Oregon Administrative Rules|Section 629-022-0320 - Interest Rate


Current through Register Vol. 60, No. 12, December 1, 2021

(1) The rate is 4.0 percent, simple interest.

(2) The interest rate must be fixed when the Loan Program Contract is executed and may not change during the life of the contract.

Or. Admin. R. 629-022-0320

FB 4-1994, f. & cert. ef. 8-3-94; DOF 4-2006(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 5-2-06 thru 10-28-06; Administrative correction, 11-16-06; DOF 2-2007, f. 1-10-07 cert. ef. 1-11-07; DOF 1-2009, f. 1-12-09, cert. ef 2-1-09

Stat. Auth.: ORS 526.700 - 526.730 & 526.745

Stats. Implemented:ORS 526.700 - 526.775

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