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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Sep-29-2015 12:24 pm Case Number: CPF-15-514508 Filing Date: Sep-29-2015 12:17 Filed by: DEBORAH STEPPE Juke Box: 001 Image: 05094680 PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE/ PROHIBITION/ CERTIFICATION IVAN VON STAICH VS. GOVERNOR EDMUND G. BROWN 001005094680 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned.PrPaah Von SEateh COCR Ne: ETOGTE™™ California Men's Colony-East P.0.Box 8101, San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93409-8101 reeprone no None raxno, None ATTORNEY FOR (name Filed In Propria Persona SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIEOBNIA.CQUNTYOF San Francisco STREETADORESS Ciwie Center Courthouse mauincaooress 400 McAllister Street CITY AND ZIP CODE isco, Ca. 946102 suscnnaae COE BERBERS 5°° CASENAME: Staich Y-Governor Edmund G; Brown a IVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation ¢ PE -T 5- 5 1 4 5 0 e "Unlimited Limited (Amount (Amount [J counter oO Joinder -— Goes demanded demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant exceeds $25,000) _ $25,000 or less) (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.402) DEPT: Items 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). 1. Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case: Auto Tort Contract COVE ON CNET ‘Auto (22) [J Breach of contractwairanty (06) (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.400-3.403) Uninsured motorist (46) _ Co Rule 3.740 collections (09) CI ‘Antitrusv/Trade regulation (03) Other PUPDAWD (Personal Injury/Property _ L_] other collections (09) Construction defect (10) Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort (J insurance coverage (18) J Mass tort (40) Asbestos (04) co Other contract (37) O Securities litigation (28) Product liability (24) Real Property CJ EnvironmentavToxic tort (30) . Medica! malpractice (45) Other PI/PD/WD (23) Eminent domain/Inverse y Insurance coverage claims arising from the condemnation (14) above listed provisionally complex case Non-PUPDMWD (Other) Tort [2] wrongtut eviction (33). _ fypes (41) Ets Business tortunfair business practice (07) L_] Other real property (26) Enforcement of Judgment CJ civit rights (08) Unlawful Detainer Enforcement of judgment (20) [J petamation (13) Commercial (31) Miscellaneous Civil Complaint CD Fraua (16) Residential (32) RICO (27) : [J intelectual property (19) Drugs (38) Other complaint (not specified above) (42) i Professional negligence (25) Judicial Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition Other non-P/PD/WD tort (35) Asset forfeiture (05) Partnership and corporate governance (21) cI loyment Petition re: arbitration award (11) [—] other petition (not specified above) (43) Wrongful termination (36) Writ of mandate (02) Other sruteyment (15) 2. This case complex unt factors requiring exceptional judicial management: VENUE, a oO Large number of separately represented parties b. J Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel issues that will be time-consuming to resolve c oO Substantial amount of documentary evidence a els pee State Bis of Sranitzaties | d Large number,of witnesses 951, 957 (San Francise), e. oO Coordination with related actions pending i in oné or more courts in other counties, states, or countries, or in a federal court f oO Substantial postjudgment judicial supervision . Remedies sought (check all that apply): a[__] monetary _b. [XY nonmonetary; declaratory or injunctive relief _. [_]punitive . Number of causes of action (specify: See attaghed mandate for all grounds. This case [_Jis Lglisnot aclass action Se yeSTED FUNDAMENTAL nreanr* to civil: trial If there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related cas vate -fdo~15 Ivan Von Staich AARwW ‘ou.may use form CI (TYPE OR PRINT NAMED IATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY) NOTICE « Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Institutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3:220.) Failure to file may result in sanctions. * File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. ° If this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the California Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding. * Unless this is a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes only. Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of Caktorma. (CM-010 (Rev. July 1. 2007} CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ‘Cal Rules of Court, rules 2 30, 3.220, 3.400-3.403, 3.740, Cal Standards of Judicial Administration, std. 3.10 www ee 138 Cal.App.4t m0 Jaw under }CIYIL LITIGATION’Co ea tN DN ke BR YD Yb NR YP YB NY NN ND Dm ee oe on naan kk BW NY &e SC Oo OI DH Rk BY YY S& CS yr Court San Francisco County Superio: Ivan Von Staich CDC&R No. E-10079 California Men's Colony-East SEP 2.9 2015 P.O.Box 8101 (AQ:2148) San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93409-8101 (Petitioner In Propria Persona) By: THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO zat : — care wo. CPF-15-514509 2 ) PETITION FOR WRITS .OF AMINISIRATIVE } MANDATE AND PROHIBITION; FILED ) ) Ivan Von Staich, Petitioner, AGAINST THE GOVERNOR EDMUND G. BROWN, WHO EXTENDED PETITIONER'S STAY } IN PRISON BASED ON GOVERNOR'S _) OWN (MDO) DANGER FINDING; REQUEST Governor Edmund G. Brown, ) For. JURY TRIAL UNDER PENAL CODE ) §2966, Subds, (a)&(b);- REQUEST FOR Respondent. __ ) DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELU: ) MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT HEREOF TO THE HONORABLE PRESIDING JUDGE OF THE ABOVE ENTITLED COURT, AND RESPONDENT'S ATTORNEY, Piease Take Notice: *_* SCIVIL MANDATE ONLY, ROT CRIMINAL* * * PETITION FOR WRIT OF ADMINISTRATIVE MANDATE FILED PURSUANT TO CCP §§1094.5, 1094.6, 90 DAYS TO SERVE PARTY WITH VERIFIED COPY OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING BEING HELD BY GOVERNOR ON FEBRUARY 10, 2012 QUALIFYING PETITIONER IS A (MDO) DANGER TO THE PUBLIC IF RELEASED ON PAROLE AT THE END OF MAXIMUM TERM vs. Petitioner Ivan Von Staich, CDC&R No. E-10079, files this Petition for Writ of Administrative Mandate, pursuant to CCP §§1094.5, 