California Laws|Section 187038.



(a) Notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, the Inspector General shall report at least annually to the Legislature and the Governor a summary of its findings, positive and negative, of any reviews, investigations, or audits conducted pursuant to this division, when the High-Speed Rail Authority provides statutorily required documents to the Legislature, and upon request of the Legislature or Governor. The summary shall be posted on the office’s internet website and otherwise made available to the public upon its release to the Legislature and the Governor. The summary shall include, but not be limited to, significant problems discovered by the office, and whether previous recommendations the office has made have been implemented.

(b) Notwithstanding Section 10231.5 of the Government Code, the Inspector General shall report annually to the Legislature and the Governor on findings related to the High-Speed Rail Authority’s planning and delivery of the project. This report shall include updates on the High-Speed Rail Authority’s efforts to remedy any identified findings, and whether any identified findings have been addressed.

(c) The Inspector General shall maintain a list of identified findings, and the status of the High-Speed Rail Authority’s efforts to address them, and shall post that list on the office’s internet website.

(d) Reports to be submitted to the Legislature pursuant to subdivisions (a) and (b) shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

(Added by Stats. 2022, Ch. 71, Sec. 10. (SB 198) Effective June 30, 2022.)
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