Oregon Administrative Rules|Section 125-246-0150 - Applicability of These Rules to Agencies


Current through Register Vol. 60, No. 12, December 1, 2021

Agencies subject to the authority of the Director of the Department must follow these Rules. If an Agency is partially independent of the authority of the Department and partially subject to the authority of the Department, that Agency is responsible for obtaining any legal determination related to these Rules.

Or. Admin. R. 125-246-0150

DAS 4-2004, f. 11-23-04, cert. ef. 3-1-05; DAS 5-2006, f. & cert. ef. 5-31-06; DAS 11-2009, f. 12-30-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10

Stat. Auth.: ORS 279A.065(5)(a) & 279A.070

Stats. Implemented: ORS 279A.065

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