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231-499531-11 FILED TARRANT COUNTY 7/8/2014 11:13:06 AM THOMAS A. WILDER 0902E_TARRANT_0012240552: DISTRICT CLERK NOTICE: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS SENSITIVE DATA NCP Name: JAVIER PUGA CP Name: ESTELA GARZA AP Name: CINDY ANN MARQUEZ OAG Number: 0012240552 & 0012237720 LAC: REDM CAUSE NUMBER 231-499531-11 IN THE INTEREST OF § IN THE 231ST DISTRICT COURT CASANDRA MARIE PUGA § OF A CHILD § TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SUIT FOR MODIFICATION OF SUPPORT ORDER AND MOTION TO CONFIRM SUPPORT ARREARAGE 1. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, representing the State of Texas, files this pleading pursuant to Texas Family Code Chapter 231 for which discovery is intended to be conducted under Level 2 of Rule 190, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. JURISDICTION 2. This Court has continuing jurisdiction of the child the subject of this suit because of prior proceedings. CHILDREN 3. The following child is the subject of this suit: Name S ex DOB CASANDRA M ARIE PUGA F 2/2/2000 No property, other than personal effects, is owned by any child the subject of this suit. PERSONS ENTITLED TO NOTICE 4. The child resides with ESTELA GARZA, the grandmother of the child. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL requests the issuance and service of process on this person in accordance with the attached service information sheet. 5. JAVIER PUGA is the father of the child. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL requests the issuance and service of process on this person in accordance with the attached service information sheet. 6. CINDY ANN MARQUEZ is the mother of the child. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL does not request the issuance and service of process on this person at this time. PRIOR CHILD SUPPORT ORDER 7. On 2/9/2012 the Court ordered JAVIER PUGA to pay current child support of $284.00 monthly, beginning 2/1/2012, and monthly thereafter. The amount and frequency of JAVIER PUGA's child support obligation remains unchanged. On 2/9/2012 the courts entered a child support judgment in the amount of $159.74 as of 1/31/2012 and a medical support judgment in the amount of $482.09 as of 1/31/2012 231-499531-11 CHILD SUPPORT ARREARAGE 8. JAVIER PUGA failed to pay court ordered child support as follows: a. Prior child support arrears as of 1/31/2012 $159.74 b. Child support accrued since 1/31/2012 $7,952.00 c. Interest accrued since 1/31/2012 $244.11 d. Child support paid since 1/31/2012 $3,292.48 e. Total child support arrearage as of 5/28/2014 $5,063.37 EXHIBIT A, which is attached and incorporated by reference, is a true and correct copy of a payment record indicating the occasions Obligor violated the above-referenced order. PRIOR MEDICAL SUPPORT ORDER 9. On 10/28/ 2010 the Court ordered JAVIER PUGA to pay current medical support of $75.00 monthly, beginning 12/1/2010, and monthly thereafter. The amount and frequency of JAVIER PUGA's medical support obligation remains unchanged. MEDICAL SUPPORT ARREARAGE 10. JAVIER PUGA failed to pay court ordered medical support as follows: a. Prior medical arrears as of 1/31/2012 $482.09 b. Medical support accrued since 1/31/2012 $2,100.00 c. Medical interest accrued since 1/31/2012 $147.64 d. Medical support paid since 1/31/2012 $562.65 e. Total medical arrearage as of 5/28/2014 $2,167.08 The total arrearage amount recited above does not include unreimbursed medical expenses. EXHIBIT A, which is attached and incorporated by reference is a true and correct copy of a payment record indicating the occasions Obligor violated the above-referenced order. PRIOR CHILD SUPPORT ORDER 11. On 10/28/2010 the Court ordered CINDY ANN MARQUEZ to pay current child support of $164.00 monthly, beginning 12/1/2010, and monthly thereafter. The amount and frequency of CINDY ANN MARQUEZ's child support obligation remains unchanged. On 2/9/2012 the courts entered a child support judgment in the amount of $1,757.78 as of 1/31/2012. CHILD SUPPORT ARREARAGE 12. CINDY ANN MARQUEZ failed to pay court ordered child support as follows: a. Prior child support arrears as of 1/31/2012 $1,757.78 b. Child support accrued since 1/31/2012 $4,592.00 c. Interest accrued since 