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ww ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP SHAWN A. WILLIAMS (213113) Post Montgomery Center One Montgomery Street, Suite 1800 San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: 415/288-4545 415/288-4534 (fax) —and — JAMES I. JACONETTE (179565) 655 West Broadway, Suite 1900 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: 619/231-1058 619/231-7423 (fax) Lead Counsel for Plaintiffs ELECTRONICALLY FILED Supertor Court of Calffornia, County of San Francisco 04/10/2017 Clerk of the Court BY:SANDRA SCHIRO Deputy Clerk SCOTT+SCOTT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LLP JOHN T. JASNOCH (281605) 707 Broadway, Suite 1000 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: 619/233-4565 619/233-0508 (fax) SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO In re KING DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT plc) SHAREHOLDER LITIGATION Lead Case No. CGC-15-544770 CLASS ACTION This Document Relates To: ALL ACTIONS. DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES Assigned for All Purposes to the Honorable Curtis E.A. Karnow Date: May 18, 2017 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept. 304 Date Action Filed: 03/17/15 DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES 1244391_1ww I, JAMES I. JACONETTE, declare as follows: 1. Jama member of the firm of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP (“Robbins Geller” or the “Firm”). Iam submitting this declaration in support of my Firm’s application for an award of attorneys’ fees, expenses and charges (“expenses”) in connection with services rendered in the above- entitled action (the “Litigation”). 2. This Firm is counsel for City of Taylor Police and Fire Retirement System and co-lead counsel for plaintiffs and the Class. 3. The information in this declaration regarding the Firm’s time and expenses is taken from time and expense printouts and supporting documentation prepared and/or maintained by the Firm in the ordinary course of business. I am the partner who oversaw and/or conducted the day-to-day activities in the Litigation and I reviewed these printouts (and backup documentation where necessary or appropriate) in connection with the preparation of this declaration. The purpose of this review was to confirm both the accuracy of the entries on the printouts as well as the necessity for, and reasonableness of, the time and expenses committed to the Litigation. Asa result of this review, reductions were made to both time and expenses in the exercise of billing judgment. Based on this review and the adjustments made, I believe that the time reflected in the Firm’s lodestar calculation and the expenses for which payment is sought herein are reasonable and were necessary for the effective and efficient prosecution and resolution of the Litigation. In addition, I believe that these expenses are all of a type that would normally be charged to a fee-paying client in the private legal marketplace. 4, After the reductions referred to above, the number of hours spent on the Litigation by the Firm is 2,980.95. A breakdown of the lodestar is provided in the attached Exhibit A. The lodestar amount for attorney/paraprofessional time based on the Firm’s current rates is $1,537,010.75. The hourly rates shown in Exhibit A are the usual and customary rates set by the Firm for each individual. 5. Attached as Exhibit B is a task-based summary of the work performed and the lodestar incurred by each attorney and professional staff member who performed services in this Litigation. -1- DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES 1244391_1ww 6. The Firm seeks an award of $157,968.95 in expenses and charges in connection with the prosecution of the Litigation. Those expenses and charges are summarized by category in the attached Exhibit C. 7. The following is additional information regarding certain of these expenses: (a) Filing, Witness and Other Fees: $11,275.15. These expenses have been paid to the Court for filing fees and to attorney service firms or individuals who either: (i) served process of the complaint or subpoenas; or (ii) delivered courtesy copies to the Court for plaintiffs. The vendors who were paid for these services are set forth in the attached Exhibit D. (b) Transportation, Hotels & Meals: $12,761.27. In connection with the prosecution of this case, the Firm has paid for travel expenses, among other things, to attend Court hearings, to meet with witnesses, mediators and opposing counsel and to take or defend depositions. The date, destination and purpose of each trip is set forth in the attached Exhibit E. (c) Court Hearing and Deposition Reporting, and Transcripts: $6,598.70. The vendors who were paid for hearing and deposition transcripts are listed in the attached Exhibit F. (d) Experts/Consultants/Investigators: $84,143.85. (i) Tasta Group dba Caliber Advisors, Inc.: $54,150.00. This firm is comprised of economists and Certified Financial Advisers and provided expert services related to the estimation of damages and assessment of materiality in this case. Their work required extensive review and analysis of King Digital Entertainment plce’s U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filings, analyst reports, and trading data, as well as market and industry data. I personally worked with representatives of this firm and oversaw their damages analyses and limited event study work. I also conferred with them in assessing the materiality of statements investigated and alleged as misleading. In addition, this firm reviewed, evaluated, and commented upon and conferred with me regarding damages analyses submitted by defendants in connection with the mediation. (ii) LR. Hodges & Associates, Ltd. (““LRH&A”): $28,948.85. Over a five- month period (February through June 2015) in which LRH&A provided investigative services to Lead Counsel, LRH&A expended 