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SUM-100 SU fAONS - FOR COURT USE ONLY (CITACION JUDICIAL) (S0LO PARA USO DELA CORTE) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): BGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company; ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR and DOES ! to $0, inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. if you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (, or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court's lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. IAVISOI Lo han demandado, Sino responde dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decidir en su contra sin escuchar su versién. Lea la informacion a continuacién. Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entreguen esta citacién y papeles legales para presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formulatios de la corte y més informaci6n en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (, en fa biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en fa corte que fe quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de prasentacién, pida al secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario de exencién de pago de cuotas. Sino presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podré quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales, Es recomendable que Hlame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede Hamar a un servicio de remision a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisites para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un Programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de lucro en él sitio web de California Legal Services, ~ (, en e/ Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California, ( 0 poniéndose en contacto con fa corte o ef colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas y las costos exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperacién de $10,000 6 més de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesién de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene que | pagar el gravamen de /a corte antes de que /a corte pueda desechar el caso. CASE NU! The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y direccién de la corte es): Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 400 Mcallister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff's attorney, or plaintiff without an attomey, is: (El nombre, fa direccién y el nimero de teléfono del abogado de! demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es): STUART A KATZ LAW OFFICES OF STUARP A. KATZ, P.C. 940 South Coast Dr., Suite 203 (949) 660-1916 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 DATE: Clerk, by LONIG uly (For p thik (1 (Para prueba de entrega de esta citacién use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served ORIGINAL BY FAX (SEAu 1. as an individual defendant. 2. as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): 3. [J on behalf of (specify): under: CCP 416.10 (corporation) CCP 416.60 (minor) CCP 416.20 (defunct corporation) CCP 416.70 (conservatee) CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) CCP 416.90 (authorized person) other (specify): 4. CC) by personal delivery on (date): Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use SUMMONS Code of Givl Procedure §§ 412 20, 465 GEERELS” CEB’ Espentia ncaa cchcom [2]Forms: ON DeckrLus-uut "ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, StaloBa —-% andaddros): FOR COURT USE ONLY STUART A KATZ 118098 LAW OFFICES OF STUART A. KATZ, PC. 940 South Coast Dr., Suite 203 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 etepone No: (949) 660-1916 FAXNO.(Optionay: (949) 660-1716 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name: ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Francisco street aporess: 400 Mcallister Street cava coer San Francisco, CA 94102 R T L EE D erance name: Civic Center Courthouse. | County Superior Court PLAINTIFF: ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. San Francisco Couny pono" DEFENDANT: SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company; ARIEL SALAZAR aka AUG 08 2018 JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR OF UAT GQ) bors 1 10.50, inclusive ———_______ Seen CONTRACT By Dep Clerk (QQ) ComPLaint (CC) AMENDED COMPLAINT (Number) : (J cRoss-compLaiInt (_] AMENDED CROSS-COMPLAINT (Number) : Jurisdiction (check all that apply): CASE NUMBER: [CQ] ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE Amount demanded a does not exceed $10,000 [X} exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $25,000 AA (2) ACTION IS AN UNLIMITED CIVIL CASE (exceeds $25,000) Cac - 1 9 - 5 7 8 2 8 3 [2] ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint or cross-complaint (2) from limited to unlimited {-} from unlimited to limited Plaintiff* (name or names): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. ORIGINAL alleges causes of action against defendant" (name or names): SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company; ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR and DOES 2. This pleading, including attachments and exhibits, consists of the following number of pages: 24 3. a. Each plaintiff named above is a competent adult [E) except plaintif (name): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. (1) (Qa corporation qualified to do business in California (2) (} an unincorporated entity (describe) : (3) CL) other (specify) : b. (2) Plaintiff (name) : a. [C} has complied with the fictitious business name laws and is doing business under the fictitious name (specify) : BY FAX b. (C) has complied with all licensing requirements as a licensed(specify) : c. (2) Information about additional plaintiffs who are not competent adults is shown in Attachment 3c. 4. a. Each defendant named above is a natural person (&) except defendant (name) : {[) except defendant (name) : SBGARAGE LLC (1) (C) a business organization, form unknown (4) (2) a business organization, form unknown (2) [(C} acorporation (2) (L} acorporation (3) LL) an unincorporated