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  • ISLAMIC AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONNECTICUT, INC. v. ASHRAF, JAWAD Et AlM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • ISLAMIC AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONNECTICUT, INC. v. ASHRAF, JAWAD Et AlM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


From: Mery! Spat Fax: 18669790939 To: Waterbury Superior Court Fax: (203) 596-4032 Page: 3 of 3 12/16/2020 10:23 PM REQUEST FOR ARGUMENT STATE OF CONNECTICUT REQARG NON-ARGUABLE CIVIL SHORT SUPERIOR COURT CALENDAR MATTER www.jud, SO-CV-128 Rov 413 fade gov INA PB. §11-18(f) Instructions 1. Use this form to request argument on a non-arguable matter. Notice Fee one form for each request If the Court grants the request, it will schedule the argument and notify all 4. File the form with the court during the short calendar marking period. counsel of record and self-represented parties of the date and time of the hearing. Do not come to court on the original calendar date unless you have Marking periods can be found in the calendar notices or standing orders been specifically told to do so by the court. on civil or family calendars at: http://www - ‘Name of case (Plaintiff v. Defendant) Docket Number of the Case ISLAMIC AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONNECTICUT, INC. v. ASHRAF, JAWAD Et Al UWY-CV-19-6045396-S, ‘Judicial District of Calendar Date ‘Calendar Number and Position Number Waterbury 12/21/20 Calendar 12 position 36 | request that the Court permit argument on the following non-arguable motion or objection: Title of Motion or Objection that you want the court to hear argument on Entry Number of motion of objection Objection to Motion for Capias (no. 116) Doc. Number 118 118 List the title and entry number of any motions or objections related to the motion or objection you are requesting argument on 112, 116, 118 Explain the reason(s) for the request WICC objects to the motion for capias for reasons set forth in a Memorandum dated 11/25/20. WICC seeks oral argument for reasons set forth in the Memorandum if Doc. 116 (motion for capias) proceeds on 12/21/20. WICC's agent for service of process intends to appear testify that all the documents in his possession have been produced. He is represented and has expressed willingness to be deposed. Counsel for WICC has conflicting hearings from 11:30 until 3:00 on Dec. 21, 2020. Please schedule this matter before 11:30 or after 3pm. Incarceration of an agent for service of process is a matter implicating constitutional rights. WICC therefore seeks the Court's consideration at oral argument. (OR COURT. fendant [x] Other_Waterbury Islamic Cultural iff [_] Defendant Name of law firm, attomey or sel Attorney Meryl Anne Spat Attorney for Plaintiff pea 42 nag ‘Adaress DEO ar Telephone number (with area code) 27 First Ave. Waterbury CT 06710 203 2B2 2133 or 203 805 8256 Certification CLERK'S Grriv | certify that a copy of this document was mailed or delivered electronically or non-electronically on (date) _12/16/20 to and self-represented parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all attorneys and self-represented parties receiving electronic delivery. . . Name and address of each party and attorney that copy was mailed or delivered to” PULLMAN & COMLEY LLC Refai Arafin 1224 Mill Street, Bldg. B -CV- 90 STATEHOUSESQUARE —E:aet Berlin. CT 06023 8 (You may use form JD-CV-67.) HARTFORD, CT 06103 , Signed (Signature of filer) Print or ype name of person signing Date signed > /400893/ Meryl Anne Spat 12/16/20 Mailing address (Numiber, street, town, state and zip code) Telephone number 27 First Ave. Waterbury CT 06710 203 805 8256 / 203 232 2133 The area below is for Court use only. oO Schedule the motion or objection for argument Oo No argument needed. Motion or objection will be considered on the papers. ‘Signed (Judge) Date NOTICE The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you need a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the ADA, contact a court clerk or an ADA contact person listed at WwW