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  • KAGAMASTER -V- LOWE'S COMPANIES(MF) Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • KAGAMASTER -V- LOWE'S COMPANIES(MF) Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • KAGAMASTER -V- LOWE'S COMPANIES(MF) Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • KAGAMASTER -V- LOWE'S COMPANIES(MF) Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


k i LEW1S BRI3BOIS BISGAARD SMITH cr JOHI 3 S LOWENTHAL 3B 120b2 F 9 E D 2 Ma11 J0 1tt LOW 11tt13 Q1fW1Sb1 IS JOIS COIII SUPERiOR COURT OF CqLIFORNIA CYJUNTYdF ANBERNARDINO MAT HEW L WALKFR S 22 793 SAN BERNARDINO DrSTRICT 3 E Mail Mathew Walkernlewisbrisbois cam 650 East NOV 1 Hospitality I ane Suite 600 4 San Bernardinp California 92408 Telephone 9t 9 38Z 1 l30 y 5 Facsimile 909 387 1138 EClLN 57 RlCKa D PU7Y 6 Attorneys for Defendants Lowe s Home Centers LLC and Lowe s Companies tnc 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF FHE STATE flF CALIFt RNIA COUNTY OP SAN ERNARDINO CENTRAL DI3TRICT 10 1l CAROL KACiAMAS I ER an individual Case No CIVllS1514986 12 Plaintiff s Consalidated for all purposes with Case No CIVDS 600904 v Camplaint Riled OaCt ber 9 2415 lA LOWE S Civzl UrtlimitedJurisdiction COMPANTES INC LOWE S HOME CENTERS LLC VENCEDOR assigned to the Hon Gilbert Ochoa Dept IS TRLJCKING LLC OSCAR GARCIA and 331 DOES I throu h 100 inclusive Defendant s DECLARA I lON OF MATIIEW L 1 WALKER IN SITPPORT OF M4TION FOR SUDIMARY JUllGMENT OR 1 ALTERNATIVELY SUMMARY ADJUDICATION OF iSSUrS BY 19 CRYSTAL SANDOVAL NIKKI EFENDANTS LOWE S COMPANIES KAGAMAS T ER and SKIPPGR INC AND LOWE S HOME CENTERS LLC 20 KAGAMASTER 21 PlaintifF Filed aoncurrently with Notice of MMion Memorandum of Poiirts and Authorities 22 v Separate State nent of LTndisputed Material Facts Appendix of Exhibits Declarations of 23 LOWE S Trislr Messerschmitt and David Green and COMPANIES INC LOWE S HOME CEN IERS LLC VENCEDOR Proposed Order 24 TRUCKING LLC OSCAR GARCIA and Date January 29 201 DOES 1 throubh 100 inclusive Tim 8 30 a m S Dept S33 Defendants 26 Triai March 5 2d18 zT 2 LEWIS SRISBt7IS 1 BiSGAARD 8 SMITH LLP opE DECLARATION OF MATHEW L WALKER ESQ 2 DECLARATI4N 4F iVIATIIEW I WAI I ER 2 I Mathew L Walker Esq hereby declaze as follows 3 1 I am an attorney a law duly lieensed to practace before alt of the courts in the State 4 of California andl am a partnei in the law firm of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard Smith attorneys of 5 recqrd for defendanfs Lowe s Home Centers LLC and Lowe Gompanies Inc 6 2 I have personal knowledge of the facts cgntained in th is declaration and if called 7 upon as a witness to testifyto them I could and would campetently do sa under oath 3 Included as Exh sbit C ta the Appendix of Exfiibits iu Sizpport of the Motion far 9 Suinmary Judgment ar Aliernatively Summary Adjudication by Lowe srHome Centers LLC and 14 Lowe s Companies Inc Appendix filed and served concurrently herewith are frue and 11 conect copies of reltvant pages from defendanY Venoedor Tiucking LLC s Responses to Lowe s 22 8pecial Interrogatories Set One 13 4 Included as zhibit D to fhe Appendix aze true and conect copies of relevant 14 portions of the transcript of the deposition of Defendant XP0 Last Ivtile Inc s person most 15 qualified Miguel Sofo Soto DeposiYion as weifas seleotexhibits thereCo 16 5 Iricluded a Ezhibit E to the Appendix aze true and conect copies o relevant 17 gortions of the franscripf of tfie dep8sifion af Juan ZavaIa principal of Defendant Vencedor 18 Tnicking C LC Zavala Degasition aswell as select exfii6its khereto 19 6 Iricldcled as Exhiliit F to zhe tlppendix are true and conect copies of relevant 20 portions of the transcript of tHe deposition of defendant Qscar Garcia Garcia Deposition 21 7i Inctuded as Exhibit G to tHe Appendix aie true and correct copies of re2evant 22 porEions of the transcript of the depos rtion of Veronica Cervantes Cer anfes Deposition an 23 ernployee of Lowe s Home Centers LLG 24 I deciare under penaify of perjury under the laws e te of California that the 25 fore oing is true and cone eG and that this declaratian y me orr the day of 26 Navember 20I7 at San Bernardino Galifornia 27 M h S Va1 r fisq 28 2 D CLARATTQiY dF MATHEW L WALKER ESQ t