Oregon Administrative Rules|Section 125-120-0100 - Lease Renewal


Current through Register Vol. 60, No. 12, December 1, 2021

(1) Approximately eighteen months before an agency's lease expires, Division will notify the agency in writing and request the agency's plans for office quarters upon expiration of its lease.

(2) The agency shall respond within thirty days of receipt of the notice and inform Division of its plans for office quarters.

Or. Admin. R. 125-120-0100

GS 13-1990(Temp), f. 5-30-90, cert. ef. 6-1-90; GS 26-1990, f. & cert. ef. 11-29-90; DASII 5-1997, f. 5-27-97, cert. ef. 6-1-97; DAS 1-2015, f. 4-2-15, cert. ef. 4-5-15

Stat. Auth.: ORS 184.340

Stats. Implemented: ORS 276.428

This section was updated on 5/8/2015 by overlay.

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