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  • IN RE: DARINDA HAZEL BARNES Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview
  • IN RE: DARINDA HAZEL BARNES Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview


nn CM 010 A Y OR RTY WITHOUTqT RNE Name St t Barn b andaddress FORCOURTUSEONLY 1 i S v 1 O1 f R Z z 1b 6 G enc c 1 r 7 f f y S vTEL EPHO NO 1nr OI fI FAX NO Fi S p ATTORNEY FOR Name I COUNTY OF AN V DI 10B NA SUPERIOR COURT OF UFORNIA M f SAN BERNARDINQ DiSTRICT ar J J STREETADDRESS MAILING ADDRESS u s i w9 Y S i r e z ka t e O 1 0 9 2015 g r i i i rJ t a iiia ri j 3i IQJIQ CITY AND ZIP CODE v E BRANCH NAME t r t i 1 3 e Ci BY O CASE NAME ti i i1 WE F P Faula R rs CASENUMBER C CASE COVER SHEET Complex Case Designation l n 8 d Unlimited Limited Amount Amount 0 Counter 0 Joinder UDGE demanded demanded is Filed with first appearance by defendant exceeds 25 000 25 000 or less Cal Rules of Court rule 3 402 DEPT Items 1 6 below must be completed see instructions on page 2 1 Check one box below for the case type that best describes this case Auto Tort Contract Provfsionally Complex Civif Litigation Auto 22 0 Breach of contracUwarranty 06 Cal Rules of Court rules 3 400 3 403 0 Uninsured motorist 46 0 Rule 3 740 collections 09 AntitrusUTrade regulation 03 Other PI PD VUD Personal Injury Property Other collections 09 0 Construction defect 10 Damage Wrongfui Death Tort 0 Insurance coverage 18 Mass tort 40 0 Asbestos 04 Q Other contract 37 0 Securities litigation 28 0 Product liability 24 Real Property EnvironmentallToxic tort 30 0 Medical malpractice 45 Q Eminent domain Inverse 0 Insurance coverage claims arising from the 0 Other PI PD WD 23 condemnation 14 above listed provisionally complex case types 41 Non PI PD VND Other ToR 0 Wrongful eviction 33 0 Business tort unfair business practice 07 Other real property 26 Enforcement of Judgment Civil rights 08 Unlawful Detainer Enforcement ofjudgment 20 Defamation 13 Commercial 31 Misceilaneous Civil Complaint Fraud 16 0 Residential 32 RICO 27 Intellectual property 19 0 Drugs 38 Q Other complaint not specified above 42 0 Professional negligence 25 Judicial Review Miscellaneous Civil Petition 0 Other non PI PD WD tort 35 Asset forfeiture 05 Q Partnership and corporate governance 21 Employment 0 Petition re arbitration award 11 Other petition not specified above 43 0 Wrongful termination 36 Q Writ of mandate 02 0 Other employment 15 0 Otherjudicial review 39 2 This case is is not complex under rule 3 400 of the California Rules of Court If the case is complex mark the factors requiring exceptional judicial management a Large number of separately represented parties d 0 Large number of witnesses b Extensive motion practice raising difficult or novel e 0 Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts issues that will be time cons ing to resolve in other ounties states or countries or in a federal court c 0 Substantial amount of doc mentary evidence f 0 Su antial postjudgment judicial supervision 3 Remedies sought check all th app y a 0 monetary b onmonetary declaratory or injunctive relief c punitive 4 Number of causes of action specify 5 This case is is not a class action suit 6 If ther e ny known r ated cases file and serve a notice of related ca Yo may use form CM 015 Date r I r Z Vt eS G TYPE OR PRINT NAME SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY FOR PARTY NOTICE Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding except small claims cases or cases filed under the Probate Code Family Code or Welfare and Institutions Code Cal Rules of Court rule 3 220 Failure to file may result in sanctions File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule If this case is complex under rule 3 400 et seq of the California Rules of Court you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all other parties to the action or proceeding Unless this is a collections case under rule 3 740 or a complex case this cover sheet will be used for statistical purposes onl r a e1of2 Form Atlopled tor Mandatory Use Cal Rules M Court rules 2 30 3 220 3 400 3 403 3 740 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Judicial Council of Califomia Cal Standards of Judicial Administretion std 3 10 CM 010 Rev July 1 2007J www courtin o ca gov