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  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview
  • Wilmington Savings Fund Society, Fsb , AS TRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A v. Lisa J. Mohrman, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC, Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., Board Of Directors Of Shinnecock Shores Association, Inc., People Of The State Of New York, United States Of America -INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Real Property - Mortgage Foreclosure - Residential document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF YsCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 122 16 RECEIVED RECEIVED NYSCEF: NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 06/26/201 SLR:BPS:1h USAO #2019V0]769 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ----------- - --------------- - - - - -- --- - X Wilmington Savings Fund Society, NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, WAIVER, AND CONDITIONAL ASSERTION OF CLAIM TO SURPLUS MONIES Plaintiff, Index No. 61]202-2019 -against- Lisa J. Mohrman, et al, Defendants. - _- _-- _- _ _ _---_ _ _-_- _ _---------- - - - - X PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the defendant United States of America (the "United States") hereby appears in the action and undersigned is duly authorized to appear as Attorney for Internal Revenue Service (except as noted below); and that service of all papers and notice of all proceedings in said action is hereby waived with the exception of the following: 1. Notice of any amendment to the pleadings that refers to any lien or interest of the United States not described in the pleading heretofore served on the United States; 2. Notice of any motion or other paper seeking to challenge the lien or other interest of record of the United States; 3. Notice of sale; 4. Referee's Report of sale; 5. Notice of all proceedings in connection with surplus monies. FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 . . RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 YSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/201 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that to the extent that the pleading served on the United States fails to set forth with particularity an interest or lien of the United States, or to provide the information specifically required with respect to any federal tax lien in the manner required under 28 U.S.C. § 2410(b) (requiring the name and address of the taxpayer whose liability created the lien and, if a notice of the tax lien was filed, the identity of the internal revenue office which filed the notice and the date and place such notice of lien was filed), the undersigned is not authorized to appear for the United States in respect to such unidentified or inadequately identified interest or lien of the United States, and the United States will maintain that it is not party to the matter for purposes of such unidentified or inadequately identified interest of the United States because the statutory waiver of sovereign immunity is conditioned upon compliance with § 2410(b). PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, if the pleading that has been served on the United States does refer to a federal tax lien or any other interest of the United States both "lien," hereinafter referred to as the (and contains the information required in respect to such a lien pursuant to § 2410(b)), then the United States hereby (1) alleges that the lien attaches to the property that is the subject of this action, (2) agrees that the property may be sold fiee and clear of said lien, assuming said lien is inferior to the lien in respect to which the property is to be sold (as required by 28 U.S.C. section 2410(c), with said lien to attach to the sale proceeds with the same effect and priority the lien had with respect to the property) if and only if the provisions of 28 U.S.C. § 24)0 are otherwise complied with and the United States is notified of the sale such that it may exercise its right of redemption under § 2410(c), and is further notified of any surplus proceeds. The United States does not hereby consent FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 . . RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 YSCEF DOC. NO. 16 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/26/701 3 to a sale free and clear of any lien of the United States that is superior to the lien that a sale is made to satisfy. Any such consent hereafter given must be explicit and in writing. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the United States claims all proceeds left after the satisfaction of liens that are senior to the federal lien. Dated: Brooklyn, New York June 26, 2019 RICHARD P. DONOGHUE United States Attorney Eastern District ofNew York Attorney for the United States of America 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201 BETH P. SCHWARTZ Assistant U.S. Attorney (718) 254-6017 beth.schwartz( U.S. Attorney's Office contact: Cyril Murray 718-254-6035 To: Roach & Lin, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6901 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 240 Syosset, New York I 1791 t FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 . . RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 YsCEF DOC . NO. 23 RECEli/ED NYSCEF: 07/16/201 St PRI ME COURT OF l HE STATE OF NEW YORK COL JNTY OF SUFFOI K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------X WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIEl Y, FSB, AS Index No: 611202/2019 FRUSTEE OF STANWICH MORTGAGE I OAN TRUST A, Plaintift NOTICE OF APPEARANCE -against- USA1 MOHRMAN; MORTGAGEELECTRONICSYSTEMS, INC..AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINTMORTGAGE lNC.; SIHN¯NECOCK SHORES ASSOCIAllON, INC.; BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Sll1NNECOCK SHORES ASSOCIATION, INC.; PEOPI E OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - fNTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE; fil" "JOllN DOE through "JOHN DOE f/12", the last twelve names being &ctitious and unknown to plaintiff, the persons or parties intended being the tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendant(s), __-------------------..----..