138.1 hours for combined fees of $27,242.50, and incurred related -2- DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES 1244391_1ww expenses of $1,706.35 for a total of $28,948.85. LRH&A’s research staff expended 41.1 hours to research, identify, and confirm the employment status of prospective witnesses, locating all key targets, as well as maintaining and updating an evolving witness list to support other LRH&A investigative members. This also involved research, retrieval and analysis of relevant documents, including SEC filings, media articles, Court filings, as well as other materials related to the case issues. The case manager and interviewing investigators expended a combined 97 hours to research, review and analyze materials in preparation for the investigation; contacting and conducting interviews with targeted third- party witnesses; and thereafter, to prepare comprehensive interview summaries and other case reports. In addition, LRH&A was involved in analyzing key case issues, as well as establishing and executing the joint litigation-investigation plan, and participating in numerous strategy sessions and investigation briefings with Lead Counsel. (iii) Seufert Strategy OU (“Seufert Strategy”): $525.00. In connection with the Firm’s investigation of this case, I retained Seufert Strategy to consult on limited specific aspects of “freemium” gaming models, and the firm performed such services. (iv) Lily Haggerty: $350.00. In addition to LRH&A, Robbins Geller also retained Lily Haggerty to assist in locating potential witnesses. (v) John L. Gaveollo: $170.00. In addition to LRH&A and Lily Haggerty, Robbins Geller retained Mr. Gaveollo to assist in locating potential witnesses. (e) Photocopies: $4,405.70. In connection with this case, the Firm made 19,778 black and white copies. Robbins Geller requests $0.15 per copy for a total of $2,966.70. In addition, the Firm made 2,878 color copies. Robbins Geller requests $0.50 per copy for a total of $1,439.00. Each time an in-house copy machine is used, our billing system requires that a case or administrative billing code be entered and that is how the number of in-house copies were identified as related to the Litigation. (f) Online Legal and Financial Research: $7,478.04. These included vendors such as ALM Media Service, LexisNexis Products, PACER, Thomson Financial and Westlaw. These databases were used to obtain access to SEC filings, factual databases, legal research and for cite-checking of -3- DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES 1244391_1ww briefs. This expense represents the expenses incurred by Robbins Geller for use of these services in connection with this Litigation. The charges for these vendors vary depending upon the type of services requested. For example, Robbins Geller has flat-rate contracts with some of these providers for use of their services. When Robbins Geller utilizes online services provided by a vendor with a flat-rate contract, access to the service is by a billing code entered for the specific case being litigated. At the end of each billing period in which such service is used, Robbins Geller’s costs for such services are allocated to specific cases based on the percentage of use in connection with that specific case in the billing period. As a result of the contracts negotiated by Robbins Geller with certain providers, the Class enjoys substantial savings in comparison with the “market-rate” for a /a carte use of such services which some law firms pass on to their clients. For example, the “market rate” charged to others by LexisNexis for the types of services used by Robbins Geller is more expensive than the rates negotiated by Robbins Geller. (g) Database Management and Hosting: $11,720.24. Robbins Geller requests $11,720.24 for database management and hosting charges related to this Litigation. Because of the number of components that are part of hosting documents (i.e., hardware, software, license/access fees, etc.) and the difficulty of allocating a portion of the cost of each component, some of which are multi- year costs, the amount requested is a discounted market rate estimate of what the hosting services used in this action would have cost the Class if performed by an outside vendor, an estimate based on a review by Robbins Geller of what vendors charge for these services. In the last ten years, electronic discovery has transformed litigation practices and enabled the preservation, collection, production, and review of vast quantities of documents far more efficiently and cost-effectively than was previously possible. Historically, Robbins Geller retained the services of third-party providers to assist with the storage, analysis, printing, and review of electronic discovery. However, in the last several years, Robbins Geller has undertaken much of this work in-house through the use of the Relativity platform. Relativity is offered by over 120 vendors and is currently being used by 195 of the AmLaw200 law firms. Robbins Geller’s Relativity platform consists of over 20 servers and currently consumes more than 50 terabytes of storage all located in a SSAE 16 Type II data center. Robbins Geller has another -4- DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES 1244391_1om YN DH FF BW NY YN YBN NY NN KRY De em a oN A WF BH = FSO we A AH BF BH KF SO 50 terabytes of storage which serves as our backup in a separate location with automatic replication. Robbins Geller’s Relativity platform allows users to securely login, view, search, download, code and analyze documents produced in this Litigation. Using an in-house system allows Robbins Geller to prosecute actions more efficiently and has reduced the time and expense associated with maintaining and searching electronic discovery databases. The amount requested reflects charges for the management of the database of over 250,000 pages of documents produced by defendants, plaintiffs and