California Laws|Section 11329.4.



(a) No funds appropriated for purposes of this article shall be used to fund education or training services in any county plan if these services could reasonably be provided by local educational agencies from Section A or Section B of the State School Fund which are not otherwise committed.

(b) No local educational agency shall be authorized to receive funds appropriated for purposes of this article unless it has demonstrated that it has fully committed all the funds from Section A or Section B of the State School Fund available to it, as
certified by the district to the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, or the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

(c) The Chancellor of the California Community Colleges and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, as appropriate, shall certify this information to the Director of Finance.

(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1568, Sec. 7. Effective September 30, 1990. Operative October 1, 1990, by Sec. 15 of Ch. 1568.)
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