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WEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 ELECTRONICALLY CHRISTINE E. DRAGE, ESQ., State Bar No. 168921 FILED JIHAN MURAD, ESQ., State Bar No. 236682 Superior Court of California, S. BRADLEY HART, ESQ., State Bar No. 297119 Oeny or Sat ner WEIL & DRAGE, APC 23212 Mill Creek Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 837-8200 (949) 837-9300 — FAX 10/18/2017 Clerk of the Court BY: GARY FELICIANO Deputy Clerk;; Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO LAURA S. LEHMAN, an individual, et al., Plaintiffs, Vv. TRANSBAY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY, et al., Defendants. ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD., Cross-Complainant, Vv. PELLI CLARKE PELLI ARCHITECTS INC., a Connecticut corporation, and MOES 1-50, Cross-Defendants. Case No. CGC-16-553758 Hon. Curtis Karnow Dept. 304 CROSS-COMPLAINT OF ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD. FOR: (1) Equitable Indemnity (2) Apportionment of Fault/Contribution (3) Declaratory Relief (4) Breach of Contract Complaint Filed: August 17, 2016 Trial Date: Not set COMES NOW Cross-Complainant, ARUP NORTH AMERICA, LTD. (“ARUP” or “Cross- Complainant”), for causes of action against cross-defendants, and each of them, alleges as follows: Ait /f/ Hf 1012918281} ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINT28 WEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 1. ARUP is, and during all times herein mentioned was, a corporation, duly organized and existing under the laws of the United Kingdom and qualified to do business in the State of California. 2. On or about August 17, 2016 several unit owners/occupants of residential units within Millennium Tower, a 419-unit luxury condominium project and related structures located at 301 Mission Street in San Francisco, California (“Project”) filed a complaint against TRANSBAY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (“TJPA”), among other parties, entitled Laura S. Lehman, et al. v. Transbay Joint Powers Authority, et al., in the San Francisco County Superior Court, Case No. CGC-16-553758, asserting causes of action against TJPA. On or about September 13, 2016, the Lehman plaintiffs filed a First Amended Complaint. On or about January 27, 2017 the Lehman plaintiffs filed a Second Amended Complaint. On or about August 25, 2017, the Lehman plaintiffs filed their operative Third Amended Complaint asserting causes of action against TJPA and other for Inverse Condemnation, Nuisance and Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate. The Third Amended Complaint alleges that construction activities at the Transbay Transit Center were carried out in a way to substantially cause damage to the Project, including subsidence and tilt. The Lehman plaintiffs’ operative complaint is hereby incorporated by reference without admitting the truth of the allegations contained therein. 3. On or about November 2, 2016, TJPA filed a cross-complaint against various parties, including MISSION STREET DEVELOPMENT LLC (“MSD”). On or about December 29, 2016 TJPA filed a First Amended Cross-Complaint alleging a cause of action for Equitable Indemnity. 4. On or about February 6, 2017, MISSION STREET DEVELOPMENT LLC (“MSD”) and MILLENNIUM PARTNERS MANAGEMENT LLC (“MPM”) filed a Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Cross-Complaint against various parties. On or about May 1, 2017, MSD and. MPM filed a Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and First Amended Cross-Complaint against various parties, including ARUP, and asserting causes of action against ARUP for Equitable Indemnity and Negligence. On or about August 25, 2017 MSD and MPM filed their operative Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Second Amended Cross-Complaint. MSD and MPM’s 1012918281} 2 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINT28 WEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Second Amended Cross-Complaint is hereby incorporated by reference without admitting the truth of the allegations contained therein. 5. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that at all times relevant to this action, PELLI CLARKE PELLI ARCHITECTS, INC. (“PCPA”) is and was a Connecticut corporation doing business in California. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that PCPA has offices in San Francisco, California. 6. ARUP is ignorant of the true names or capacities, whether individual, corporate, partnership or otherwise, of defendants sued herein as MOES 1 through 50, inclusive, and therefore fictitiously sues such persons and entities pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 474. ARUP is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each Cross-Defendant designated as a MOE is or was involved in, entitled to, or in some manner responsible as the principal, beneficiary, agent, co-conspirator, joint venturer, alter ego, successor-in-interest, third party beneficiary or otherwise, for the agreements, transactions, events, and/or acts hereinafter described, and thereby proximately caused injuries and damages to ARUP as herein alleged. 7. ARUP is informed and believes and based thereon, alleges that each of the Cross- Defendants herein designated fictitiously as MOES | through 50 are involved in the within action by virtue of their negligence, negligent or intentional acts, errors and/or omissions, breach of duty, breach of contract and/or warranty, strict liability, or other and further facts not yet known to ARUP, and by virtue thereof are obligated to indemnify ARUP. 8. ARUP is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that Cross-Defendants and MOES | through 50, and each of them, were at all times relevant herein and are residents of the County of San Francisco, State of California and/or corporations, partnerships, associations or individuals duly qualified and/or authorized to do business in and/or doing business in the County of San Francisco in the State of California. 9. MSD and MPM’s Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Second Amended Cross- Complaint, or other operative cross-complaint, alleges among other things, conduct entitling MSD and MPM to compensatory damages against ARUP who denies that it is liable for any of the events Hil 1012918281} 3 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINT28 WEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 and/or occurrences alleged in MSD and MPM’s Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Cross- Complaint, or other operative cross-complaint. 10. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that PCPA was involved in the design for the Transbay Transit Center including, but not limited to, the schematic design, design development, and construction documents. ARUP is further informed and believes and on that basis alleges that PCPA services include providing construction administration services and coordination services for the Transbay Transit Center and related structures. 11. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that to the extent MSD or MPM are able to recover for damages caused by or arising out of the design of or construction actives at Transbay Transit Center, or caused by or arising out of PCPA’s scope of services for the Transbay Transit Center, then PCPA is liable for the damages in light of PCPA’s duties owed, including duties owed by PCPA that are independent of all other parties providing services and/or performing work on the Transbay Transit Center. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (For Equitable Indemnity Against All Cross-Defendants) 12. ARUP incorporates by this reference paragraphs | through 11, as though fully set forth at length herein. 13. In this action, MSD and MPM have filed their Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Second Amended Cross-Complaint or other operative pleading, alleging facts in support of their respective theories of recovery. If it is found that ARUP is legally liable to MSD or MPM, or any other cross-complainant(s), or anyone else as a result of the events and occurrences described in MSD and MPM’s Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Second Amended Cross-Complaint, or any other cross-complaint against ARUP which may be filed herein, then ARUP is informed and believes and thereupon alleges that the Cross-Defendants, and each of them, proximately contributed to and caused a happening of the incident or incidents alleged by MSD and MPM and/or other cross- complainants. By reason of the foregoing, the primary liability for the injuries and/or damages, if any, sustained by MSD and/or MPM and/or other cross-complainants, rests upon the Cross- Defendants herein by virtue of their negligence, including negligent design, design development, 1012918281} 4 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINTWEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 development, construction observation, construction administration, supervision, control, preparation of plans and/or specifications, or other negligent conduct in this matter, and the liability, if any, of ARUP is secondary and passive to the liability of the Cross-Defendants herein, and each of them; and that ARUP has an equitable right to indemnity over and against said Cross-Defendants, and each of them, by reason of the foregoing. 14. If ARUP is held liable and responsible to MSD and/or MPM and/or other cross- complainants for injuries and/or damages, if any, sustained by MSD, MPM and/or other cross- complainants, respectively, ARUP will have been damaged as a proximate result of the acts or omissions of the Cross-Defendants, and each of them, as heretofore alleged. Therefore, ARUP is entitled to be indemnified by Cross-Defendants herein, and each of them. 15. ARUP is incurring, has incurred and will incur attorneys’ fees, court costs, investigative expenses, and other legal costs and expenses in connection with defending against MSD and MPM’s Verified Petition for Writ of Mandate and Second Amended Cross-Complaint , or other cross-complaint against ARUP, the exact amount of which is unknown at this time. When the same has been ascertained, ARUP will seek leave of this Court to amend this Cross-Complaint to set forth the true nature and amount of said costs and expenses. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Apportionment of Fault/Contribution Against All Cross-Defendants) 16. | ARUP incorporates by this reference paragraphs | through 15, as though fully set forth at length herein. 17. ARUP is not singularly or totally liable, if at all, for the injuries and/or damages, if any, allegedly sustained by MSD, MPM or other cross-complainants to this action. If it is found that ARUP is liable to any party hereto, then ARUP alleges that the liability is passive and derivative only and that Cross-Defendants’ liabilities are active and primary. Further, in the event that ARUP is liable to any other party hereto, the liability of ARUP must be reduced to the extent proportionate to the degree of fault, if any, of all other parties held liable. /t1 Hil 1012918281} 5 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINTWEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 18. By reason of the foregoing, ARUP is entitled to contribution by the Cross- Defendants, herein, and each of them, in an amount equal to and proportional to that amount of fault and/or other liability attributable to such Cross-Defendants. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (For Declaratory Relief Against All Cross-Defendants) 19. | ARUP re-alleges paragraphs | through 18 above, and incorporates them by reference as though fully set forth herein. 20. A dispute has arisen and an actual controversy now exists between ARUP and all Cross-Defendants, and each of them, as to their rights and liabilities with respect to any ultimate responsibility in the underlying action, and with respect to the right to receive, or duty to give, indemnification, in proportion to the comparative fault, if any. ARUP contends that if it suffers judgment in the underlying action, or if it pays monies by way of reasonable compromise of said claim, ARUP is entitled to be indemnified by Cross-Defendants and each of them to the extent that ARUP’S responsibility in the underlying action exceeds its percentage of negligence, fault or liability, if any. ARUP is informed and believes that Cross-Defendants contend to the contrary, therefore, an actual controversy exists relative to the legal duties and rights of the respective parties pursuant to their written agreements, which controversy ARUP requests the Court to resolve. 