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  • Gloria Kirkland v. City Of New York, New York City Transit Authority, New York City Department Of Sanitation, New York City Department Of Transportation, New York City Department Of Design And Construction, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction Company, Mta Bridges And Tunnels Torts - Other (slip & fall) document preview
  • Gloria Kirkland v. City Of New York, New York City Transit Authority, New York City Department Of Sanitation, New York City Department Of Transportation, New York City Department Of Design And Construction, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Construction Company, Mta Bridges And Tunnels Torts - Other (slip & fall) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/18/2018 05:15 PM INDEX NO. 152189/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/18/2018 REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION For Court Clerk Use Only: UCS-840 (7/2012) IAS I-ntry Date Supreme COURT, COUNTY OF New York Judge Assigned Index No: 152189/2018 Date Index Issued: 3/12/18 CAPTION. * Enter the complete case caption. Do not use et al or et ano. If more space is required, M Dale attach a caption rider sheet. GloriaKirkland Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) -against- Cityof New York, New York CityTransitAuthority, New York CityDepartment ofSanitation, New York CityDepartment ofTransportation, New York City Department of Design and Construction, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Metropolitan Transportation Authority CapitalConstruction Company, and MTA Bridges and Tunnels Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) ' NATURE OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: indicated. Check ONE box only and specify where MATRIMONIAL COMMERCIAL Û Contested O Business corporations, Entity (including partnerships, LLCs, etc.) NOTE: For all Matrimonial actions where the parties under have children O Contract the age of 18, complete and attach the MATRIMONIALRJi Addendum· O insurance(whereinsurer is a party, except arbitration) For UncontestedMatrimonial use RJi form UD-13· actions, Û UCC (including sales,negotiable instruments) TORTS O Other Commercial: (specify) Û Asbestos O BreastImplant NOTE: For Commercial assignment Division requests[22 NYCRR 5 O Environmental: complete 202.70(d)], and attach the COMMERCIAL DIV RJi Addendum. (SP°d*) REAL PROPERTY: How many propertiesdoes the application include? O Medical,Dental, or Podiatric Malpractice O Condemnation O Motor Vehicle O Mortgage Foreclosure(specify): O Residential O Commerciai O ProductsLiability: PropertyAddress: (specify) StreetAddress City State Zip O OtherNegligence: NOTE: For MortgageForeclosure actions a one- to four-family, involving (Spedfy) owner-occupied,residential or an owner-occupied property, O Other Professional Malpractice: condominium,completeand attach the FORECLOSURE RJi Addendum. (SP°°'*) - Section: O Tax Certiorari Block: Lot: Q Other Tort: Premises/5lip & Fall Û Tax Foreclosure (SP°°'*) O OtherReal Property: OTHER MATTERS (SPedfy) Û of Incorporation/Dissolution Certificate [see NOTE under Commercial] SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS O Emergency MedicalTreatment O CPLR Article [see NOTE under Commercial] 75 (Arbitration) O Habeas corpus O 78 (Body or Officer) CPLR Article O Local Court Appeal O Election Law O Mechanic'sLien O MHL Article 9.60 (Kendra's Law) O Name Change O MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Initial) O Pistol Permit Revocation Hearing O MHL Article10 (Sex Offender Confinement-Review) O of Religious/Not-for-Profit Sale or Finance Property O 81 (Guardianship) MHL Article O Other: O OtherMental Hygiene: (specify) (specify) O Other Special Proceeding: (specify) STATUS OF ACTION OR PROCEEDING: Answer YES or PO for EVERY question AND enter additional where indicated. information YES NO | Has a summons and complaintor summons w/notice been filed? Qs Q If yes, date filed: 03/12/2018 Has a summons and complaintor summons been served? w/notice Qs Q If yes, date served: 03/29/2018 Is this action/proceeding being filed post-judgment? Q Qe date: If yes, judgment 1 of 2 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/18/2018 05:15 PM INDEX NO. 152189/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 10 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/18/2018 NATURE OF JUDICIAL INTERVENTION: Check ONE box only AND enter additional information where indicated. Û Infant's Compromise O Note of Issue and/or of Readiness Certificate O Notice of Medical, Dental, or Podiatric Maipractice Date Issue Joined: Q' Notice of Motion Relief Sought: Dismiss Retum Date: 05/11/2018 O Notice of Petition Relief Sought: Retum Date: O Order to ShowCause Relief Sought: Retum Date: O OtherEx Parte Application Relief Sought: O Poor Person Application O Request for Preliminary Conference O Residential Mortgage Settlement Foreclosure Conference O Writ of Habeas Corpus O Other (specify): CASES· List any related actions. For Matrimonial include actions, criminal any related and/or Family Court cases. RELATED If additional ace is required, completeand attachthe RJi Addendum. If none, leave blank. Case Title Index/Case No. Court Judge (ifassigned) Relationship to InstantCase For parties without "Un-Rep" MRUES, an attorney, check box AND enter party address, phone number and e-mail address in spaceprovided. ® If additional space is required, completeand attach the RJ1 Addendum. Parties: Attorneys and/or Unrepresented Litigants: Un- trsue List parties in caption order and name, firm name, business Provide attorney address,phone number and e-mail Insurance Joined Rep party role(s) (e.g. defendant; indicate addressof all attorneys in the case. that have appeared For unrepresented (Y/N): Carriedsh plaintiff). 3rd-party provide litigants, address,phone number and e-mailaddress. Kirkland LastName LastName FirstName Gloria salenger, Sack, Kimmel & Bavaro, LLP FirstName FirmName PrimaryRole: I80FroehlickFarmBoulevard Woodbury NewYork 11797 Plaintiff StreetAddress City State Zip ~ NO SecondaryRole(If any): F1(516)677-0100 Phone Fax e-mail Metropolitan Transportation Q Authority, LastName LastName FirstName YES FirstName FirmName X PrimaryRole: Defendant StreetAddress City State Zlp ~ NO secondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax e-mail Departs. City of New York, New York City DepartrQ LastName LastName FirstName FirstName FirmName 0X PrimaryRole: Defendant StreetAddress City State Zip • NO SecondaryRole(if any): Phone Fax email MTA Bridges and Tunnels 1ernard Seidia LastName LastName FirstName toach Bernard, PLLC FirstName FirmName 0 PrimaryRole: 175N.CentralAve.,Ste.200 ValleyStream NewYork 11580 Defendant StreetAddress City State ZIp • NO secondaryRole(If any): &1(516)568-7700 +1 (516)450-3506 Phone Fax e-mail I AFF RM UNDER THE PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, OTHER THAN AS NOTED ABOVE, THERE ARE AND HAVE BEEF NO RELATED ACTIONS OR PRO3EEDINGS, NOR HAS A REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL INTERVENTION PFEVIOUSLY BEEN FILED IN THIS ACTION OR PROCEEDING. Dated: 04/18/2018 ( 'I '.I O U A r T Ccl' d SIGNATURE 4006391 Seidia Bernard ATTORNEY REGISTRATION NUMBER PRINT OR TYPE NAME 2 of 2