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  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY V BUSANTE Print Rule 3.740 Collections$10,000.01 - $25,000 Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY V BUSANTE Print Rule 3.740 Collections$10,000.01 - $25,000 Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY V BUSANTE Print Rule 3.740 Collections$10,000.01 - $25,000 Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY V BUSANTE Print Rule 3.740 Collections$10,000.01 - $25,000 Limited  document preview


i 1 Hunt Henriques Attorneys at Law Michael S Hunt Esq 99804 2 151 Bernal Road Suite 8 i l E D su RioR couRt oF cnuFORNiA San Jose CA 95119 1306 3 Telephone 408 362 2270 sANe RNAROINo oisR C Facsimile 408 362 2299 4 Attorneys for Plaintiff 2 18 5 BY N1 L MEUSSA WHITE DEPUTY 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO 9 SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT CIVIL DIVISION LIMITED CIVIL JURISDIC I ION 10 PORTFGLlO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC 11 Plaintiff Case No CIVDS1414174 12 vs NOTICE OF INTENTION TO REQUEST ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNDER 13 REYNALDO S BUSANTE et al STIPULATION W 14 Defendant s 7r N N a j d N C C m IJ x z u z 16 You are hereby notified that you are 5 200 00 past due in your obligation under terms ofour zmg w 17 stipulation Please pay this money within ten 10 days from this date otherwise plaintiffwill apply 18 for entry ofjudgement 19 When making a payment please indicate your file number 989467 Please make your 20 payment payable to Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC and send to 21 Hunt Henriques 22 151 Bernal Road Suite 8 San Jose CA 95119 1306 23 0r you may call toll free 800 680 2426 and a representative will assist in processing your 24 payment APR 2018 25 Dated E 26 Hunt Henriques Attorneys for Plaintiff 27 28 Page 1 Notice of Intention to Request Entry of Judgment Under Stipulation STIP DUS TDN POS I l JMA 989467 001 K i PROOF OF SERVICE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT CIVIL DIVISION RE PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIATES LLC vs REYNALDO S BUSANTE et al CaseNumber CIVDS1414174 I am a citizen ofthe United States and employed in the County of Santa Clara State ofCalifornia I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled action my business address is 15 IBernal Road Suite 8 San Jose CA 951 19 1306 APR 18 2018 pn served the foregoing document described as NOTICE OF I1 ITENTION TO REQUEST ENTRY OF JUDGMENT UNDER STIPULATION on the interested parties to said action by the following means X Mail By By placing a true copy thereoP enclosed in a sealcd em elope with postage lhereon ful y prepaidfor collectior and mailingon thatdate business practices following ordinary in he United Statcs Mail at the offices of I lunt Henriqucs Californiaaddressed as sho vnbelow Iam readilyfamiliar with this business s practiceforcollection and processingof correspondence for mailing with the U S Postal Service and in the ordinary course of business correspondence would be deposited with the U SPostal Service the same day it was placed Por collection and pYocessing By Mail By placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon f ully prepaid in the Unitcd States Mail at San Jose Califomiaaddressed as shown below By Hand De ivery By causing a true copy thereof cnclosed in a sealed envelope to be delivered by hand to the addresses sho vn below Personal Service By By personally delivering a true copy thereof enclosed in a scaled em elope to thc addresscs sho n belo v By Overnight Delivery By placinga true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with delivery charges prepaidto besentby addressedas shown below Facsimile Transmission By By ransmitting a true copy thcreof by facsimile transmission from facsimilenumber 408 362 2299 to the interested parties to said action the transmission was reported as complcte and vithout error and a copy of the transmission report which was properly issued by the transmitting facsimile machine is attached hereto and incorporated herein by referenceSaid documentswere interestcd to the transmitted as parties sho m bclo at a m p m I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that 1 am employed in the office ofa member ofthe Bar of this Court at whose directioi the service was made Executed APR 1 2018 on in San Jose Santa Clara County California O Jani ce Martinez Ext 1 13 Jennifer Pigg NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON SERVED REYNALDO S BUSANTE 12190 HIGHGATE CT RCH CUCAMONGA CA 91739 STIP DUS TDN POSI I JMA 989467 001