non-parties in this action. Similar to third-party vendors, Robbins Geller uses a tiered rate system to calculate hosting charges. Robbins Geller charges $14 per gigabyte per month for less than 500 gigabytes of data for maintaining, hosting and utilizing its Relativity platform. These rates were developed by Robbins Geller after a review of market rates charged for the same services performed by third-party vendors. The rates set forth here by Robbins Geller reflect the lowest rate of any comparable service found by Robbins Geller. Robbins Geller’s in-house database management and hosting offers additional savings by not charging monthly user fees typically charged by third-party vendors which can range from $70-$100 per user per month. Database management and hosting charges are in-house charges, not out-of-pocket expenses paid to outside vendors. (h) Database Analytics: $213.00, Relativity Analytics is a software package that was added on to a portion of the documents produced in this matter. Robbins Geller used analytics to identify and group near-duplicate documents together to speed review and ultimately reduce cost. @ Mediation Fees: $18,187.50. This amount reflects one-half of the fees charged by the mediator for mediations services leading to the settlement of this action. The other half was paid by defendants and/or their insurance carriers. The parties retained as the mediator the Honorable Layn R. Phillips, a former federal judge with an excellent national reputation and extensive experience in mediating complex securities actions such as this one. It was clear from the mediation and follow-on discussions that the mediator and his staff devoted considerable resources to understanding all aspects | The first invoice for the services of Judge Phillips was $33,000.00. Of that amount, Class Counsel was responsible for paying half, or $16,500.00. Robbins Geller and Scottt+Scott, Attorneys at Law, LLP each paid half of the $16,500.00, or $8,250.00. Class Counsel’s share of the additional invoices submitted by Judge Phillips was $9,937.50, which was paid entirely by Robbins Geller. -5- DECLARATION OF JAMES I. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND EXPENSES 1244391_1of the Litigation and the parties’ positions. The parties agreed to a full-day formal mediation at Judge Phillips’ office on July 1, 2016. At Judge Phillips’ direction, the parties submitted extensive mediation memoranda and exhibits, and term sheets containing non-economic terms, in advance of the mediation. Counsel for all parties and defendants’ insurers attended the formal mediation session. During that session, the parties gave detailed and thoughtful presentations on the perceived strengths and weaknesses of their respective cases, and Judge Phillips and his assistant worked to challenge the parties” positions and successfully brought the parties into a settlement range that enabled further mediation on an informal basis after the full-day formal session. At the same time, Judge Phillips and his assistant mediated the parties’ efforts to reach agreement on a potential term sheet. The settlement was reached based on a double-blind proposal made by Judge Phillips, which the parties accepted within the time period he specified for response, 8. The expenses pertaining to this case are reflected in the books and records of this Firm. These books and records are prepared from receipts, expense vouchers, check records and other documents and are an accurate record of the expenses, 9. ‘The identification and background of my Firm and its partners is attached hereto as Exhibit G, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct, Executed this QT day of April, 2017, at San Diego, California, JAMES I. JACONETTE Y ~6= DECLARATION OF JAMES L. JACONETTE FILED ON BEHALF OF ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FI AND EXPENSES 12443911EXHIBIT AEX] HIBIT A. Time Report — Inception through March 10, 2017 NAME HOURS | RATE LODESTAR Boardman, Erin (P) 60.05 665 39,933.25 Daley, Joseph (@) 2.75 780 2,145.00 Hubachek, Steven (P) 3.00 890 2,670.00 Jaconette, James (P) 823.60 800 658,880.00 Light, Jeffrey (P)| 217.75 855 186,176.25 Pintar, Theodore (P) 25.30 890 22,517.00 Robbins, Darren (P) 0.50 955 477.50 Rudman, Samuel (P) 20.50 | 980 20,090.00 Walton, David (P) 4.40 | 930 4,092.00 Lacomb, Timothy (A) 39.40 460 18,124.00. Blasy, Mary K. (OC) 48.25 720 34,740.00 Araya-Schraner, Natasha | (SA) 42.90 360 15,444.00 Black, Kelli (SA) 11.50 | 360 4,140.00 Mehta, Dharmi (SA) 3.00 | 360 1,080.00 Neiman, Shelley (SA) | 285.15 | 360 102,654.00 O'Donoghue, Nicola (SA) | 121.40 350 42,490.00 Tanner, Charles (SA) | 439.20 360 158,112.00 Barhoum, Anthony (EA) 23.00 | 430 9,890.00 Cabusao, Reggie (EA) 12.75 | 335 4,271.25 Uralets, Boris (EA) 4.00 415 1,660.00 Villalovas, Frank (EA) 1.50 420 630.00 Roelen, Scott (RA) 7.00 |__295 2,065.00 Brandon, Kelley @ 9.00 | 250 2,250.00 Browning, Aaron (LS) 2.75 290 797.50 Keita, C. Oumar (LS) 53.70 290 15,573.00 Paralegals 542.20 | 265-295 159,859.00 Document Clerks 172.40 150 25,860.00 Shareholder Relations 4.00 |_ 95-100 390.00 TOTAL 2,980.95 $_1,537,010.75 (P) Partner (A) Associate (OC) Of Counsel (SA) Staff Attorney (EA) Economic Analyst (RA) Research Analyst (I) Investigator (LS) Litigation SupportEXHIBIT BEXHIBIT B In re King Digital Entertainment ple Shareholder Litigation Case No. CGC-15-544770 Firm Name: Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Reporting Period: Inception through March 10, 2017 Categories: (1) Factual Investigation (6) Document Review (2) Discovery (7) Legal Research (3) Pleadings, Briefs & Pretrial Motions (8) Client / Sharcholder Communications (4) Court Appearances (9) Litigation Strategy & Analysis (5) Draft Initial or Amended Complaint (10) Settlement Negotiations, Stipulation, Plan of Allocation Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Boardman, Erin (P) : 59.80 7 7 7 7 7 7 Daley, Joseph (P) - 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Hubachek, Steven (@) - - - - 7 - 7 7 Jaconette, James (P) 86.00 181.05 206.10 38.95 87.40 - : 28.95 Light, Jeffrey (P) - - - - a - 7 |Pintar, Theodore (P) - - - - 7 - - 7 Robbins, Darren (P) 0.50 7 - 7 7 7 7 7 Rudman, Samuel (P) 7.00 - - - 13.50 - - - Walton, David (P) - - 1.50 - I - - 2.20 Lacomb, Timothy (A) 39.40 - - - - - - 7 Blasy, Mary K. (OC) 5.75 - - - 41.75 - - - |Araya-Schraner, Natasha (SA) - - - - - - 37.20 - Black, Kelli (SA) - 3.90 0.20 7.10 - - - - Mehta, Dharmi (SA) - - - - 7 - 3.00 7 Neiman, Shelley (SA) : 43.35 66.75 - - 175.05 - - O'Donoghue, Nicola (SA) - 121.40 - - - - - 7 Tanner, Charles (SA) - 181.75 18.75 - - 92.25 - - Barhoum, Anthony (EA) 2.75 : - : 7 7 7 7 Cabusao, Reggie (EA) 12.75 - - - - - 7 7 Uralets, Boris (EA) 4.00. 