rate Setting Process DTX‐0518 5/26/1998 MWD letter to BoD re implementation of local resources program and administrative rules X DTX‐0519 6/9/1998 Minutes from MoD meeting of MWD X DTX‐0527 8/20/2001 MWD BoD Memo 9‐6 X DTX‐0557 4/10/2007 MWD BoD Revised Memo 8‐4 X DTX‐0585 8/23/2011 MWD2010‐2012_00122682 MWD to SDCWA email with attachment DTX‐0612 9/26/1995 MWDRECORD2012_001069 MWDRECORD2012_001100 Memo from General Manager to Board of Directors re: Transcporting (Wheeling) Water by Metropolitan DTX‐0613 10/31/1995 MWDRECORD2012_001152 MWDRECORD2012_001164 Memo from John Wodraska and Debra Man to Board of Directors re: Adoption of Policy Principles for Transporting (Wheeling) Water by Metropolitan DTX‐0614 11/5/1996 MWDRECORD2012_002173 MWDRECORD2012_002226 Memo from General Manager submitted by Debra Man to Board of Directors re: Rate Refinement Process Phase 2 Wheeling Principles, Recommended Wheeling Rates Effective January 15, 1997, and Resolution Giving Notice of Intention to Adopt Wheeling Rates DTX‐0615 11/18/1996 MWDRECORD2012_002237 MWDRECORD2012_002240 Memo from General Manager submitted by Debra Man to Board of Directors re: Rate Refinement Process Phase 2 Wheeling Principles, Recommended Wheeling Rates Effective January 15, 1997, and Resolution Giving Notice of Intention to Adopt Wheeling Rates DTX‐0624 2/10/2011 SDCWA2010‐2012_00181671 SDCWA letter to MWD re notice of payment under protest X DTX‐0686 8/9/2013 SDCWA Invoice from MWD for July 2013 DTX‐0697 MWD as billed sales w/ exchange X DTX‐0698 Agreement Among the Department of Water Resource, State of California, The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and Placer County Water Agency for Storage and Conveyance of 2009 Transfer Water DTX‐0706 11/10/2009 MWD BoD Memo 8‐1 X DTX‐0707 11/10/2009 Minutes from MoD meeting of MWD X DTX‐0739 12/13/1997 SDPRA0227224 SDPRA0227229 San Diego County Water Authority's Proposed Terms for Transportation of Conserved Water Through the Colorado River Aqueduct DTX‐0748 8/12/1998 SDCWA2010‐2012_00179829 SDCWA2010‐ Memorandum of Understanding of Essential Terms of a Contract Between MWD and SDCWA 2012 00179970 DTX‐0762 4/25/2001 SDPRAE0043027 SDPRAE0043027 IID & AAC/CC Lining Water Wheeling Analysis Without Exchange Agreement DTX‐0778 9/5/2002 Email from Shane Chapman to Bob Campbell re: MWD Rate Forecast DTX‐0790 1/24/2003 SDPRA0218611 SDPRA0218616 Email from Maureen Stapleton to Lee Willer, Bob Campbell, and Dennis Cushman re: Colorado River Information DTX‐0794 2/10/2003 MWDRECORD2012_007121 MWDRECORD2012_007123 Letter from Maureen Stapleton to Mr. Ron Gastelum Re: Metropolitan Water District Proposed RatesX and Charges for FY 2003104 MWD'S EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL Admitted at Exhibit No. Date Bates Begin Bates End Description Prior Trial DTX‐0795 2/19/2003 Emails re SDCWA exchange deal points and proposals (PTX‐056 corrected) DTX‐0797 2/24/2003 MWD letter to Hannigan of DWR DTX‐0811 7/28/2003 Email from Carl to Scott Slater re: Amendment to Exchange Agreement DTX‐0816 8/13/2003 Email from Bob Campbell to Lee Willer re: Wheeling Rate Alternatives DTX‐0817 8/27/2003 MWD2010‐00446363 