1094.6, subds. (a), (b) and (f). Petitioner positively asserts he was not properly served by the Governor/Respondent with a verified copy of his alleged February 10, 2012 written administrative hearing decision. “the ’ sovernor is mandated by law pursuant to CCP §1094.6, subds. (a), (b) and (f), to serve this Petitioner with a verified copy of his February 10, 2012 written administrative parole hearing report. The Governor was Page-1-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition ¥n. *7 Petitioner positively asserts there are no appeals allowed to challenge the Governor's (MDO) danger finding, see Exhibit “F," no BPH or Governor (MP0) danger findings can be appealed. Therefore, Petitioner request for (M0) danger finding challenge is presented to this Court in accordance with Penal Code §2966, subds. (a) & (b), authorizing Court trial to (0) Conser findtage eS FUNDAMENTAL RICH" SE fastert (MP0) danger evaluation process.Co me KY DUN ek WD NY = _ oe u n B 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 required to inform this Petitioner that he only had 90 days to file a administrative mandate petition challenging the Governor's administrative decision dated February 10, 2012. Because the Governor DID NOT properly serve his 2012 decision with a verified cover letter informing Petitioner of his 90 days to challenge his written decision, the Governor has waived his right to invoke the 90 day time requirement. See Herman vy. Los les County Me’ litan -Tr. tion Authorit: (1999) 71 Cal.App.4th 819, 822 fn. 1. Petitioner also alleges in this Administrative mandate that the Governor used older information from a 2010 psychological report to find Petitioner as a (MDO) danger to the community, when there was a newer psychological report rendered by CDC&R employed Forensic Expert Dr. Melvin Macomber, which does not find any (MDO) danger, if released into the. community. (See Exhibit "a" for reference to Dr. Macomber's 2011 psychological report.) Petitioner additionally alleges the older 2010 psychological report was illegally written by BPH(FAD) personally hired psychologist Richard Atwood, and that he illegally obtained. his report when the Office of Administrative Law (hereto after "OAL") had not approved the use of BPH(FAD) psychology testing in 2010. (See definitive proof that "OAL" had not approved BPH(FAD) psychology testing in 2010, as Exhibit "B," attached hereto.) me 1/ Petitioner additionally alleges in this verified petition, that the Governor had no legal authority in 2012 to find his own made-up (MDO) danger to the community, as if, Petitioner Page-2-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition Th. “17 Petitioner positively asserts P.C, §5068 exclusively authorizes the CDC&R Director to obtain the psychological report, not BPH(FAD) in 2010.Co eo ND AH ke RD Dee mmm mt suffered from a mental illness, when there is no mental iliness finding. MDO is the acronym for “Mentally Disordered Offender,” and this determination under Penal Code §2962 (a), used to designate MDO status to this Petitioner, who ‘has never been diagnosed by two separate CDC&R psychologists as suffering from a “mental disorder.” Therefore, the Governor has no legal authority to extend this Petitioner's incarceration after being found suitable for parole release on September 14, 2011, during his regular scheduled parole suitability hearing. (See Exhibit "Cc" for reference to September 14, 2011 parole grant, which was subsequently upheld by BPH Top Officials in Sacramento on July 30, 2012.) Petitioner asserts throughout this petition that his “vested Fundamental Rights” have been violated by the Governor Edmund G. Brown, who has failed to Properly serve Petitioner with a written verified copy of his 2012 administrative hearing report, which would have notified Petitioner he had 90 days under §1094.6 (a) to challenge his February 10, 2012 administrative decision. This mandate is filed pursuant to ccpP §§1094.5, 1090.6, subds. (a), (b) and (f£); and the statutory requirements under Penal Code §2962, subd. (b). RELIEF REQUESTED IN THIS ADMINISTRATIVE MANDATE WHEREFORE, Petitioner request the following declaratory and injunctive relief: See fh. *2/belov 1. This Court issue declaratory and injunctive relief against the Governor Edmund G. Brown, who has failed to comply with the statutory provisions of Cal. Code of Civ. Proc. §1094.6, Page-3-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition Fn, *2/ Petitioner also request enforcement of treatment, if this Quxt finds he - still retains any dager in acconaee with ve Cart (2009) 173 Cal.App.4th 266, 272-273 ("Offenders oowicted of certain exmerated crines to their “hental disaters” to receive mntal health treatment "DUR IN @ ad aie te tenmination of their parole util their [aleged) mental disorder can be kept in renissim ani they no lomer pose a darer to sxciety.") (Citing Ih re Qed (2004) 32 CaLdth 1, at p 9.)Co eA ND nH ke WB NY bv N NY NY NY NN NN OY Oe Se SO SEO ROR Se ont nA un kk YB N KF OS Oo Be AND DH FF WB NY KF CS subds. (a), (b) and (f), when the Governor failed to send this Petitioner Ivan Von Staich a verified copy of his February 10, 2012 administrative decision report, informing Petitioner in a cover letter that he only had 90 days to file this petition. Therefore, this Court issue injunctive and declaratory relief against the Respondent Governor Brown’s 2012 unverified administrative decision written report, and this Court order's the Governor's unverified 2012 written report void and unenforceable; and Court further order's the Governor's 2012 report to be stricken from Petitioner Ivan Von Staich‘s C-file records under CDC&R prison No. E-10079, 2. This Court issue declaratory and injunctive relief against the Governor Edmund G. Brown, who made-up his own (MDO) danger to the community, based on an older 2010 BPH(FAD) psychological report, illegally written and obtained when the “Office of Administrative Law" ("OAL") Officials in Sacramento, had not approved BPH(FAD) psychology testing in the year 2010, therefore, this Court further orders that the BPH(FAD) psychological report written illegally in 2010, be stricken from Petitioner Ivan Von Staich!s entire CDC&R C-file record under CDC&R No. E-10079. 