7 - - - - - - Villalovas, Frank (EA) : 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Page 1 of 3 9 0.25 2.75 3.00 155.30 Current Hours 60.05 2.75 3.00 823.60 217.75 25.30 0.50 20.50 4.40 39.40 48.25 42.90 11.50 3.00 285.15 121.40 439.20 23.00 12.75 4.00 1.50 $ Current Lodestar 39,933.25 2,145.00 2,670.00 658,880.00 186,176.25 22,517.00 477.50 20,090.00 4,092.00 18,124.00 34,740.00 15,444.00 4,140.00 1,080.00 102,654.00 42,490.00 158,112.00 9,890.00 4,271.25 1,660.00 630.00Firm Name: Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Reporting Period: Inception through March 10, 2017 Categories: (1) Factual Investigation (2) Discovery (3) Pleadings, Briefs & Pretrial Motions (4) Court Appearances (5) Draft Initial or Amended Complaint In re King Digital Entertainment ple Shareholder Litigation Case No. CGC-15-544770 (6) Document Review (7) Legal Research (8) Client / Sharcholder Communications EXHIBIT B (9) Litigation Strategy & Analysis (10) Settlement Negotiations, Stipulation, Plan of Allocation Name Roelen, Scott Brandon, Kelley Browning, Aaron Keita, C. Oumar [Bacci, Melissa Cook, Karen E. Deem, Lavar Horstman, Natalee J. Kleinman, Jill Kopko, Christina Millan, Hector Morris, Sarah Patel, Sonal Stark, Jaclyn Stella, Christine Tiffith, Pierre R. Wallbrett, Michele M. Williams, Susan Brockwell, Daniel Clark, Joseph Hawkins, Riley (RA) (1) (LS) (LS) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (PL) (DC) (DC) (DC) 5 6 2.00 - 7.50 : - 26.00 Page 2 of 3 10 0.50 153.00 Current Hours 7.00 9.00 2.75 53.70 6.00 6.00 9.50 3.00 1.00 4.00 2.50 5.00 0.50 153.00 0.25 1.00 323.95 26.50 2.00 103.60 16.00 Rate 295 250 290 290 295 295 295 295 295 295 295 280 265 295 295 295 295 295 150 150 150 Current Lodestar 2,065.00 2,250.00 797.50 15,573.00 1,770.00 1,770.00 2,802.50 885.00 295.00 1,180.00 737.50 1,400.00 132.50 45,135.00 73.75 295.00 95,565.25 7,817.50 300.00 15,540.00 2,400.00EXHIBIT B In re King Digital Entertainment ple Shareholder Litigation Case No. CGC-15-544770 Firm Name: Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Reporting Period: Inception through March 10, 2017 Categories: (1) Factual Investigation (6) Document Review (2) Discovery (7) Legal Research (3) Pleadings, Briefs & Pretrial Motions (8) Client / Sharcholder Communications (4) Court Appearances (9) Litigation Strategy & Analysis (5) Draft Initial or Amended Complaint (10) Settlement Negotiations, Stipulation, Plan of Allocation Current Current Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours Rate Lodestar Salumaa, Sven (DC) : 12.50 : - - - : : 12.50 150 1,875.00 Santana, Andres (DC) : 0.25 - - - - - - 0.25 150 37.50 Vega, Andrew (DC) : 23.30 : 14.75 - - : : 38.05 150 5,707.50 Gosling, T. Ron (SR) : : : - - - : 2.00 2.00 95 190.00 Weas, Amylu (SR) - ; - - 7 - - 1.00 1.00 100 100.00 Wood, Greg (SR) : : : - - - : 1.00 1.00 100 100.00 TOTAL: 197.65 883.55 479.55 62.30 152.15 293.30 40.20 36.15 2,980.95 $8 1,537,010.75 (P) Partner (A) Associate (OC) Of Counsel (SA) Staff Attorney (EA) Economic Analyst (RA) Research Analyst (I) Investigator (LS) Litigation Support (PL) Paralegal (DC) Document Clerk (SR) Shareholder Relations Page 3 of 3EXHIBIT CEXHIBIT C Expenses/Charges — Inception through February 28, 2017 CATEGORY TOTAL Filing, Witness and Other Fees $11,275.15 Transportation, Hotels & Meals 12,761.27 Telephone, Facsimile 63.61 Postage 609.75 Messenger, Overnight Delivery $12.14 Court Hearing and Deposition Reporting, and Transcripts 6,598.70 Experts/Consultants/Investigators 84,143.85 Tasta Group dba Caliber Advisors, Inc. $ 54,150.00 L.R. Hodges & Associates, Ltd. 28,948.85 Seufert Strategy OU 525.00 Lily Haggerty 350.00 John L. Gaveollo 170.00 Photocopies 4,405.70 In-House B&W (19,778 copies at $0.15 per page) | $2,966.70 In-House Color (2,878 copies at $0.50 per page) 1,439.00 Online Legal and Financial Research 7,478.04 Database Management and Hosting 11,720.24 Database Analytics 213.00 Mediation Fees (Phillips ADR Enterprises, P.C.) 18,187.50 TOTAL $_157,968.95EXHIBIT DEXHIBIT D Filing, Witness and Other Fees: $11,275.15 DATE VENDOR PURPOSE 03/20/15 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Court Filing — File summons and complaint 03/24/15 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Personal Service — Pacific Crest Securities LLC; summons and complaint Personal Service — Credit Suisse Securities; summons and complaint Personal Service — Raine Securities LLC; summons and complaint Personal Service — Wedbush Securities Inc.; summons and complaint Personal Service — Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. Inc.; summons and complaint Personal Service — Piper Jaffray & Co.; summons and complaint Personal Service — BMO Capital Markets Corp.; summons and complaint Personal Service — Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.; summons and complaint Personal Service — Barclays Capital Inc.; summons and complaint Personal Service — Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.; summons and complaint Personal Service — J.P. Morgan Securities LLC; summons and complaint 03/31/15 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. 