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  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview
  • Citibank, N.A. v. Ernest BeachOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Original Creditor Plaintiff document preview


FILED: DELAWARE COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2022 03:23 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-249 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2022 Account Statement Inquirlea Service SendNoticeofBillingErroreandcustomerto: CustomerService: SEARSCREOlTCARDS sears· 0--- Falls.SD57117-6282 POBox6282.Sioux Summary of Account Activity Paymentinformation Previous Balance $2,060.29 New Balance $2,146.63 Payments -$0.00 $1,332.63 Minimum Payment Due Other Credits -$0.00 Payment Due Date November24, 2018 Purchases +$0.00 Cash Advances +$0.00 Late PaymentWarning: If we do not receive your minirnum payment by the Fees Charged +$38.00 date listed above, you may have to pay a late fee up to $ 38. InterestCharged +$48.34 Minimum Payment Warning: If you make only the minimum payment each New Balance $2,146.63 period, you will pay more in interest and it will take you longer to pay off your balance. For example: sPast Due Amount $628.00 / ifyoumake noadditonal You will pay off the And you wil@ charges using this cardbalence shown on thisend up paying an andeach month you pay.. statement in about.estirnated total of . N Only the minimum payment 9 years $4,102 CreditLimit $0.00 | AvailableCredit $0.00 $3,165 $88 3 years Amount Over CreditLimit $596.63 __ . (Savings=$937) Statement Closing Date 10/28/2018 If you wouldlikeinformationaboutcreditcounselingservices,call 1-877-337-8168. Next Statement ClosingDate 11/27/2018 Days Cycle in Billing 31 New York residents may contact the New York State Department of Financial Services by telephone, 1-800-342-3736, or visit its website,, for free information on comparative credit card rates, fees and grace periods. For phone payments, you authorize us toelectronically debit your specified bank account by an ACH transaction in the amount and on such date that you indicate on the phone. You may cancel a phone payment by calling us at the Customer Service number at the top of page 1within the timeframedisclosed to you on the phone. Please note that if we received your pay by phoneer online payment between5 p.m. ET and midnight ET on the last day of your billing period, your paymentwillnot be reflected until your next statement. Please update your phone number, including cell phone number on the back of the payment coupon. 8 ME18 PLEASESEEIMPORTANTINFORMATIONON PAGE2. Page1of 4 Titis Account is Issued by Citibank, N,A. ------ ___------ ---Pipase aphand e wn owerggri o w h_to_u Retainugp_erportion_for pay[nep loipsgre_proper_credit. ourrecor_ds. Your Account NumberIs D188 Payment Due Date November 24, 2010 QU F LLS,SD57117-6286 Past Due Amount $628.00 Mmlmum Payment Due $1,332.63 5tatement Enclosed Atnount Enclosed PastDueAmount isincluded Due intheMmimumPayment Pleaseprintaddresschangesonthereverseside. Make Checks Payableto SEARS CREDIT CARDS ERNEST BEACH PO BOX 9001055 263 COLE RD LOUISVILLE, KY 40290-1055 SIDNEY, NY 13838-8626 EXHIBIT A 02100 0133263 O214663 0006000 0188 1818 FILED: DELAWARE COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2022 03:23 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-249 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2022 Information About YourAccount. " ExpressMail.Sendpaymentby courieror expressmailto:ConsumerPaymentDept. 6716GradeLane,Building9, Suite910,Louisville,KY40213. Howto Avoid Payinginterest on Purchases.Yourpaymentduedateis at least25 days " Crediting Paymentsother than by Mail.Thepaymentcutoff timefor Onlinebill after the closeof eachbillingcycle.Wewillnot chargeyou any interestonpurchasesif you payyour NewBalanceby thepaymentduedateeachmonth.Thisis calledagraceperiod payments,Phonepayments,andExpressMailpaymentsismidnightEasterntime.This meansthat wewill credityour accountasof the calendarday,basedon Easterntime,that onpurchases.Toget a graceperiodonpurchases,you must paythe NewBalanceby the paymentduedate everybillingcycle.Wewill begincharginginterestoncashadvancesand wereceiveyourpaymentrequest. balancetransfers(if