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  • John M Rinaldi v. Kolleen A OldenburgOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview
  • John M Rinaldi v. Kolleen A OldenburgOther Matters - Contract - Other document preview


FILED: CORTLAND COUNTY CLERK 08/17/2022 03:39 PM INDEX NO. EF22-347 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 08/17/2022 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT CHAMBERS CORTLAND COUNTY COURTHOUSE 46 GREENBUSH STREET CORTLAND, NEW YORK 13045-02772 (607) 218-3340 FAX (212) 520-6830 MARK G. MASLER MICHAEL P. PORCIELLO, LAW CLERK JUSTICE SHERYL A. HOLBROOK, SECRETARY August 17, 2022 Via NYSCEF Mr. John Rinaldi 6698 Glen Haven Road Homer, New York 13077 RE: Matter of Application of John M. Rinaldi for an Order Removing Kolleen A. Oldenberg as Trustee of the Kristen Lee Rinaldi Trust Cortland County Index No. EF22-347; RJI No. 2022-0220-M Dear Mr. Rinaldi: You have filed a request for judicial intervention with your petition seeking (1) the removal of Kolleen A. Oldenberg as trustee of the Kristen Lee Rinaldi Trust, (2) an order compelling Ms. Oldenberg to render an account of the Kristen Lee Rinaldi Trust, and (3) your appointment as successor trustee; however, there is no application pending before the court for its immediate consideration. To proceed with your petition, itis necessary that you provide respondent with notice of the proceeding and the opportunity to appear and answer the petition. You must file a notice of petition and serve the notice, petition, and any supporting papers upon respondent in accordance with either CPLR 308 or CPLR 312-a. The notice of petition should indicate a return date and time of September 23, 2022 at 1:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the parties may be heard, at the Cortland County Courthouse. The delivery or mailing must be done by someone other than you. You must then file an affidavit of service completed by the person who served the respondent in NYSCEF. If the requested notice of petition and affidavit of service are not provided by September 12, 2022, the proceeding will be deemed abandoned and will be dismissed without prejudice. Very truly yours, Michael P. Porciello Law Clerk for Hon. Mark G. Masler 2022324376 EF22-347 08/17/2022 03:39:06PM Pages 1 LETTER/CORRESPONDENCE FROM COI Elizabeth Larkin, County Clerk 1 of 1