03/24/15 Personal Service — RBC Capital Markets LLC; summons and complaint 04/01/15 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Personal Service ~ Cowen and Company LLC; summons and complaint 04/03/15 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Joint application for approval of complex case designation 04/14/15 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Personal Service — Credit Suisse Securities; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants;DATE VENDOR PURPOSE plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — RBC Capital Markets; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Pacific Crest Securities; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Raine Securities LLC; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Wedbush Securities Inc.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — JP Morgan Securities; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents toDATE VENDOR PURPOSE all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Barclays Capital Inc.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service - BMO Capital Markets Corp.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Piper Jaffray & Co.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants Personal Service — Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Inc.; plaintiffs’ second set of requests for production of documents to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of special interrogatories to all defendants; plaintiffs’ first set of requests for production of documents to all defendants 04/21/15 File & ServeXpress LLC 04/16-21/15 Court Filing — Proof of service of summons and complaint; joint stipulation and proposed order relating and consolidating cases and appointing leadDATE VENDOR PURPOSE counsel; ex parte application to enter stipulation regarding consolidation and counsel coordination 04/29/15 File & ServeXpress LLC 04/23-29/15 Court Filing — Joint application for approval of complex case designation 04/29/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Courtesy copy for chambers: joint Support Services, Inc. application for approval of complex case designation 04/30/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Personal Service — Evaluate particular Support Services, Inc. location for possible service of defendants 05/14/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Personal Service — Returned not served: R. Support Services, Inc. Zacconi; summons and complaint 05/18/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | 5/14/15 Personal Service — Returned not Support Services, Inc. served: H. Cochran; summons and complaint 05/19/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Personal Service — H. Cochran; summons Support Services, Inc. and complaint 06/05/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Personal Service — Surveillance/ Support Services, Inc. investigative request on H. Cochran 06/16/15 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Filing of stipulation 06/18/15 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Filing of stipulation 06/25/15 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Filing of complaint 06/26/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Courtesy copy for chambers: consolidation Support Services, Inc. class action complaint 08/14/15 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — First amended consolidated class action complaint for violations of the Securities Act of 1933 08/20/15 File & ServeXpress LLC 08/14-20/15 Court Filing — Affidavit of service 10/07/15 File & ServeXpress LLC 10/07/15 & 10/23/15 Court Filing — Second amended consolidated class action complaint for violations of the Securities Act of 1933 10/23/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Courtesy copy for chambers: second Support Services, Inc. amended consolidated complaint and notice of lodgment of exhibits cited in plaintiffs’ second amended consolidated complaint 12/07/15 Class Action Research & Litigation | Courtesy copy for chambers: plaintiffs’ Support Services, Inc. memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to demurrer of King Digital defendants to second amended complaint; plaintiffs’ memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to demurrer of underwriter defendants to second amended complaintDATE VENDOR PURPOSE 12/16/15 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Courtesy copy for chambers: appendix of non-California authorities and secondary authorities 12/17/15 File & ServeXpress LLC 12/04-17/15 Court Filing — Plaintiffs’ memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to demurrer of King Digital defendants to second amended complaint; plaintiffs’ memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to demurrer of underwriter defendants to second amended complaint 02/27/16 CourtCall 02/26/16 Court Fee — Fee for telephonic appearance for case management conference #3 03/11/16 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Court Filing — File and issue deposition subpoena for production of business records; New York subpoena 03/14/16 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Personal Service — NetRoadshow Inc., New York subpoena for production of business records; schedule A 05/16/16 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Declaration in support of stipulation to dismiss the second cause of action in the second amended consolidated class action complaint with prejudice 05/19/16 CourtCall 05/18/16 Court Fee — Fee for telephonic appearance for case management conference hearing 05/25/16 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. 12/30/15 Personal Service - Document preparation — Fenwick & West LLP: plaintiff's special interrogatories; requests for admission; requests for production 12/30/15 Personal Service - Document preparation — Sullivan & Cromwell, LLP: plaintiff's special interrogatories; requests for admission; requests for production 07/16/16 CourtCall 07/15/16 — Court Fee — Fee for telephonic conference for hearing 07/31/16 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. 