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  • MIDLAND FUNDING -V- JOSEPH SARAVIA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING -V- JOSEPH SARAVIA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING -V- JOSEPH SARAVIA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • MIDLAND FUNDING -V- JOSEPH SARAVIA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview


Debtor t Joseph Saravia Social Security number or ITIN xxx xx 2439 Timothy Ficst NameMicidie Namelast Name Debtor 2 CAUFORNIA Social Securiry number ar ITIN irst NameMiddle Name t pF a g Af2DiNQ Spouse if fiiing SAiV 3ERNAP tV DISTRtCT EIN United States Bankruptcy Courk Central Dist i f if qj cutta Case number 6 19 bk i9974 WJ SY ME ISSA WHIT PUT11 Order of Discharge Ghapter 7 5 IT IS QRDERED A discharge under 11 U S G 727 is granted to Joseph Timothy Saravia include all names used by each debtor icluding trade names wtthin the 8 yaars pr ar ta the fiiing af the petition Debtor 1 Qischarge Date 2l24120 Dated 2 24l Q By the court W yne E Johnsan United States Bankruptcy Judge Explanation af Bankruptcy Discharge in a Chapter 7 Case This order does not close or dismiss the case This order does not prevent debtars fram paying and it daes not determine haw much money if any debt valuntarily or from paying reaffirmed any the trustee will pay creditors debts according to the reaffirmatian agreement 11 U S C 524 c f Creditors cannot callect discharged debts This order means that no one may make any Most debts are discharged attempt ta collect a discharged debt from the Most debts are covered by the discharge but nat debtors personally For example creditors all Generally a discharge removes the debtors cannot sue garnish wages assert a deficiency personal liability far debts awed befare the or otherwise try to callect from the debtors debtors bankruptcy case was filed pers onally on dischar ed debts Creditars cannot con act the debtors A1so if this case began under a different chapter by mail phone or otherwise in any attempt to collect the debt persanally of the Bankruptcy Code and was later converted Creditors who violate this order can be required a chap er 7 debts owed before the conversion to pay debtors damages and attarney s fees are discharged However a creditor with a lien may enfarce a In a case involving cornmunity property Special claim against the debtors property subject to that rules protect certain community property owned lien unless the lien was avoided ar eliminated by the debtor s spouse even if that spause did Far example a creditor may have the right to nat file a bankruptcy case foreclose a home mortgage or repossess an automobile 13 AUT Fvr more information see page 2 Official Form 318 CACBdodb CACodsc Order of Chapter 7 Discharge page 1 o26soa 55604026530013 T Some debts are not discharged Also debts covered by a valid reaffirmatian Examples of debts that are not discharged are agreement are not discharged s debts that are damestic suppart in addition this discharge does not stop obligations creditors fram coilecting from anyone else wha is also liable an the debt such as an insurance company or a person who cosigned ar debts for most student toans guaranteed a loan debts far most taxes This information is only a general summary s debts that the bankrup cy court has of the bankruptcy discharge some decided or will decide are not discharged exceptions exist Because the taw is in this bankruptcy case complicated you should cansult an attarney to determine the exact effect of the discharge in this case debts for mast fines penalties forfeitures or criminal restitution obligations sarne debts which the debtors did not praperly list debts far certain types of loans owed to pension profit sharing stock bonus or retirement plans and debts for death or personal injury caused by operating a vehicle while intoxicated Official Form 318 CACBdodb CACodsc Order of Chapter 7 Discharge page 2 o26soa 556Q402653Q013