3. This Court issue order under Penal Code §2966, (a)&(b) that the Governor provide this Court with two separate psychologists who definitively assert Petitioner Ivan Von Staich is suffering from a “mental disorder" that is causing his current danger to the community, and if, the Governor does not provide such evidence, this Court order Petitioner's September 14, 2011 parole Fn, ** grant reinstated. ! Page-4-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition Fn. **/ Petitioner positively asserts there is no appeals system for inmates to challenge © definitively assert appeals requesting MDO danger evaluation hearings by the Chief BPH psychologist. See Code of Regs. tit. 15, §2240, subd. (d) {no inmate appeals or request for MDO danger hearings allow]. Id.eo OND en he WD YY = yb YP NM NR KR YD Be Be ee ee oe Be oe BNRRRBREREBSE SCS DTRAREBEKRE S 4. This Court issue order against the Governor Edmund G. Brown for deliberately breaching Petitioner's ongoing May 30, 1986 “Court Order" striking Petitioner's entire juvenile record from the Governor's administrative parole review hearing process. The Governor in his February 10, 2012 administrative report relied heavily upon the “Court Ordered” stricken juvenile record to form his "MDO" danger finding. Therefore, this Court further order’s the Governor to not consider any juvenile record alleged to be true, when in fact, was previously ordered stricken from Petitioner"s CDC&R records on May 30, 1986, in the Orange County Superior Court. (See Exhibit “D” for reference to Court Order striking Petitioner's entire juvenile record from his current adult prison record, therefore, this Court issues declaratory and injunctive relief striking the Governor's entire 2012 administrative hearing report from Petitioner's CDC&R C-file Fn, ***/ records.) 5. This Court issue order under the new California Supreme Court citation, citing In re Gary W. (1971) 5 Cal.3d 296, authorizing “jury trial” for any civil or criminal incarcerated person at the end of his sentence, who"s incarceration is being extended based on a danger finding, which must be supported by two independent CDC&R psychologists, both finding evidence the incarcerated individual is mentaiiy 111. See People v. Blackburn, Tuesday, August 16, 2015, DJDAR 9457, at p. 9459.See P.C.§2962(b). 6. This Court issued declaratory and injunctive relief against the Governor's 2012 administrative hearing report, where the Governor placed “Court Ordered" stricken jury trial acquittal Page-5-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition Fn, ***/ Petitioner additionally request injunctive and declaratory relief under BPH Executive Jennifer Shaffer's new Administrative Directive No,2014- 05, which limits the evidence submitted by the prosecutor, which can ONLY be submitted to the BPH Commissioners conducting the parole hearing, and CANNOT be submitted to the Governor, as done in this case. Violates P.C, §§3043, (b)(1), (c), 3043.2, 3043.5, 3046, see exhibit "I" for reference.Co et DA ke BW NR yb NY NY Be NN NRO mmm mm ont nun kk YW Ne KF SO Or DAH RR YB NY —& CO information into his 2012 administrative report, based on an alleged arson charge, which Petitioner was previously acquitted in the Riverside Superior Court in 1977. (See Exhibit "E“ for reference to Petitioner's entire adult criminal record, which definitively reveals Petitioner was acquitted of committing an alleged arson charge in 1977.); authority -relied .on-by Court is Wenke, Idus., Commercial Residential Inc. .v, - Superior Court (2012) 209 Cal.App.4th 1151, 1163-1164 (holding that state officials are restricted from relying on acquittal information information in any degree what so ever.); see also In _ re Rosenkrantz (2000) 80 Cal.App.4th 409, 425 ( pursuant to "CCR §2326 [‘criminal charges not resulting in conviction (charges which resulted in a acquittal or dismissal for any reason shall not effect the parole date'].)" (Ibid., emphasis added.) 6. This Court issue any and ali additional relief the Court deems appropriate under the grounds for relief set forth within this administrative mandate petition, including the authority set forth in Alvarez v, Superior Court (2010) 183 Cal.App.4th 969, 983 ("An order made in one department during the progress of a cause can neither be ignored nor overlooked in another Gepartment.") (Ibid., emphasis added.) This Court should not overlook Petitioner"s ongoing sentencing hearing May 30, 1986 “Court Order" striking Petitioner's entire juvenile record from his current CDC&R prison records. VENUE OF MANDATE IS PROPERLY FILED IN THIS SAN FRANCISCO SUPERIOR COURT. Petitioner asserts the law governing venue of mandate filings in California is set forth within State -Bd. of Page~6-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionEqualization v. Superior Court (2006) 138 Cal.App.4th 951, 957 ("In determining the Legislature intent, we may also be guided by the use of identical language in another statute. (Quarterman v. Kefauver (1997) 55 Cal.App.4th 1366, 1371 [64 Cal.Rptr.2d 741}.) Code of Civil Procedure section 401 provides that whenever an action involving the state is required by law to be commenced in removed to County of Sacramento, it may be commenced in or fried in any city or city and county of this State in which the Attorney General has an office. As one commentator has noted, section 401 was enacted to alleviate the hardship on litigants created by the exclusive venue in Sacramento, and that, when this statute applies, the proper venue is Sacramento, San Francisco or Los Angeles (cities and counties which the Attorney General currently has an office.) (3 Witkins Cal. Procedure (4th ed 1997) Actions, §780, p. 966; see also Weil & Brown, Cal. Practice Guide: Civil Procedure Before Trial (The Rutter Group 1997) #:541.) Case law has interpreted section 401 in the same manner. Regents of University of California v. Superior Court (Cal.1970) 3 Cal.3d 529, 535, and fn. 4 [91 Cal.Rptr. 57, 476 P.2d 457] [actions under §401 may be brought in Sacramento, San_ Francisco, Los Angeles, and Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (1961) 197 Cal.App.2d 759, 762-763 [18 Cal.Rptr. 151) (Harris).) Thus, the identical language of section 401 has been interpreted to include only the Attorney General's law office.") (Ibid., emphasis added.) WHEREFORE, venue in this San Francisco Superior Court is proper. Petitioner positively maintains the Attorney General Page-7-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo ONY KD nA ek. !B NY = Ny NR NY NO NY NR NR NR mm meme on Dna F&F WD Ne &§ SS 6 MPN DH k® WB NY & CS has /holds a staffed law office within the county and city of San Francisco, which authorizes this administrative mandate to be filed in this Court. I. Authorities In Support of the Declaratory and Injunctive relief requested in this administrative petition pursuant to CCP §§1060, 1094.5, 1094.6. Also, Penal Code §2966, subds. (a) & (b), require proof Petitioner is suffering from a_ mental disorder, after being ordered released by the 2011 BPH Commissioners. II. This Court take judicial notice of the new California Supreme Court citation under Evidence Code §452 (a), published as People v. Blackburn, Tuesday, August 16, 2015, DJDAR 9457, at p. iS53 ("In re Gary W. (1971) 5 Cal.3d 296, a case involving the extension of confi t of a minor ward of the California Youth Asthorfer we observed that the right to a jury trial in an action which may lead to involuntary confinement is fundamental" "Tha: at p. 306) and hasized that when individual are threatened with involuntary confinement, [the right to a jury trial is] equally important whether the threat of confinement originates in a civil action “or a criminal prosecution’ « at p. 307). (Ibid., emphasis a Petitioner positively asserts he is entitled to a jury trial based on the Governor"s 2012 administrative report finding Petitioner as a (MDO) danger to the community, and used this (MDO) danger to extend Petitioner's incarceration forever under his own unsupported (MDO) danger to the community finding. See Penal Code §2962, subd. (b), requiring .... two CDC&R psychologist to support the Governor's (MDO) danger finding Fn, ****/ during a jury trial process. III, The Governor's 2012 (MDO) Danger Finding Must Be Supported By An Underlining "Mental Illness" In According With The United States Supreme Court In Foucha-v, -Louisiana (U.S.1992) 504 U.S. 71, 82-83 Petitioner is currently being held past his maximum term activated after he was found suitable for parole release on Page-8-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition Th. ****7 See Penal Code §2966, Subd. (a) ("A prisoner may request a hearing before the Board of Prison Terms, and the board shall conduct a hearing, if so requested.") (Ibid.); see also §2966, subd. (b) ("A prisoner who disagrees with the determination of the Board of Prison Terms that he or she meets the criteria of Section 2962, may file in the superior court.") (Ibid., emphasis added in relevant part.)Co Oe Yt DH eke BR Re = _ o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 September 14, 2011, which under In re Rodriquez (Cal.1975) 14 Cal.3d 639, 646-652, requires a separate maximum primary term to be set by the BPH Commissioners. Petitioner maximum primary term was set for May 11, 2007, which was overrode by the Governor’s 2012 (MDO) danger finding. The Governor cannot support his (MDO) danger finding with a underlining "mental iliness" diagnoses. See Foucha, supra, 504 U.S. at pp. 82-83 ("Herein, in contrast, the State asserts because Foucha once committed a criminal act and now has an antisocial . personality that sometimes leads to aggressive conduct, a disorder for which there is no effective treatment, he ‘may be held indefinitely. This rationale would permit the State to hold indefinitely any other insanity acquittee not mentally 111 who could be shown to have a personality disorder that may lead to criminal conduct. The same would be true of any convicted criminal, even though he has completed his prison term. It would also be only a step away from substituting confinement for dangerousness for our present system which, with only narrow exceptions and aside from permissible confinement for mental iliness, incarcerates only those who are proved beyond reasonable doubt to have violated a criminal law.") (Ibid., emphasis added.) Foucha additionally states at page 80: ("The State may also confine mentally 111 person if it shows “by clear and convincing evidence that the individual is mentally i111 and Gangerous," Jones v. United States, (1983) 463 U.S. 354, at Pp. 362, 77 L.Ed.2d 694, 103 S.Ct. 3043. Here, the State has not carried that burden; indeed, the State does not claim that Page-9-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionFoucha is now mentally 112.") (Ibid., emphasis added.) Here, as in Foucha, the Governor has no evidence Petitioner is “mentally 111," which is causing current danger, or does the have two CDC&R psychologists statesents to support his (DO) danger finding, set forth in his administrative 2012 unverified report. Petitioner's federal constitutional due process rights have been violated by the Governor's unsupported (MDO) danger finding, used to extend Petitioner's release on his maximum term of confinement under the sentencing scheme for his 1983 one count second degree murderers, as set set forth in People Wz Scott (1984) 150 Cal.App.4th 910, 919 (holding that Rodriquez is still the sentencing scheme for all indeterminately sentenced Prisoners in 1984.) Id. Petitioner was arrested in 1983, therefore, the Governor cannot use his unsupported (MDO) danger finding to override Petitioner's maximum term of confinement from the year 1983, A. Ground One. Petitioner Positively Asserts The Governor Has Never Properly Served Him With A Verified Copy Of His Administrative Quasi-Judicial Parole Grant Review Report, With A Cover Letter Informing Petitioner He Only Has 90 Days To Challenge His Administrative Decision, Which Is Mandatory Under CCP §1094.6 Subds. (a), (b)&(f) Petitioner positively asserts the Governor has never properly served Petitioner with a copy of his 2012 administrative parole review report, as required under CCP §1094.6 (a), which must be served with a cover letter informing Petitioner he only has 90 days to file any challenge this Superior