1/31/2012 $107.80 d. Child support paid since 1/31/2012 $5,791.00 e. Total child support arrearage as of 5/28/2014 $666.58 EXHIBIT A, which is attached and incorporated by reference, is a true and correct copy of a payment record indicating the occasions Obligor violated the above-referenced order. ORDER TO BE MODIFIED 231-499531-11 13. The order to be modified is entitled ORDER ON NOTICE OF CHANGE OF STATUS (AP) and was signed on 10/28/2010 JUDGMENT ON ARREARS 14. The Court should confirm and enter judgment for all support arrearage and accrued interest as of the hearing date. The Court should order payment and income withholding to liquidate the judgment pursuant to Texas Family Code Chapters 157 and 158. MODIFICATION 15. The circumstances of the child or a person affected by the order to be modified have materially and substantially changed since rendition of the order, or it has been three years since the order was rendered or last modified and the monthly amount of the child support award under the order differs by either 20 percent or $100 from the amount that would be awarded in accordance with the child support guidelines, or the order does not provide for health care coverage as required under Section 154.182. The Court should modify an order that provides for the support of a child, including an order for health care coverage under Section 154.182, as follows: A. appropriate current child support should be ordered pursuant to Texas Family Code Chapter 154; B. appropriate provisions regarding health care coverage and for allocation of the reasonable and necessary health care expenses of the child that are not reimbursed by health care coverage should be ordered pursuant to Texas Family Code Chapter 154. In addition, the Court should order health care coverage, including any employment-related or other group health care coverage that is available to the parent; C. all provisions for the support of the child should be ordered extended for so long as any child remains fully enrolled and complying with minimum attendance requirements in a secondary school program leading toward a high school diploma or enrolled in courses for joint high school and junior college credit, or remains a minor, or until further order of the Court, pursuant to Texas Family Code Chapter 154; and/or D. temporary orders pursuant to Texas Family Code § 155.005 and § 156.006 should be granted for the welfare of the children by ordering child support, medical support and uninsured expenses while this case is pending. The Court should modify the support order as to obligations accruing after the earlier of the date of service of citation or appearance on this motion. WITHHOLDING FROM EARNINGS FOR SUPPORT 16. The Court should order all support withheld from disposable earnings pursuant to Texas Family Code § 158.006. The Court should order all payments of support processed pursuant to Texas Family Code Chapter 231 for distribution according to law. If appropriate, the Court should order JAVIER PUGA to post a bond or security. 231-499531-11 REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 17. JAVIER PUGA has in his possession documents that will show the nature and extent of his ability to pay child support. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, pursuant to Rule 196, Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, requests him to produce and permit the OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL to inspect and copy the originals, or true copies, of the following documents in his possession, custody or control: (a) his IRS federal tax returns for the past two years with all schedules included with the returns and all W-2s and 1099s attached to such returns, (b) any and all W- 2 statements, all 1099s, and all documents showing income received by Respondent from any source for the two tax years preceding the date of filing of this action, (c) all payroll stubs, vouchers, records of commissions and all other written records or evidence of income received by him within the last six months, (d) the most recent Social Security Administration Form SSA-7005, showing his income history, sent to him three months before his last birthday, (e) statements of accounts for all checking or saving accounts in which he has held an interest within