21. Allof the rights and obligations of the parties hereto arose out of one transaction or one series of transactions, happenings or events, all of which can be settled and determined in a judgment in this one action. ARUP alleges that an actual controversy exists between the parties. A declaration of rights, responsibilities and obligations of ARUP and Cross-Defendants, and each of them, is essential to determine their respective obligations in connection with the principal action. ARUP has no true and speedy remedy at law of any kind. 22. It has been necessary for ARUP to retain the services of attorneys to bring this action. Accordingly, ARUP is entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses incurred herein. Hf Ht 1012918281} 6 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINTWEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (For Breach of Contract Against PCPA and MOES 1 through 5) 23. | ARUP re-alleges paragraphs | through 22 above, and incorporates them by reference as though fully set forth herein. 24. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that TJPA and PCPA entered an agreement dated May 15, 2008, whereby PCPA was to furnish architectural and engineering professional design services for the Transbay Transit Center Building and Related Structures (“Transit Center Prime Agreement”). A true and correct copy of the Transit Center Prime Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference. 25, ARUP and PCPA entered into an agreement dated June 26, 2008 whereby ARUP was hired as a subconsultant to PCPA to provide basic geotechnical services for the Transbay Transit Center (“PCPA Subconsultant Agreement”). A true and correct copy of the PCPA Subconsultant Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by reference. 26. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that PCPA was obligated to coordinate with the design team, including ARUP. PCPA’s obligations were and are independent of the obligations of other design professionals, subconsultants, contractors, subcontractors and/or construction managers that provided services or performed work on the Transbay Transit Center. 27. ARUP is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that PCPA failed to carry out its obligations under the PCPA Subconsultant Agreement including, but not limited to, PCPA’s failure to coordinate by passing on recommendations of ARUP to TJPA. 28. | ARUP has performed all of the conditions and obligations to be performed on its part under the terms of the PCPA Subconsultant Agreement or has been excused from so performing. 29. As a direct and proximate result of PCPA’s failure to do those things within its control necessary for ARUP to reasonably perform its work, ARUP has suffered, and will continue to suffer, direct, consequential and incidental damages in an amount to be proven at trial. Asa further result of the breaches, ARUP has been required to expend money and to retain the services of attorneys to defend itself against the allegations in this action. Hil 1012918281} iH ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINT28 WEIL & DRAGE 28212 Mil Creek Drve Laguna Mils. CA 92653 Phone (949) 837-6200 Fax’ (949) 837-9200 PRAYER Wherefore, ARUP prays for relief and demands judgments against PCPA and MOES 1 through 50 and each of them, as follows: ON THE FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION: A. B. F. For equitable indemnification against Cross-Defendants, and each of them; In the alternative, for partial equitable indemnification against Cross-Defendants, and each of them; For indemnification from judgment over and against Cross-Defendants, and each of them, according to proof; For costs of suit; For attorney’s fees pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 1021.6, 1032 and 1038 and/or as otherwise allowed per contract or statute; and For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. ON THE SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION: A. Cc. D. For a judicial declaration of the right of contribution of ARUP from and judgment over and against Cross-Defendants, and each of them, according to proof; For attorney’s fees pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 1021.6, 1032 and 1038 and/or as otherwise allowed per contract or statute; For costs of suit; and For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. ON THE THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION: A. B Cc. D. Hil 1012918281} For a judicial declaration of the rights and obligations of the parties; For apportionment of damages, if any, by and among the respective parties; For costs of suit; For attorney’s fees pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 1021.6, 1032 and 1038 and/or as otherwise allowed per contract or statute; and For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. 8 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINT28 WEIL & DRAGE n2i2 Ma creak Dive epamn ite, Cm $2689 Phone (945) 837-2200, Fer (649) 237-8800 ON THE FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION: A. B. Cc. For compensatory and consequential damages for breach of contract: For attorney’s fees allowable per contract or statute; and For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. ON ALL CAUSES OF ACTION: A. B. DATED: (01291828:1} For costs of suit incurred herein; For any such other and further relief as this court deems just and proper. October 13, 2017 WEIL & DRAGE, APC By oF ey. CHRISTINE E. DRAGE JIHAN MURAD S. BRADLEY HART Attorneys for Defendant/Cross-Complainant, ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD. 9 ARUP NORTH AMERICA LTD.’S CROSS-COMPLAINTEXHIBIT “A”[Final Contract May 15, 2008 (minus fee).pdf] AGREEMENT BETWEEN TRANSBAY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AND PELLI CLARKE PELLI ARCHITECTS, INC. TO FURNISH ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING PROFESSIONAL DESIGN SERVICES FOR THE TRANSBAY TRANSIT CENTER BUILDING AND RELATED STRUCTURES (Agreement No. 07-04-TTC-000) Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center BuildingARTICLE CONTENTS 1 THE PROJECT .....cccscssssssssessessssscscassncescsesseesesneseesessesusnscsesacaseaseneensesesseaeenseneaeeneeneneensenees 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 FIXED BUDGET LIMIT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST . SCHEDULE OF SERVICES PROGRAM ....cccsccsssceseseeseceeseseseesssescseessssscaussescsesussesesnsesssnsesuenesssnsusscsseneseneseenseenes 5 2 DEFINITIONG..........ccscccsessesesssessesesesesnssescsesnsscrsesssesesesseaeaesnsnsseaeanentaseseeaueseseeasessessnesneneseans 6 2.1 2.2 2.3 24 2.5 26 27 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 ADDITIONAL SERVICES .........cccccesceseesesseseseesesseseesesensssensssesessenseensenssesasenseesaeeee 6 ADVISE. ....cscccecsceesesseseseetsseseseseasescscenssesesesesnessseseassusseauansssessestesesesesessasiesnsnseeseaeene 6 APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES ARCHITECT AUTHORIZATION . CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS . CONSTRUCTION MANAGER .........cccscecesesssseseseescesseaeecsereseesesteeseesseeasseseeasenseene 7 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER /GENERAL CONTRACTOR (CM/GC) ..........:05 7 CONSULTANT PROJECT PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS CONTRACTOR FINAL COMPLETION.. FIXED BUDGET LIMIT NOTICE TO PROCEED (NTP) PROGRAM MANAGEMENT/PROGRAM CONTROL (“PM/PC PROJECT MANAGER. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS . Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page i6 ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES: CONSTRUCTION PHASES 6.1 6.2 6.3 8 COMPENSATION... 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 4 ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES: GENERAL PROVISIONG..............scssscssssseseeseeeee 1 41 CODE COMPLIANCE ou. .ccescccecscssesceeeceeseseeeesssnsnescersnsssseseesesssesesnsnsseansnensssseaeaee 11 42 43 DESIGNATION OF KEY EMPLOYEES 44 COORDINATION OF DESIGN TEAM.. 4.5 COORDINATION WITH PUBLIC AGENCIES AND PUBLIC UTILITIES ............ 13 46 COORDINATION WITH TJPA AND TJPA CONSULTANTS ........ecceeseeresseeeeene 14 4.7 | COORDINATION WITH CONTEMPORANEOUS DEVELOPMENT.............-0004+ 15 48 COORDINATION WITH CONSTRUCTION MANAGER /GENERAL CONTRACTOR 49 MEETINGS WITH TJPA AND OTHERS . 4.10 USE OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY FOR DESIGN AND COORDINATION OF DRAWINGS 1.0... cesessesseseesesseesesnesnesesnssncseessesssnssssisasseusssaussnseseusessensssarenseesseensanea® 17 4.11 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM........ccccsccssssesesecsescstsnsesssrecesesseseeeessesneeaeees 17 4.12 TJPA COST CHANGE CONTROL PROCEDURE .........0...:ccccccccsseeeseeteseeeenenes 18 4.13 COST ESTIMATING 4.14 FURNISHINGS, FURNITURE, AND EQUIPMENT NOT AFFIXED . 5 ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES: DESIGN PHASE ..............scscscssssssessseesesesesesseseens 20 5.1 CONCEPT VALIDATION PHASE . 5.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE ” 5.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PHASE........:cccscsscscsesseseeseretesessseeteeeeanensasaneneee 23 CONSTRUCTION BID PHASE BASIC SERVICES. 7 NO aE Cee eee eee etal tatslals Fleansededar etal balledataraltaeba 37 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES .........cccsssssessssssesssssersssessenersesseseeserseneeseereseeneeneee PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND INVOICES WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENT 7 DISALLOWANCE 00... sccccsessesecsssesesnesceesssesseesscnseessesseenssasseansesssasscansaceseeasersecenee 41 PAYMENT DOES NOT IMPLY ACCEPTANCE OF WORK.......:ccsscsesessseseseeseess 41 Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page ii9 TJPA'S RESPONSIBILITIES.............csccssscsssesesessssesesnssenenescensseneseensacaesesesseaeanensacaserenenene 41 9.1 APPROVALS 9.2 BIDS .. 9.3 BUILDING INSPECTORS . 9.4 DEFICIENCIES. .0.0....c.cccecceccceseseesesesesceneeceesnsseseeeeneseseseseenssesesesessesuacansneseeseseseeeseee 41 9.5 ee elet etal tes detelelal al sdetdedetetelattaldedladehelabalsledltadelateleltetdedalelalabalala 42 9.6 HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. ......ccccssssssessetesceseeeteiereseetensansneneseenaneneaseerseeneesenee 42 9.7 NONAFFIXED FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT............cccccsesseeseseecseseeteeeeeee! 42 9.8 PROJECT DATA 9.9 PROJECT MANAGER. 9.10 RESPOND TO SUBMITTALS 9.11 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS ...0......cceececccsceteseeneeseeteceseseseeeenesescsnseeseseecsnensaeanseeee 43 10 OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS, ELECTRONIC FILES, AND OTHER MATERIALS 11 TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION OF AGREEMENT . 11.1. TERMINATION BY EITHER PARTY FOR FAULT 11.2. TERMINATION BY TJPA FOR CONVENIENCE ....0.. ses ecsecsesseeseseeseesereeserseeneenes 44 11.3. PROCEDURE UPON TERMINATION ........c ccc cseeeseseetenesssesnesseacsnensseeneneee 45 11.4 SUSPENSION OF SERVICES UNDER THE AGREEMENT .......0......c.ceeccceeeee 46 12 INSURANCE .........csscssscssesesessesssesssesnssssecesseaeeensesaseensusseaeansneasseasanensasenersueseanseeaesesseneneaeens 46 12.1 COVERAGES .......eccccescscsescscesesesseceneseseseseesssnsnsnssesseusseseseensesesesusneesseeeaseasasecaneee 46 12.2 ENDORSEMENTS .........cceccccccescssseseeseseseseenenesesneressecsencasseeensessecsneasseesseeasarsesenee 48 12.3. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE ...0.......ccccecesesscs cesses eseeeeeeneseresneesseneeeeaseeenaneee 48 12.4 OTHER COVERAGES oo. cceccccsesesesseeeneesesneneesssnsnessecsuessseessnenssesesnersseasanensasansneee 48 13 INDEMNIFICATION .........c.ccscessssssessssssecessssesesessesesnsesseaesnsnesessassnsnsseseesesesesnsneneseensesseaeaes 48 TS GENERALLY src tetotatebchdadndatetetastctsededudedolatabshchesdodadetatehatcoshdedsdetatatahanebdadatadatehabene 48 13.2 LIMITATIONS 2.0... cccccccseseeseeseesesteseaseneesessenseessesssnssnssssreeassnessssesesesneeessneesensenes 49 13.3. COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT ..........cccccscssseseseesescessneseseseetssesssnsessseeneneesseenaneee 49 COMMON PROVISIONS: LIMITATIONG..........:s:sscssscssssssesseesesessesssesssnsnseseeasarsesssaeseseeseseneseaes 49 14 MODIFICATIONG........ccsesssssssesssssseesesscsessesscsessessseoceassneaneassusseensensensaneassnenneneeaseseserssessen 49 15 GUARANTEED MAXIMUM COSTS..........cscssesessesesnsseseeeesenssenseeenssenesnensseneneensecaeaneneneee 49 16 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS; BUDGET AND FISCAL PROVISIONS; TERMINATION IN THE EVENT OF NON-APPROPRIATION .........csccsscssssssssesssssseensessesssesstesseansceneeseserseenee 50 Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page iii17 LIABILITY OF THE TUPA...........ccscsecssssssssssesessessseseseensstsnsnsseaesneneneseneecessesnsesneseeneneaeaeens 51 18 SOLE BENEFIT... 