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  • WHARTON -V- CALDWELL, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • WHARTON -V- CALDWELL, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • WHARTON -V- CALDWELL, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • WHARTON -V- CALDWELL, ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


CM 200 ATTORNEYORPARTYWITHOUTATTORNEV Name StateBaroumber antlatltlress FORCOUR7USEONLY Charles E Koro SBN 162436 Marc L Smith SBN 263645 BROWN KORO ROMAG LLP SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 4400 CO1dW3t2Y Canyon Avenue Slllt2 200 rpUNTYOFSANE3ERNARDIt O Studio City CA 91604 TELEPHONENO HZH 377 6280 FAXNO Opfional HZB 3 6z90 FEB 09 2017 E MnIL A ORESS Opfionap nrroaNevFoa Name Plaintiff DEPUTV SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STREETADORESS 247 West 3rd Street Kv yyvt bYC IM MAILINGADDRESS Sdi112 ciTvnNoziacooe San Bernardino CA 92415 0210 eanNCHNuie SAN BERNARDINO DISTRICT PLAINTIFF PETITIONER BRYAN JAMES WHARTON DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT MELISSA CHRISTINE CALDWELL et al CASENUMBER CIVDS1515198 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE uoce Hon David Cohn DEPT S26 NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF OR OTHER PARTY SEEKING RELIEF You must fle a request for dismissal of the entire case within 45 days after the date of the settlement ifthe settlement is unconditional You must fle a dismissal of the entire case within 45 days after the date specifed initem 1 bbelow if thesettlement is conditional Unless you file a dismissal within the required time or haveshown good cause before the time for dismissal has expired why the case should not be dismissed the court will dismiss the entire case To the court allparties and any arbitrator or other court connected ADR neutral involved in this case 1 This entire case has been settled The settlement is a OX Unconditional A request for dismissal will be filed within 45 days after the date of lhe settlement Date of settlement February 3 2017 b Conditional The settlement agreement conditions dismissal of lhis matter on the salisfactory completion of specified terms that are notto be performed within 45 days of the date of the settlement A request for dismissal will be filed no later thandate 2 Date initial pleading filed October 9 2015 3 Next scheduled hearing or conference a Purpose Trial Readiness Conference b U 1j Date April 20 2017 2 Time 8 30 a m 3 Department S26 4 Trial date a No trialdate set b 1 Date April 24 2107 2 Time 8 30 a m 3 Department S26 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the Stateof California that the foregoing is true and correct Date 6 2017 February Marc L Smith TVPE OR PRINT NAME OF XO ATTORNEV O PARTV WITHOUT ATTORNEV SIGNATURE Page 7 of Fo mnaoP eam maeaioryue r Jutlicial Council of Cali omia NOTICEOFSETTLEMENTOFENTIRECASE CaLRulesalCourl rule3 1385 CM 200 RevJanuary 1 2007 SUlU I15 P US w CM 200 PLAINTIFF PETITIONER BRYAN JAMES WHARTON CASENUMBER CIVD51515198 DEFENDANT RESPONDENT MELISSA CHRISTINE CALDWELL MICHAE PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST CLASS MAIL NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE NOTE You cannot serve he Notice of Settlement of Entire Case if you aie a party in the action The person who served the notice must complete this proo o service 1 I am at least 18 years oldand not a party to thisaction Iam a resident of or employed in thecounty where the mailing took place and my residence or business address is specify 4400 Coldwater Canyon Avenue Suite 200 Studio City CA 91604 2 I served a copy of the Notice of Settlement o Entire Case by enclosing it ina sealed envelope with postage fullyprepaid and check one a deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service b X placed the sealed envelope for collection and processing for mailing following this business s usual praclices with which I am readily familiar On the same day correspondence is placed for collection and mailing it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service 3 The Notice o Sett ement of Entire Case was mailed a on date b from city and state 4 The envelope was addressed and mailed as follows a Name of person served Raeet Rita D c Name of person served Taddesse Slreeladdress 1600 Iowa Avenue Ste 200 Streetaddress City Riverside City Stateandzipcode CA 92507 7425 Stateandzipcode b Name of person served d Name of person served Street address Street address City City State and zip code Stale and zip code Names and addresses of additional persons served are attached You may use form POS 030 P 5 Number ot pages attached Ideclare under penalty oi perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoingis true and correct Date February 6 2017 Christina Brace TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT SIGNNTURE OF DECLARANT 200Rev January1 CM 2007 NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE Page3oi2