Oregon Administrative Rules|Section 629-650-0030 - Understory Vegetation Retention for Lakes


Current through Register Vol. 60, No. 12, December 1, 2021

(1) The purpose of retaining understory vegetation is to provide soil stability and bank stability along lakes, to maintain cover and shade for wildlife habitat and aquatic habitat, and to protect water quality.

(2) To achieve the purpose of understory retention, operators shall limit disturbance of understory vegetation within riparian management areas of lakes to the minimum necessary to remove timber harvested from the areas and to achieve successful reforestation.

Or. Admin. R. 629-650-0030

FB 3-1994, f. 6-15-94, cert. ef. 9-1-94, Renumbered from 629-057-2430

Stat. Auth.: ORS 527.710

Stats. Implemented: ORS 527.710 & ORS 527.765

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