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  • PB-2008-17 document preview
  • PB-2008-17 document preview
  • PB-2008-17 document preview
  • PB-2008-17 document preview
  • PB-2008-17 document preview
  • PB-2008-17 document preview
  • PB-2008-17 document preview


=S5<"— IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OKLAHOMA county te ut aon STATE OF OKLAHOMA DEC 17 2008 In the Matter of the Estate of ) Lawrence A. Lewis , Deceased ) Case No: PB-2008-17 PATRICIA ee LEY, COURT CLERK by. VS PUTY ORDER APPROVING FINAL ACCOUNT. DETERMINING HEIRS AND FINAL DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION AND DISCHARGE This matter was heard this 17th day of December, 2008, pursuant to an Order of this Court issued on November 24, 2008. The Personal Representative was present by her attorney, Robert F. Morgan, Jr. The Court having reviewed the Final Account and pleadings on file herein, finds: Notice of the Hearing of Final Account of the Personal Representative has been given in the time, manner, and form as provided in said Order and according to law. This Court on this date has full jurisdiction to hear said account. No objections have been filed or made in this hearing to the Final Account of the Personal Representative, the Final Account represents that all expenses of the deceased’s last iliness and funeral have been paid and the Court accepts said account as true and correct and said account should be allowed and approved. Notice to creditors as required by Sections 331 and 332 of Title 58 of the Oklahoma Statutes was duly filed herein on February 4, 2008 and published in the Journal Record on February 5, 2008 and February 12, 2008. This includes the Personal Representative’s affidavit that decedent had no known creditors and no mailing to creditors is required which this Court accepts as true and correct, All claims which were not filed within the time permitted for the presentation of claims are non-suited, void and forever barred. The Final Account of the Personal Representative represents that all ad valorem taxes owed by the decedent have been paid, the 2007 Federal and Oklahoma Income Tax Returms for the decedent have been filed and the tax due thereon has been paid. The Oklahoma Estate Tax Return has been filed and the Oklahoma Tax Commission has issued its Order Exempting Estate from Payments of Estate and Inheritance Taxes, A copy of the Order Exempting Estate from Payments of Estate and Inheritance Taxes issued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission was attached to the Personal Representative’s Final Account. The Personal Representative has not filed a Federal Estate Tax Return and by her final account represents that no Federal Estate Tax Return is required. The Final Account of the Personal Representative represents that all expenses of the decedent’s funeral and last illness have been paid. The Personal Representative waives any fees to which she is entitled. Page 1 of 4All attorney fees paid to Wheeler, Wheeler, Morgan, Faulkner and Donaldson and Donnellon, Donnellon & Miller as noted on the Final Account are approved. All remaining attorney fees and expenses incurred to close this estate are to be paid by the Personal Representative. No objection having been file to the Final Account of the Personal Representative, and the Oklahoma Tax Commission having entered its Order Exempting Estate from Payments of Estate and Inheritance Taxes, the Court waives the filing of an Inventory. A final account of all monies that have come into the Personal Representative’s possession and the payment and distribution of all monies from this estate was attached to the Personal Representative’s Final Account. No objection has been filed to the Final Account and the Court accepts it as true and complete. The monies which remain in the possession of the Personal Representative shall be distributed as provided in this Order. The Order Admitting Will to Probate filed with this Court determined the identity of all heirs, devisees and legatees of the decedent’s estate as follows: Nancy June Lewis daughter-in-law Christopher Allen Lewis grandson Julie Anne Lewis granddaughter The deceased died testate leaving a Last Will and Testament dated March 3, 1987 and a Codicil dated February 2, 1999, both previously admitted to probate herein. On March 19, 2008, Nancy J. Lewis timely filed her Qualified Disclaimer and Renunciation of any interest in the Estate of Lawrence A. Lewis, deceased. By the terms of his Last Will and Testament and the Codicil thereto and in accordance with the terms of the Qualified Disclaimer and Renunciation filed by Nancy J. Lewis, the only persons entitled to a share of the Estate of Lawrence A. Lewis, deceased and the share to which they are entitled are as follows: To Christopher Allen Lewis One-half (4) of the Decedent’s Estate To Julie Anne Lewis One-half (‘4) of the Decedent’s Estate After payment of any expenses associated with closing the decedent’s estate, the Personal Representative shall distribute all remaining funds and the rest and residue of the estate to Christopher Allen Lewis and Julie Anne Lewis in equal shares. Upon payment of the expenses to close the decedent’s estate and distribution of the remaining funds and the rest and residue of the decedent’s estate, if any, the Personal Representative shall be discharged. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the Court as follows: 1. The Final Account of the Personal Representative, Nancy June Lewis, is hereby Page 2 of 4finally settled, allowed and adjusted as filed herein. Notice to Creditors as required by law was given by the Personal Representative and the Court accepts the Personal Representative’s Affidavit of Mailing to Creditors as true and correct. All claims not filed within the time limit for presentation of claims are non-suited, void and forever barred. All legal fees and expenses paid to Wheeler, Wheeler, Morgan, Faulkner and Donaldson and to Donnellon, Donnellon & Miller as reflected on the Final Account are approved. All remaining attomey fees and expenses incurred to close this estate are to be paid by the Personal Representative. After payment of the expenses to close this estate, all funds remaining in the possession of the Personal Representative, the rest, residue and remainder of the Estate of Lawrence A. Lewis, deceased, if any, together with any and all hereafter discovered property in which the estate has or would have an interest shall be and the same are hereby ordered, transferred, conveyed and assigned to the following heirs in the proportions shown, to wit: To Christopher Allen Lewis One-half (4) To Julie Anne Lewis One-half (% Upon payment of the expenses to close the decedent’s estate and distribution of the remaining funds and the rest and residue of the decedent's estate, if any, the Persona] Representative shall be discharged. Djdfict Court Mdge~ Page 3 of 4Approved: en F, Morgan, Jr, Wheeler, Wheeler, Morgay & Donaldson 1900 N.W. Expressway, Suite 450 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405/840-5151 Attorney for Personal Representative Page 4 of 4