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  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview
  • Richard Best Transfer, Inc. vs. Archer Daniels Midland Company16 Unlimited - Fraud document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA o COUNTY OF FRESNO F0 UR SE NLY Civil Division 1130 O Street ‘ Fresno, California 93721—2220 JUN 22 2022 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Rlchard Best Transfer, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F FRESNO DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Archer Daniels Midland Compan’y > DEPUTY CASE NUMBER. ORDER ON REQUEST FOR PRETRIAL DISCOVERY CONFERENCE ”cecgmon ORDER The Request for PreTriolDiscovery Conference is: D Denied. Reoson(s) for The Denial: D Insufficient meet 0nd confer efforts prior to filing The Reques1 for Pretrial Discovery Conference. D Failure to make request on The Mandatory local form. D Failure to provide a sufficient summary of The dispute. D Failure 10 provide o proper privilege log. D Failure 10 serve the opposing party wi1h o copy of The Request / for PretrialDiscovery Conference. D Other: D The Cour’r finds tho? the current dispute will noT benefit from o Pretrial Discovery Conference. D PIoinfiff(s) D Defendonfls) D Cross—comploinonfls) D Cross—defendonfls) D Other(s) may file o discovery motion limited To The dispute set ou’r in The Request for Pretrial Discovery Conference. Granted. The Pretrial Discovery Conference isseT for 7/7/2022 0T 2:30 p.m. inDepartmenf 503 D Porfies ore ordered 10 bring alldiscovery requests 0nd responses and evidence of oll meet 0nd confer ofiemp’rs. X O’rher: Parties may appear via Coun‘COII. The Time for filingo motion ’ro compel discovery on The disputed issues is Tolled between The dcfe of The filing of The request and the date of The Court's order Thereon. CCP§201 6.080(C)(2). The Coun‘ calculates this 10 be 23 days. CCP §§1013 and 10130 (4)apply. Refusal of any counsel fo participate in a Pretrial DiscoveryConference shall be grounds, in the discretion of The Court, for entry of on order adverse To The party represented by counsel so refusing, or adverse To counsel. A1 The conclusion of The Pretrial Discovery Conference, parties will be asked ’ro stipulate that the Court may issue on order odjudicofing ’rhe merHs of The discovery dispute, which is The subjecf of The Request for Prefriol‘Discovery Conference. See ofioched sfipulofion. Date: 6/22/2022 /’