the last six months, (f) all evidence (policies, premium schedules, records of premiums paid, etc.) of health insurance available at his place of employment that may provide coverage for dependent children, (g) copies of loan applications made within the last six months, (h) current statement of benefits and account balances for all retirement, pension, or profit-sharing plans in which the respondent has accrued or may accrue benefits, regardless if such benefits have vested, including but not limited to employer- or union-sponsored defined benefit or defined contribution plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs), and (i) summary plan description of all retirement, pension, or profit-sharing plans in which the respondent has accrued or may accrue benefits, regardless if such benefits have vested. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL requests production of the specified documents at: The Office of the Attorney General CHILD SUPPORT UNIT 0902E 6100 WESTERN PLACE #405 FORT WORTH, TX 76107 on or before 3:00 p.m. on the 50th day following the date of service of this request. COSTS 18. The Court should order JAVIER PUGA to pay costs of this proceeding. PRAYER The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL prays that the Court grant all relief requested herein. The OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL prays for general relief. 231-499531-11 Respectfully submitted, Greg Abbott Attorney General of Texas Daniel T. Hodge First Assistant Attorney General DEBORAH A MCKINNEY - SBN: 24035620 Robert J. Blankenship - SBN: 00792961 Tameka D. Boyd - SBN: 24027406 Lynne Gerganess - SBN: 00793799 Kimberly C. Krieger - SBN: 00786032 ATTORNEY OF RECORD CHILD SUPPORT DIVISION CHILD SUPPORT UNIT 0902E 6100 WESTERN PLACE #405 FORT WORTH TX 76107 Email Telephone No. (817)731-9811 Toll Free 1(800)252-8014 Fax No. (817)731-9239 231-499531-11 CV - FQ1059R2 Attorney General of Texas - Child Support Division Page 1 Financial Activity Report as of 05/20/2014 Case ID: 0012240552 Cause Number: 231-499531-11 A1 Date: 05/20/2014 NCP: PUGA, JAVIER CP: GARZA, ESTELA Child Support Medical Support Total Arrears Trans Activity Transaction Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Date Type Amount Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance 01/31/2012Amount Due 159.74 159.74 159.74 0.00 159.74 159.74 01/31/2012Amount Due 482.09 159.74 482.09 482.09 482.09 641.83 02/01/2012Amount Due 284.00 284.00 443.74 482.09 284.00 925.83 02/01/2012Amount Due 75.00 443.74 75.00 557.09 75.00 1,000.83 02/10/2012Collection -86.31 -86.31 357.43 557.09 -86.31 914.52 02/10/2012Collection -86.31 -86.31 271.12 557.09 -86.31 828.21 02/10/2012Collection -86.31 -86.31 184.81 557.09 -86.31 741.90 02/10/2012Collection -86.31 -25.07 159.74 -61.24 495.85 -86.31 655.59 02/29/2012Amount Due 0.80 0.80 160.54 495.85 0.80 656.39 02/29/2012Amount Due 2.41 160.54 2.41 498.26 2.41 658.80 03/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 444.54 498.26 284.00 942.80 03/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 444.54 75.00 573.26 75.00 1,017.80 03/09/2012Collection -86.31 -86.31 358.23 573.26 -86.31 931.49 03/09/2012Collection -86.31 -86.31 271.92 573.26 -86.31 845.18 03/09/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 189.07 573.26 -82.85 762.33 03/27/2012Collection -82.85 -28.53 160.54 -54.32 518.94 -82.85 679.48 03/27/2012Collection -82.85 -62.17 98.37 -20.68 498.26 -82.85 596.63 03/27/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 15.52 498.26 -82.85 513.78 03/31/2012Amount Due 0.07 0.07 15.59 498.26 0.07 513.85 03/31/2012Amount Due 2.41 15.59 2.41 500.67 2.41 516.26 04/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 299.59 500.67 284.00 800.26 04/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 299.59 75.00 575.67 75.00 875.26 04/17/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 216.74 575.67 -82.85 792.41 04/17/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 133.89 575.67 -82.85 709.56 04/17/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 51.04 575.67 -82.85 626.71 04/30/2012Amount Due 0.07 0.07 51.11 575.67 0.07 626.78 04/30/2012Amount Due 2.41 51.11 2.41 578.08 2.41 629.19 05/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 335.11 578.08 284.00 913.19 