19 NON-WAIVER OF RIGHTS 20 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 21 WORKS FOR HIRE 22 QUALIFIED PERSONNEL.........cccccssssssssecsssesssessssssesnsseesseseessseesseenearscssensaeassceeacesereusaeee 52 23 SUBCONSULTANT.........:secssssssessesorsscsassnencenssseasensesesnsnseseessensseesesneressaraseneracseeneenesereesny 52 24 INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES .............scsssesssseessetssesesesnesesneeseeaeens 53 25 RESPONSIBILITY FOR EQUIPMENT ............cccccssscssssesesesesseessesesseseesstssesesnenesescsneaeaeaes 53 26 OWNERSHIP OF EQUIPMENT........s:ssssessessesscsnrsessersesseacsnesscsecneenstassesseasaeasensensansneeasens 53 27 FTA REQUIREMENTS ...........ccscsssesssssssessensncsnesesesseseneaesnsnsscsesesnsnsaessessessaesenuaeensesneaeans 53 28 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS ..........ccccsssssessesssesssasseassesseseneecsnsseseseensaeansesnessseaneneasecenenenees 54 29 COMPLIANCE WITH AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT ...........:.scssscssseeeeeseeeeee 54 30 TAXES. o.escesecssesessessessesnescsnesscasncsacsnsacsacsnsaueacsacsncaseseenesueneesecsesuesesseenesseserneeneceeneeneaneneeaeeae 54 COMMON PROVISIONS: CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION .........sscesscsssssssesseessseeseseseseeseeeses 54 31 EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AGREEMENT.............ssssssssersssesssesssasseessrssessensssseenseearscans 54 32 NOTICES... cssssseeeseeteseseseeeeteesesneaeseasesneneesaesaseesenensecsnsnsaeasonenensssesenenesensensneanenseennacens 54 33 CONSTRUCTION ........cccsssesesseseseesstessseseesnsesesessesesesneseseseecssesneensesescsneeseaescensneatareeeene 55 34 ENTIRE AGREEMENT ...........scsssccsssssssescessscesersnssesessenearensesseassseneasassesseesasaneussesnsesseasarans 55 35 SEVERABILITY ...........2-2sccssssesessesseessesecessensesssetsessecnsncnenensesssesssessensnesnessecneseensaenseeseeese 55 36 AGREEMENT MADE IN CALIFORNIA; VENUE .........c.ccsecsssssessssnseseessresesseeeteseseeesaeaceee 55 37 ASSIGNMENT 38 39 40 “1 Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page ivCOMMON PROVISIONS: DISPUTE RESOLUTION...............cccscssssesseseseessssaeseenseseecsneneseeesees 57 42 AUDIT AND INSPECTION OF RECORDS.. 43 ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDY FOR DISPUTEG.........scssssssssssssseneesssesnsesssscnsstsstsecsrenenas 57 44 SUBMITTING FALSE CLAIMS .........csscesssssessesssssessesesscssessenssesseeatsnssessnrsseseneeneenseneseeanens 58 COMMON PROVISIONS: RECORDS AND DISCLOSURES. 45 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF THE TJPA...sssssssssssssssssessessssssssnsesssnsassnnsseseseess 58 46 SUNSHINE ORDINANCE .......ccsssssscsssscsssscsssecsessesesscceesenscessesseseessnenssosseseesnnesseseeseeneess 59 47 NONDISCLOSURE OF PRIVATE INFORMATION. ...cccsssssssssccccssssssssssesescsssssnsneeeesesss 59 COMMON PROVISIONS: PUBLIC POLICY INITIATIVES ....ccssssssssssssssssssscsesssssssnsseesessussnne 60 48 NONDISCRIMINATION IN CITY CONTRACTS AND BENEFITS ORDINANCE........... 60 48.1 CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISCRIMINATE ....scsccccssssssssssssssesssssseesssusasseeeee 60 48.2 SUBCONTRACTS ...-scssccsessssssssssessssssssesssisssnsessssensesssssesessenusssarssseneunsesseeeee 60 48.3 NONDISCRIMINATION IN BENEFITS. 48.4 48.5 49 DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE REQUIREMENTS..........sssssssssseesssseees 61 50 PROMPT PAYMENT TO SUBCONTRACTORS. ....sssssssssssssssssssssssscesesssssssssscessssanenee 62 51 REQUIRING MINIMUM COMPENSATION FOR EMPLOYEES ......ssssssssssssssscessssessseee 62 52. REQUIRING HEALTH BENEFITS FOR COVERED EMPLOYEES......ssscosssssssssssesseeee 65 53 _ FIRST SOURCE HIRING PROGRAM ......sssssesssssssccssssssnsesssesssnsssnsscesesssansnneeesensussnee 67 54 INTERN MENTORING PROGRAM 55 MACBRIDE PRINCIPLES—NORTHERN IRELAND ........c:sscsesssssrsessnsarsstseeseeneeseserseeses 69 56 DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY ........sscssssssssssssossnssssnssessnsnssnssesssenssnssenesasesssesaenees 70 COMMON PROVISIONS: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION 57 RESOURCE CONSERVATION .........cccccsssssssessesssesssesssansnsnsasssaesneneaeesesussnecsseansesneceaeaeene 70 58 TROPICAL HARDWOOD AND VIRGIN REDWOOD BAN.........sssssecsersessereeseseseeneeaseee 70 59 PRESERVATIVE-TREATED WOOD CONTAINING ARSENIC. 60 GRAFFITI REMOVAL.............ccssscsessssssessseesesesesesnesesesnenssescesesasesesesnesesesesnaseanscsnsneseacenenees 71 Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page vffl ATTACHMENTS 1. Scope Definition 2. Fee Schedule 3. Schedule of Services 4. Key Employees 5. Subconsultants APPENDICES A. Program Requirements (Scope Definition Report, volumes 1 through 6 (March 2007)) B. FTA Requirements for Professional Services Contracts Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page viAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TRANSBAY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY AND PELLI CLARKE PELLI ARCHITECTS, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the TRANSBAY JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY (the "TJPA"), a public entity, and PELLI CLARKE PELLI ARCHITECTS, INC. (the "Architect". WHEREAS, the TJPA desires that the Architect render professional design services in connection with the design and construction of TRANSBAY TRANSIT CENTER BUILDING AND RELATED STRUCTURES; and WHEREAS, the Architect represents that it possesses the requisite professional expertise, experience and resources to render such services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, TJPA and the Architect intend that this Agreement comply with the regulations of the Federal Transit Administration of the United States Department of Transportation ("FTA"); and WHEREAS, on September 20, 2007, the TJPA Board of Directors (the "Board") adopted Resolution No. 07-034, which authorized the Executive Director to negotiate with the Architect; and WHEREAS, on May 15, 2008, the Board adopted Resolution No. 08-025, which authorized the Executive Director to execute this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the