Oregon Administrative Rules|Section 441-720-0365 - Minimum Reserves for Potential Loan Losses


Current through Register Vol. 60, No. 12, December 1, 2021

The following schedule sets the minimum amount the credit union must reserve for classified loans:

Classification -- Amount Required

Substandard - 10% of outstanding balance unless other factors (for example, history of such loans at the credit union) indicate a greater or lesser amount is appropriate.

Doubtful - 50% of the outstanding balance.

Loss - 100% of the outstanding balance.

Or. Admin. R. 441-720-0365

FCS 2-2002, f. & cert. ef. 8-27-02

Stat. Auth.: ORS 723.102 & 723.156

Stats. Implemented: ORS 723.156 & 723.502

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