03/25/16 Courtesy copy for chambers 03/15/16 Court Filing — File and issue deposition subpoena for personal appearance 03/16/16 Personal Service — Fred Alger Management, Inc.: New York subpoena for personal appearanceDATE VENDOR PURPOSE 08/26/16 CourtCall 08/25/16 — Court Fee — Fee for telephonic case management conference hearing with Judge Karnow 10/04/16 CourtCall 10/03/16 — Court Fee — Fee for telephonic appearance for J. Jaconette 10/06/16 CourtCall 10/05/16 — Court Fee — Fee for telephonic appearance for J. Light and case management conference hearing appearance 11/08/16 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. Courtesy copy for chambers: class representatives notice of motion and motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement; memorandum of points and authorities; joint declaration of J. Jaconette and G. Johnson; declaration of M. Joaquin regarding notice and administration; stipulation of settlement; proposed order 11/08/16 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Class representatives’ notice of motion and motion of preliminary approval of class action settlement and statutory filing fee 11/09/16 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Declaration of J. Jaconette regarding submission of class representative City of Taylor 11/11/16 One Legal LLC Court Filing — Notice of motion and motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement; joint declaration of J. Jaconette and G.M. Johnson in support of motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement 12/28/16 File & ServeXpress LLC 12/28-12/30/16 Court Filing and statutory filing fee — Joint notice of motion and motion to file supplemental agreement under seal 12/28/16 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Notice of lodging documents under seal; class representatives’ response to the court’s November 17, 2016 tentative ruling on motion for preliminary of class action settlement 12/29/16 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Class representatives’ supplemental submission regarding class representatives’ motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement 12/31/16 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. 12/28/16 Court Filing — Lodge under seal filing; supplemental agreement (filed under seal); class representatives’ supplementalDATE VENDOR PURPOSE submission re preliminary approval (filed under seal) 12/29/16 Court Filing — File under seal and deliver courtesy copy to chambers: class representatives’ supplemental submission regarding preliminary approval (filed under seal) 01/07/17 CourtCall 01/06/17 — Court Fee: Fee for telephonic appearance for J. Jaconette 01/26/17 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Proposed order preliminarily approving settlement and providing of notice authorized by J. Jaconette 01/31/17 File & ServeXpress LLC Court Filing — Proposed order preliminarily approving settlement and providing for notice 02/10/17 Class Action Research & Litigation Support Services, Inc. 01/31/17 Courtesy copy for chambers: proposed order preliminarily approving settlement and providing for noticeEXHIBIT EEXHIBIT E Transportation, Hotels and Meals: $12,761.27 (Included in this total is $119.93 in local meal charges for lunch for all persons attending the deposition of Gerard Taylor taken on February 26, 2016.) NAME DATE CITY PURPOSE Jaconette, James 07/26/15- | San Francisco, CA | Prepare for, appear and argue at 07/27/15 Case Management Conference Jaconette, James 10/04/15- | San Francisco, CA | Prepare for and argue at hearing on 10/05/15 demurrer Jaconette, James 12/17/15 | San Francisco, CA | Prepare for and argue at hearing on demurrers Jaconette, James 02/24/16- | San Francisco, CA | Prepare for and defend client 02/26/16 deposition Taylor, Gerard 02/24/16- | San Francisco, CA | Attend deposition 02/28/16 Boardman, Erin 03/17/16 | New York, NY Prepare for and defend deposition of Investment Manager Fred Alger Management, Inc. Jaconette, James 06/30/16- | Newport Beach, Prepare for and argue at mediation 07/02/16 | CA Tanner, Charles 07/01/16 | Newport Beach, Prepare for and attend mediation CA Light, Jeffrey 11/16/16- | San Francisco, CA | Prepare for and attend preliminary LI/17/16 approval hearing Light, Jeffrey 01/12/17 | San Francisco, CA __| Prepare for and attend preliminary approval hearingEXHIBIT FEXHIBIT F Court Hearing and Deposition Reporting, and Transcripts: $6,598.70 DATE VENDOR PURPOSE 03/04/16 TSG Reporting, Inc. 02/26/16 City of Taylor deposition 03/08/16 Aptus Court Reporting, LLC 2014 Video recording of R. Zacconi, CEO and co-founder of King Digital’s presentation 03/17/16 TSG Reporting, Inc. B. Reynolds deposition 11/17/16 Aptus Court Reporting, LLC Hearing transcript re: plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary approval of class action settlement O1/13/17 Scanlan Stone, Inc. 01/12/17 Hearing transcript re: plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary approval of class action settlementEXHIBIT GRobbins Geller Rudman s Dowd Lp THE RIGHT CHOIGE Firm ResumeTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PRACTICE AREAS AND SERVICES Securities Fraud Shareholder Derivative and Corporate Governance Litigation. Options Backdating Litigation: Corporate Takeover Litigation. Insurance.. Antitrust... Consumer Fraud Intellectual Property. Human Rights, Labor Practices and Public Polic Environment and Public Health Pro Bono. E-Discovery... INSTITUTIONAL CLIENTS Public Fund Clients. Multi-Employer Clients. International Investors.. Additional Institutional Investors. PROMINENT CASES, PRECEDENT-SETTING DECISIONS AND JUDICIAL COMMENDATIONS PRECEDENT-SETTING DECISIONS Investor and Shareholder Rights. INSULANCE.. sete Consumer Protection. Additional Judicial Commendation: ATTORNEY BIOGRAPHIES Special Counsel. Forensic Accountants. 