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  • PB-2007-58 document preview
  • PB-2007-58 document preview


IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR OKLAHOMA COUNTY FILED IN THE DISTRICT COURT STATE OF OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA COUNTY, OKLA. CS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF y 2OON-5% § BETTY JEAN BELL, Deceased. ) DISCLAIMER I, James R. Bell __, being one of the heirs at law of BETTY JEAN BELL, deceased, as determined by the District Court in and for Oklahoma County, State of Oklahoma, do hereby decline, refuse, release, renounce and disclaim any and all right, power, interest estate and claim that T may have, or be entitled to, any property of the above referenced estate, real or personal, including but not limited to the following: A part of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of Section Twenty-Four (24), Township Twelve (12) North, Range ‘Two (2) West of the I-M., “Oklahoma County, Okiahoma, more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning 569.25 ft. North of the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) for a point or place of beginning; thence East 382.6 ft.; thence South 113.85 ft.; thence West 382.6 ft.; thence North 113.85 ft. to the point or place of beginning, containing One (1) acre more or Jess, and otherwise known as 3200 North Douglas, Spencer, Oklahoma. I further state that | have no children nor grandchildren and that | am signing this Disclaimer with the intent that the portion of the estate to which lam entitled should pass to the remaining heirs, as determined by this court, who have not also signed Disclaimers. This disclaimer is fully intended by me to meet and fulfill the requirements of Title 84 Oklahoma Statutes, §§ 22 through 30. DATED this. 2_ day of FGA 2007. VERIFICATION STATE OF OKLAHOMA ) . ) SS: county o7 OL Come James R. Bell, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and states: that I am one of the heirs, devisees and legates of BETTY JEAN BELL, deceased; that I have read the above and foregoing DISCLAIMER; that I know the contents thereof; and that the facts set forth therein are true y correct. man poet al LEC SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this J daypf i NOTARY PRIBLIC My Comi 2 s Loe