entity (describe) : (3) (L) anunincorporated entity (describe) : (4) (CC) a public entity (describe) : (4) (2) a public entity (describe) : (5) (Ky other (specify): (6) C2) other (specify): limited liability company *if this form is used 8s a cross-complaint, plaintiff means cross-complainent and defendant means cross-defendant, Page { of 2 Form, raved for Optional Use Code of Civil Procedure, § 425.12 Judicial Councl of Calor LAINT - pUBeS60! foe January 12007] exhzom CB | Serene: COMPLAINT - Contract ON DeckPLD-C-001 > - SHORT TITLE: ._JMBER: ON DECK V. SBGARAGE 4. (Continued) b. The true names of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plaintiff. (1) (XJ Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): 40 to 50, inclusive __ were the agents or employees of the named defendants and acted within the scope of that agency or employment. (2) (K] Doe defendants (specify Doe numbers): 50, inclusive are persons whose capacities are unknown to plaintiff. c. (C] Information about additional defendants who are not natural persons is contained in Attachment 4c. d. [] Defendants who are joined under Code of Civil Procedure section 382 are(names): 5. (C) Plaintiff is required to comply with a claims statute, and a. (] has complied with applicable claims statutes, or b. (C} is excused from complying because (specify) : 6. (2) This action is subject to CC) Civil Code section 1812.10 [C) Civil Code section 2984.4. 7. This court is the proper court because (CQ) a defendant entered into the contract here. (2) a defendant lived here when the contract was entered into. (QQ a defendant lives here now. (C} the contract was to be performed here. (2) a defendant is a corporation or unincorporated association and its principal place of business is here. (CC) real property that is the subject of this action is located here. () other (specify) : e@-eoeaegDn 8. The following causes of action are attached and the statements above apply to each (each complaint must have one or more causes of action attached) : (XQ) Breach of Contract [QQ Common Counts CC} Other (specify) : 9. [&) Other allegations: (a) Plaintiff is informed and believes that Does | to 50, inclusive, were and are, in some matter, responsible for the occurrence, injuries or damages alleged herein. (b) See allegations on page 3; (c) See Personal Guaranty Allegation on page 3 10. Plaintiff prays for judgment for costs of suit; for such relief as is fair, just, and equitable; and for a. [X] damages of: $ 12,960.00 b. [&) interest on the damages (1) (2) according to proof (2) [K) atthe rate of (specify: 10 ~ percent per year from (date): 9/28/2018 c. [) attorney's fees (1) DQ of $ (2) [X} according to proof. d. (2) other (specify) : 11. [QQ The paragraphs of this pleading alleged on information and belief are as folloy’s (specify paragraph numbers) : 9. (a) and (c) Date: 8/5/2019 STUART A. KATZ, (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) » (GIGHATUREOF PLAINS OR Al " (if you wish to verify this pleading, affix a verit Nn.) PLO-C-001 [Rev. January 1, 2007] 7 COMPLAINT - Contract Page 2 of 2 “TRY Es Gs feo ON DeckCeO NIN DU Bw NH YE YP NY NY NRNNKN & Be eB ewe ew ewe ee ek on DW FF YW NHN K& DDO eB DH BP Ww YW & S ATTACHMENT TO COMPLAINT: Page 3 9(b). ASSIGNMENT ALLEGATION Plaintiff, ON DECK CAPITAL, INC., is the assignee and successor in interest to Celtic Bank, as to all rights, title, and interest in the Loan Agreement, Exhibit A hereto, and any and all amounts owed thereunder including the Accounts Receivable arising out of the account documents pertaining to SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company, and ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR and DOES including the Business Loan Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit A. 9(c). PERSONAL GUARANTEE ALLEGATION Plaintiff is informed and believes and on such information and belief alleges that ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR and DOES are the guarantors of payment and performance of all obligations of SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company arising from the Business Loan Agreement, Exhibit A hereto. As guarantors, ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR and DOES are personally liable for any and all obligations of SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company which arise from a breach of the Business Loan Agreement. ATTACHMENT TO COMPLAINT ~ page 3PLD-C-001(1 v 2 . . SHORT TITLE: - CAT 1BER: ON DECK V. SBGARAGE HIRST ___, —_— CAUSE OF ACTION-Breach of Contract ATTACHMENT TO [XJ Complaint [7] Cross-Compiaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) BC-1. Plaintiff (name): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. alleges that on or about (date): 6/4/2018 a (XY written (CQ ora! 2) other (specify): agreement was made between (name parties to agreement). Plaimiffs Assignor and Defendants SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company: (Q) A copy of the agreement is attached as Exhibit A, or AR/EL SALAZARaka JORGE VARGAS SA\ and DOES (XQ The essential terms of the agreement [_] are stated in Attachment BC-1 [XJ are as follows (specify): Plaintiff's Assignor and Defendants SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company; ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR and DOES entered into a Business Loan Agreement, Exhibit A hereto, wherein they agreed to pay all amounts due thereunder in exchange for the loan made by Plaintiff's Assignor to Defendants. BC-2. On or about (dates): 7/2/2018 defendant breached the agreement by [_] the acts specified in Attachment BC-2 [XJ the following acts. (specify): Defendants failed and refused to pay all amounts due pursuant to Exhibit A. The breaches may include but are not limited to revoking authorizations for ACH transfers, the return or rejection of ACH debit transfers; failing to pay any missed payments as required by Exhibit A; and/or Plaintiff being unable to collect automatic payments on two consecutive dates due and/or Defendants failed to pay amounts due on two consecutive date; and failing to pay all outstanding amounts pursuant to the personal guarantee, as required by Exhibit "A". BC-3. Plaintiff has performed all obligations to defendant except those obligations plaintiff was prevented or excused from performing. 