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  • Gloria Kirkland v. City Of New York, New York City Transit Authority, New York City Department Of Sanitation, New York City Department Of Transportation, New York City Department Of Design And Construction, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction Company, Mta Bridges And Tunnels Torts - Other (slip & fall) document preview
  • Gloria Kirkland v. City Of New York, New York City Transit Authority, New York City Department Of Sanitation, New York City Department Of Transportation, New York City Department Of Design And Construction, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction Company, Mta Bridges And Tunnels Torts - Other (slip & fall) document preview


SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK OLORIA KIRKLAND, Index No.: 152189/2018 Plaintiff, STIPULATION OF DISCONTINUANCE -against- CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY and MTA BRIDGES AND TUNNELS, Defendants. IT IS HRRRRY STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the attorneys for the respective partiesherein that the above-entitled action,and the same hereby isdignantinued as to Defendant(s) TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE AND TUNNEL AUTHORITV s/h/a MTA BRIDGES AND TUNNELS only with prejudice and without costs to any party. IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED, that thecaption is hereby airzaded to remove TRIBOROUOH BRIDGE AND TUNNEL AUTHORITY s/h/a MTA BRIDGES AND TUNNELS from the caption. The amended caption to read as followsi SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ___...---a____.--,.-..-----.._.2------...,-X GLORIA KIRKLAND, Plaintiff, -against- CITY OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT AUTHORITY, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION, NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, NEW YORK CITY DBPARTMENT OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION, METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, Defendant(s). ...--.....-........--._..--------------------------X IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED, thisStipt!!ah may be executed in counterparts and forpurposes of this St!pulation, a facsimile signature shallhave the same force and effect as ifan original signature. IT IS FURTHER STIPULATED AND AGREED, this S*ips'ation may be filed with the Clerk of the Court without furthernotice, Dated: July 16, 2018 Valley Stream, NY By: Seidia Bemard, Esq. By: Steve X. O Aberk, Esq. ROACH BERNARD PLLC SALENG#.R S/ CK KIMMEL & BAVARO Attorneys for Defendant Attorney. for Q aintrf TRIBOROUGH BRIDGE AND TUNNEL dLORIA KIRK LAND AUTHORITY s/h/a MTA BRIDGES 180 Frochlick Farm Baalevard AND TUNNELS Woodbury, NY 1 1797 175 N. Central Ave., Suite 200 Valley Stmam3 NY 11580 Byi athew inkel, Esq. By: Zachary Carter LAWRENCE HEISLER Attorneys for Defendants Attorneys for Defendmis CITY OF NEW YORK, NYC DEPT OF NYC TRANSIT AUTHORITY, MTA and SANITATION, NYC DEPT OF MTA CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION TRANSPORTATION and NYC DEPT OF 11* 130 Liviagatca Street, Floor DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION 5* Brooklyn, NY 11201 100 Church Street, Floor Pile No.: TA-17-02-10-12-001 New York, NY 10007 Hon . Verna S aunder s