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  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Cushman & Wakefield, Inc. v. Lawrence Tannenbaum Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/04/2018 04:56 PM INDEX NO. 650383/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/04/2018 EXHIBIT D FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/04/2018 04:56 PM INDEX NO. 650383/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/04/2018 TMDRY2 TimekeeperTime DIary 10/4/201810:48:37AM m.dorfschneide a a (ByCIlent) From 9/05/12through 9/30/18 Selections: Cint-Matter:26790-5 Timekeeper: JLB1 Jonathan L. Berkowitz Billed and Unbilled Date Description Hours Amount Invoice # C: 26790 Cushman & Wakefield of California, Inc. M: 5 Cushman & Wakefield, inc. vs. Lawrence Tannenbaum 1/22/18 Draft edited complaint, analyzeissues of venue and verification,and advise Farshad Marzbanof CPLR 3213 .60 171.00 B 2046080 1/22/18 Telephoneconferencewith counsel Farshed Marzban re: procedureunder CPLR 3213 .10 28.50 B 2046000 1/22/18 Telephoneconferencewith F. Marzbanre: issues of pre- and post-judgmentinterest .10 28.50 B 2046080 1/26/18 Draft correspondenceto FarshedMarzban re: CPLR 304 and 306-bfor proceduresre: service and filing of complaint .10 28.50 B 2046060 1/26/18 Correspondwith FarshedMarzbanre: commencementof action and statuteof limitations .10 28.50 B 2046080 2/17/18 Review affidavit oIservk:e regarding Complainton Mr.Tannenbaum .10 28.50 B 2058952 2/17/16 Draft correspondenceto FarshadMarzbanre: service of processof Complainton Mr. Tannenbaum .10 28.50 B 2058952 3/09/18 Telephoneconferencewith FarshadMarzban re: requirementsunder CPLR 3215(g)(3)in advance of defaultjudgment filing .10 28.50 B 2085913 4/16/18 Commence drafting affirmationin support of defaultjudgment application 1.30 370.50 B 2091883 4/16/18 Commence drafting affidavit in supportof applicationfor defaultjudgment .80 228.00 B 2091883 4/16/18 Draft proposeddefaultjudgrnent .40 114.00 B 209t883 4/16/18 Draft bill of costs .4D 114.00 B 2091883 4/23/18 Telephoneconferencewith FarshedMarzban re: usury, pre-judgmentInterest,and pre- suit notice re: breachof contract .20 57.00 B 2091883 4/26/18 Reviewtables provided by FarshadMarzban re· damages and interest .1D 28.50 B 2091883 4/26/18 Telephoneconferencewith FarshedMarzban re: proposeddefaultjudgment documents based on new Informationhe receivedfrom client -10 28.50 B 2D91883 5/02/18 Continue drafting defaultapplicationdocuments 1.80 513.00 B 2122838 6/11/16 Telephoneconferencewith FarshadMarzban re: status of defaultjudgementapplication execution .10 28.50 B 2149673 6/29/18 Telephoneconferencewith FarshadMarzban re: h:ã:|Giia of damagessought under C&W calculations .40 114.00 B 2149673 7/18/18 Finalizepreparationof defaunjudgment application In advance of service and filing .40 114.0D B 2169140 7/18/18 Telephoneconferencewth FarshadMarzbanwho advised he did not wish to re- calculate pre-judgmentinterest beyond4/23/18 .10 28.50 B 2169146 Blank = Blliable/Unbilled * = FromTime Entry B = Billed E=FromError File T = Total N = Non-billable W = Written Off FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 10/04/2018 04:56 PM INDEX NO. 650383/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/04/2018 PREBILL Lewig Brisbols Bisqaard& SmithLLP 10/4/201812:02:50PM Harriette.Monroe *PublicAadc-sqjn01#acct/LDBData NewYork Page: 1- 5 26790-5 Parson McEntire McCleary & Clark PLLC (Cud:=âñ & Wakefield of California, Inc.) Fees: O/00/O0-9/30/18 Cushman & Wakefield, Inc, vs. Lawrence Tannenbaum Disbs: 0/00/O0-9/30/18 BILLER: HARRIETTEMONROE Tag: YESBill Atty: KLC Date TimekeeperWrkCd DescriptIon Hours Rate Amount WIP Seq.#Action 9/06/18 JLB1 JLB Reviewcourt notice rejecting proposeddefaultjudgment .10 285,00 28.50 602,958,500 WO HDTFR 9/17/18 JLB1 JLB Analysis of governing authority re: motion for default under CPLR 3215 .70 285.00 199.50 602,591,200 WO HDTFR 9/17/18 JLB1 JLB Commence drafting affirmation in support of motionfor leaveto enter default judgment 2.10 285.00 598.50 602,591,210 WO HDTFR 9/17/18 JLB1 JLB Draft notice of motion in support of applicationfor a defaultjudgment .20 285.00 57.DD 6D2,591,220 WO HDTFR 9/20/18 JLB1 JLB Telephoneconferencewith Farshed Marzbanre: potential pro hac vice application beforesubmission of default application.20 285.00 57.00 602,787,040 WO HDTFR 9/27/18 JLB1 JLB Reviewproposed motion for default edits provided by Farshad Marzban .10 285.00 28.50 605,098,460 WO HDTFR 3.40 969.00 Billable Date DsbCd Description Check No Units Rate Amount WiP Seq.# Action 9/17/18 5 Court filing fee: Comerica Commercial Card Services Inv#: 083118STMT-RCANNOYTrans Date: 08/30/2018 County Clerk NY Efile, Filing fee for judgement. 45.00 603,045,530WO HDTFR 45,00 Billable Disbursements by Tyne: 5 Court filing fee 45.00 WO HDTFR 45.00