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  • **MF**PAGA**VALENTINE -V- DEPLOY HR, INC. Print Employment - Complex  document preview
  • **MF**PAGA**VALENTINE -V- DEPLOY HR, INC. Print Employment - Complex  document preview
  • **MF**PAGA**VALENTINE -V- DEPLOY HR, INC. Print Employment - Complex  document preview
  • **MF**PAGA**VALENTINE -V- DEPLOY HR, INC. Print Employment - Complex  document preview


for December 14, 2021 Tentative Rulings Department 8-26 Judge David Cohn t 8-26 are posted on the court’s website Rul ing s for Dep art men Tentat ive at 3:00 p.m. or at 7:00 g/d ivisio nslciv il/civ iI—tentative-rulings) (httgs:// ruling is posted at 3:00 p.m., hearing. If no tentative the cou rt day bef ore the p.m. check again after 7:00 p.m. please must appear for the hearing sub mit on a ten tat ive ruling, you If you do not wish to Failure to aIl (88 8-882-6878 or per son or via Cou rtC ive ruling, either in parties submit on a tentat a waiver of oral argument. If all appear is deemed rt at the hearing. The tentative co me the ruling of the cou the tentat ive ruling will be partie s to provide r iss ues on which the court requests the may not e partic ula mandatory, ruling attendance at the hearing is hearing. Ifso directed, further argument at the either in person or via CourtCalI. notice of the or other hearing shall serve written vai ling on a mot ion The par ty pre ruling. notice of the court’s ruling unless all parties waive Deploy HR, Inc. 10. Valentine v. ClVDS- 1 922 853 Motion to Stay Tentative Ruling: Deny. aggrieved employees mos t of the put ative class members (and the While or putative class individuals who all are the Mal don ado are the same for the PAGA claim) in case, the defendants are different: World loy ees) in this memb er s (an d agg rie ved emp Defendant HR, |nc., in this case. Mal don ado and Deploy Class Distri but ion, Inc. in practices—whether there were the sa me day to day employment argues, however, tha t workers at World Class re iss ue in bot h cas es because the Labor Code violations—a at agency. The same Labor Code Dep loy HR, a staffing wer e pla ced the re by Distribution e-periods. s are alleged in both cases for overlapping tim violation Maldonado, whether by res HR cannot be bound by any decisions in Class But Deploy Similarly, World eral est oppel, bec aus e Deploy HR is not a party. ble ms of judicata or col lat case. There could be pro dec isions in this cannot be bou nd by any may be Distribution Class Distribution fs in both cases. In Maldonado, World pro of for the plaintif “If there were Labor Co de violations, HR as the offending party: able to poi nt to Dep loy point to the analogous An d this cas e, Dep loy HR may be able to Deploy HR did it!" in Page 1 of 4 CV526121421 Labor Code violations, World Class Distribution did it!” But empty chair: “Ifthere were problem for the plaintiffs, not for the defendants. Both cases will need this is a potential separately. No advantage is gained by staying this case pending to be tried (or settled) a resolution of Maldonado} 11. Environm tal Logistics v. Hayward ' al. CIVDS- .00695 1) " 4 mg on Submitted Matter: lotion to Tax Costs entative Ruling on Moti » for Attorney Fees (4/ Motion to Tax Costs f The court aopt s tentative ruling issued o ovember 23, 202 ' ‘ . hile been unable to provide onformed copy of cost defendant Tabush h memorandum, it. o-pers to be more likWnot that the cou isplaced it,rather bein submit d to the courtf iling. Tabush has rovided evidence that it than it not an, as counsel are aware, the was submitt- for filing in e usual c rse by counsel problems due to ffing shortages brought bout court has cently experiencd fili a pndemic. Importantly, : erything was time v served so there was n orejudice by the to pla' tiffs. / Denied. / / Motio fo ttorney Fees ' awardable u er Code of Ci rocedure section 3426 A on a claim for Fees re , bro a ~ bad faith. Plaintiff ailed to prove misappro iate of trade se ets that is t I sec ’ s belon' to plaintiff given the absence of Tabus isappropriateo ny trade g , evigefice, the claim ws arguably b a ght in bad fal , alth- 4 h the point is strongly contested ' Even so = fee award is discr'o ary under the statute. by plain s. o' 698.57 hours of orneyti e was recorded and -d, at Mr. Po et testifies at . time was re orded and bille t $150.00 $250.00 our, and 9 0.17 hours of parale l p ' reasonab -, in fact they are e low for Is type of per houy he hourl rates are q Ieal community. Nev heless, the court has bs- a ovided no litigatigh in this No cords or summarie tsoever about wh done. . info/mation w, as actually billi Th ourt therefore has no ba '. o det- ine whethe e were provided to the court. ' appropr' While so e frac of the fees “reqor‘ded and billed” w- e necessary and e. subst r fraction and possibly ' ost or even all—w easonably hoursT‘brobably a ial 1/, a 1/ amendment, and the re ‘ st fordismissa in 1 The court takes judicial notice of the complaint, th - are different ‘ ach case, although t alleged Maldonado for the limitc’é purpose of showing thatthe défendants i - overlap. The court otakes judicial notice of tpapers Labor Code violatiecyére the same and the time—permds . pertaining to the pItion for coordination for the [inqited purpose of eval r mg the spurious argument that th x coordinatio is not.A11 other requests for judicia motion is a motion for reconsideration of tlfiyfiion for t notice are denied 0n the ground of relevanc / Page 2 of 4 CV526121421