8C-4. Plaintiff suffered damages legally (proximately) caused by defendant's breach of the agreement ©) as stated in Attachment BC-4 as follows (specify): $12,960.00 plus interest at 10% from September 28, 2018 BC-5. [X] Plaintiff is entitled to attorney fees by an agreement or a statute CD ofs (&] according to proof. BC-6. C} Other: Page 4 Page 1 of 1 “iancal Goan t Cotiorna CAUSE OF ACTION- Breach of Contract Ceo nan courice gos PLO-C-001(1) (Rev. January 1, 2007] | Essential CB Esgential ON Deck: PLD-C-004(2) CASE NUMBER: SHORT TITLE: ON DECK V. SBGARAGE SECOND ____._CAUSE OF ACTION-Common Counts (number) ATTACHMENT TO [XJComplaint [CJ Cross-Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) CC-1. Plaintiff (name): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. alleges that defendant (name): SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company, ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR an became indebted to [XJ plaintiff (2) other (name): a, [&) within the last four years (1) (J on an open book account for money due. (2) ((] because an account was stated in writing by and between plaintiff and defendant in which it was agreed that defendant was indebted to plaintiff. b. CC) within the last [2} twoyears [C) fouryears (1) (2) for money had and received by defendant for the use and benefit of plaintiff. (2) (CJ for work, labor, services and materials rendered at the special instance and request of defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiff. CC] the sum of $ (2) the reasonable value. (3) Cl for goods, wares, and merchandise sold and delivered to defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiff CJ the sum of $ (2) the reasonable value. (4) CC) for money lent by plaintiff to defendant at defendant's request. (5) (2) for money paid, taid out, and expended to or for defendant at defendant's special instance and request. (6) CJ other (specify): CC-2, $. 12,960.00 , which is the reasonable vatue, is due and unpaid despite plaintiff's demand, plus prejudgment interest [<] according to proof [XJ atthe rateof 10 ________ percent per year from (date): 9/28/2018 CC-3. (Plaintiff is entitled to attorney fees by an agreement or a statute CI of $ [X) according to proof. cc-4. (2) Other: Page SS Page 1 of 1 Staal Baunciel Gouna CAUSE OF ACTION-Common Counts Coe oC ecurtnece 00 PLD-C-001(2) {Rev. January 1, CEB | Eseormsr ON DeckPLD-C-004(2) SHORT TITLE: CASE NUMBER: ON DECK V. SBGARAGE THIRD__________._CAUSE OF ACTION-Common Counts (umber) ATTACHMENT TO [XJ Complaint [2] Cross-Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) CC-1. Plaintiff (name): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. alleges that defendant (name): SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company, ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR ant became Indebtedto [XJ plaintiff (2) other (name): a. [&) within the last four years (1) (Jon an open book account for money due. (2) (XJ because an account was stated in writing by and between plaintiff and defendant in which it was agreed that defendant was indebted to plaintiff. b. (2) withinthelast [J+ twoyears (2) four years (1) [2] for money had and received by defendant for the use and benefit of plaintiff. (2) (L] for work, labor, services and materials rendered at the special instance and request of defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiff. () the sum of $ (CJ the reasonable value. (3) (2) for goods, wares, and merchandise sold and delivered to defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiff (Cl the sum of $ (3 the reasonable value. (4) (2) for money lent by plaintiff to defendant at defendant's request. (5) C2) for money paid, laid out, and expended to or for defendant at defendant's special instance and request. 6) Cy other (specify): CC-2. $ 12,960.00 , which is the reasonable value, is due and unpaid despite plaintiff's demand, plus prejudgment interest [L] according to proof [XJ atthe rateof IO ______ percent per year from (date): 9/28/2018 CC-3. Z] Plaintiff is entitled to attorney fees by an agreement or a statute Clos [&] according to proof. cc-4.(2) Other: Page 6 Page 1of4 ‘eaieel Cousst of Cater. CAUSE OF ACTION-Gommon Counts oe er courbca gov Judicial i PLD-C-001(2) (Rev. January 1, 2009] Cee | ESponmet ON DeckPLD-G-001(2) SHORT TITLE: CASE NUMBER: ON DECK V, SBGARAGE FOURTH _______ CAUSE OF ACTION-Common Counts (number) ATTACHMENT TO [XJ Complaint (2) Cross-Complaint (Use a separate cause of action form for each cause of action.) CC-1. Plaintiff (name): ON DECK CAPITAL, INC. alleges that defendant (name): SBGARAGE LLC, a limited liability company; ARIEL SALAZAR aka JORGE VARGAS SALAZAR : . : a became indebted to [X] plaintiff [X) other (name): Plaintiff's Assignor, Celtic Bank a. (2) within the last four years (1) (J onan open book account for money due. (2) (.) because an account was stated in writing by and between plaintiff and defendant in which it was agreed that defendant was indebted to plaintiff. b. EQ] within the last [&] twoyears [2] four years (1) [2] for money had and received by defendant for the use and benefit of plaintiff. (2) [2] for work, tabor, services and materials rendered at the special instance and request of defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiff. (2) the sum of $ {LJ the reasonable value. (3) CJ for goods, wares, and merchandise sold and delivered to defendant and for which defendant promised to pay plaintiff C2 the sum of $ (2) the reasonable value. (4) (2) for money lent by plaintiff to defendant at defendant's request. (5) -) for money paid, laid out, and expended to or for defendant at defendant's special instance and request. ©) [KX] other (specify): for money lent by Plaintiff's assignor to Defendants at Defendants' request CC-2. $ 12,960.00 , which is the reasonable value, is due and unpaid despite plaintiffs