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  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2018 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 650383/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2018 EXHIBIT C FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/05/2018 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 650383/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 63 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/05/2018 W A¾WWWONZ•TD M•&TeiWM44WIMsFFA4YEJiff W6.WPM INDEX NO. 65038 3 / 2 018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/ 24/2018 D.RAWING A M EIDER to the Section 8508 untm.R.nagmanAgnenet (Agmament"), dated Rheneryf.,E115, between Cashman & Wah•RaM-Inc.0CE:W") and fawmence Tannenbaum0you"), DRAWINGACCOUNT Dudng thepedod from E.,20D,C&Wahalk Pebruary.62015toPebruary 0) p:ovide you with a gunmanteed draw at the zste of $B!iL000 per armum, payable in eqam1 semi-enanthly Instmibnents ef $14558S (less waasagdings, ifappropeats) che •ouaranised and make advaness no you Drae) on ne g) the pated w¼ during nom Pebruary.L 2009 to sabramy L 2010,$4 004 payable in equal sard-manaiy instalhmans of$295 casm nf approperate),(in the pedod femn 2010 to during sehenary.T., sabrary I2011, angooo, payable in equel eemi-monedy instalhnents of $42085 gess if withholdingq, aganpriate), $10 dudng the period nom Pebraery42011 to Embruary I 20EL $2 o04 pa in equal senti-monsidy h-ean--v. ag s11,osw cess wissusdinae,1f •ppmpdate),60,01)and 010 ,the"RecommeEkaw$(hawat Dra# and the"RecoumeDraw", mnaeHvelythe"Daw"). C&WsueydiscontinuatheOdecanteedDnswand/or Recomme Deaw withoutmotice upon the expirationef drawingaecountpeded or timnefor"cause' any atany (as such tenn isdaR=d In the such period subsequent Agamemumt) during or, toBobruary 2011,at time any upon M days'noties; the DrawshmR tetednats amiaman=Hy upon w=t=Ma= ofyour engagenment Braun the anaer•,t comedaatans andtee balanoq,C&W wE olket eny Draw paid and will payIbepoelihns48=•amgees any otherappliembue debits or adfastments) to youin addition tothe Draw. Innoeventshell yousemehrelessin compensation then the Guarenteed Draw and no reductiottswiU be afade fo theGuanmisedDawbeneuseof the quant8y or quanty of wade. AMOUNTSADVANCBDTD YOUASR1ICOURSIlDRAWPAYASIN15 ARE LOANS TO BB REPAID TO CadF UPON D1BdAND. E your share of commissions and fees faact suEIdenttorehabmseC&WforRecourse Draw advaneeg, you shaRzepay C&W frosnyour awn Aumls, PROlkBSSORY NOTE To evidemoa your abHgation tosepayRecomseDraw advaneer, youshaR signand delimerto Cady a penemisscay note an notes In an amount equal to the Roomune Deaw advances to be made toyou. Upon nepayment ef the RecourseDmwadmancesinfulltoCAW,thepsomfeacey note(s)ehnnbar-cahrfandxelmendtoyou. COSTS ANDATIURNEYS PEES Ifyou failtosepay C&W the amemnseDraw as psovidedheeebhandC&Waders thecollectionoftheunpaid ammmis to legal counsel, you shell schminase ChW for an ma•n•aMa affozneys' costs and fees Simmaby incaned. NOOENCER OREMPLOYItE OF C&W BA8 TRB AUNgostrff TD WA1VE C84953t3G2T TO OIntBRT DRAWPAY&GDITSPROM COIEECrBDsmrmsamutewme ANDPEEBALANCAA OR 1U REPA%MENT OFRBCOURSE DRAWADVANCES ORTOSTATETNATSUCNR1GETWEI..NOTBB1DGABCBBHD. By sSeng below, you eanarm that you anamend Ihe and diat you as mot upon anegaing selylog my ash unenGgesteadwatveeoratatamant. InaHotherrespects,enosptas m•H Aad aggg egaggmgd, hegainmarif8841,theAgresrianttohereby Targnenbaum itse -..-. ----.-a - 10 - 21 of 25