Court. See Herman v. les County Me’ litan Trans) tion Authorit: (1999) 71 Cal.App.4th 819, 822 fn 1 ("The Court of Appeal held Page-10-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibitionthat the [CCP] §1094.6 limitations period applies only if the xequired notice is served on the party, and that service on the party's lawyer does not trigger the 90-day period.") (Ibid., emphasis added.); see also Donnellan v. City-of Novato (2001) 86 Cal.App.4th 1097, 1102 ("the limitation provision of section 1094.6 does not begin to run until the subdivision (f) notice is given.") (Ibid., citing El Dorado Palm Springs, Ltd. v. Rent Review Com. (1991) 230 Cal.App.3d 335, 345, Cummings v. City of Vernon (1989) 214 Cal.App.3d 919, 922.) Therefore, because the Governor has never served Petitioner with a verified cover letter informing him he only had 90 days to file this petition against his 2012 administrative written decision, the time to commence this petition has been waived by the Respondent/Governor. See El Dorado-Palm Spring, supra, 230 Cal.App.3d at p. 344 ("In light of the background of the statute we conclude the Legislature intended the (90 day) period to run from the date of giving notice.") (Ibid., citing Hittle v. Santa Barbara County Employees Retirement Assn. (Cal.1985) 39 Cal.3d 347, 386-387.) These citation effectively affirm that 90 day period to file a challenge to any administrative decision does not begin until proper service has been completed, which never occurred in this case. B. Ground Two. The Governor Edmund G,. Brown Is Required To Serve His 2012 Administrative written Report With A Verification, Which Has Never Occurred In This Case Petitioner positively asserts the Governor was required pursuant to CCP §1094.6 (a), to serve Petitioner with a verification under oath, attesting to the contents of his Page~11-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibitionoe ND en ek WB Nm YP NR YY NR BW NR NR KR Dw mm mm Corn Dn ks HD NY = Ss Oo Os DUH FF BW NH = S&S February 10, 2012 written administrative report, and that the information within his report is true and correct. See Donnellan v._ City of Novate (2001) 86 Cal.App.4th 1097, 1102 ("Section 1094.6 (b) requires that, when a local agency mails its written decision to the party seeking the writ, such mailing must include a written statement verified by oath or affirmation, or a written statement attesting to the date the dcisim was mailed to the party by first class mail, postage prepaid. Only such verified or testimonial statement meets the requirements of §1094.6.") (Ibid., emphasis added.) In this case, the Governor issued his administrative parole grant review report on February 10, 2012, however, Petitioner waS never properly serviced with any written document under oath or verification, regarding the date and contents of the Governor's administrative decision report. See Donnellan, supra, 86 Cal.App.4th at p. 1102 ("It has also been noted that statutes of limitations are technical defenses which should be strictly construed to avoid the forfeiture of person's rights. Such statutes are obstacles to just claims, and courts may not indulge in strained constructions to apply the statutes to facts of a particular case.") (Ibid., citing Steketee v. Lintz, Williams & Rothberg (Cal.1985) 38 Cal.3d 46, 56; Herman v. Los Angeles Co. Metro. Trans. Authorities (1999) 71 Cal.App.4th 819, 826- 827.) Therefore, the Governor has deliberately violated §1094.6, which is mandatory statutory provision. See also People v. Bryant (2011) 191 Cal.App.4th 1457, 1470 fn. 4 (holding that all legal Page-12-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibitionoo GB Yt DH &®— BW NY = yy BPN NY NN ND eas BRRKKFREBORERERSERAAREBH TS documents submitted to the Legislature or a state court must be verified under oath pursuant to CCP §2015.5.) Id. The Governor's Pebruary 10, 2012 administrative decision is not verified and must be disregarded as rubbish. C, The Governor's 2012 Administrative Decision Makes An Unsupported Finding That Petitioner Is A Current Danger To The Community As An MDO Finding Under Penal Code §2962 (b), Thereby, Stopping Petitioner's Release From Prison On His Maximum Term Of Confinement, Set Only After The September 14, 2011 Board Commissioners Found Petitioner Suitable For Parole Release, Which, Activated The Separate Setting Of Petitioner's Maximum Term Of Confinement Under The Sentencing Laws Governing Petitioner's One Count Second Degree Murder Sentence Petitioner positively asserts the Governor has made an independent finding that Petitioner is currently a danger to the community, as if, the Governor had the required evidence to support his absurd finding of danger, when Petitioner is not suffering from any "mental disorder,” which must be supported by two CDC&R psychologists under Penal Code §2962, subd. (b). See People v, Buffington (1999) 74 Cal.App.4th 1149, 1154-1155: ("A due process challenge similar to Buffinton's but concerning the Mentally Disordered Sex Offender (MDSO) Act (Former §6300-6330) was made in People v. Martin (1980) 170 Cal.App.3d 714 [165 Cal.Rptr. 773] (Martin), Martin rejected that chall » explaining: ‘Appellate also argues that the prediction that a person may in the future engage in conduct dangerous to others is not sufficiently reliable [as required the due process clause] to justify deprivation of liberty. We eomnizs that liberty is a funtedentat interest, and that, under the Present state of the art, experts cannot predict with certainty whether persons will engage in dangerous conduct. Yet, we also recognize that persons subject to recommitment hearings pursuant to [the MDO Act] have previously committed one, or more sexual offenses. . . . Further, such persons cannot be recommitted unless they are shown to still have a “mental disorder" which predisposes them to commit sexual offenses. +. . We believe that a trier of fact can make reasonable assessments, based upon the evidence, whether previous offender currently present a high risk of serious harm to others by reason of their continuing “mental disorder" Appellant's fundamental liberty vas adequately protected by requiring that