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  • IN RE MANUEL ISLAS Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview
  • IN RE MANUEL ISLAS Print Petition for Change of Name  document preview


AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PROOF OF PUBLICATION FpR 1P STATE OF CALIFORNIA UR F RNPR N SS c 1PER C R OO RNPR pNO D S RG County of San Bernardino PN Q15 I am a citizen of the United States and a resident v EpUT of the State of California I am over the age of B eighteen years and not a party to or interested in the above entitled matter I am the principal clerk of the Loma Linda City News a newspaper that OT2DER ro sHow NannEOR cHaNCE has been adjudged to be a newspaper of general oF CASE NUMBER CIV DS1515539 circulation bY the SuP erior Court of the Coun J TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS Petitioner of San Bernardino State of California on March Rocio Castellanos filed a petition with this court for a decree changing 30 2000 Case No SCV 64683 for the Ciiy of names as follows Mauel Loma Linda County of San Bernardino State of Islas Castellanos THE COURT ORDERS that all persons California that the notice of which the annexed interested in this matterI appear before this court is a true printed copy has been published in each at the heanng indicated below to show cause in 1e111el1t if any why the petition re g ular and extra issue and not anY su PP for changeof name should not be granted there of of said newspaper on the following dates Any person objecting to thename changes described above must t0 Wlt i file a written objection that indudes the reasons for the objection at least lwocourtdaysbeforethe 10 29 2015 11 OS 2015 11 12 2015 11 19 2015 matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted I certify or declare under the penalty of perjury If no written objection is hmely filed the court aY 9 a t tne Pe under the laws of the State of California that the without a heanng Notice of Hearing foregoing is true and correct Date 12 4 15 Time 8 30 a m Department S33 Executed at Grand Terrace San Bernardino IT IS FURTHER COU11Ty California 011 opy o Rth published S order be inLOMA LINDA CITY NEWS in San Bemardino County California once a week for four successive Date 11 19 2015 et forphearnghofdthe petition DatedOct 23 2015 Michael A Sachs Judge of the Superior Court Published in LOMA LINDA qTY NEWS On 10 29 201511 5 2015 11 12 2015 11 19I2015 Signature City News Group Inc 22797 Barton Road Grand Terrace CA 92313 909 370 1200 I