25 34 38 38 39 44 95 110 111Introduction Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP (“Robbins Geller” or the “Firm”) is a 200-lawyer firm with offices in Atlanta, Boca Raton, Chicago, Manhattan, Melville, Nashville, San Diego, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. ( The Firm is actively engaged in complex litigation, emphasizing securities, consumer, antitrust, insurance, healthcare, human rights and employment discrimination class actions, as well as intellectual property disputes. The Firm’s unparalleled experience and capabilities in these fields are based upon the talents of its attorneys, who have successfully prosecuted thousands of class action lawsuits and numerous individual cases, recovering billions of dollars. This successful track record stems from our experienced attorneys, including many who came to the Firm from federal or state law enforcement agencies. The Firm also includes several dozen former federal and state judicial clerks. The Firm currently represents more institutional investors, including public and multi-employer pension funds and domestic and international financial institutions, in securities and corporate litigation than any other plaintiffs’ securities law firm in the United States. The Firm is committed to practicing law with the highest level of integrity in an ethical and professional manner. We are a diverse firm with lawyers and staff from all walks of life. Our lawyers and other employees are hired and promoted based on the quality of their work and their ability to treat others with respect and dignity. We strive to be good corporate citizens and work with a sense of global responsibility. Contributing to our communities and environment is important to us. We often take cases on a pro bono basis and are committed to the rights of workers, and to the extent possible, we contract with union vendors. We care about civil rights, workers’ rights and treatment, workplace safety and environmental protection. Indeed, while we have built a reputation as the finest securities and consumer class action law firm in the nation, our lawyers have also worked tirelessly in less high-profile, but no less important, cases involving human rights and other social issues. Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP 1Practice Areas and Services Securities Fraud As recent corporate scandals demonstrate clearly, it has become all too common for companies and their executives — often with the help of their advisors, such as bankers, lawyers and accountants — to manipulate the market price of their securities by misleading the public about the company's financial condition or prospects for the future. This misleading information has the effect of artificially inflating the price of the company's securities above their true value. When the underlying truth is eventually revealed, the prices of these securities plummet, harming those innocent investors who relied upon the company’s misrepresentations. Robbins Geller is the leader in the fight to protect investors from corporate securities fraud. We utilize a wide range of federal and state laws to provide investors with remedies, either by bringing a class action on behalf of all affected investors or, where appropriate, by bringing individual cases. The Firm's reputation for excellence has been repeatedly noted by courts and has resulted in the appointment of Firm attorneys to lead roles in hundreds of complex class-action securities and other cases. In the securities area alone, the Firm's attorneys have been responsible for a number of outstanding recoveries on behalf of investors. Currently, Robbins Geller attorneys are lead or named counsel in hundreds of securities class action or large institutional-investor cases. Some notable current and past cases include: * Inre Enron Corp. Sec. Litig., No. H-01-3624 (S.D. Tex.). Robbins Geller attorneys and lead plaintiff The Regents of the University of California aggressively pursued numerous defendants, including many of Wall Street's biggest banks, and successfully obtained settlements in excess of $7.2 billion for the benefit of investors. This is the largest aggregate class action settlement not only in a securities class action, but in class action history. « Jaffe v. Household Int’l, Inc., No. 02-C-05893 (N.D. Ill). As sole lead counsel, Robbins Geller obtained a record-breaking settlement of $1.575 billion after 14 years of litigation, including a six- week jury trial in 2009 that resulted in a securities fraud verdict in favor of the class. In 2015, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the jury's verdict that defendants made false or misleading statements of material fact about the company's business practices and financial results, but remanded the case for a new trial on the issue of whether the individual defendants “made” certain false statements, whether those false statements caused plaintiffs’ losses, and the amount of damages. The parties reached an agreement to settle the case just hours before the retrial was scheduled to begin on June 6, 2016. The $1.575 billion settlement, approved in October 2016, is the largest ever following a securities fraud class action trial, the largest securities fraud settlement in the Seventh Circuit and the seventh-largest settlement ever in a post-PSLRA securities fraud case. According to published reports, the case was just the seventh securities fraud case tried to a verdict since the passage of the PSLRA. In re UnitedHealth Grp. Inc. PSLRA Litig., No. 06-CV-1691 (D. Minn.). Robbins Geller represented the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CalPERS”) and demonstrated its willingness to vigorously advocate for its institutional clients, even under the most difficult circumstances. The Firm obtained an $895 million recovery on behalf