availableonyour account)onthe transactiondate-If you sendaneligiblecheck with this payment coupon,you authorize us to complete Yourpayment by electronicdebit. If we do, the checkingaccount will bedebitedin the If you haveabalancesubjectto a deferredinterestpromotionandthatpromotiondoesnot amount on the check.Wemay dothis as soonas the day wereceivethe check. Also, the expirebeforethe paymentdue date,that balance(an"excludedbalance")is excludedfrom checkwill bedestroyed. the amountyouMust payin full to get a graceperiodon apurchasebalanceotherthan an excludedbalance.In addition,if youhavea majorpurchaseplanbalance,that balance(an Credit Reporting Disputes.Wemayreport inforrnationaboutyour accountto credit "excludedbalance")isexcludedfromthe amountyoumust pay infull to get a graceperiod bureaus.If youthink wereportedinaccurateinformation,pleasewrite usat theCustomer ona purchasebalanceotherthananexcludedbalance.However,you muststill payany Serviceaddressshownon Page1. separatelyrequiredpaymentonthe excludedbalance.In billingcyclesinwhichpayrnentsare Reporta Lost or StolenCardimmediately.Callthe AccountInquiriesnumbershownon allocatedto deferredinterestbalancesfirst, the deferredinterestbalancewill bereduced PageL before any otherbalanceonthe account.However,youwill continueto geta graceperiod on purchases,other thananexcludedbalance,so longasyou paythe NewBalance(fessany WhatTo DoIf YouThink You FindA MistakeOnYour Statement. if youthinkthereis an excludedbalance,plusanyseparatelyrequiredpaymenton an excludedbalance)in full by error on yourstatement,write tous at the addressfor billingerrorsandcustomerservice thepaymentduedateeachbillingcycle. inquiriesshownon Pagel of yourstatement. Inaddition,certainpromotionaloffers may take awaythe graceperiodonpurchases. Inyour letter,giveusthe followinginformation: Otherpromotionaloffersnot describedabovemay alsoallowyouto haveagraceperiodon 1. Accountinformation:Yournameandaccountnumber, purchaseswithout havingto payall or a portionof the promotionalbalanceby the payment 2. Dollaramount:Thedollaramountof the suspectederror. duedate.If eitheris the case,the promotionaloffer will descnbewhathappens, . 3. Descriptionof Problem:Ifyouthinkthereis anerroronyourbill,descnbewhatyoubelieve HowWeCalculateYour BalanceSubjectto Interest Rate.Weusea daily balancemethod is wrong andwhyyoubelieveit is a mistake. (includingcurrent transactions)to calculateinterestcharges.Tofind out moreinformation Youmustcontactuswithin60 daysafter the error appearedon yourstatement. aboutthe balancecomputationmethodandhowthe resultinginterestchargeswere determined,contactusatthe Accountinquiriesnumberonthefront. Youmust notify usof any potentialerrorsin writino.Youmay callus,but if youdowearenot requiredto investigateany potentialerrorsandyou mayhaveto paythe amountin question. BalanceTransfers.Balancetransferamountsareincludedin the "Purchases"linein the Whileweinvestigatewhetheror not therehasbeenan error,the followingaretrue: Summaryof AccountActivity (if balancetransfersareavailableonyouraccount). " Wecanno®o coHec)e amoundnqueshon,or reportyouasdelinquentonthat Other Account and PaymentInformation. amount. PaymentAmount. Youmaypay allor part of your accountbalanceat anytime. However, " Thechargein questionrnayremainonyour statement,andwemaycontinueto charge youmust pay,by the paymentduedate,at leastthe minimumpaymentdue. youinterestonthat amount.But,if wedeterminethatwemadea mistake,youwiHnot WhenYour PaymentWill BeCredited.Ifwe receiveyour paymentin properform at our haveto paythe amountin questionor any interestof otherfeesrelatedto that amount. processingfacility by 5 p.m.localtime there,it will becreditedasof that day.Apayment " Whileyoudo not haveto paythe amountin question,youareresponsiblefor the receivedthere in properform after that tirnewill becreditedasof thenextday.Allow5 remainderof yourbalance. to 7 daysfor payrnentsby regularmailto reachus.Theremay bea delayof up to 5 days " Wecanapplyany unpaidamountagainstyour creditlimit. in creditingapaymentwereceivethat is not in properform or isnot sentto the correct Your RightsIf YouAre DissatisfiedWith YourCreditCardPurchases,If youare address.Thecorrectaddressfor regularmailisthe addresson thefront of the payment dissatisfiedwiththe goodsor servicesthat youhavepurchasedwith yourcreditcard,and coupon.Thecorrect addressfor courieror expressmailisthe ExpressMailAddressshown below. youhavetriedin goodfaithto correcttheproblemwith themerchant,you mayhavethe . right not to paythe remainingamountdueon the purchase. ProperForm.Fora paymentsent by mailor courierto be mproperform,you must: Tousethisright,all of the followingmustbetrue: " Enclosea validcheckor moneyorder.Nocash,gift cards.or foreigncurrencyplease. " Includeyournameandthe lastfour digitsof youraccountnumber. 