05/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 335.11 75.00 653.08 75.00 988.19 05/08/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 252.26 653.08 -82.85 905.34 05/08/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 169.41 653.08 -82.85 822.49 05/08/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 86.56 653.08 -82.85 739.64 05/31/2012Collection -82.85 -35.45 51.11 -47.40 605.68 -82.85 656.79 05/31/2012Collection -82.85 -50.17 0.94 -32.68 573.00 -82.85 573.94 05/31/2012Amount Due 2.46 0.94 2.46 575.46 2.46 576.40 06/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 284.94 575.46 284.00 860.40 06/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 284.94 75.00 650.46 75.00 935.40 06/30/2012Amount Due 2.46 284.94 2.46 652.92 2.46 937.86 07/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 568.94 652.92 284.00 1,221.86 FEDERAL OFFSET (FO) receipts are subject to future adjustments by the Federal Government. 231-499531-11 CV - FQ1059R2 Attorney General of Texas - Child Support Division Page 2 Financial Activity Report as of 05/20/2014 Date: 05/20/2014 Case ID: 0012240552 Cause Number: 231-499531-11 NCP: PUGA, JAVIER CP: GARZA, ESTELA Child Support Medical Support Total Arrears Trans Activity Transaction Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Date Type Amount Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance 07/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 568.94 75.00 727.92 75.00 1,296.86 07/10/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 486.09 727.92 -82.85 1,214.01 07/10/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 403.24 727.92 -82.85 1,131.16 07/10/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 320.39 727.92 -82.85 1,048.31 07/10/2012Collection -82.85 -35.45 284.94 -47.40 680.52 -82.85 965.46 07/17/2012Collection -82.85 -55.25 229.69 -27.60 652.92 -82.85 882.61 07/17/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 146.84 652.92 -82.85 799.76 07/31/2012Amount Due 2.83 146.84 2.83 655.75 2.83 802.59 08/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 430.84 655.75 284.00 1,086.59 08/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 430.84 75.00 730.75 75.00 1,161.59 08/13/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 347.99 730.75 -82.85 1,078.74 08/31/2012Amount Due 2.83 347.99 2.83 733.58 2.83 1,081.57 09/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 631.99 733.58 284.00 1,365.57 09/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 631.99 75.00 808.58 75.00 1,440.57 09/11/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 549.14 808.58 -82.85 1,357.72 09/11/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 466.29 808.58 -82.85 1,274.87 09/11/2012Collection -82.85 -82.85 383.44 808.58 -82.85 1,192.02 09/11/2012Collection -82.85 -35.45 347.99 -47.40 761.18 -82.85 1,109.17 09/30/2012Amount Due 0.32 0.32 348.31 761.18 0.32 1,109.49 09/30/2012Amount Due 3.21 348.31 3.21 764.39 3.21 1,112.70 10/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 632.31 764.39 284.00 1,396.70 10/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 632.31 75.00 839.39 75.00 1,471.70 10/31/2012Amount Due 0.32 0.32 632.63 839.39 0.32 1,472.02 10/31/2012Amount Due 3.35 632.63 3.35 842.74 3.35 1,475.37 11/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 916.63 842.74 284.00 1,759.37 11/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 916.63 75.00 917.74 75.00 1,834.37 11/30/2012Amount Due 1.74 1.74 918.37 917.74 1.74 1,836.11 11/30/2012Amount Due 3.72 918.37 3.72 921.46 3.72 1,839.83 12/01/2012Amount Due 335.00 284.00 1,202.37 921.46 284.00 2,123.83 12/01/2012Amount Due 128.00 1,202.37 75.00 996.46 75.00 2,198.83 12/31/2012Amount Due 3.16 3.16 1,205.53 996.46 3.16 2,201.99 12/31/2012Amount Due 4.10 1,205.53 4.10 1,000.56 4.10 2,206.09 01/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 1,489.53 1,000.56 284.00 2,490.09 01/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 1,489.53 75.00 1,075.56 75.00 2,565.09 01/31/2013Amount Due 4.58 4.58 1,494.11 1,075.56 4.58 2,569.67 01/31/2013Amount Due 4.47 1,494.11 4.47 1,080.03 4.47 2,574.14 02/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 1,778.11 1,080.03 284.00 2,858.14 02/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 1,778.11 75.00 1,155.03 75.00 2,933.14 02/28/2013Amount Due 6.00 6.00 1,784.11 1,155.03 6.00 2,939.14 FEDERAL OFFSET (FO) receipts are subject to future adjustments by the Federal Government. 