Ohio Administrative Code|Rule 3341-1-09 | Faculty Workload Assignment Policy.


(A) Policy statement and

This policy was approved by the BGSU board of
trustees on May 8, 2015 (resolution 39-2015) to establish a workload policy
that supports quality and excellent work of the faculty in the areas of
teaching and learning, research and creative work, and professional

(B) Policy scope

This policy applies to all BGSU full-time faculty
members covered under the collective bargaining agreement between BGSU and the
BGSU faculty association AAUP.

(C) Policy

(1) Annually, each
faculty member at BGSU will be assigned duties that ensure that he/she is fully
engaged in the university work of providing an outstanding education for our
students and building the university's reputation through scholarly work
and service. Service should be aligned with the expertise of the faculty and
could be outreach in the region and beyond, to the profession, or leadership in
university governance. Collectively, the faculty's assignment will be
subdivided in the three major areas previously mentioned-teaching, research,
and service. The allocation in each area depends on the discipline and faculty
member's expertise. A faculty member assignment could be completely
allocated in any one of the three areas but, in most cases, a tenure-track
faculty member will have assigned duties in each of the areas of teaching,
research and service and a non-tenure-track faculty member will typically have
assigned duties in each of the areas of teaching and service.

(2) The assignment will
be made during the preceding spring term before the beginning of the academic
year by the department chair/school director. These assignments must be
approved by the deans and the provost. The collective bargaining agreement
provides the process for the annual faculty evaluations.

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