TJPA and the Architect agree as follows: 1 THE PROJECT 1.1 DESCRIPTION The TJPA does hereby engage the Architect to perform, under the terms and conditions in this Agreement, professional services for the complete design of and related construction phase services for the Transbay Transit Center Building (the "Project"). The Project shall consist of the Transbay Transit Center Building, the Bus Ramps connecting the Transit Center Building to the Bus Storage Facilities and the West Approach to the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge, the interconnection and coordination with the Caltrain Downtown Extension Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 4(DTX) component of the Transbay Transit Center Program, including design of the train box and platform, and the interconnection and coordination with the Transbay Tower. The Project will be located over four blocks (from Fremont to Second Streets) between Mission and Natoma Streets in the City and County of San Francisco. The Project elements and requirements are set forth in Attachment 1 to this Agreement. The Program Requirements for the Project are set forth in Appendix A. Both Attachment 1 and Appendix A are incorporated by reference as if set forth here in full. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and Attachment 1 or Appendix A, and/or the documents referenced in the Attachment and Appendix, this Agreement shall control. 1.2 FIXED BUDGET LIMIT OF PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST 1.2.1 The fixed budget limit of construction cost (the "Fixed Budget Limit") for the Project is Three Hundred Sixty Million Dollars ($360,000,000) in January 2007 dollars and cost indices. The Fixed Budget Limit includes all of the costs of basic construction for the foundation and the above-grade elements of the Transit Center Building (Phase | construction), as more fully described in Attachment 1. The Fixed Budget Limit excludes construction contingencies and alternates, either additive or deductive, the cost of furniture, operating and office equipment, telephones and business networks, furnishings, and the cost of artwork that is to be incorporated in the Project as an integral building or site element of the Phase | elements of the Transit Center Building as described in Attachment 1 to this Agreement. 1.2.2 The Architect is responsible for designing a comprehensive and complete Project that conforms to the Fixed Budget Limit, +/- 5%. The Architect shall monitor the design and estimate the construction cost for the Project as the design is developed, according to the TJPA Cost Change Control Procedure described in Article 4.12 below, and also as the sequential trade packages are prepared and awarded, all in coordination with the TJPA and the CM/GC, as set forth in Article 4.13 below. Such coordination imposes no additional liability on the part of the TJPA or the CM/GC. In the event that cost estimates prior to bidding or actual trade package bids, as may be submitted at various phases or stages of design or construction, indicate that the construction cost will exceed the Fixed Budget Limit after taking into account the alternates described below in, the Architect shall, at the request of the TJPA and at no cost to the TJPA: (i) revise the design and construction documents, plans Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 2and specifications and (ii) assist the TJPA with re-bidding of the Project or any trade package(s), until the construction cost is within +/-5% of the Fixed Budget Limit, subject to the following Articles,,, and The following Project elements are not included in the Fixed Budget Limit and shall not be considered part of the no-cost bid and construction phase re-design obligations of this Article: (a) the Bus Ramps and (b) Phase II (below-grade) construction (as defined in Attachment 1). The Architect, however, acknowledges and agrees that the TJPA shall set separate construction budgets for the Bus Ramps and for the Phase II construction, and the Architect will be responsible, as part of Basic Services, to design such elements to the stated budgets in conformance with Articles 3, 4, and 5 of this Agreement. Upon completion of the Construction Documents phase for the Bus Ramps and Phase II construction elements, any re-design of the Bus Ramps or Phase II construction elements necessitated by construction costs, market forces, or other factors outside the control of the Architect, shall be considered Additional Services under this Agreement. The TJPA, at its sole discretion, may modify the Fixed Budget Limit, or may apply additive or deductive alternates to the lowest responsive bid to meet the Fixed Budget Limit. The Architect and the TJPA will confer at all phases of design and before the design of any alternates. The Architect shall develop additive alternates with an estimated value of not less than seven and one-half percent (7.5%) and deductive alternates with an estimated value of not less than seven and one-half percent (7.5%) of the Fixed Budget Limit, with final determination by the TJPA as to the scope of such alternates, which alternates shall be a part of the bid package, and the order in which the TJPA would accept such alternates to be fully designed and further incorporated by the Architect into the final construction documents. In the event that redesign services are necessary after the TJPA has received bids for construction of the Project, the TJPA shall cooperate with the Architect in allowing design changes. The final decision as to what elements of the Project are redesigned shall rest solely with the TJPA. The Architect must complete any redesign within two (2) months of notification by the TJPA of its intent to redesign, not including the time for TJPA review. In the event the redesign is so substantial that the Architect reasonably believes that more time is required, the Architect shall request written Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 3approval from the TJPA for additional time, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event that redesign services are performed after the Architect has received notification by the TJPA to redesign and modify the Contract Documents, preparation of modified Construction Documents and preparation of a Final Architect's Estimate of Construction Cost, and obtaining TJPA approval of the final Construction Documents, shall be the limit of the Architect's strict responsibility arising out of the establishment of the Fixed Budget Limit. This, however, shall in no way limit the Architect's responsibility or the TJPA's remedies in the event that the reason that the Fixed Budget Limit was exceeded was the result of the Architect's negligent acts, errors or omissions. Should the TJPA accept a bid which exceeds the Fixed Budget Limit, there shall be no additional compensation (i.e., no proportional increase in fee) to the Architect. 