Ohio Revised Code|Section 3919.23 | Revocation of authority.


The certificate of authority issued under section 3919.22 of the Revised Code shall be revoked whenever the superintendent of insurance on investigation or examination finds that such corporation, company, or association is not paying the maximum amount named in its policies or certificates in full, that such corporation, company, or association is transacting business fraudulently or illegally, or that the statement of its condition and affairs required by section 3919.25 of the Revised Code is false and fraudulent. The superintendent may also revoke such certificate of authority for failure to file the annual statement, or when upon investigation it appears that the expense of management of such company or association, for the year preceding the year in which such investigation is made, was more than thirty per cent of its income from premiums, assessments, and membership fees. Upon such revocation, the superintendent shall cause notice thereof to be published for four weeks in some newspaper published in the county of Franklin, and no new insurance shall thereafter be written by such corporation, company, or association, or any of its agents, in this state.

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2010 DS 0135 JUDGE POLLEX Magistrate Herings rien SEPARATION AGREEMENT Poe : ; won COUNTY cured This Agreement made and entered into between TROMAGSHARID: i referred to as "Husband", and DAWN M. SHRIDER, hereiflattés bSterfed9o9 + NOY ALHOFENE "Wife", both of whom represent that: GIRDY A. HGFNER 1. The Petitioners hereto were married on the 29” day of August, 1992 at Lima, Ohio. 2. Two children have been born of said marriage, to wit: Hillary Shrider, born January 23, 1993, age 17 an…

Case Filed

Aug 19, 2010

Case Status



Wood County, OH

Filed Date

Aug 19, 2010




Pollex, Robert CX

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