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  • Deutsche Bank National Trust Company As Trustee For American Home Mortgage Assets Trust 2007-1 Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-1 v. Royal Blue Realty Holdings, Inc., The Board Of Managers Of 130 Barrow Street Condominium Homeowners Association, Sing Yu International, Inc. D/B/A Sy Marble And Granite Importers And Distributors, Ny State Department Of Taxation And Finance, State Of New York, New York City, City Of New York Environmental Control Board, City Of New York Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #10,, The Last Ten Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To The Plaintiff, The Person Or Parties Intended Being The Person Or Parties, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint, Torts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • Deutsche Bank National Trust Company As Trustee For American Home Mortgage Assets Trust 2007-1 Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-1 v. Royal Blue Realty Holdings, Inc., The Board Of Managers Of 130 Barrow Street Condominium Homeowners Association, Sing Yu International, Inc. D/B/A Sy Marble And Granite Importers And Distributors, Ny State Department Of Taxation And Finance, State Of New York, New York City, City Of New York Environmental Control Board, City Of New York Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #10,, The Last Ten Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To The Plaintiff, The Person Or Parties Intended Being The Person Or Parties, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint, Torts - Other (Conversion) document preview
  • Deutsche Bank National Trust Company As Trustee For American Home Mortgage Assets Trust 2007-1 Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-1 v. Royal Blue Realty Holdings, Inc., The Board Of Managers Of 130 Barrow Street Condominium Homeowners Association, Sing Yu International, Inc. D/B/A Sy Marble And Granite Importers And Distributors, Ny State Department Of Taxation And Finance, State Of New York, New York City, City Of New York Environmental Control Board, City Of New York Parking Violations Bureau, John Doe #1 Through John Doe #10,, The Last Ten Names Being Fictitious And Unknown To The Plaintiff, The Person Or Parties Intended Being The Person Or Parties, If Any, Having Or Claiming An Interest In Or Lien Upon The Mortgaged Premises Described In The Complaint, Torts - Other (Conversion) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2020 12:04 PM INDEX NO. 107030/2009 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 216 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2020 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ______ ---------------------------------------------------x DEUTSHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, ETC., STIPULATION Plaintiff, ADJOURNING MOTIONS -against- ROYAL BLUE REALTY HOLDINGS, INC. ET AL, Index Nos. 105818/2009 105819/2009 Defendants. 107028/2009 ---------------- ------------------------x 107029/2009 107030/2009 ROYAL BLUE REALTY HOLDINGS, INC., 107031/2009 107017/2009 Third Party Plaintiff, 110570/2010 850071/2016 -against- NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL and OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, Third Party Defendants. ------------------------------------------------------ x IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by the attorneys for the respective parties,as follows: 1. Plaintiff's rnotion, in each of the above entitled actions, for the disqúclification of Martin Shaw, Esq. and Shaw & Associates, as the attorney for defendant Royal Blue Realty Holdings, Inc. ("Royal Blue"), currently returnable on February 25, 2020, are adjourned, on consent, to March 6, 2020; 2. The opposition papers of Royal Blue are to be e-filedon or before February 25, 2020; and plaintiff's reply papers are to be e-filed on or before March 6, 2020; and 1 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2020 12:04 PM INDEX NO. 107030/2009 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 216 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2020 3. Facs:imile and photocopy sigñatures on this Stipulation shall have the same force and effectas originals. Dated: February 10, 2020 Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP Lester Bleckner & Shaw LLP By: By: Mark A. Berman, Esq. Martin½w, Esq. 360 Lexington Avenue 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3301 New York, New York 10016 New York, New York 10118 (212) 922-9250 (212) 279-4490; Ext. 204 Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Defendant Royal Blue Realty Holdings, Inc. McCabe Weisberg & Conway, LLP Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP By By: mie Krapf, Esq Elizabeth Goldberg, Esq. 1 Hu ington Quadrangle, Suite 3C2 1290 Avenue of the Americas Mel lie,New York 1 1747 New York, New York 10104 812-4084 (212) 541-2000 ) Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Third Party Defendant Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLP (now known as PHH Mortgage Services successor to Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC) 2 of 3 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2020 12:04 PM INDEX NO. 107030/2009 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 216 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2020 3. Facsimile and phetecopy signatures on this Stipulation shall have the same force and effect as originals. Dated: February 10, 2020 Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP Lester Blecher & Shaw LLP By: By: Mark A. Berman, Esq. Martin Shaw, Esq. 360 Lexington Avenue 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3301 New York, New York 10016 New York, New York 10118 (212) 922-9250 (212) 279-4490; Ext. 204 Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Defendant Royal Blue Realty Holdings, Inc. McCabe Weisberg & Conway, LLP Bryan Cave Leighton Pais LLP By: By: Jamie Krapf, Esq. abet old 3erg, Esq. 1 Huntington Quadrangle, Suite 3C20 1290 Avenue of th Americ as Melville, New York 11747 New York, New ork 10101 (631) 812-4084 (212) 541-2000 Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Third Party Defendant Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLP (now known as PHH Mortgage Services, successor to Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC) 2 3 of 3