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  • DHILLON -V- STATER BROS. MARKETS Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DHILLON -V- STATER BROS. MARKETS Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DHILLON -V- STATER BROS. MARKETS Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview
  • DHILLON -V- STATER BROS. MARKETS Print Personal Injury Non-Motor Vehicle Unlimited  document preview


From Kevin Va ner Fax 888 7815233 To 19097088586@rcfax ccFax 909j 708 8586 ge 8 of 11 G9r06 2018 4 03 PM 1 Brendan VJ Brandt SBN 150603 SUP Rf 7 L David J Porras SBN 134527 NrY SAN 8 F shri 2 vti ri QRtviA 2 VARNER BRANDT LLP L f c t No 3750 University Avenue Suite 610 EP 3 Riverside Califomia 9250I 3323 7 2018 Tel 951 274 7777 y 4 Pax 951 274 7770 EDEN T f fC 5 Attorneys for Defendant Rf 1y STATER BROS MARKETS 6 7 g TPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE C1F CALIF RNIA 9 F I2 THE COUNTY SAN 3EIPNARDIN4 10 LAKHVIR DHILL ON CASE N4 CI DS 1 S 18886 11 12 Plaintiff pERE1VIpT 12Y HALLEniGE CODE FC 6 ffL P 20CE DLTRE SE TyON 13 vs 170 6 14 STATER BR S MARK TS and DOES 1 Judge Hon iilbert Ochoa 50INCLUSIVE Dept S33 15 Filed July 20 2018 Defendants 17 BRENDAN W BRANDT hereby declaxes as foliaws 18 Tiiat he is the attarney for the Defendant STATER BROS MARI ETS to the within 19 action That Honarable Gilbert Ochoa before whom the above captioned rnatter has been 20 assigned is prejudiced against the Defenda it so that af ia it believes that the Defendant cannot 21 have a fair and impartial triai or hearing before said ludge 22 23 Dated September 6 2018 VARNER BRANDT LLP 24 25 By Brendan W Brandt 2 Da id J Porras Attorneys for Defendant 7 STATER BROS MAR ETS 28 1 P REMPTORY CHALLENGE CCP f70 6 From Kevin Vamer Fax 888 7815233 To 19097088586@rcfax ccFax t909j 708 8586 ge 9 of11 G9r06l2018 4 03 PM 1 PIt t O SE t ICE JDeciaratian Z CP 413 a aa d ZQ 5 5 3 STATE OF ALIFORNIA ss 4 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE I the undersigned declare 6 I am employed in the County of Riverside State of California I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the vvithin action My business address is 3750 University Avenue Suite 610 Riverside California 92501 g On September 6 2018 I served the following P REMl TO tY CY ALLE1 dGE COD E 9 OF CIVII P1 OCEDIJRE ECT ON 170 6 on the interested party ies in this action by placing a true and correct copy of each document thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope 10 addressed as follows Michael Aldex Esq tlttorney for Plaintiff 11 ALDERLAW P C Lakhvir Dhillon 1875 Centuiy Park East Suite 1500 12 Los Angeles CA 90067 13 X y 1WIail Iam readily farniliar with Vaxner Brandt LLP s business practice for 14 collection and processing of con espondence for mailiug with the United States Postal Service I know that the correspondence is depasited with the United States Postal S rvice on the same day 1S this declaration was executed in tl e ordinary course of business I know that the envelope was sealed and with postage thereon fully prepaid placed for collectian and mailing on this date 16 following ordinary business pracfiices in the United States rnail at Riverside California 17 O By Pei sa al Serviee I delivered such docurnent s by hand to the above address es 18 L By ve night Courier I caused the above referenced document s to be delivered to an averni tcaurier service Federal Express far deli very to the above address es 19 yF esiynile liachine I caused the abave referenced document s to be transmitted ta Attached to 20 the above named persons at the follawing telephone number s this declaration is a FAX Confirmation Report con rming the status of transmission 21 X State I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 22 foregoing is true and correct 23 L F ederalj I declare that I am einplayed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at vvhose direction this service was made 24 25 r z rvia e 26 27 28