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  • Maria Camacho, As Administrator Of The Estate Of Diego F. Trejo v. Robert C Schuster, Stephen E Deckoff, Stephen Deckoff Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Maria Camacho, As Administrator Of The Estate Of Diego F. Trejo v. Robert C Schuster, Stephen E Deckoff, Stephen Deckoff Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 04/18/2022 09:59 AM INDEX NO. 67535/2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/18/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER -----------------______________________________________Ç MARIA CAMACHO, as Administrator of the Estate of DIEGO F. TREJO, Deceased, AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Plaintiff, INDEX NO. 67535 / 2021 -against- ROBERT C. SCHUSTER, STEPHEN E. DECKOFF, and STEPHEN DECKOFF, Defendant. _____________________________________--_________Ç STATE OF NEW YORK; COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER: [Print Name], being duly sworn deposes and says: that I am not a party to this action, I am over the age of 18 years, and I am employed at Wende Correctional Facility, 3040 Wende Road, Alden, NY 14004-1187. That on April . 2022 at approximately t'.Ho (a)@, at Wende Correctional Facility, 8 3040 Wende Road, Alden, NY 14004-1187, deponent served a true copy of the within Summons with Notice and Verified Complaint, upon ROBERT C. SCHUSTER, the Defendant named therein, by delivering a copy of each to ROBERT C. SCHUSTER, in-hand, personally. Deponent knew the person so served to be ROBERT C. SCHUSTER [Department Identification Number 21A2696], the Defendant therein named in the Summons with Notice and Verified Complaint. Deponent describes the individual served as follows: SEX: Male; SKIN COLOR: White; HAIR 5'7" COLOR: Black/Grey; APPX. AGE: 50-55; APPX. HEIGHT: to 5'11"; APPX. WEIGHT: 175 to 210 lbs.; OTHER IDENTIFYING FEATURES: He has short hair and wears glasses. Deponent observed that Defendant was not in active military service of the United States in any capacity. Defendant wore prison clothes, and no military uniform. The source of deponent's information and the grounds for his belief are observations above narrated. [Sign] If Name: lf. C va( [Print] Sworn to before me on thisT5__day of April, 2022 -<--- to sign here 7te Notary Notary Public LYNNETTEBlZUS t No. 1 3648 1 of 1