demand, plus prejudgment interest [2] according to proof (X) atthe rate of 10 __ percent per year from (date): 9/28/2018 CC-3. [XJ Plaintiff is entitled to attorney fees by an agreement or a statute Olof $ {X) according to proof. cc-4. (2) Other: Page 2 Page 1 of 4 coer eP Buns of Coote. = CAUSE OF ACTION-Common Counts Coe fC oc PLD-C-001(2) [Rev. January 1, 2009) CEB’ | Essential ON Deck caheom | fe}Forms:wing ok | “Y BUSINESS LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT This Business Loan and Security Agreement Supplement is part of (and incomorated by reference into) the Business Loan and Security Agreement. Borrower should keep this important legal document for Borrower's records. Payment Schedule: “Business day" means any Monday through Friday except for Federal Reserve holidays. Total Interest Expense: (Does not include any Fees) Borrower: SBGARAGE LLC Lender: Celtic Bank Loan Amount: $12,000.00 Origination Fee: $300.00 (Deducted at time of disbursement) Disbursement Amount: $11,700.00 (Loan Amount less Origination Fee) Note that the Disbursement Amount may not be the amount deposited to your Designated Checking Account. The amount that will be deposited to your Designated Checking Account will be reduced by any amounts owed to Lender from a prior loan or used to pay off an amount owed to a third party lender. Weekly Payment Amount: (Business days only) $540.00 Number of Weekly Payments: (Business days only) 26 26 payments of $540.00 due each Business day immediately following the date disbursement of the Disbursement Amount is initiated by Lender (in the case of loans with a Daily Payment Amount) or the same day each week as the day of the week disbursement of the Disbursement Amount is initiated by Lender beginning with seven days after Disbursement Amount is initiated (in the case of loans with a Weekly Payment Amount). $2,040.00 Total Repayment Amount: {Loan Amount plus Total Interest Expense) Prepayment: (See Section 10 of the Business Loan and Security Agreement for specific details) $14,040.00 A“Prepayment Interest Reduction Percentage" of 25% (with respect to unpaid interest remaining on this Loan) will be applied to the extent that the Borrower prepays this Loan in whole in accordance with, and subject to, Section 10 of the Business Loan and Security Agreement. Note that 75% of remaining unpaid interest will still be due upon Prepayment in whole. You should keep in mind that partial prepayments will not reduce the Total Interest Expense. Remaining unpaid interest on this Loan will be eligible to be forgiven by Lender if: (i) Borrower is current on its scheduled payments with respect to this Loan and, (ii) while this Loan is outstanding, Borrower enters into a business loan and security agreement for a new qualifying term loan with Lender, a portion Other Fees: —___| Returned Payment Fee: $25.00 Late Fee: $10.00 (maximum $50 within any 20 day period) of the proceeds of which is used to repay this Loan in whole. If you have any questions, please call us at 1.888.828.5717 (we have support available Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm EST and Saturdays 8:30am - 5:30pm EST) or email ODC App #: 2157726 Customer: SBGARAGE LLC Exhibit "A"d k . BUSINESS LUAN AND SECURITY onaec AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT This tool is provided to help you understand and assess the cost of your small . business financing. SMARTBOX ° The calculations below involve certain key assumptions about this Loan, including that the Loan is paid off in its entirety according to the agreed payment schedule and that Capital Comparison Tool no repayments are missed. Loan Disbursement Amount Repayment Amount Term Amount (minus fees withheld) ‘ $11,700.00 $14,040.00 6 Months $12,000.00 700. repaid Weeki) METRIC METRIC CALCULATION METRIC EXPLANATION Interest Expense: $2,040.00 This is the total amount that you ‘will py ie interest or Loan Fees ler fees for the Total oat Loan Fee: $0.00 Loan. — Origination Fee: $300.00 ‘The amount does not include fees and other : charges you can avoid, such as late payment Other Fees; $0.00 fees and returned payment fees. Total Cost of $2,340.00 Capital: This is the cost of the Loan — including total Annual Percentage Your Loan will have $540.00 interest or Loan Fees and other fees — expressed as a yearly rate. APR takes into Rate (APR)* Weekly payments of: account the amount and timing of capital you 72.83% receive, fees you pay, and the periodic payments you make. . While APR can be used for comparison APR: 72.83% purposes, it is not an interest rate and is not used to calculate your interest expense or Loan Fee. . This is the average monthly repayment Average Monthly Repayment Amount: $14,040.00 amount of the Loan, which does not include Payment Expected Term (in fees and other charges you can avoid, such as y! pi +6 Months Jate payment fees and returned payment fees? $2,340.00 months): ‘The actual repayment frequency for the Loan Average Monthly ¢5 340.00 wil be Weekly. ‘This isan’ estimate. for Payment: Comparison purposes only. Interest Expense or $2,040.00 This is the total amount of interest or Loan Fee Cents on the Dollar Loan Fee: Cae Cees ONES. This amount is (excluding fees) Loan Amount: + $12,000.00 ° 17.0¢ Cents on the Dollar 17.0¢ {excluding fees): Does prepayment of this Loan result in any new fees or charges? 