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  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview
  • Commonwealth of PA Dept of Transportation v. BarrCivil - Civil Appeal - Department of Transportation (LSA) document preview


g INTEZE‘, COURT OF COMMON PLEAs OF DELAWARE COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA COVER SHEET NOTICE OF FILING OF MOTION OR PETITION UWER LO CAL RULES OF CIVIL PRO CEDURE CASE CAPTION (P A ’9ng a Q, Tfiqmseo/wao cm CASENO 06 02 00202 46¢ 4/ ”Do mm 0“ 3mm, NATURE OF LETTER FILE) (please check one) [:IP etthon Pursuant to Rule 206 l EIResp onse to Petttlon DMOthfl for ludgment 011 the Pleadmgé Pursuant to R1116 103401) DMohon Pursuant to Rule 208 l Elias]; onse to Motion DSunmmry Judgment Pursuantto Rule 1035.2 DFamfly Law Petttmn/Motlon Emmant to Rule 206 8 FEMG PARTY IS RESP ONSIBLE FOR SERVICE OF THE RULE RETURNABLE DATE OREEARHNG DATE WONALL PARTIES A match or petdlon was filed m the above caphoned matter on the day of , , Whlch DReqme: you, Requndent, to file an Answer thhm tWenty (20) days of the above date to this nohce or 1151: the entry of an OIdeI 3.11 favor of file Petrtmner Amwers must he filed and time stampede the Dice 0f ludimal Support by 4 30 PM on the following date . . DRequjIes all 138th8, to app ea: at a hemg/conference 011 the clay of , , at in Comtoom , Delaware County Courthouse, Medla, Pennsylvania Atthi'; hemyoonferenoe you musthe prepared to pres ent all testimony and/OI argument, and must ensue that your messes Will be present DWas, timely answered, thus requmg The scheduling of the followmg hearing 1'11 the above caphoned matter OIL , ath OOAMmCourtroom At this hearing, all parhes mustbe prep aIedto present all teshmony aud/or argument and must ensure that their Witnesses win be present ElQuahfies as an Uncontested Mutton OIPehtlon, 23ml as such IBCIUJIBS neither an answer flora the Respondent nor the scheduling of ahearulg in this mater D325 been asmgnedto ludge FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Mailing date: Processed by: m IEE‘COURI m COMMON131mg 013*DEAWARE COUNTY, ?mmim (PP: 1394} o“: ngrvsgol’mkon 010019 9,544 VS I "Dome M “$an Hg. 33’; Ayah Biminw FORLEAVE TO AEPEAL m0 236 TUNC‘ 3 Lpatthunerseeks Leaveto aypflmncpmfimcbecause awe \eHch 90m : {QcpbkLck éqgcgk gSILT-Hl-L, was («end ow ‘73.;ng 13 ”101—2: baa éfigi, 2 g; kg mm UcVude Ce%\5¥c4gqoud 56§mslooé 1 qfigpké‘z 51G!” Q5miéo\' 020M TCCQ‘PjEOQ' 4%: \efifl b CXéO‘lA} ASA»: C e. om 1M 6220: (V\ (k we» Dd: wx¥km¥imgqum co _3. 5&5, WE; mi comma, QQQ mecgé flue, @\\g:; 0? Mk, 55g? 50:3 5W6“) “‘1'“ Co CO’UCOx Esflgde :IQ km“ 5AA jmgsmwce CQRAS $01 45V\t> SQQSIQBQ ?;th bode, jug Q69 (A; ME 4mg QUOMéQX: {S