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  • LOBEL FINANCIAL -V- TIMMONS Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • LOBEL FINANCIAL -V- TIMMONS Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • LOBEL FINANCIAL -V- TIMMONS Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • LOBEL FINANCIAL -V- TIMMONS Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


l DSI 15 Debtor 1 Corneice Timmons Social Security number or ITIN ncx xx 8860 Fire Name Mitltlla Name last Name EIN Debtor 2 Social Security number or ITIN First Name Midtlle Name Lasl Name Spouse iF filing EIN United Staies Bankruptcy Court Cential District of Califomia F SUPERIOR COURT OF CALlFORNIA COUNTY OFSAN BERNA oDINO Case number 6 17 bk 14596 SY SAN BERNAftD NO 5 CT SEP 1 8 2017 Order of Discharge Chapte 7 ti s S I EDEN STAAiCKP EPUTY IT IS ORDERED A discharge under 11 U S C 727 is granted to Corneice Timmons include ell names used by each deblor indudingrade names within Ihe 8 years prior to ihe filing of the peti ion Debtor 1 Discharge Date 9 11 17 Dated 9 11 17 By the court Scott H Yun United States Bankruptcy Judge Explanation of Bankruptcy Discharge in a Chapter 7 Case This order does not close or dismiss the case This order does not prevent debtors from paying and itdoes not determine how much money if any debt voluntarily or from paying reaffirmed any the trustee will pay creditors debts according to the reaffirmation agreement 11 U S C 524 c f Creditors cannot collect discharged debis This order means that no one may make any Most debts are discharged attempt to collect a discharged debt from the Most debts are covered by the discharge but not debtors personally For example creditors all Generally a discharge removes the debtors cannot sue garnish wages assert a deficiency personal Iiabiiity for debts owed before the or otherwise try to coliect from the debtors debtors bankruptcy case was filed personally on discharged debts Creditors cannot contact the debtors Also if this case began under a different chapter by mail phone or otherwise in any attempt to collect the debt personally of the Bankruptcy Code and was later converted Creditors who violate this order can be required to chapter 7 debts owed before the conversion to pay debtors damages and attorney s fees are discharged However a creditor with a lien may enforce a In a case involving community property Special claim against the debtors property subject to that rules protect certain community property owned lien unless the lien was avoided or eliminated by the debtor s spouse even ifthat spouse did For example a creditor may have the right to not file a bankruptcy case foreclose a home mortgage or repossess an automobile 10 AUT For more information see page 2 OfficialForm 318 CACBdodb CACodsc Order of Ctiapter 7 Discharge page l osizas 75504031279016 r Some debts are nat discharged Aiso debts cavered by a valid reaf irmatia Exampies of debts that are j not discharged are a 9 reement are not dischar9 ed Nd i debts that are domestio support In addition this discharge does not stop abiigatioris oreditars from coliecting rom anyone else wha is aiso liabie on the debt such as an insurance company ora perspn who cosigned or detrts tor most student9oans guaranteed a loan i debts for most taxes t Th s inEormation is only a generai summary debts that the bankruptcy court has of the bankruptcy discharge some decided or will decide are not disoharged exceptlons exis Because the law is in this bankruptcy case complicated you should consuit a attorney to determine the exact effect af the discharge in this case debts far most fines penalties forfeitures ar Criminai restitution obligations a some de6ts wtrich ttie de6tars did nat properly list debts for certain rypes of laans owed to pension profit sharing stock bonus or retirement plans and e debts fordeath or personai injury caused by operating a vehicle uvhile intoxi cate8 a t i i t G l Official Form 318 CACBdodb CACodsc Order of Chapter 7 Discharge page 2 031248 75504031279Q16