California Laws|Section 14000.6.



(a) The Office of Medicare Innovation and Integration is hereby established within the department.

(b) The office shall do all of the following:

(1) Provide focused leadership and expertise on innovative models for Medicare beneficiaries in California, including Medicare-only beneficiaries, and individuals dually eligible for the Medicare and Medi-Cal programs.

(2) Support new and existing models and strategies to benefit Medicare-only beneficiaries in California, in collaboration with local, state, and federal partners and other stakeholders.

(3) Consider and develop strategies for Medicare and Medi-Cal enrollment, benefits, health care delivery systems, and data sharing and reporting, to improve health outcomes, quality, equity, and cost effectiveness.

(4) Develop innovative approaches to integrated models of care and coordinated access to long-term services and supports for Medicare-only beneficiaries and dually eligible beneficiaries.

(Added by Stats. 2021, Ch. 143, Sec. 361. (AB 133) Effective July 27, 2021.)
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