231-499531-11 CV - FQ1059R2 Attorney General of Texas - Child Support Division Page 3 Financial Activity Report as of 05/20/2014 Date: 05/20/2014 Case ID: 0012240552 Cause Number: 231-499531-11 NCP: PUGA, JAVIER CP: GARZA, ESTELA Child Support Medical Support Total Arrears Trans Activity Transaction Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Date Type Amount Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance 02/28/2013Amount Due 4.85 1,784.11 4.85 1,159.88 4.85 2,943.99 03/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 2,068.11 1,159.88 284.00 3,227.99 03/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 2,068.11 75.00 1,234.88 75.00 3,302.99 03/31/2013Amount Due 7.42 7.42 2,075.53 1,234.88 7.42 3,310.41 03/31/2013Amount Due 5.22 2,075.53 5.22 1,240.10 5.22 3,315.63 04/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 2,359.53 1,240.10 284.00 3,599.63 04/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 2,359.53 75.00 1,315.10 75.00 3,674.63 04/30/2013Amount Due 8.84 8.84 2,368.37 1,315.10 8.84 3,683.47 04/30/2013Amount Due 5.60 2,368.37 5.60 1,320.70 5.60 3,689.07 05/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 2,652.37 1,320.70 284.00 3,973.07 05/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 2,652.37 75.00 1,395.70 75.00 4,048.07 05/31/2013Amount Due 10.26 10.26 2,662.63 1,395.70 10.26 4,058.33 05/31/2013Amount Due 5.97 2,662.63 5.97 1,401.67 5.97 4,064.30 06/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 2,946.63 1,401.67 284.00 4,348.30 06/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 2,946.63 75.00 1,476.67 75.00 4,423.30 06/30/2013Amount Due 11.68 11.68 2,958.31 1,476.67 11.68 4,434.98 06/30/2013Amount Due 6.35 2,958.31 6.35 1,483.02 6.35 4,441.33 07/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 3,242.31 1,483.02 284.00 4,725.33 07/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 3,242.31 75.00 1,558.02 75.00 4,800.33 07/31/2013Amount Due 13.10 13.10 3,255.41 1,558.02 13.10 4,813.43 07/31/2013Amount Due 6.72 3,255.41 6.72 1,564.74 6.72 4,820.15 08/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 3,539.41 1,564.74 284.00 5,104.15 08/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 3,539.41 75.00 1,639.74 75.00 5,179.15 08/31/2013Amount Due 14.52 14.52 3,553.93 1,639.74 14.52 5,193.67 08/31/2013Amount Due 7.10 3,553.93 7.10 1,646.84 7.10 5,200.77 09/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 3,837.93 1,646.84 284.00 5,484.77 09/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 3,837.93 75.00 1,721.84 75.00 5,559.77 09/30/2013Amount Due 15.94 15.94 3,853.87 1,721.84 15.94 5,575.71 09/30/2013Amount Due 7.47 3,853.87 7.47 1,729.31 7.47 5,583.18 10/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 4,137.87 1,729.31 284.00 5,867.18 10/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 4,137.87 75.00 1,804.31 75.00 5,942.18 10/31/2013Amount Due 17.36 17.36 4,155.23 1,804.31 17.36 5,959.54 10/31/2013Amount Due 7.85 4,155.23 7.85 1,812.16 7.85 5,967.39 11/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 4,439.23 1,812.16 284.00 6,251.39 11/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 4,439.23 75.00 1,887.16 75.00 6,326.39 11/30/2013Amount Due 18.78 18.78 4,458.01 1,887.16 18.78 6,345.17 11/30/2013Amount Due 8.22 4,458.01 8.22 1,895.38 8.22 6,353.39 12/01/2013Amount Due 335.00 284.00 4,742.01 1,895.38 284.00 6,637.39 12/01/2013Amount Due 75.00 4,742.01 75.00 1,970.38 75.00 6,712.39 FEDERAL OFFSET (FO) receipts are subject to future adjustments by the Federal Government. 