of the UnitedHealth shareholders, and former CEO William A. McGuire paid $30 million and returned stock options representing more than three million shares to the shareholders, bringing the total recovery for the class to over $925 million, the largest stock option backdating recovery ever, and a recovery that is more than four times larger than the next largest options backdating recovery. Moreover, Robbins Geller obtained unprecedented corporate governance reforms, including election of a Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP 2Practice Areas and Services shareholder-nominated member to the company's board of directors, a mandatory holding period for shares acquired by executives via option exercise, and executive compensation reforms that tie pay to performance. « Alaska Elec. Pension Fund v. CitiGroup, Inc. (In re WorldCom Sec. Litig.), No. 03 Civ. 8269 (S.D.N.Y.). Robbins Geller attorneys represented more than 50 private and public institutions that opted out of the class action case and sued WorldCom's bankers, officers and directors, and auditors in courts around the country for losses related to WorldCom bond offerings from 1998 to 2001. The Firm's attorneys recovered more than $650 million for their clients, substantially more than they would have recovered as part of the class. * Luther v. Countrywide Fin. Corp., No. 12-cv-05125 (C.D. Cal.). Robbins Geller attorneys secured a $500 million settlement for institutional and individual investors in what is the largest RMBS purchaser class action settlement in history, and one of the largest class action securities settlements of all time. The unprecedented settlement resolves claims against Countrywide and Wall Street banks that issued the securities. The action was the first securities class action case filed against originators and Wall Street banks as a result of the credit crisis. As co-lead counsel Robbins Geller forged through six years of hard-fought litigation, oftentimes litigating issues of first impression, in order to secure the landmark settlement for its clients and the class. * In re Wachovia Preferred Sec. & Bond/Notes Litig., No. 09-cv-06351 (S.D.N.Y.). On behalf of investors in bonds and preferred securities issued between 2006 and 2008, Robbins Geller and co- counsel obtained a significant settlement with Wachovia successor Wells Fargo & Company and Wachovia auditor KPMG LLP. The total settlement — $627 million — is one of the largest credit- crisis settlements involving Securities Act claims and one of the 20 largest securities class action recoveries in history. The settlement is also one of the biggest securities class action recoveries arising from the credit crisis. The lawsuit focused on Wachovia's exposure to “pick-a-pay” loans, which the bank's offering materials said were of “pristine credit quality,” but which were actually allegedly made to subprime borrowers, and which ultimately massively impaired the bank's mortgage portfolio. Robbins Geller served as co-lead counsel representing the City of Livonia Employees’ Retirement System, Hawaii Sheet Metal Workers Pension Fund, and the investor class. * In re Cardinal Health, Inc. Sec. Litig., No. C2-04-575 (S.D. Ohio). As sole lead counsel representing Cardinal Health shareholders, Robbins Geller obtained a recovery of $600 million for investors on behalf of the lead plaintiffs, Amalgamated Bank, the New Mexico State Investment Council, and the California Ironworkers Field Trust Fund. At the time, the $600 million settlement was the tenth- largest settlement in the history of securities fraud litigation and is the largest-ever recovery in a securities fraud action in the Sixth Circuit. * AOL Time Warner Cases | & II, JCCP Nos. 4322 & 4325 (Cal. Super. Ct., Los Angeles Cty.). Robbins Geller represented The Regents of the University of California, six Ohio state pension funds, Rabo Bank (NL), the Scottish Widows Investment Partnership, several Australian public and private funds, insurance companies, and numerous additional institutional investors, both domestic and international, in state and federal court opt-out litigation stemming from Time Warner's disastrous 2001 merger with Internet high flier America Online. After almost four years of litigation involving extensive discovery, the Firm secured combined settlements for its opt-out clients totaling over $629 million just weeks before The Regents’ case pending in California state court was scheduled to go to trial. The Regents’ gross recovery of $246 million is the largest individual opt-out securities recovery in history. * In re HealthSouth Corp. Sec. Litig., No. CV-03-BE-1500-S (N.D. Ala.). As court-appointed co- lead counsel, Robbins Geller attorneys obtained a combined recovery of $671 million from HealthSouth, its auditor Ernst & Young, and its investment banker, UBS, for the benefit of stockholder Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP | 3. Practice Are plaintiffs. The settlement against HealthSouth represents one of the larger settlements in securities class action history and is considered among the top 15 settlements achieved after passage of the PSLRA. Likewise, the settlement against Ernst & Young is one of the largest securities class action settlements entered into by an accounting firm since the passage of the PSLRA. Jones v. Pfizer Inc., No. 1:10-cv-03864 (S.D.N.Y.). Lead plaintiff Stichting Philips Pensioenfonds obtained a $400 million settlement on behalf of class members who purchased Pfizer Inc. common stock during the January 19, 2006 to January 23, 2009 class period. The settlement against Pfizer resolves accusations that it misled investors about an alleged off-label drug marketing scheme. As sole lead counsel, Robbins Geller attorneys helped achieve this exceptional result after five years of hard- fought litigation against the toughest and the brightest members of the securities defense bar by litigating this case all th