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  • IN RE: DARINDA HAZEL BARNES Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview
  • IN RE: DARINDA HAZEL BARNES Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview


0 DECLARATION OF PUBLICATION SUPERIO pURT OF CALIFORNiA COUN7Y QF gqN gERNARDINO SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ZO COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO BV r r 0 DANIEL R CHq r MORENO DEPUTY DARINDA HAZEL BARNES 1660 KENDALL DR r NO 173 SAN BERNARDINO CA 92407 oRERTO SHOW FOR CHANGE OF NAME Superior Court of California Counry or s Bemardino za we rn a sn c ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE San Bemerdmo CA 92415 0210 HAZEL DARINDA BARNES PETITIONOF DARINDA HAZEL B 4RNES for cha ge of name CIVDS I S 149Z4 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner fi ed a Peticion witn mis HEARING CLOSE SALE DATE 11 20 15 court tor a decree changing names as iol lows Present name HAZEL DENDRAL BARNES PraposednameDARINDA HAZEL BARNES The undersigned says a es n aRn n EmneetapPa befo2 this court at the hearing indicated ON tsno sarf any wny me Pen tion for of name should not be I am over the age of 18 years and a citizen of the chan granted Any person objecfing to the name United States I am not a party to and have no interestin cnanges descnbed above must file a wnt te objection that includes the reasons for this matter I am a p rinci p al clerk of the SAN BERNAR the objection at leasttwo court daysbefore e is scheduled to be matter DINO BULLETIN a news p a p er of g eneral circulation must appear at the heaung to s how cause Y 1 e PeMion should not be graMed If in the City ofSan Bernardino the JudicialDistrict of San Bernardino the County of San Bernardino and the State o rt aygrantthe of California as adjudicated in San Bernardino Superior 9 NOTICEOFHEARING 11 20 2015Time 08 30A M Court Case No SCV23208 The notice a printed copy of De as hereon b The address of the court is same which appears was published on the following date s Oct 19 26 Nov 2 9 2015 3a8A copy of this Order ta sn Causeshall be pubhshed at least once each week for four successive weeks prior tothedatesetforhearingonthepetitionin I declare under p enalt Y of p er1 urY that the fore g oin g is me follovnng newpspaer af general circula true and correct Executed at Los Angeles California on c o printed in this counry San Bemardino Bullet n 1 1 9 1 S DateOCT 09 2015 MICHAEL A SACHS Judge ofthe superiorCourt j CN917005 BARNES Oct 1926 No 20 5 SI gYlQIZIYC e San Bernardino Bulletin 1264 S Watern an Ave Suite 41 San Bernardino Ca 92408 Phone 909 889 6477 Fax 909 889 3696 Cust Nu n 005000 Control Num 917005 Cust Re Num BARNES II I II I I I I II I Page I of I