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  • SUNG-V-BANK OF AMERICA ET AL Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview
  • SUNG-V-BANK OF AMERICA ET AL Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview
  • SUNG-V-BANK OF AMERICA ET AL Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview
  • SUNG-V-BANK OF AMERICA ET AL Print Other Contract Unlimited  document preview


Attorne Y or Par Y without Attorneyi For Court n SEP I BMBER J KATJE ESQ CONSUMER LITIGATIOI LAW CENTER APC sUp r 130 S CHAPARRAL GOURT t 9r p SUITE 250 y FpRN RNARDINO DlST CT iNO ANAHEIM CA 92808 H 1G Tetephane No 714 400 2970 FrtX Na 8 909 7947 ZD t Ref iVo or File No r Attorneyfar Pl lfltif Insert name of Court and Judicial Distrfctand Branch Court AIVIF j C SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY SIJPERIOR COUR I ORENO EP Plaint 3IN JIJ SUNG Defendant BANK OF AMERTCA N A ET AI PROCMF OF SERVICE Hearing Date Time Dept Div Case Number SUMNIONS V ER IFI D CO CIVDS1609655 1 At the time ofservice I was at least 18 years afttge and not a party to this action 2 I served copies ofthe S IMMdNS VERI IED COMPLAIN F CIVIL AS Ct VER SHEET CERTIFIC ATE OF ASSIG MENT N OTICE OF T RIAL SETT1NGr CQNFERENCE AIVD N0 TICE OF CASE ASSIGNMENT 3 a Party served LAW OF FICES OF LES ZIEVE h Persan servecl AVI N PHILLIPS ESQ ASSOGIA TE ATTQRNEYIAU THURIZED TQ A CCEPT SERVICE 4 4dtXress where the pariy was sef ved 30 CORPORATE PARK t SUITE 4S0 IRVINE CA 92605 S I served the parry a by personal service T personally delivered the dacuments listed in item 2 to the party or per son authorize@ to receive i pracess for the party I an Tue Jul O5 201b 2 at 3 OOPM 6 The Notice to the Person Served on the S ummons was completed rrsfolto vs on behafaf LAW OFFICES OF LBS ZIEVE Undex CCP 416 l 0 corporation 7 Person iYho Serued Papers Recoverable Cost Per CCP 1033 5 a 4 B a AIvIBER TF I RNE d The F eefar Serviee wirs 95 97 60Q W Santa Aua Boulevard Suite 101 e I am 3 registered Califo7nia process server Santa Ana CA 92701 i Independent Contractor 77elephone 714 541 1110 ii1 Registration 1l o 27 9 I i AX 714 41 8182 iiz County Orange wwwtaurstlegalnetwork cam Expiratzon Date rv Sat Nov 19 2016 i j i j I i 8 Ideclare under penalty ofperjury uni er the Xaws af the State of Galifornia that theforegoin rue an carrec Dater Fri JuL 08 2016 al C u ci Form POS p10 PRpp OF g R CE AMB R THO Rule l a a c ev January 1 200 7 SLTMMdN VERIFIED COIt I7 F 5 lIfSZU3 v i x II tly tll M 4 S y T X f y i y a t 1zt 1 i 3 k s ik 9 S 3 i r t fi r r a r t1 t St n k t 1 y sS F 4 t Fn A 5 r s n 1h yy A Y t J t J i y