------------------------------------------------x PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Defendant. BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SHINNECOCK SHORES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, ]NC.. (hereinafter "Shinnecock"), hereby appears in the above-referenced action by their attorneys Schneider Buchel Ll P. The Defendant Shinnecock hereby requests service of aji papers, names and addresses of all appearing parties. and notice of aH proceedings in said action. CLAIM TO SURPLUS MONIES PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTlCE that said Defendant, hereby makes a c!abn to any surpins nionies that may arise out of any forec!osure sale of the premises described in the Complaint, and which is the subject of the above-entitled action: orsomuch of said surplus, as wiU satisfy any arid idi SUms 0½ ing LO Said DCfendants ÏBcluding but not limited to pUncipal, interest, late Charges. Co fr? C09s. reasonab!c allorneyS fcCS. advances for taXeS, asseSSments, Waler ?ates, sewer rental, mSUraDCe premiumS, mortgage insurance premiums, hOard n ahd securing the premises. payments on accoum of superior mortgage and liens i f there by any . . . FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 . . RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 YSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYsCEF: 07/16/201 NOTICE OF DEMAND TO INCORPORATE A DECRETAL PARAGRA PH IN PLAINTIFF'S JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE PROVIDING FOR DEFENDANT'S RIGHTS PURSUANT TO REAL PROPERTY ACTION AND PROCEEDINGS LAW SECTION 1351 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that said Defendant, pursuant to Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law, Section 1351, dernands that at the time of the application by Plaintiff for the filing and entry of Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale, plaintiff incorporate in its judgment a decrial paragraph providing the Referee be directed in said Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale to pay in accordance with Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law Section 1354(3), from the proceeds of sale, any surplus monies remaining in reduction of the indebtedness due and owing to said Defendant, including but not limited to principal, interest, late charges, Court costs, reasonable attorneys fees, advances for tax assessments, water rates, sewer rentals, insurance premiums, mortgage insurance premiums, boarding and securing the premises, and other charges affecting the premises, payments on account of superior mortgages and liens, if any. At the time the plaintiff submits itsjudgment, plaintiff is requested to contact defendant's attorney to obtain an affidavit from defendant as to the amounts due and owing. NOTICE OF DEMAND FOR DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that if there are no surplus monies or the surplus monies arising from the said sale it would be insufficient to pay any and all sums due and owing to the Defendant, then in such event, said Defendant specifically hereby reserves its right to move this Court by appropriate application for Deficiency Judgment and for such other and further relief as may be provided by law. Dated: Garden City, New York July 15, 2019 SC1INEIDER BUCHEL LLP Daniel McC• Esq. hy, Attorneysjor Deferidant BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SHINNECOCK SHORES HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 666 Old Country Road, Suite 412 Garden City, New York 1 1530 (S16) 393-5555 TO: Roach & Lin, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 690I Jericho Turnpike. Suite 240 Syosset, NY 1 1791 FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 YSCEF DOC. NO. 23 RECEIVED NYsCEF: 07/16/201 .\ FFl DA VIT ()F SERVICE STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) 1, Margarita Morales, being duly sworn, depose and say that I am not a party to this action, I am over 18 years of age and I reside in Nassau County, New York. 16* On this day of July, 2019, I served the within NOTICE OF APPEARANCE upon. Roach & Lin, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff 6901 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 240 Syosset, NY 11791 the address designated by said parties for that purpose, by depositing a true copy of same enclosed in a post-paid properly addressed wrapper in an official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service within the State of New York and via NYSCEF. Margarita orales Sworn to before me this 16* day of June, 2019. Notary Public tk C codlSullokCcunty FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 10/13/2021 08:51 AM INDEX NO. 611202/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 122 ' II I .'I ' al 20 I 5-;NYSCEF: 10/13/2021 RECEIVED 6 I I GUni YSCEF RECEIVED NYSCEF: 0 //16/20 PSEPREÑTE UbURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK WT13TTNGTON-S7i-VTNCFFUNfr5OCIETY-FSBT YTFGSTEE-OF~STñNWFCll MORT(DTGETOWN-TRttST A, Plaintiff, -against- LISA J. MOHRMAN: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS. INC.. AS NOMINEE FOR CASTLE POINT MORTGAGE INC.: SHINNECOCK SHORES ASSOCIATION. INC.: HOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SHINNECOCK SHORES ASSOCIATION. INC.: PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - SERVICE: #1" through "JOHN DOE #12". the last twelve names beine fictitious INTERNAL REVENUE "JOHN DOE and unknown to plaintiff. the oersons or narties intended beine the tenants. occunants. persons or corporations, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the premises, described in the complaint, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF APPEARANCE SchneiderBuchel ete A TTO R N EY S A T L A W Attomey(s) for Office and Post Office Å fB , Telephone 666 Old Country Road. Suite 412 Garden City, New York 11530 516.393.5555 Pursuant to 22 NYCRR 130-1 J , the undersigned, an attorney admitted to practice in the courts of New York State, certifies that, upon information and belief and reasonable inquiry, the contents contained in the annexed ocuments are not frivolous. Signature: ........................................... .. .................................................. Dated:....Jul.y.15.,.201.9-.--...... ,Esq. Dan ic| Mc Carthv To Attorney(s) for Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated, Attorney(s) for -Sir: Please take notice O NOTICE OF ENTRY that the within is a (certified) true copy of a duly entered in the office of the clerk of the within named court on 20 O NOTICE OF SETTI.EMENT that an order of which the within is a true copy will be presented for settlement to the HON. one of the judges of the within named Court, at on the day of 20 at M Dated. Yours, etc. SchneiderBuchel ete Attomey(s) for Office and Post Office Address To 666 Old Country Road. Suile 412