Oregon Administrative Rules|Section 325-030-0005 - Enrollment in the Oregon Patient Safety Reporting Program


Current through Register Vol. 60, No. 12, December 1, 2021

(1) Participation in the Oregon Patient Safety Reporting Program is voluntary. Renal Dialysis Participants are entitled to the benefits and subject to the obligations set forth in these administrative rules.

(2) Interested Renal Dialysis Facilities may apply for participation in the Oregon Patient Safety Reporting Program by completing the Commission's participation agreement. The participation agreement must include the name of a designated contact person. Changes to any information on the participation agreement must be reported to the Commission with 30 days of the effective change.

(3) In agreeing to participate, a Renal Dialysis Facility must affirm that it is willing to share fully all requested Patient Safety Data with the Commission. This statement must be signed by the Renal Dialysis Facility's regional chief executive and Quality Director, or their equivalents.

(4) Upon enrolling in the Oregon Patient Safety Reporting Program, a Renal Dialysis Participant must have adopted policies and procedures describing patient safety activities, including how it triages adverse events; how it investigates adverse events, and how it provides notice of serious adverse events to a patient and/or family member. The Renal Dialysis Participant must provide copies to the Commission upon request.

(5) Within 30 calendar days of receipt and acceptance of the participation agreement the Commission will issue a certificate establishing a Renal Dialysis Participant's enrollment in the Oregon Patient Safety Reporting Program. The Renal Dialysis Participant should conspicuously post the certificate in public view.

(6) The Commission will maintain and update a website that lists all Renal Dialysis Participants.

Or. Admin. R. 325-030-0005

PSC 1-2010, f. & cert. ef. 4-26-10; PSC 2-2015, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-15

Stat. Auth.: ORS 442.820

Stats. Implemented: ORS 442.819 - 442.851 & 442.837(2)(e)

This section was updated on 8/6/2015 by overlay.

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