the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt be utilized in establishing whether the person presents such risk. The compelling interest in protecting society against sexually Page-13-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo OB Nt DH ek. BW YD = _ o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 motivated injury and in providing beneficial treatment for such disordered persons should Bot be sacrified by requiring a certainty of prediction which is currently impossible to attain.") (Ibid., emphasis added, citing 107 Cal.3d at pp. 724725, citations omitted.) Buff: goes on to state at p. 1157: ("Under the MDO Act, the relevant term is "severe mental disorder." By reason of the "severe mental disorder" the person committed under the MDO Act must represent a “substantial of physical harm to others." (Pen. Code §2962, subd. (d)(1).) term "severe mental disorder" is defined as “an illness or disease or condition that substantially impairs the person's » Perception of reality, emotional process, or judgment; or which grossly impairs behavior; or that demonstrates evidence of an acute brain syndrome for which prompt remission, in the absence of treatment, is unlikely. (Pen. Code, §2962, subd. (a).)" “Severe mental sorder’ does not include "a personality or adjustment disorder.") (Ibid., emphasis added. ) Buffington goes on to state at page 1157: ("The definitions of "mental disorder" an “mental defect" in California involuntary commitment schemes noted above, including, che | SVPA, qu similarly encompass a current "mental condition that renders a person dangerous beyond his or her control. Thus SVP’s are treated siailariy for these purposes of the law.") (Ibid., emphasis added. Petitioner assert herein, the Governor within his February 10, 2012 administrative decision report, madeup his own (MDO) _danger, without any current psychological evaluation evidence ——_——_ supporting his current danger finding, which the Governor used as the sole basis to stop Petitioner's release on parole, previously granted by the September 14, 2011 Board Commissioners, who found absolutely no danger of any kind. The Governor has effectively extended Petitioner's maximum term of confinement set under the sentencing scheme for his 1983 second degree murder, as set forth in People v. Scott (1984) 150 Cal.App.3d 910, 919 (holding that In re Rodriguez (Cal.1975) 14 Cal.3d 639, 646-652 is still the sentencing scheme in 1984, after Petitioner's 1983 arrest and conviction.) Id. Page-14-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo Ot DH Rh RH BY NNN mei The Governor in his unverified February 10, 2012 administrative written decision, found his own danger, and used that unsupported danger finding to extend Petitioner's incarceration for the rest of his life, and you consider Petitioner has now served nearly 32 years of straight incarceration, has Ro disciplinary reports for violence the entire 32 years. The Governor cannot extend this Petitioner's incarceration forever when the Governor has Ro diagnoses by any two psychologists from the CDC&R stating Petitioner suffers from a "mental disorder,” which is causing his current danger. D. Ground Four. The Governor Violated Petitioner's “Vested Fundamenta ght" Under Equal Protection Clause, To Be Afforded The Same Danger To The Community Rights, As Those Afforded Under The MDO Act, And The MDSO Act, Under California Law Petitioner asserts under his "vested fundamental right" as set forth in Mardesich v. Cal. Youthful Offender Parole Board (1999) 69 Cal.App.4th 1361, 1367 ("a full and the independent judicial review of that decision is indicated because the abrogation of the right is too important to the individual to relegate it to exclusive administrative extinction.") (Ibid.) See Buffington, supra, 74 Cal.App.4th at Pp. 1158 ("Equal protection requires that where persons committed under two schemes are similarly situated for purposes of the law, they be similarly treated. As we have seen, persons committed under the SVPA and the MDO scheme (as well as other similar California civil commitment schemes) are similarly situated for purposes of defining the triggering mental disorder; these persons are similarly treated because the trigging mental disorder is defined Page-15-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo fe TY DN ke RH N = RP NM NN YD Be ee ee oe oe ee RRPEBREBSERARREBEHE ES 27 28 as a current and recognized mental condition render in those committed dangerous beyond their control.") (See Exhibit "E" for reference to newest BPH(FAD) Forensic Expert's 2012 report, render by Dr. Thacker.) Dr. Thacker's 2012 report does not find any mental disorder, which is absolutely required in order for the Governor to extend this Petitioner past his maximum primary base term, ... which ended on May 11, 2007. The Governor has no legal authority to disregard CDC&R Forensic Expert Dr. Melvin Macomber's 2011 future risk assessment report, which does not shown any diagnoses with any type of required mental disorder. Therefore, Petitioner's equal protection rights afforded all other MDO Act or MDSO Act offenders, who have reached the end of their state prison sentence, and must be found by two psychologists to suffer from a underlining “mental disorder,” be equally applied to this parole grant and suitable for parole vreleased prisoner, who's release was stopped by the Governor based on “current danger," without any required "mental disorder." Petitioner is entitle to a jury trial under P.C.§2966. E. Ground Five. Petitioner Holds A "Vested Fundamental Right" That The Governor Would Be Forced Under Equal Protections Laws Pursuant To Penal Code §2962, (b), And The Standardized Psychological Future Danger Test Instrument Known Under The Acronym PCL-R, Which Is Equally Used During All MDO-Act And MDSO-Act Future Risk Assessment Evaluating Psychologists, And You Consider, Two CDC&R Psychologists Under Penal Code §2962, (b) Used The Same PCL-R Test As Used Upon All MDO, Or MDSO Commitments, Revealing A Pattern By All Psychologists To Used The Same Tests Under Equal Protection Of Each Individual Commitment, Civil Or Criminal, Being Tested Petitioner positively asserts the same PCL-R testing is used under “equal protection rights," by all psychologists, whether they are evaluating an inmate under the MDO Act, or Page-16-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo eo Nt DHA ke Ye YY N mm meme ‘the MDSO Act. The PCL-R is also used the sane by all CDC&R or BPH(FAD) psychologists.’ See Garcetti v. Superior Court (2000) 85 Cal.App.4th 508, 524 ("In the California Courts, the PCL- R is a commonly used psychological test to determine future danger exclusively for "Mentally Disturbed Sex Offenders.") (Id.) Petitioner asserts if the same PCL-R psychological test is used during all Penal Code §2962 (b) evaluations, than, obviously, this PCL-R testing would equally apply to the Governor's psychological current mental disorder, causing the underlining danger, used by the Governor in this case to extend Petitioner's confinement in state prison based solely on the Present danger finding, (See Exhibit “F” for no "BPH" appeals allowed. ) E. Ground Six. Petitioner Asserts The Governor In His February 10, Administrative Parole Grant Danger Review Report, Relied Upon An Older 2010 Psychological Report Written Illegally By BPH(FAD) Psychologist Richard Atwood, When The "OAL" Official Had Not Approved BPH(FAD) Future Danger Reports To Be Generated By BPH(FAD) Officials In 2010 Petitioner positively asserts the Governor had no legal authority to consider and accept the written danger report issued by BPH(FAD) underground reporting psychologist Richard Atwood. (See Exhibit "B" for reference to Governor's 2012 unverified report.) Because the "OAL" Top Officials had not approved BPH( FAD) psychology in 2010, when Dr. Atwood issued his danger report in this case, the Governor had no legal authority to consider that danger report, and should have only consider CDC&R employed Forensic Expert Dr. Melvin Macomber later written 2011 report, as attached hereto for reference. The 2010 unauthorized and illegally written report by Dr. Atwood should not be considered by the Governor, and violates several areas of the Page-17~Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibitionoo Ont DAH ke HD NH = MP YPN NR ND Be ee aa BXRKREBKRRESEVRFDWABRERES administrative law required procedures under the "APA." See Capen _v. Shewry (2007) 155 Cal.App.4th 738, 746 ("If a policy or procedure falls within the definition of the APA, the promulgating agency must comply with the procedures for formalizing such regulation.") (Ibid., emphasis added.); see also Naturist Action Committee v. California State Dept. of Parks & Recretion (2009) 175 Cal.App.4th 1244, 1250 ("If an agency adopts a regulation without complying with the “APA” requirements it is deemed an ‘underground regulation’ (Cal. Code Regs. tit. 1, §250) and is invalid.”) (Ibid., emphasis added, citing Modesto City Schools v. Education Audits Appeal Panel (2004) 123 Cal.App.4th 1365, 1381.); and see Kings Rehabilitation Center, Inc. v. Premo (1999) 69 Cal.App.4th 215, 217 ("Failure to comply with the "APA" nullifies the rule.") (Ibid. ) Bottom line, the Governor had no legal authority to consider and exclusively use the 2010 illegally written underground report from BPH(FAD) psychologist Dr. Atwood. This is due based on the very relevant fact, the "OAL" Top Officials had Rot approved BPH(FAD) psychology testing in the year 2010. (See attached exhibit for reference to May 5, 2011 order by "OAL" Top Officials disapproval of BPH(FAD) testing in 2010.); see also M.B._ex rel Bern v. Hamilton Southeastern Schools (7th Cir.2011) 668 F.3d 851, 862 ("Second, this court has expressed the view that it is inappropriate to defer to the opinion of a single psychologist, particularly where that opinion is in conflict Page~18-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibitionoe AND KH ke BR Ne _ o 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 with the opinion of “teachers and other professionals.") (Ibid. ) CDC&R Forensic Expert Dr. Melvin Macomber's newer 2011 future danger report conflicts with the older illegally written report by Dr. Atwood, also the newer 2012 BPH(FAD) future danger report written by Forensic Expect Dr. Thacker conflicts with the older 2010 report written by Dr. Atwood. THEREFORE, Dr. Atwood's illegally written 2010 report, rendered when "OAL" officials had not approved BPH(FAD) testing must be ordered redacted from all CDC&R records under Petitioner's name and prison number. E-10079,. F. Ground Seven. Petitioner Positively Asserts The Governor's 2010 Report Relies On “Court Ordered" Stricken Juvenile Records From Over 40 Years In The Past, Used As A Basis To Form A Pattern Of Threatening Behavior Allegedly Committed By This Petitioner, When Under Welfare & Institution Code §5300.5, Subd. (c), A Pattern Of Threatening Behavior Can Only Be Conducted Based On The Inmates Records From Six Years In The Past Petitioner positively asserts the Governor used “Court Ordered” stricken juvenile records that are now over 40 years in the past. The Governor used these "Court Ordered" stricken juvenile records to form a pattern of threatening behavior, which is not allowed under Welfare & Institution Code, §5300.5, Subd. (c). See Im re Qawi (Cal.2004) 32 Cal.4th 1, 20 ("psychologists in the State of California who are accessing a person's “current danger" can only go back six (6) years in order to find a pattern of threatening behavior.") Id. Bottom line, the Governor had no legal authority to utilize a.40 plus year old juvenile record to form the basis of his alleged pattern of ongoing present violence. G. Ground Eight. Petitioner Positively Asserts He Holds A "Vested Fundssental tight" That The Governor Would Strictly Follow The Parole Grant Danger Evidence Review Laws, As Set Forth In In Page-19-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo BND mH & WwW N = BND re Shaputis (Cal.2011) 53 Cal.4th 192, 211 Petitioner asserts the Governor's 2012 administrative decision finding "current danger" based on an older negative illegally written underground psychological report, violates the psychological evidence requirement set forth in Sha utis, supra, 53 Cal.4th at p. 211 ("Board or the Governor Bust completely disregard older negative psychological reports, when there