4 No (see “Prepayment” above) Prepayment Does prepayment of this Loan decrease the total Yes interest or Loan Fees owed? (see “Prepayment” above for the Interest or fee reduction amount) ‘The Disbursement Amount is the amount of capital that a business receives and may be different from the Loan Amount. The Disbursement Amount is net of fees withheld from the Loan Amount. A portion of the Disbursement Amount may be used to pay off any amounts owed from a prior loan or an amount owed to a third party. ? Your business may Incur other fees that are not a condition of borrowing, such as late payment fees, retumed payment fees, or monthly maintenance fees. Those fees are not reflected here. See the agreement for detalls on these fees (see “Other Fees” above). SAPR should be considered in conjunction with the Total Cost of Capital. APR may be most useful when comparing financing solutions of similar expected duration, APR is calculated here according to the principles of 12 C.F.R. § 1026 (Regulation Z), using §2 payment periods of equal length and 62 payment dates per year for weekly pay products, and 252 payment dates per year for dally pay products. © 2016 Innovative Lending Platform Association. All rights reserved. Innovative Lending Platform Association is not responsible for any misuse of the SMART Box™ or any inaccuracies in the calculations or information included therein. ODC App #: 2157726 Customer: SBGARAGE LLC v3ondeck Loan Pricing Disclosure BUSINESS LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT SUPPLEMENT Lender uses a system of risk-based pricing to determine interest charges and fees. Risk-based pricing is a system that evaluates the risk factors of your application and adjusts the interest rate up or down based on this risk evaluation. Although Lender believes that its loan process provides expedited turnaround time and efficient access to capital, this loan may be a higher cost loan than loans that may be available through other lenders. Loan For Specific Purposes Only The proceeds of the requested Loan may solely be used for | the specific purposes as set forth in the Use of Proceeds Certification of the Business Loan and Security Agreement. IN ADDITION, THE LOAN WILL NOT BE USED FOR PERSONAL, FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD PURPOSES. Borrower understands that Borrower's agreement not to use the Loan proceeds for personal, family or household purposes means that certain important duties imposed upon entities making loans for consumer/personal purposes, and certain important rights conferred upon consumers, pursuant to federal or state law will not apply to this transaction. ODC App #: 2157726 Customer: SBGARAGE LLC.vl uk 1. INTRODUCTION. This Business Loan and Security Agreement (together with the accompanying Business Loan and Security Agreement Supplement and the accompanying Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit (ACH Credit) and Direct Payments (ACH Debits), this “Agreement’) governs your business loan (“Loan”) made by Celtic Bank and serviced by On Deck Capital, Inc. (‘Servicer’) Please read it and keep it for your reference. In this Agreement, the words "you,” “your” and “Borrower” mean the Borrower identified on the signature page of this Business Loan and Security Agreement. Each guarantor identified on the signature page of this Business Loan and Security Agreement shall be referred to individually as “Guarantor” and collectively as “Guarantors” in this Agreement. The words “Lender”, “we”, “us”, and “our” mean Celtic Bank or its successor(s) and assign(s). 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement begins on the date we accept this Agreement in Utah. Borrower understands and agrees that Lender may postpone, without penalty, the disbursement of amounts to Borrower until all required security interests have been perfected and Lender has received ail required personal guarantees or other documentation. 3. AUTHORIZATION. Borrower agrees that the Loan made by Lender to Borrower shall be conclusively deemed to have been authorized by Borrower and to have been made pursuant to a duly authorized request on its behalf. 4, LOAN FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES ONLY. roceeds of the requested Loan may sole! ed for the specific purposes as set forth in the Use of Proceeds Certification contained in Section 60 below, and nof an’ es. in addition, the Loan will not be used for personal, family or household purposes, and Borrower and Guarantors are forever estopped from taking the position that such Loan {including Advances) are or were used for such personal, family or household purposes. Borrower understands that Borrower's agreement not to use the Loan proceeds for personal, family or household purposes means that certain important duties imposed upon entities making loans for personal, family or household purposes, and certain important rights conferred upon such persons, pursuant to federal or ‘state law will not apply to the Loan or the Agreement. Borrower also understands that Lender will be unable to confirm whether the use of the Loan conforms to this section. Borrower agrees that a breach by Borrower of the provisions of this section will not affect Lender’s tight to (i) enforce Borrower's promise to pay for all amounts owed under this Agreement, regardless of the purpose for which the Loan is in fact obtained or (ii) use any remedy legally available to Lender, even if that The ODC App #: 2157726 Customer: SBGARAGE LLC YY BUSINESS LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT remedy would not have been available had the Loan been made for personal, family or household purposes. 5. DISBURSEMENT OF LOAN PROCEEDS AND MAINTENANCE OF BORROWER'S BANK ACCOUNT. If Borrower applied and was approved for a Loan, Borrower's Loan will be disbursed upon approval as provided in the accompanying Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit (ACH Credit) and Direct Payments (ACH Debits). Borrower agrees to maintain Direct Payments (ACH Debits) in its operating account which is the account that was reviewed in conjunction with underwriting and approval of this Loan {including keeping such account open until the Total Repayment Amount had been completely repaid). 6. PROMISE TO PAY. Borrower agrees to pay Lender the Total Repayment Amount shown in the accompanying Business Loan and Security Agreement Supplement in accordance with the Payment Schedule shown in the accompanying Business Loan and Security Agreement Supplement. Borrower agrees to enroll in Lender's Automatic Payment Plan and authorizes Lender to collect required payments as provided in the accompanying Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit (ACH Credit) and Direct Payments (ACH Debits). If required by Lender, Borrower further agrees and authorizes Lender or its Servicer to collect required payments from a transfer account established pursuant to certain Transfer Account Loan Documentation that will be provided by Lender in connection with this Business Loan and Security Agreement if applicable. 