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  • ROMO -V- WENDT ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ROMO -V- WENDT ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ROMO -V- WENDT ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • ROMO -V- WENDT ET AL Print Personal Injury Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


MC 040 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOU7ATTORHEY NBme Stafe earnumbar andaddressJ FOR COilRTUSE OAlLY I Anth ny 1 Perez Esq SBN 298739 I t Ryan C Blatce sq SBN 309700 Avrek La v Firm F UPERIOR CQURT OF CALIFORNIA 2350 SE Bristol St Newport each CA 9266 COUN7Y qF SAN BERNARDINO SANBERNARDINOpISTRIC r ePHONENo 949 313 3577 FAxHo oAcronall g g 313 1 132 nooREss o rblake@avrekla v cam G 3 Q 2 9 rror A i M a Feli a Roma A7TORNEY OR NaTna StJpERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF San Bernardino I STREETADDRESS 24T VVeSf TlljCd StfEBt F f LI TT QR DEPUIY ll i 1AILfNGADDRESS Z T WCS TIlIPCI S C2 cizr ANo z r cooe San Bernardino CA 92415 ewar cH rwh San Bernardino Jusiice Center CASE NUMBER PLAINTIFF PETITIONER Mia Fe pa Romo CIVDS1831534 DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT Lucky Gene Wendt et al JUOSCIAI OPFICHR Hon Michael A Sachs DEPT A d FICE 4 CHAfVGE OF ADDRESS OR OTHER CONTACT INFORMATiON S28 I 9 Please take nofice fhat as of date 8 19 2019 the following self represented party or the attorney for a 0 pJaintiff name Mia Felipa Romo b defendant name c petiEioner narne d resp ndenf name e 0 other descRhe has changed his or her address for service of notices and documents or other contact lnformafion in the above captioned action 0 A lisf of addifional parties represented is provided in AtEachment 9 I 2 The new address or other con acf information for rtame Avrek La v Firn 1s as follorvs a Sireet 2350 South East B isto Street b City Ne port Beac3i a Maifing adclress if differenf from abave d State and zip code CA 92G60 e 7elephone number 949 3I3 3577 f Fax number if available J mail address if avaifable 3 All notices and documents regarding the action should be sent to the abo e address pate It tyan C Bla ce sq TYPE OR PRINF NAME SiGNATURE OF PAF TY OR ATfORNEY I Paye 1 of 2 Fo m roVedForoPsona use NOTICE OF CHAf11GE OF ADDRESS OR OTHER cs tturesw a ules2 20Dande 818 I r 9 0 RCa v Jarwary81 20 3 CONTACT INFORMATION tintitiv cau fs ta gav I MC 040 li CASE NUMBER PLAINTIFF PETITION R Mia Felipa Romo CIVDS183 f 534 DEFENOANTIRESPONDENT ucky Gene Wendt et al PROOF fJF SEFtVECE BY FIRST CLASS MAII NOTfCE OF CHANGE OF Ap RESS OR OTH R CON7AC7 IN O tMA ffON I NOTE This page may be used for roof of service by firsf ctass ma of tne Notice f Change of A dr s or other Cflntac Informa ion Please use a dlfferent roof of service such as Proof of Service Civil orm P S 044 if ou serve thrs nofrce by a me hod other than first class mail such as by tax orelectronic service You cannof serve the Notice of Change oF Address or Ottter Contact inforrrtation if you are a party in fhe action 7 he person vvho served the noflce must complete fhis proof of service 1 Af he time of service l was at feast 78 years old and not a party to this action 2 I am a resident of or errtployed in the caunty where the mailing took place My resfdence or business address is specify 2350 SE Bristol Sh eet Ne vport Beach CA 92G60 3 I served a copy of ti e NotJce of C1 ange ofAddress or Ot aer Corlfaet lnformation by enclosing it in a sealed enve ape addressed to ihe persons at the addresses isfed in item 5 and check one a 0 deposited the sealed en elope with the Unifed States Postal Service with postage fully prppaid I b placed fhe sealed envelope for collection and or mailing following our ordinary busfness ractices l am readil y familiarwith this business s pracUce for col ecting and processing correspondence for maifing On fhe same clay I correspondsnce is placed for coflection and mailing it is deposifed in the ordinary course of business wl h the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope wifh postage fu ly prepalcf 4 The Notice ofChange ofAddress or Other Gonfacf lnformatian was placed in the mail a on date g 22 19 b at city and state Newpo3 t Beach CA I 5 The enve ope was addressed ancf mailed as follows I a t ame of person served c Name of person served I Farmer Case Fedor Street address 402 W Broad vay Ste 110Q Sfreet address City San Diego City Sta e and z p code Catifornia 92101 State and zip cade b Name of person served d Name of person served Street address Street address City Cify I Stafe and zip code State and zip code Names and addresses of additionaf persons served are attached You may use form POS 030 P I declare under penaEty of perjury under the laws of ihe State of Californfa that the foregoing 3s lrue and correct Date Lesley Castelafi TYPF OR PRiNT NAME OF DECLARANT S RE OF DECLA 7 I peee2orz MC o401Rev Jarwaryl ao 3 N071C OF CHANGE O ADDRESS OR OTHER CONTACT INFORMA TION