MWD2010‐00446363 Email from Jeffrey Kightlinger to Underwood,Dennis B; Thomas,Brian G FW: Getting to yes DTX‐0821 9/5/2003 MWD2010‐00273522 MWD2010‐00273545 MWD email re QSA negotiations update DTX‐0822 9/5/2003 MWD2010‐00267602 MWD2010‐00267625 MWD letter to BoD member agency re QSA negotiations DTX‐0824 9/8/2003 MWD2010‐00450761 MWD2010‐00450761 Email from Brian G. Thomas to Jon C. Lambeck and Jeffrey Kightlinger re: Power Costs for SDCWA Wheeling on the CRA [PTX‐0400] DTX‐0825 9/8/2003 MWD2010‐00450761 MWD2010‐00450761 Email from Brian Thomas to Jon Lambeck and Jeffrey Kighlinger re: Power Costs for SDCWA Wheeling on the CRA DTX‐0829 9/9/2003 SDPRAE0039633 SDPRAE0039633 Email from Bob Campbell to Lee Willer FW: handout material X DTX‐0831 9/11/2003 SDPRA0033869 SDPRA0033871 Minutes of the Special Board of Directors' Meeting DTX‐0832 9/11/2003 Quantification Settlement Agreement ‐ Special Board Meeting DTX‐0833 9/14/2003 SDCWA Board Letter re: SDCWA QSA Options Analysis DTX‐0834 9/15/2003 Email from Lee Willer to Hess Gordon re: Open Session slides on QSA DTX‐0835 9/15/2003 SDPRAE0003757 SDPRAE0003758 Fact Sheet: Canal Lining Options for SDCWA DTX‐0836 9/16/2003 SDPRAE0036727 SDPRAE0036727 Email from Maureen Stapleton to All Board Members QSA Update DTX‐0837 9/16/2003 Email from Maureen Stapleton to All Board Members re: QSA Upate X DTX‐0838 9/16/2003 Email from Lee Willer re: Revised Fact Sheet and the Board Letter on QSA options DTX‐0840 9/16/2003 SDPRAE0038363 SDPRAE0038363 Quantification Settlement Agreement Options for San Diego County Water Authority Fact Sheet DTX‐0841 9/16/2003 SDPRAE0033070 SDPRAE0033073‐ Email from Rittershaus (Hatch & Parent) re: Deal Points Outline with attachment X SDPRAE0033075 DTX‐0842 9/17/2003 Email from John Liarakos to Erik Anderson re: QSA Fact Sheet DTX‐0843 9/17/2003 SDCWA2010‐2012_00014100 SDCWA2010‐ E‐mail exchange, the top e‐mail to Dennis Cushman from John Liarakos, Subject: RE: Media Request: Gig 2012 00014100 on wheeling rate, dated September 17, 2003 [Cushman 13] DTX‐0844 9/17/2003 Email from Bob Campbell to John Liarakos re: Media Request Gig on wheeling rate DTX‐0845 9/17/2003 SDPRA0090653 SDPRA0090655 Memo re: Imported Water Activities Report (Information) DTX‐0846 9/17/2003 Email from Bob Campbell to Lee Willer forwarding email re: Transfer Options DTX‐0849 9/23/2003 MWD2010‐00491892 MWD2010‐00491921 Board of Directors meeting minutes DTX‐0850 9/19/2003 Email from Bob Campbell to Lee Willer re: Validation Letter DTX‐0852 Financial Analyses of SDCWA QSA Options 1 and 2 DTX‐0855 9/24/2003 SDCWA2010‐2012_00187443 SDCWA2010‐ SDCWA memo to Water Policy Committee re: Authorize the General Managere to execute, consent to, 2012_00187478 or approve all contracts, amendments, permits and other documents for implementation of the Colorado River Quantification Settlement Agreement, the Agreement for Transfer of Conserved WAter Between the Water Authority and the Imperial Irrigation District, and realted agreements and legislation and Adopt the Resolution taking the necessary environmental actions (Action) MWD'S EXHIBIT LIST FOR TRIAL Admitted at Exhibit No. Date Bates Begin Bates End Description