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  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-EQUIHUA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-EQUIHUA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-EQUIHUA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-EQUIHUA Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview


I 1 z Michael S unt 9 804 Janalie He ques 111589 suPER1aR co J io cAt FaRl 1A 3 Josie Zimm ann 324511 COUNTY C1F SP N BERNARDiNO SAN BER A i i v Slbt HUNT NRIQUES Attorneys at Law 4 151 Bernal oad Suite 8 San Jc se CA 95119 1306 yLIG 2019 Telephane 00 680 2426 5 Facslmi e 08 362 2299 G RIA It RIt Attorneys fo Plaintiff By c Puty 6 File no 133 49Q 001 7 s SUP RIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO San Bernardino District Civil Division lo PQRT QLIO REC4VERY ASSOCIATES Case No v 2 2 1 LLC Plaintiff LIMITED JURISDICTION t2 DECLARATION RE REDUCED 13 S FILING FEES Cal Bns Prof Code o 6322 1 c 1 N 14 Ot c c3 zQ 15 w a x W 16 MIG L EQUIHUA uz o z a Defei dant s 17 t z W w 18 1 I the undersig ed attorney of record hereby declare as follaws 2q 1 I am an attarney licensed to practice before all caurts of the State of California 21 and I am one f the attorneys of record for Plaintiff PORTFOLIO RECOVERY ASSOCIAT ES 22 LLC herein ferred to as the Plaintiff 23 2 The above entitle action and attached complaint is a claim for maney damages 24 and falls wit n the monetary jurisdiction af small clairns caurt 2 3 Plaintiff is an assignee af the debticiaim for which maney is sought and therefore to pursuant alifornia Code of Civii Procedure Section 126 420 is prohibited fram filing in 27 sma11 claims ourt 28 DECLARATION RE REllUCED FILING FFES Pagc 1 A l 1336490 il r 1 Far t e reasons mentioned herein Plaintiff through its counsel of record respectfully 2 requests a re uction in caurt filing fees for this matter 3 I dec are under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 4 foregoing is rue and correct anc that this declaration was executed in San Jase California 5 6 Dated July 2019 8 By 9 Josze Zi erma 324511 10 HU TT HENR QUES 1 t Attorneys for Plaintiff 12 13 v oo a tt r N N 1 F a 6 m 1 x paQ a U a f H cn z O d 17 xi d CtS E 18 19 20 2i 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DECLARATION RE REDUCED FILING FEBS Page 2 A 1 133649 I