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  • In the matter of: Chandler, Barbara L. Informal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative document preview
  • In the matter of: Chandler, Barbara L. Informal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative document preview
  • In the matter of: Chandler, Barbara L. Informal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative document preview
  • In the matter of: Chandler, Barbara L. Informal Probate of Will with Appointment of Personal Representative document preview


BOND Docket No. Commonwealth of Massachusetts | The Trial Court [=] Without sureties Probate and Family Court panraKeo [D With personal sureties (1 With corporate surety Bond #: Middlesex In the Interests of: Barbara L. Chandler FirstName Widale Name LastName Incapacitated Person/Protected Person/Ward/Decedent/Trust Division The condition of this bond is the faithful discharge by the fiduciary of all duties according to law (for Public Administrators see G. L. c. 194, § 2). By executing this bond, a Personal Representative or Trustee submits personally to the jurisdiction of any court of the Commonwealth in any proceeding pertai! ing to the estate that may be instituted by any interested person. By executing this Bond, any other fiduciary submits persanally to the jurisdiction of the Court which issued the Letters of Appointment. This bond is not void after the first recovery but may be proceeded against from time to time until the whole penalty is exhausted. Estimated Value of Real Estate $0.00 Estimated Value of Personal (Estate $225,000.00 Penal Sum of Bond (if applicable) . Fiduciary Name: Deborah A. : Regan FirstName ° MI , Last Nae 63 Longview Circle Pelham _! NH 03076 (Address) Apt, Unit, No. ete.) (iyiTowny a) Primary Phone #: (603) 751-8070 : 2. Fiduciary Name: FirstName MT Tast Name RRs) no atey) Joram 8e- 2; —t Primary Phone #: The undersigned fiduciary accepts appointment as —F¢-Lso yal fEeries errant we and stand(s) personally bound to the First Justice of said Court and his or her successors as obligee for the benefit of the persons interested in the estate and declare(s) the above estimates to be true and accurate to the best ofjhis/her knowledge and belief. Date _(g - 2A - AQQO- Debneg Date Signdture of Fidugtry)1. Signature of Fiduciary} 2. FILED JUN 2 9 2022 MPC 801 (4/15/16) page 1 of 4 EGDocket No. DP BH80 In the Interests of: Barbara L. Chandler First Name Middle Name Tast Wame_| Persons who sign as sureties may be individually or collectively liable in the amount of the petal sum listed on page 1 for losses caused by improper administration of the estate by the fiduciary.; By executing this Bond, we, the sureties, consent personally to the jurisdiction of this Court in any proceedings pertaining to fiduciary duties and naming the surety as a party. Complete the following section if the bond is with personal surety. Name: First Name Middle Name . Last Name (Address Line ) TAPE, Unie, No. ete.) 1 , Massachusetts Primary Phone #: | ——CiyTowny Gipy 1 By signing this document | hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that | am a Massachusetts resident and that possess sufficient unencumbered assets located in Massachusetts in excess of the penal sum. : Date Signature Name: First Name Middle Name v Tast Name (Address Line} ‘Apt, Unit, No. ef) , Massachusetts Primary Phone #: TyrTown] — ey By signing this document I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that | am a Massachusetts resident and that possess sufficient unencumbered assets located in Massachusetts in excess of the penal sum. Date ‘Signature Complete the following section if the bond is with corporate surety. Bond #: Penal Sum of Bond: We, the undersigned surety company, a corporation duly organized by law under the state of and having a usual place of business in Massachusetts at: i TAdaressy ; stand bound as surety in the aforesaid penal sum. by Corporate Surely (ame) Snare aha Tie FOR COURT USE ONLY \ Midlle Sey ss howe Le, Ce ZZ» examined and ____ Approved uF , “Date, [ila Lewele.’ ustice-Assictant. Judicial Case Manager-Assistant Register Magistrate of the Probate and Family Court — MPC 801 (4/15/16) page 2 of 3