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  • In re the Guardianship of Tina Marie Heise Guardianship/Conservatorship document preview
  • In re the Guardianship of Tina Marie Heise Guardianship/Conservatorship document preview


State of Minnesota District Court Probate Division County of Goodhue Judicial District: 1st Court File No.25-PR-22-1079 Guardianship/Conservatorship of Order Appointing Attorney Tina Marie Heise WHEREAS a petition requesting the appointment of a conservator and guardian of the above named respondent has been filed with this Court; and WHEREAS, the above named respondent has not waived his/her right to counsel; and WHEREAS, the court will appoint an attorney to represent him/her pursuant to Minnesota Statue 525.551 (initial hearing only); Therefore, IT IS ORDERED by the Court as follows: 1. That Larry Johnson, attorney at law, whose address is 306 West Ave, Red Wing MN 55066, and whose phone number is 651-327-2520, is hereby appointed as attorney to represent the above named respondent in the proceedings now pending before this Court. 2. That reasonable attorney’s fees shall be paid to said attorney by the guardian or conservator, if one is appointed, unless the above named respondent is indigent; in which case Goodhue County shall pay such reasonable attorney’s fees. 3. This appointment shall expire upon filing of the order appointing a guardian/conservator and the expiration of the appeal time, or upon filing of an order dismissing the petition. Biren, Patrick 2022.06.07 10:24:25 Date: June 7, 2022 -05'00' Judge of District Court