7. ALTERNATIVE PAYMENT METHODS. [If Borrower knows that for any reason Lender will be unable to process @ payment under Lender's Automatic Payment Pian, then Borrower must either restore sufficient funds such that the missed payment can be collected as provided in the accompanying Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposit {ACH Credit) and Direct Payments (ACH Debits), or promptly mail or deliver a check to Lender in the amount of the missed payment or, if offered, make the missed payment by any pay-by-phone or on-line service that Lender may make available from time to time. If Borrower elects to send payments on Borrower's Account by postal mail, then Borrower agrees to send such payments to our Servicer, On Deck Capital, 901 N Stuart Street, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203, Attn: Director of Operations. All alternative payments must be made in good funds by check, money order, wire transfer, automatic transfer from an account at an institution offering such service, or other instrument in U.S. Dollars. Borrower understands and agrees that payments made at any other address than as specified by Lender may result in a delay in processing and/or crediting. If Borrower makes an alternative payment on Borrower's Loan by mail or by any pay-by-phone orondeck — on-line service that Lender makes available while Borrower is enrolled in the Automatic Payment Plan, Lender may treat such payment as an additional payment and continue to process Borrower's scheduled Automatic Payment Plan payments or may reduce any scheduled Automatic Payment Plan payment by the amount of any such additional payment received. 8. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. Subject to applicable law, Lender reserves the right to allocate and apply payments received on Borrower's Loan between principal, interest and fees in any manner Lender chooses in Lender's sole discretion it being understood and agreed that any fees and interest will generally be paid during the earlier portion of the term. 9. POSTDATED CHECKS, RESTRICTED ENDORSEMENT CHECKS AND OTHER DISPUTED OR QUALIFIED PAYMENTS. Lender can accept late, postdated or partial payments without losing any of Lender's rights under this Agreement (a postdated check is a check dated later than the day it was actually presented for payment). Lender is under no obligation to hold a postdated check and Lender reserves the right to process every item presented as if dated the same date received by Lender or Lender's check processor unless Borrower gives. Lender adequate notice and a reasonable opportunity to act on it. Except where such notice and opportunity is given, Borrower may not hold Lender liable for depositing any postdated check. Borrower agrees not to send Lender partial payments marked “paid in full,” “without recourse,” or similar language. If Borrower sends such a payment, Lender may accept it without losing any of Lender’s rights under this Agreement. All notices and written communications concerning postdated checks, restricted endorsement checks (including any check or other payment instrument that indicates that the payment constitutes “payment in full” of the amount owed or that is tendered with other conditions or limitations or as full satisfaction of a disputed amount) or any other disputed, nonconforming or qualified payments, must be mailed or delivered to our Servicer, On Deck Capital, Customer Service, 901 N Stuart Street, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22203, Attn: Director of Operations. . 10. PREPAYMENT. Borrower may prepay Borrower's Loan in whole on any Business day by paying Lender the sum total of the Total Repayment Amount, any Returned Payment Fees, and any Late Fees, in each case as described in the accompanying Business Loan and Security Agreement Supplement less (i) the amount of any Loan Payments made prior to such prepayment and (ii) the product of (x) the percentage identified as the applicable Prepayment Interest Reduction Percentage in the accompanying Business Loan and Security Agreement ODC App #: 2157726 Customer: SBGARAGE LLC JY BUSINESS LUAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT Supplement; and (y) the aggregate amount of unpaid interest remaining on the Borrower's Loan as of such date as determined by Lender's records in accordance with Section 8, Borrower may prepay Borrower's Loan in part on any Business day and such payment shall be applied against the Total Repayment Amount, any Returned Payment Fees and any Late Fees, in each case as described in the accompanying Business Loan and Security Agreement Supplement. 11. SECURITY INTEREST. Borrower hereby grants to Lender, the secured party hereunder, a continuing security interest in and to any and all “Collateral” as described below fo secure payment and performance of all debts, liabilities and obligations of Borrower to Lender hereunder and also any and all other debts, liabilities and ‘obligations of Borrower to Lender of every kind and description, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, primary or secondary, due or to become due, now existing or hereafter arising, related to the Loan described in this Agreement, whether or not contemplated by the parties at the time of the granting of this security interest, regardless of how they arise or by what agreement or instrument they may be evidenced or whether evidenced by any agreement or instrument, and includes obligations to perform acts and refrain from taking action as well as obligations to pay money including, without limitation, all interest, other fees and expenses (all hereinafter called “Obligations’). The Collateral includes the following property that Borrower (or Guarantor, if applicable, pursuant to Section 12) now owns or shall acquire or create immediately upon the acquisition or creation thereof: (i) any and all amounts owing to Borrower now or in the future