231-499531-11 CV - FQ1059R2 Attorney General of Texas - Child Support Division Page 4 Financial Activity Report as of 05/20/2014 Date: 05/20/2014 Case ID: 0012240552 Cause Number: 231-499531-11 NCP: PUGA, JAVIER CP: GARZA, ESTELA Child Support Medical Support Total Arrears Trans Activity Transaction Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Date Type Amount Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance Due Applied Balance 12/31/2013Amount Due 20.20 20.20 4,762.21 1,970.38 20.20 6,732.59 12/31/2013Amount Due 8.60 4,762.21 8.60 1,978.98 8.60 6,741.19 01/01/2014Amount Due 335.00 284.00 5,046.21 1,978.98 284.00 7,025.19 01/01/2014Amount Due 75.00 5,046.21 75.00 2,053.98 75.00 7,100.19 01/16/2014Collection -119.31 -119.31 4,926.90 2,053.98 -119.31 6,980.88 01/24/2014Collection -119.31 -119.31 4,807.59 2,053.98 -119.31 6,861.57 01/31/2014Collection -119.31 -45.38 4,762.21 -73.93 1,980.05 -119.31 6,742.26 01/31/2014Amount Due 21.62 21.62 4,783.83 1,980.05 21.62 6,763.88 01/31/2014Amount Due 8.97 4,783.83 8.97 1,989.02 8.97 6,772.85 02/01/2014Amount Due 335.00 284.00 5,067.83 1,989.02 284.00 7,056.85 02/01/2014Amount Due 75.00 5,067.83 75.00 2,064.02 75.00 7,131.85 02/10/2014Collection -119.31 -119.31 4,948.52 2,064.02 -119.31 7,012.54 02/28/2014Amount Due 21.62 21.62 4,970.14 2,064.02 21.62 7,034.16 02/28/2014Amount Due 8.98 4,970.14 8.98 2,073.00 8.98 7,043.14 03/01/2014Amount Due 335.00 284.00 5,254.14 2,073.00 284.00 7,327.14 03/01/2014Amount Due 75.00 5,254.14 75.00 2,148.00 75.00 7,402.14 03/31/2014Amount Due 22.44 22.44 5,276.58 2,148.00 22.44 7,424.58 03/31/2014Amount Due 9.35 5,276.58 9.35 2,157.35 9.35 7,433.93 04/01/2014Amount Due 335.00 284.00 5,560.58 2,157.35 284.00 7,717.93 04/01/2014Amount Due 75.00 5,560.58 75.00 2,232.35 75.00 7,792.93 04/07/2014Collection -238.62 -238.62 5,321.96 2,232.35 -238.62 7,554.31 04/18/2014Collection -238.62 -163.62 5,158.34 -75.00 2,157.35 -238.62 7,315.69 04/30/2014Amount Due 23.27 23.27 5,181.61 2,157.35 23.27 7,338.96 04/30/2014Amount Due 9.73 5,181.61 9.73 2,167.08 9.73 7,348.69 05/01/2014Amount Due 335.00 284.00 5,465.61 2,167.08 284.00 7,632.69 05/01/2014Amount Due 75.00 5,465.61 75.00 2,242.08 75.00 7,707.69 05/02/2014Collection -238.62 -238.62 5,226.99 2,242.08 -238.62 7,469.07 05/15/2014Collection -238.62 -163.62 5,063.37 -75.00 2,167.08 -238.62 7,230.45 Summary Totals: 8,355.85 -3,292.48 5,063.37 2,729.73 -562.65 2,167.08 11,085.58 -3,855.13 7,230.45 FEDERAL OFFSET (FO) receipts are subject to future adjustments by the Federal Government. 231-499531-11 CV - FQ1059R2 Attorney General of Texas - Child Support Division Page 1 $ Financial Activity Report as of 05/29/2014 Date: 05/29/2014 Case ID: 0012237720 Cause Number: 231-499531-11 NCP: MARQUEZ, CINDY ANN CP: GARZA, ESTELA Child Support Trans Activity Transaction Amount Amount Date Type Amount Due Applied Balance 01/31/2012 Amount Due 1,757.78 1,757.78 1,757.78 02/01/2012 Amount Due 164.00 164.00 1,921.78 02/10/2012 Collection -1,750.00 -1,750.00 171.78 02/29/2012 Amount Due 0.04 0.04 171.82 03/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 335.82 03/31/2012 Amount Due 0.04 0.04 335.86 04/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 499.86 04/30/2012 Amount Due 0.86 0.86 500.72 05/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 664.72 05/31/2012 Amount Due 1.68 1.68 666.40 06/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 830.40 06/30/2012 Amount Due 2.50 2.50 832.90 07/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 996.90 07/31/2012 Amount Due 3.32 3.32 1,000.22 08/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 1,164.22 08/31/2012 Amount Due 4.14 4.14 1,168.36 09/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 1,332.36 09/30/2012 Amount Due 4.96 4.96 1,337.32 10/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 1,501.32 10/31/2012 Amount Due 5.78 5.78 1,507.10 11/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 1,671.10 11/30/2012 Amount Due 6.60 6.60 1,677.70 12/01/2012 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 1,841.70 12/31/2012 Amount Due 7.42 7.42 1,849.12 01/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 2,013.12 01/31/2013 Amount Due 8.24 8.24 2,021.36 02/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 2,185.36 02/22/2013 Collection -1,849.00 -1,849.00 336.36 02/28/2013 Amount Due 0.04 0.04 336.40 03/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 500.40 03/31/2013 Amount Due 0.64 0.64 501.04 04/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 665.04 04/30/2013 Amount Due 1.46 1.46 666.50 05/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 830.50 05/31/2013 Amount Due 2.28 2.28 832.78 06/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 996.78 06/30/2013 Amount Due 3.10 3.10 999.88 07/01/2013 Amount Due 224.00 164.00 1,163.88 07/31/2013 Amount Due 3.92 3.92 1,167.80 FEDERAL OFFSET (FO) receipts are subject to