is a newer report within the prisoner's parole C-file records.") (Id., citing In re Aguilar (2008) 168 Cal. App.4th 1479, 1490.) Bottom line, the Governor had no legal authority to disregard the newer CDC&R employed psychologist’s 2011 report, for the older 2010 report, which was illegally written without the proper approval by "OAL" officials. H. Petitioner Exclusively Requests Declaratory Relief Under The Declaratory Judgment Act, CCP §§1060, 1061 Petitioner specifically pleas for relief under the Declaratory Judgment Act, CCP §1060, as set forth in Baxter Healthcare Corp. v. Denton (2004) 120 Cal.App.4th 333, 359-360 ("Code of Civil Procedure, section 1060 provides in pertinent part: * Any person . . . who desire a declaration of his rights or duties with respect to another .. . may, in cases of actual controversy relating to the rights and duties of the respective parties, bring an original action . . . in the superior court for declaration of his rights or duties, either along or with other relief; and the court may make a binding declaration of these rights or duties, whether or not further relief is or Page-20-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo et DH ee eRe Re _ o 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 could be claimed at that time.") (Ibid., emphasis added.); see also Wilson & Wilson v., City Counsel of Redwood City (2011) 191 Cal.App.4th 1559, 1582 (all that is required to prevail on declaratory relief claim is two elements: (1) a proper subject of declaratory relief, and (2) an actual controversy involving justifiable questions relating to Petitioner's rights or obligations.") (Ibid., emphasis added.) I. Petitioner Likewise Asserts He Is Entitled To Injunctive For Several Relevant Reasons, Such As, He Previously Prevailed When He Was Granted The Sentencing Hearing "Court Order” Striking His Entire Juvenile Record From His Current Parole Grant Governor's Review Process Petitioner also request injunctive relief based on the granting of his May 30, 1986 “Court Order” striking his entire juvenile records from his current CDC&R adult Prison and parole hearing review records. The relevant reason for injunctive relief is quite similar, the published California citations mandate that if a party has previously prevailed in a superior court action, he is entitled to injunctive relief on this favorable decisions. See Montrose Chemical Corp. v. American Motorists Ins. Co. (1993) 18 Cal.App.4th 133, 160 ("A permanent injunction is a determination on the merits that a plaintiff has prevailed on the cause of action for or other wrongful act against a defendant and that equitable relief is appropriate.") (Ibid., emphasis added.); accord Art Movers, Inc. v. Ni West, Inc. (1992) 3 Cal.App.4th 640, 646 (same). Petitioner has already prevailed with an ongoing "Court Order" striking his entire juvenile record from the Governor/Respondent's parole grant review C-file, but Page-21-Petition For Writs. Of Administrative Mandate/ProhibitionCo eX Den ® BW NY = Rai has elected to breach this "Court Order," requiring further and stronger enforcement of that original order. Petitioner also asserts, he is entitled to injunctive relief and declaration relief based on several published citations restricting the Governor/Respondent's parole grant review to the same evidence the original Board Commissioners reviewed when they granted this Petitioner's parole release and maxiaua term of confinement. See In re Copley (2011) 196 Cal.App.4th 427, 432 (definitively holding that Governor is restricted to the same evidence as that within the parole grant review file.); see In re Capistran (2008) 107 Cal.App.4th 1299, 1301; In re Gray (2005) 151 Cal.App.4th 379, 402; In re Scott (2005) 151 Cal. App.4th 573, 603; In_re_ Smith (2003) 109 Cal.App.4th 489, 507 (holding that Governor cannot accept letters from the Prosecution containing new evidence Rot within the inmate's parole grant file.) Fal’ the Governor in this case received a letter from the prosecution containing the "Court Ordered" stricken juvenile records which the Governor exclusively relied upon to find Petitioner is a (MDO) danger to the community. (See Exhibit "G" for reference to news paper article definitively showing deputy district attorney Ray Armstrong sent the Governor a letter containing the "Court Ordered" stricken juvenile records.) (See November 28, 2012 BPH Hearing transcripts, where the BPH Commissioner states on page 7 he would not violate the "Court Order," and that the deputy district attorney was admonished with the Board Commissioner's approval, not to send Page-22-Petition For Writs Of Administrative Mandate/Prohibition t ‘or Governor's 2012 report obtained from prison file. See Exhibit ‘or reference to affidavit and declarations from entire Staich household, that juvenile record did not occur 40 years in the past.Co 2B It Dn nH eh YDB YD = ms any more letters containing the "Court Ordered" stricken juvenile Fn. 2/ records, In addition, see also In re Ryner (2011) 196 Cal. App.4th 533, 552 fn. 3 ("In contrast to the Board which has the obligation and ability to take evidence consistent with due Process protections, the Governor cannot create an evidentiary record.") (Ibid., emphasis added.); accord In re McDonald (2010) 189 Cal.App.4th 1008, 1024; In re Twinn (2010) 190 Cal. App.4th 447, 472-473 (same). (See Exhibit "L" for acquittal information. ) Conclusion Based on the foregoing information, on several published citations, on the attached Psychological reports, this Court order the Governor administrative decision danger finding, be overruled. Fiat Justitia, let justice be done. Dated this (May of september 2015, a dee : IVAN VON ST n ‘AICH Petitioner In Pr ia P Page-23-Petition For Writs OE Administrative: Handate/Prohibition VERIFICATION BY IVAN VON STAICH I, Ivan Von Staich, do certify and declare under penalty of perjury that the information within the foregoing petition is true and correct, and presented within the laws of the State of California. Yn This petition was executive on this 1Das of September, 2015, inet city of San Luis Obigpo, State of California. Declarant: Ivan Von Staich limiting all evidence to be sent to the