from any merchant processor(s) processing charges made by customers of Borrower via credit card or debit card transactions; and (ii) all other tangible and intangible personal property, including, but not limited to (a) cash and cash equivalents, (b) inventory, (c) equipment, —(d) investment —_ property, including certificated and uncertificated securities, securities accounts, security entitlements, commodity contracts and commodity accounts, (e) instruments, including promissory notes (f) chattel paper, including tangible chattel paper and electronic chattel paper, (g) documents, (h) letter of credit tights, (i) accounts, including health-care insurance receivables, (j) deposit accounts, (k) commercial tort claims, (|) general intangibles, including payment intangibles and software and (m) as-extracted collateral as such terms may from time to time be defined in the Uniform Commercial Code. The security interest Borrower (or Guarantor, if applicable, pursuant to Section 12) grants includes all accessions, attachments, accessories, parts, supplies and replacements for the Collateral, all products, proceeds and collections thereof and all records and data relating thereto. Lender disclaims any security interest in household goods in which Lender is forbidden by law from taking a securityondeck © interest. 12, PROTECTING THE SECURITY INTEREST. Borrower agrees that Lender and/or Lender's Representative may file any financing statement, lien entry form or other document Lender and/or Lender's Representative requires in order to perfect, amend or continue Lender's security interest in the Collateral and Borrower agrees to cooperate with Lender and Lender's Representative as may be necessary to accomplish said filing and to do whatever Lender or Lenders Representative deems necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the Collateral. Borrower and Guarantor each agree that, if any Guarantor is a corporate entity, then Lender or Lender's Representative may file any financing statement, lien entry form or other document against such Guarantor or its property that Lender and/or Lender’s Representative requires in order to perfect, amend or continue Lender's security interest in the Collateral. Any such Guarantor agrees to cooperate with Lender and Lender's Representative as may be necessary to accomplish said filing and to do whatever Lender and Lenders Representative deems necessary to protect Lender's security interest in the Collateral. In this Agreement, “Lender's Representative" means any entity or individual that is designated by Lender to serve in such capacity. 13. LOCATION OF COLLATERAL; TRANSACTIONS INVOLVING COLLATERAL. Unless Lender has agreed otherwise in writing, Borrower agrees and warrants that (i) all Collateral (or records of the Collateral in the case of accounts, chattel paper and general intangibles) shall be located at Borrower's address as shown in the application, (ii) except for inventory sold or accounts collected in the ordinary course of Borrower's business, Borrower shall not sell, offer to sell, or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Collateral, (iii) no one else has any interest in or claim against the Collateral that Borrower has not already told Lender about, (iv) Borrower shall not pledge, mortgage, encumber or otherwise permit the Collateral to be subject to any lien, security interest, encumbrance or charge, other than the security interest provided for in this Agreement and (v) Borrower shall not sell, offer to sell, or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Collateral for less than the fair market value thereof. Borrower shall defend Lender's rights in the Collateral against the claims and demands of all other persons. All proceeds from any unauthorized disposition of the Collateral shall be held in trust for Lender, shall not be co-mingled with any other funds and shall immediately be delivered to Lender. This requirement, however, does not constitute consent by Lender to any such disposition. 14. TAXES, ASSESSMENTS AND LIENS. Borrower will complete and file all necessary federal, state and local tax returns and will pay when due ail taxes, assessments, levies ODC App #: 2157726 Customer: SBGARAGE LLC BUSINESS LUAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT and liens upon the Collateral and provide evidence of such payments to Lender upon request. 15. INSURANCE. Borrower shall procure and maintain such insurance as Lender may require with respect to the Collateral, in form, amounts and coverage reasonably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company reasonably acceptable to Lender naming Lender as loss payee. If Borrower at any time fails to obtain or maintain any insurance as required under this Agreement, Lender may obtain such insurance as Lender deems appropriate at Borrower's sole cost and expense. Borrower shall promptly notify Lender of any loss of or damage to the Collateral. 16. REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE. Borrower agrees to keep and maintain, and to cause others to keep and maintain, the Collateral in good order, repair and condition at all times while this Agreement remains in effect. Borrower further agrees to pay when due all claims for work done on, or services rendered or material furnished in connection with the Collateral so that no lien or encumbrance may ever attach to or be filed against the Collateral. 