1.3 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES 1.3.1 Time is of the essence in this Agreement with respect to the performance of all provisions of this Agreement and with respect to all Project schedules in which a definite time for performance by the Architect and the Architect's Consultants is specified; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not be construed to limit or deprive a party of the benefits of any grace period provided for in this Agreement. The parties acknowledge that delay is one of the greatest causes of waste and increased expense in any construction project. The Architect shall act diligently in anticipating and performing its required tasks in a manner so as to not unreasonably delay the prosecution of any services or work with respect to the Project. 1.3.2 Attached to this Agreement as Attachment 3 is a preliminary schedule of services indicating the times and sequences assumed for the completion of all services required under this Agreement. Within fifteen (15) days after the Architect's receipt of a Notice to Proceed (NTP) from the TJPA, the Architect shall submit for TJPA approval a progress schedule of services. The progress schedule of services shall be in the form of a progress Gantt (schedule bar) chart indicating phases, tasks, durations and times, and sequences of key activities, TJPA, City and other required reviews and approvals as related to the services in this Agreement, but excluding detailed construction schedules. Upon approval of the progress schedule of services Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 41.3.3 1.3.4 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 by the TJPA, the Architect shall adopt the schedule as a baseline schedule, and ona monthly basis submit a progress schedule indicating actual progress compared to the baseline schedule. The TJPA shall equitably adjust the schedule to accommodate delays not due to the fault of the Architect. Construction administration phase duration for the Project is estimated to be forty- eight (48) months. Should the Architect be required to perform construction administration phase services for a period beyond a total duration of fifty-four (54) months, due to no fault of the Architect, the Architect is entitled to additional compensation and is obligated to provide complete and accurate documentation of all actual increased cost of performance of its services. In the event that the construction is delayed beyond the scheduled completion date due to the fault of the Architect, as determined by the TJPA in its sole discretion, then the Architect shall continue to provide construction administration phase services in accordance with this Agreement through the actual completion of construction at no additional charge to the TJPA. In such event, the TJPA reserves all rights as against the Architect. The Architect may submit any disputed amounts as a claim. The Architect shall receive written authorization from the TJPA prior to proceeding with each phase described under Articles 4, 5 and 6, below. PROGRAM The Program elements and requirements for the Project are set forth in Appendix A. The Program generally requires that the Project shall result in a Transbay Transit Center Building and bus ramps, suitable for use as a major public transportation terminal for buses and trains interconnected with a privately-developed Transbay Tower. The Project is part of Transbay Transit Center Program. The Transbay Transit Center Program is comprised of the following projects: (i) on the site of the existing Transbay Terminal, the construction of (a) a new Transbay Transit Center Building and (b) development by a third party Developer of a Transit Tower adjacent to the Transit Center on the property bounded by the Transit Center and Mission, Fremont, and First Streets; (ii) a rail tunnel and rail systems to extend Caltrain from Fourth and King Streets to the Transit Center, known as the Caltrain Downtown Extension (DTX) Project; (iii) a new underground Fourth and Townsend Street Caltrain Station; (iv) Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 5modifications to the existing surface station at Fourth and King Streets; (v) temporary bus terminals; (vi) ramps connecting the Bay Bridge to the transit Center; and (vii) new permanent bus storage facilities. The Transbay Transit Center Program is generally described and set forth in the Transbay Terminal/Downtown Caltrain Extension/Redevelopment Project Final Environmental Impact Statement /Environmental Impact Report dated March 2004, which is incorporated by reference as if set forth here in full. The Architect must request, review and incorporate requirements for the Project that may be established in such referenced documents. 2 DEFINITIONS For all purposes of this Agreement, the following definitions shall apply: 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall mean the services that the TJPA, in writing, authorizes the Architect to perform which are in addition to the services included within Basic Services. ADVISE shall mean “make recommendations to." APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES shall mean any private, local, municipal, county, state, regional or federal authority or agency having jurisdiction of any kind over the Project. This term is intended to include those agencies and authorities that may require information or the filing of plans, specifications, etc., in connection with the Project on either a voluntary or non-voluntary basis. This term includes, but is not limited to, the State Fire Marshall, the San Francisco Planning Department, the San Francisco Department of Public Works, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, the San Francisco Department of Building Inspection, any of the transit agencies operating or planned to operate at the Transbay Terminal, and other entities as the TJPA may direct in writing. ARCHITECT shall mean Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, Inc., serving as the prime consultant under this Agreement with the TJPA for the Project, whether providing architectural, engineering, or other professional design services. Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 62.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 AUTHORIZATION shall be the direction of the TJPA properly executed by the Executive Director or designee of the TJPA and certified by the Chief Financial Officer of the TJPA for the specific funding of this Agreement or any modification thereof and other written approvals by the TJPA. BASIC SERVICES shall mean the services described in Articles 4, 5 and 6 below that the Architect is required to provide for the Fee as set forth in Article 8 below. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER shall mean the Financial Manager of the TJPA. CITY shall mean the City and County of San Francisco, a municipal corporation, within whose jurisdiction the Project resides. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS shall include working drawings, specifications, general conditions and special and/or supplementary general conditions, information for bidders, accepted bid proposals and addenda developed to set forth in detail all aspects of the design, function and construction of the Project. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER shall mean the construction consultant retained directly by the TJPA for the purpose of assisting the TJPA in the areas of oversight and management of the Contractor, estimating value engineering and negotiation of changes to the contract, bidding of contracts, field inspection, and the like, or TJPA forces designated to provide these services. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER /GENERAL CONTRACTOR (CM/GC) shall mean the prime construction general contractor selected by the TJPA through a competitive process or as otherwise authorized by law, referred to as a "CM/GC," to provide pre-construction services, to bid trade work, and to perform, coordinate, and oversee construction of the Project. CONSULTANT PROJECT PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE shall mean one prime individual, empowered by the Architect to represent and make decisions and commit the resources of the entire consultant team, whose responsibility is to direct, coordinate and control the entire team in its efforts to Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 72.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.16.1 2.16.2 2.16.3 2.16.4 successfully prepare and complete the Basic Services described herein, regardless of any other key persons provided. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS shall include the TJPA-Contractor construction contract and all documents (whether electronic or hard copy) designated in the construction contract as part of the construction contract, including working drawings (plans), specifications, addenda, general conditions and special and/or supplementary general conditions of the contract. CONTRACTOR shall mean the prime construction general contractor (see also CM/GC) selected by the TJPA through a competitive bid process or as otherwise authorized by law. DEVELOPER shall mean Hines, the intended private developer of the Transbay Transit Center Tower, or any successor developer. DRAWING SET shall mean the required submissions of design or construction documents by the Architect to the TJPA. Required Drawing Sets shall be provided in the formats noted below, for each phase of work. Schematic Design Phase: five (5) full size and five (5) half size plotted or printed sets of drawings, one (1) reproducible set of drawings, and CADD files on compact disc. Reports, schedules and other written documents: ten (10) hard copies and original documents on compact disc. Design Development Phase: five (5) full size and five (5) half size sets of drawings, one (1) reproducible set of drawings and CADD files on compact disc. Outline specifications, reports, schedules and other written documents: ten (10) hard copies and original documents on compact disc. Construction Documents Phase: 50%, 95% and 100% submittals: one (1) full size and five (5) half size sets of drawings, one reproducible set of full size drawings, and CADD files on compact disc. Outline specifications, reports, schedules and other written documents: one (1) hard copy and original documents on compact disc. Construction Bid Phase: all documents on compact disc. Design Services Agreement for the Transbay Transit Center Building Page 82.16.5 2.16.6 2.16.7 2.16.8 2.16.9 2.16.10 2.16.11 2.16.12 2.17 CADD drawings shall be provided in AutoCAD R2004 or more recent version, and corresponding pen files and image files, or other computer drawing and drafting software approved by the TJPA. Written documents, spread sheets and cost estimates on Microsoft Office Suite 2003 (Word and Excel) Schedules in Microsoft Project 2003. Audiovisual presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003. Image files in JPG, GIF, PIC, TIF and BMP formats. These images shall be made available on any storage format selected by the TJPA. Renderings in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and 3D Studio VIZ, or other software approved by the TJPA. Presentation boards, mounted on 3/8-inch or %-inch Gatorboard. Architectural models shall be composed of painted Plexiglas, wood or other materials as requested as a part of additional services and as approved by the TJPA and mounted on wooden base with optically clear Plexiglas panel covering suitable for public display. FINAL COMPLETION shall mean acceptance by the TJPA of the Phase | Construction work for the Project as fully and satisfactorily complete. The scope of Phase | Construction is defined in Attachment 1. 2.18 2.19 FIXED BUDGET LIMIT as defined in Article 1.2, the Fixed Budget Limit represents the TJPA’s budget for bid and award of a construction contract for the complete construction of the Project. The Fixed Budget Limit shall be final and may not be changed except by written amendment to this Agreement specifically referring to a change in the sum specified in Article 1.2 above. NOTICE TO PROCEED (N