1. Thepurchasemusthavebeenmadein your homestateor within100milesof yourcurrent mailingaddress,andthe purchasepricemusthavebeenmorethan$50.(Note:Neitherof PaymentOther Than By Mail theseare necessaryif your purchasewasbasedonanadvertisementwemailedto you,or " In-Store (WhereAvailablehAnypaymentinproperform acceptedin-storewill be if weownthe companythat soldyouthe goodsor services.) creditedasof that day.However,creditavailabiritymay besubjectto verificationof funds. 2. Youmusthaveusedyour creditcardfor the purchase.Purchasesmadewith cash Notall storesacceptpayments.Contactyour localstoreto seeif in-storepaymentsare advancesfroman ATMor with acheckthat accessesyourcreditcardaccountdo not acceptedat that location. quality. " Online.Goto the URLon Page1ofyour statementto makea payment.Whenyouenroll 3. Youmustnotyet havefully paidfor the purchase. in OnlineBill Payyou canscheduleyour payrnentsup to 45 daysin advanceusingthe If all of the criteriaabovearemet andyouarestill dissatisfiedwiththe purchase.contactus "Other "payment option.Forsecurityreasons,you maynot beableto payyour entire in writing at theaddressfor billingerrorsandcustomerserviceinquiriesshownon Page1of NewBalancethe first timeyou makeapaymentonline. your statement. - AutoPay.Goto the URLon Pagel of your statementto to enrollin AutoPayandhave Whileweinvestigate,the samerulesapplyto the disputedamountasdiscussedabove.After your paymentamountautomaticallydeductedeachmonthonyourduedatefrom the wefinishour investigation,wewilltell youour decision.Atthat point,if wethink youowean paymentaccountyouchoose· amountandyoudo not pay,wemayreport youasdelinquent. * Phone.Callthephonenumberon Page1of yourstatementto makeapayment.Thereis nofeefor thisservice. SMC&Gl/SCC/SCP/HIPs NOV17 - - JCA E-34-X- 17vD/-P- - - 0 ~N /AA ME-1238-5300-4001 EM-9-RAPDCH15 B/- - Y- -0 -0 -0 - E/-7 - /FA01/29/18 2018-/GAN - - - VH/-0- - GsoU-V -04/o1/16-30-September27, l/-V- - o - 0- - JA - - - 18A01 - - 0518 Page 2 of 4 Please providechange of address and update/addyour phone numbers'here: (Use blue or black ink.) *Cell: *Home: *Phone: By giving us a cell number or a number later converted to a cell nurnber. you agree that we or our service providers can contact you at that number by autodialer, recorded or artificial voice, or a text. Your phone plan charges may apply. FILED: DELAWARE COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2022 03:23 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-249 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2022 Account: 0188 TRANSACTIONS Trans DateDescription Reference# Amount FEES 10/24 LATEFEE $ 38.00 TOTAL FEESFORTHISPERIOD $ 38.00 INTEREST CHARGED 10/28 INTERESTCHARGEONPURCHASES $ 48.34 TOTAL INTERESTFORTHISPERIOD $ 48.34 TotalFees Charged in 2018 $254.00 TotalInterestCharged in 2018 $393.15 ACTIVITY AND PROMOTIONS DETAIL Original Purchases, Promotion Promo Payments Cash Adv, Promotion Deferred Promotion Trans Trans Previous & Other Fees & Interest New Minimum Interest Expiration Amount Date Balance Credits Other Debits Charged Balance Payment Due Charges Date PURCHASES REGULAR $2,060.29 - $38.00 . $48.34 $2,146.63 TOTAL $2,060.29 $0.00 $38.00 $48,34 $2 146.63 SO.00 50.00 INTEREST CHARGE CALCULATION YourAnnual PercentageRate (APR) is the annualinterestrateon youraccount. PURCHASES REGULAR 27.24% (D)(V) $2,089.64 $48.34 (V) = VariableRate (D) = Daily Page 3 of 4 FILED: DELAWARE COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2022 03:23 PM INDEX NO. EF2021-249 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2022 Account: 0188 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Page 4 of 4