17. INSPECTION OF COLLATERAL AND PLACE OF BUSINESS; USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND TESTIMONIALS. Lender and Lender's designated fepresentatives and agents shall have the right during Borrower's normal business hours and at any other reasonable time to examine the Collateral wherever located and the interior and exterior of any Borrower place of business. During an examination of any Borrower place of business, Lender may examine, among other things, whether Borrower (i)has a place of business that is separate from any personal residence, (ii) is open for business, (iii) has sufficient inventory to conduct Borrower's business and (iv) has one or more credit card terminals if Borrower processes credit card transactions, | When performing an examination, Lender may photograph the interior and exterior of any Borrower place of business, including any signage, and may photograph any individual who has signed the Agreement (“Signatory”) unless the Signatory previously has notified Lender that he or she does. not authorize Lender to photograph the Signatory. Lender may obtain testimonials from any Signatory, including testimonials on why Borrower needed the Loan and how the Loan has helped Borrower. Any photograph and testimonial will become and remain the sole property of Lender. Borrower and each Signatory grant Lender the irrevocable and permanent right to display and share any photograph and testimonial in all forms and media, including composite and modified representations, for all purposes, including but not limited to any trade or commercial purpose, with any Lender employees and agents and with the general public, Lender may, but is not required to, use the name of any Borrower and Signatory as a credit in connection with anyondeck | photograph and testimonial. Borrower and each Signatory waive the right to inspect or approve versions of any photograph or testimonial or the written copy or other media that may be used in connection with same. Borrower and each Signatory release Lender from any claims that may arise regarding the use of any photograph or testimonial, including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy or infringement of moral rights, rights of publicity or copyright. 18. LENDER’S EXPENDITURES. If any action or proceeding is commenced that would materially affect Lender's interest in the Collateral or if Borrower fails to comply with any provision of this Agreement or any related documents, including but not limited to Borrower's failure to discharge or pay when due any amounts Borrower is required to discharge or pay under this Agreement or any related documents, Lender on Borrower's behalf may (but shall not be obligated to) take any action that Lender deems appropriate, including but not limited to discharging or paying all taxes, liens, security interests, encumbrances and other claims, at any time levied or placed on the Collateral and paying all costs for insuring, maintaining and preserving the Collateral. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all such expenses will become a part of the Obligations and, at Lender’s option, will: (i) be payable on demand; (ii) be added to the balance of the Loan and be apportioned among and be payable with any installment payments to become due during the remaining term of the Loan; or (iii) be treated as a balloon payment that will be due and payable at the Loan’s maturity. Such right shall be in addition to all other rights and remedies to which Lender may be entitled upon an Event of Default. 19. BORROWER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Borrower represents and warrants that: (i) Borrower will comply with all laws, statutes, regulations and ordinances pertaining to the conduct of Borrower's business and promises to hold Lender harmless from any damages, liabilities, costs, expenses (including attomeys’ fees) or other harm arising out of any violation thereof. (ji) Borrower's principal executive office and the office where Borrower keeps its records concerning its accounts, contract rights and other property, is that shown in the application; (iii) Borrower is duly organized, licensed, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of its state of formation and shall hereafter remain in good standing in that state, and is duly qualified, licensed and in good standing in every other state in which it is doing business, and shall hereafter remain duly qualified, licensed and in good standing in every other state in which itis doing business, and shall hereafter remain duly qualified, licensed and in good standing in every other state in which the failure to qualify or become licensed could have a material adverse effect on the financial condition, business or operations of Borrower; (iv) the true and correct legal name of the Borrower is set forth in the application; (v) the aggregate ODC App #: 2157726 Customer. SBGARAGE LLC *) BUSINESS LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT ownership percentage of the Signatories is greater than or equal to fifty percent (50%) of the Borrower's business; (vi) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, and any other document executed in connection herewith, are within Borrower's powers, have been duly authorized, are not in contravention of law or the terms of Borrower's charter, by- laws or other constating documents, or of any indenture, agreement or undertaking to which Borrower is a party; (vii) all constating documents and all amendments thereto of Borrower have been duly filed and are in proper order and any capital stock issued by Borrower and outstanding was and is properly issued and all books and records of Borrower are accurate and up to date and will be so maintained; (viii) Borrower (a) is subject to no charter, corporate or other legal restriction, or any judgment, award, decree, order, governmental rule or regulation or contractual restriction that could have a material adverse effect on its financial condition, business or prospects, and (b) is in compliance with its charter, by-laws and other constating documents, all contractual requirements by which it may be bound and all applicable laws, tules and regulations other than laws, rules or regulations the validity or applicability of which it is contesting in good faith or provisions of any of the foregoing the failure to comply with which cannot reasonably be expected to materially adversely affect its financial condition, business or prospects or the value of the Collateral; (ix) there is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation pending or, to Borrower's knowledge, threatened against or affecting it or any of its assets before or by any court or other governmental authority which, if determined adversely to it, would have a material adverse effe